int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Load the mesh. Mesh basemesh; H2DReader mloader; mloader.load("domain.mesh", &basemesh); // Initialize the meshes. Mesh mesh_flow, mesh_concentration; mesh_flow.copy(&basemesh); mesh_concentration.copy(&basemesh); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM_CONCENTRATION; i++) mesh_concentration.refine_all_elements(0); mesh_concentration.refine_towards_boundary(BDY_DIRICHLET_CONCENTRATION, INIT_REF_NUM_CONCENTRATION_BDY); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < INIT_REF_NUM_FLOW; i++) mesh_flow.refine_all_elements(); // Initialize boundary condition types and spaces with default shapesets. // For the concentration. EssentialBCs bcs_concentration; bcs_concentration.add_boundary_condition(new DefaultEssentialBCConst(BDY_DIRICHLET_CONCENTRATION, CONCENTRATION_EXT)); L2Space space_rho(&mesh_flow, P_INIT_FLOW); L2Space space_rho_v_x(&mesh_flow, P_INIT_FLOW); L2Space space_rho_v_y(&mesh_flow, P_INIT_FLOW); L2Space space_e(&mesh_flow, P_INIT_FLOW); // Space for concentration. H1Space space_c(&mesh_concentration, &bcs_concentration, P_INIT_CONCENTRATION); int ndof = Space::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space*>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, &space_rho_v_y, &space_e, &space_c)); info("ndof: %d", ndof); // Initialize solutions, set initial conditions. InitialSolutionEulerDensity prev_rho(&mesh_flow, RHO_EXT); InitialSolutionEulerDensityVelX prev_rho_v_x(&mesh_flow, RHO_EXT * V1_EXT); InitialSolutionEulerDensityVelY prev_rho_v_y(&mesh_flow, RHO_EXT * V2_EXT); InitialSolutionEulerDensityEnergy prev_e(&mesh_flow, QuantityCalculator:: calc_energy(RHO_EXT, RHO_EXT * V1_EXT, RHO_EXT * V2_EXT, P_EXT, KAPPA)); InitialSolutionConcentration prev_c(&mesh_concentration, 0.0); // Numerical flux. OsherSolomonNumericalFlux num_flux(KAPPA); // Initialize weak formulation. EulerEquationsWeakFormExplicitCoupled wf(&num_flux, KAPPA, RHO_EXT, V1_EXT, V2_EXT, P_EXT, BDY_SOLID_WALL, BDY_INLET, BDY_OUTLET, BDY_NATURAL_CONCENTRATION, &prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e, &prev_c, EPSILON); wf.set_time_step(time_step); // Initialize the FE problem. bool is_linear = true; DiscreteProblem dp(&wf, Hermes::vector<Space*>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, &space_rho_v_y, &space_e, &space_c), is_linear); // If the FE problem is in fact a FV problem. //if(P_INIT == 0) dp.set_fvm(); // Filters for visualization of Mach number, pressure and entropy. MachNumberFilter Mach_number(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), KAPPA); PressureFilter pressure(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), KAPPA); EntropyFilter entropy(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction*>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), KAPPA, RHO_EXT, P_EXT); /* ScalarView pressure_view("Pressure", new WinGeom(0, 0, 600, 300)); ScalarView Mach_number_view("Mach number", new WinGeom(700, 0, 600, 300)); ScalarView entropy_production_view("Entropy estimate", new WinGeom(0, 400, 600, 300)); ScalarView s5("Concentration", new WinGeom(700, 400, 600, 300)); */ ScalarView s1("1", new WinGeom(0, 0, 600, 300)); ScalarView s2("2", new WinGeom(700, 0, 600, 300)); ScalarView s3("3", new WinGeom(0, 400, 600, 300)); ScalarView s4("4", new WinGeom(700, 400, 600, 300)); ScalarView s5("Concentration", new WinGeom(350, 200, 600, 300)); // Set up the solver, matrix, and rhs according to the solver selection. SparseMatrix* matrix = create_matrix(matrix_solver); Vector* rhs = create_vector(matrix_solver); Solver* solver = create_linear_solver(matrix_solver, matrix, rhs); // Set up CFL calculation class. CFLCalculation CFL(CFL_NUMBER, KAPPA); // Set up Advection-Diffusion-Equation stability calculation class. ADEStabilityCalculation ADES(ADVECTION_STABILITY_CONSTANT, DIFFUSION_STABILITY_CONSTANT, EPSILON); int iteration = 0; double t = 0; for(t = 0.0; t < 83.0; t += time_step) { info("---- Time step %d, time %3.5f.", iteration++, t); // Set the current time step. wf.set_time_step(time_step); bool rhs_only = (iteration == 1 ? false : true); // Assemble stiffness matrix and rhs or just rhs. if (rhs_only == false) { info("Assembling the stiffness matrix and right-hand side vector."); dp.assemble(matrix, rhs); } else { info("Assembling the right-hand side vector (only)."); dp.assemble(NULL, rhs); } // Solve the matrix problem. info("Solving the matrix problem."); scalar* solution_vector = NULL; if(solver->solve()) { solution_vector = solver->get_solution(); Solution::vector_to_solutions(solution_vector, Hermes::vector<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, &space_rho_v_y, &space_e, &space_c), Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e, &prev_c)); } else error ("Matrix solver failed.\n"); if(SHOCK_CAPTURING) { DiscontinuityDetector discontinuity_detector(Hermes::vector<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, &space_rho_v_y, &space_e), Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e)); std::set<int> discontinuous_elements = discontinuity_detector.get_discontinuous_element_ids(DISCONTINUITY_DETECTOR_PARAM); FluxLimiter flux_limiter(solution_vector, Hermes::vector<Space *>(&space_rho, &space_rho_v_x, &space_rho_v_y, &space_e), Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e)); flux_limiter.limit_according_to_detector(discontinuous_elements); } util_time_step = time_step; if((iteration - 1) % CFL_CALC_FREQ == 0) CFL.calculate(Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y, &prev_e), &mesh_flow, util_time_step); time_step = util_time_step; ADES.calculate(Hermes::vector<Solution *>(&prev_rho, &prev_rho_v_x, &prev_rho_v_y), &mesh_concentration, util_time_step); if(util_time_step < time_step) time_step = util_time_step; // Visualization. if((iteration - 1) % EVERY_NTH_STEP == 0) { // Hermes visualization. if(HERMES_VISUALIZATION) { /* Mach_number.reinit(); pressure.reinit(); entropy.reinit();;;;; */;;;;; //s5.wait_for_close(); } // Output solution in VTK format. if(VTK_VISUALIZATION) { pressure.reinit(); Mach_number.reinit(); Linearizer lin; char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "pressure-%i.vtk", iteration - 1); lin.save_solution_vtk(&pressure, filename, "Pressure", false); sprintf(filename, "pressure-3D-%i.vtk", iteration - 1); lin.save_solution_vtk(&pressure, filename, "Pressure", true); sprintf(filename, "Mach number-%i.vtk", iteration - 1); lin.save_solution_vtk(&Mach_number, filename, "MachNumber", false); sprintf(filename, "Mach number-3D-%i.vtk", iteration - 1); lin.save_solution_vtk(&Mach_number, filename, "MachNumber", true); sprintf(filename, "Concentration-%i.vtk", iteration - 1); lin.save_solution_vtk(&prev_c, filename, "Concentration", true); sprintf(filename, "Concentration-3D-%i.vtk", iteration - 1); lin.save_solution_vtk(&prev_c, filename, "Concentration", true); } } } /* pressure_view.close(); entropy_production_view.close(); Mach_number_view.close(); s5.close(); */ s1.close(); s2.close(); s3.close(); s4.close(); s5.close(); return 0; }
inline T bessel_y_derivative_small_z_series(T v, T x, const Policy& pol) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING static const char* function = "bessel_y_derivative_small_z_series<%1%>(%1%,%1%)"; T prefix; T gam; T p = log(x / 2); T scale = 1; bool need_logs = (v >= boost::math::max_factorial<T>::value) || (boost::math::tools::log_max_value<T>() / v < fabs(p)); if (!need_logs) { gam = boost::math::tgamma(v, pol); p = pow(x / 2, v + 1) * 2; if (boost::math::tools::max_value<T>() * p < gam) { scale /= gam; gam = 1; if (boost::math::tools::max_value<T>() * p < gam) { // This term will overflow to -INF, when combined with the series below it becomes +INF: return boost::math::policies::raise_overflow_error<T>(function, 0, pol); } } prefix = -gam / (boost::math::constants::pi<T>() * p); } else { gam = boost::math::lgamma(v, pol); p = (v + 1) * p + constants::ln_two<T>(); prefix = gam - log(boost::math::constants::pi<T>()) - p; if (boost::math::tools::log_max_value<T>() < prefix) { prefix -= log(boost::math::tools::max_value<T>() / 4); scale /= (boost::math::tools::max_value<T>() / 4); if (boost::math::tools::log_max_value<T>() < prefix) { return boost::math::policies::raise_overflow_error<T>(function, 0, pol); } } prefix = -exp(prefix); } bessel_y_derivative_small_z_series_term_a<T, Policy> s(v, x); boost::uintmax_t max_iter = boost::math::policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>(); #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x582)) T zero = 0; T result = boost::math::tools::sum_series(s, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter, zero); #else T result = boost::math::tools::sum_series(s, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter); #endif boost::math::policies::check_series_iterations<T>("boost::math::bessel_y_derivative_small_z_series<%1%>(%1%,%1%)", max_iter, pol); result *= prefix; p = pow(x / 2, v - 1) / 2; if (!need_logs) { prefix = boost::math::tgamma(-v, pol) * boost::math::cos_pi(v) * p / boost::math::constants::pi<T>(); } else { int sgn; prefix = boost::math::lgamma(-v, &sgn, pol) + (v - 1) * log(x / 2) - constants::ln_two<T>(); prefix = exp(prefix) * sgn / boost::math::constants::pi<T>(); } bessel_y_derivative_small_z_series_term_b<T, Policy> s2(v, x); max_iter = boost::math::policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>(); #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x582)) T b = boost::math::tools::sum_series(s2, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter, zero); #else T b = boost::math::tools::sum_series(s2, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter); #endif result += scale * prefix * b; return result; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL); //PetscInitializeNoArguments(); int iter = 1; double Re = 10; double We = 1; double c1 = 1.0; // lagrangian double c2 = 0.0; // smooth vel double c3 = 0.0; // smooth coord (fujiwara) double d1 = 1.0; // surface tangent velocity u_n=u-u_t double d2 = 0.0; // surface smooth cord (fujiwara) double alpha = 1; double mu_in = 1.0; double mu_out = 0.1; double rho_in = 1.0; double rho_out = 0.01; double cfl = 0.8; string meshFile = "0.20.msh"; Solver *solverP = new PetscSolver(KSPGMRES,PCILU); Solver *solverV = new PetscSolver(KSPCG,PCICC); Solver *solverC = new PetscSolver(KSPCG,PCICC); const char *binFolder = "./bin/"; const char *vtkFolder = "./vtk/"; const char *mshFolder = "./msh/"; const char *datFolder = "./dat/"; string meshDir = (string) getenv("DATA_DIR"); meshDir += "/gmsh/3d/torus/curvature/" + meshFile; const char *mesh = meshDir.c_str(); Model3D m1; Simulator3D s1; if( *(argv+1) == NULL ) { cout << endl; cout << "--------------> STARTING FROM 0" << endl; cout << endl; const char *mesh1 = mesh; m1.readMSH(mesh1); m1.setInterfaceBC(); m1.setTriEdge(); m1.mesh2Dto3D(); m1.setMapping(); #if NUMGLEU == 5 m1.setMiniElement(); #else m1.setQuadElement(); #endif m1.setSurfaceConfig(); m1.setInitSurfaceVolume(); m1.setInitSurfaceArea(); m1.setGenericBC(); s1(m1); s1.setRe(Re); s1.setWe(We); s1.setC1(c1); s1.setC2(c2); s1.setC3(c3); s1.setD1(d1); s1.setD2(d2); s1.setAlpha(alpha); s1.setMu(mu_in,mu_out); s1.setRho(rho_in,rho_out); s1.setCfl(cfl); s1.init(); s1.setDtALETwoPhase(); s1.setSolverPressure(solverP); s1.setSolverVelocity(solverV); s1.setSolverConcentration(solverC); } else { cout << endl; cout << "--------------> RE-STARTING..." << endl; cout << endl; // load surface mesh string aux = *(argv+2); string file = (string) "./msh/newMesh-" + *(argv+2) + (string) ".msh"; const char *mesh2 = file.c_str(); m1.readMSH(mesh2); m1.setInterfaceBC(); m1.setTriEdge(); m1.mesh2Dto3D(); s1(m1); // load 3D mesh file = (string) "./vtk/sim-" + *(argv+2) + (string) ".vtk"; const char *vtkFile = file.c_str(); m1.readVTK(vtkFile); m1.setMapping(); #if NUMGLEU == 5 m1.setMiniElement(); #else m1.setQuadElement(); #endif m1.readVTKHeaviside(vtkFile); m1.setSurfaceConfig(); m1.setInitSurfaceVolume(); m1.setInitSurfaceArea(); m1.setGenericBC(); s1(m1); s1.setSolverPressure(solverP); s1.setSolverVelocity(solverV); s1.setSolverConcentration(solverC); iter = s1.loadSolution("./","sim",atoi(*(argv+2))); } // Point's distribution Helmholtz3D h1(m1); h1.setBC(); h1.initRisingBubble(); h1.assemble(); h1.setk(0.2); h1.matMountC(); h1.setUnCoupledCBC(); h1.setCRHS(); h1.unCoupledC(); //h1.saveVTK(vtkFolder,"edge"); h1.setModel3DEdgeSize(); InOut save(m1,s1); // cria objeto de gravacao save.saveVTK(vtkFolder,"geometry"); save.saveVTKSurface(vtkFolder,"geometry"); save.saveMeshInfo(datFolder); save.saveInfo(datFolder,"info",mesh); int nIter = 3000; int nReMesh = 1; for( int i=1;i<=nIter;i++ ) { for( int j=0;j<nReMesh;j++ ) { cout << color(none,magenta,black); cout << "____________________________________ Iteration: " << iter << endl << endl; cout << resetColor(); s1.setDtALETwoPhase(); InOut save(m1,s1); // cria objeto de gravacao save.printSimulationReport(); //s1.stepLagrangian(); s1.stepALE(); s1.movePoints(); s1.assemble(); s1.matMount(); s1.setUnCoupledBC(); s1.setRHS(); //s1.setGravity("-Z"); //s1.setInterface(); s1.setInterfaceGeo(); s1.unCoupled(); save.saveMSH(mshFolder,"newMesh",iter); save.saveVTK(vtkFolder,"sim",iter); save.saveVTKSurface(vtkFolder,"sim",iter); save.saveSol(binFolder,"sim",iter); save.saveBubbleInfo(datFolder); //save.chordalPressure(datFolder,"chordalPressure",iter); //save.crossSectionalVoidFraction(datFolder,"voidFraction",iter); s1.saveOldData(); s1.timeStep(); cout << color(none,magenta,black); cout << "________________________________________ END of " << iter << endl << endl;; cout << resetColor(); iter++; } Helmholtz3D h2(m1,h1); h2.setBC(); h2.initRisingBubble(); h2.assemble(); h2.setk(0.2); h2.matMountC(); h2.setUnCoupledCBC(); h2.setCRHS(); h2.unCoupledC(); h2.saveVTK(vtkFolder,"edge",iter-1); h2.saveChordalEdge(datFolder,"edge",iter-1); h2.setModel3DEdgeSize(); Model3D mOld = m1; /* *********** MESH TREATMENT ************* */ // set normal and kappa values m1.setNormalAndKappa(); m1.initMeshParameters(); // 3D operations //m1.insert3dMeshPointsByDiffusion(); m1.remove3dMeshPointsByDiffusion(); //m1.removePointByVolume(); //m1.removePointsByInterfaceDistance(); //m1.remove3dMeshPointsByDistance(); m1.remove3dMeshPointsByHeight(); m1.delete3DPoints(); // surface operations m1.smoothPointsByCurvature(); m1.insertPointsByLength("flat"); m1.contractEdgesByLength("flat"); m1.flipTriangleEdges(); m1.removePointsByNeighbourCheck(); //m1.checkAngleBetweenPlanes(); /* **************************************** */ //m1.mesh2Dto3DOriginal(); m1.mesh3DPoints(); m1.setMapping(); #if NUMGLEU == 5 m1.setMiniElement(); #else m1.setQuadElement(); #endif m1.setSurfaceConfig(); m1.setGenericBC(); Simulator3D s2(m1,s1); s2.applyLinearInterpolation(mOld); s1 = s2; s1.setSolverPressure(solverP); s1.setSolverVelocity(solverV); s1.setSolverConcentration(solverC); InOut saveEnd(m1,s1); // cria objeto de gravacao saveEnd.printMeshReport(); saveEnd.saveMeshInfo(datFolder); } PetscFinalize(); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { if( argc < 6 || argc & 1) { std::cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <threshold> <nions> <nbright> [<n> <template> ...]" << std::endl; return -1; } size_t threshold = 0, nimages = 0, nions = 0, nbright = 0; std::stringstream s( argv[1] ); s >> threshold; std::stringstream s3( argv[2] ); s3 >> nions; std::stringstream s4( argv[3] ); s4 >> nbright; std::vector<IonDetector::result_type> res; size_t argc_i = 4; while( argc_i < argc ) { std::stringstream s2( argv[argc_i++] ); s2 >> nimages; for( size_t i = 0; i < nimages; ++i ) { char image_name[1024]; sprintf( image_name, argv[argc_i], i ); image_type data = load_file( image_name ); if( !data.extents.first ) { // Failed to load image return -1; } IonDetector det; det.blob_threshold = threshold; image_type result = det.hot_pixels( data ); save_file( "hot.fits", result ); IonDetector::result_type results = det( result ); res.push_back( results ); if( results.size() > nbright ) { std::cout << "Too many ions in: " << image_name << std::endl; } else if( results.size() < nbright ) { std::cout << "Too few ions in: " << image_name << std::endl; } } ++argc_i; } std::vector< std::pair< size_t, IonData > > positions; for( size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i ) { if( res[i].size() != nbright ) continue; for( size_t ion = 0; ion < res[i].size(); ++ion ) { size_t pos = 0; for( ; pos < positions.size(); ++pos ) { if( fabs( positions[pos].second.x - res[i][ion].x ) < 6 && fabs( positions[pos].second.y - res[i][ion].y ) < 6 ) { ++ positions[pos].first; break; } } if( pos == positions.size() ) positions.push_back( std::make_pair( 1, res[i][ion] ) ); } } std::sort( positions.begin(), positions.end() ); std::reverse( positions.begin(), positions.end() ); if( positions.size() > nions ) positions.resize( nions ); std::sort( positions.begin(), positions.end(), CompareSecond() ); std::cout << "Detected ion locations: " << std::endl; for( size_t i = 0; i < positions.size(); ++i ) { std::cout << positions[i].second.x << ", " << positions[i].second.y << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Ion patterns: " << std::endl; std::vector< std::string > bits; for( size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i ) { bits.push_back( "" ); for( size_t pos = 0; pos < positions.size(); ++pos ) { size_t ion = 0; for( ; ion < res[i].size(); ++ion ) { if( fabs( positions[pos].second.x - res[i][ion].x ) < 6 && fabs( positions[pos].second.y - res[i][ion].y ) < 6 ) { bits.back() += "1"; break; } } if( ion == res[i].size() ) bits.back() += "0"; } std::cout << i << ":\t" << bits.back() << std::endl; } size_t reorder = 0; std::string order = bits[0]; for( size_t i = 1; i < bits.size(); ++i ) { if( bits[i] != order ) { ++reorder; order = bits[i]; } } std::cout << "Reordered " << reorder << " times." << std::endl; std::cout << "Probability: " << (float)reorder / (nimages-1) << std::endl; return 0; }
int main() { { boost::shared_ptr<int> sp(new int(10)); assert(sp.unique()); boost::shared_ptr<int> sp2 = sp; assert(sp == sp2 && sp.use_count() == 2); *sp2 = 100; assert(*sp == 100); sp.reset(); assert(!sp); boost::shared_ptr<int> p(new int(100)); shared s1(p), s2(p); s1.print(); s2.print(); *p = 20; print_func(p); s1.print(); } { //factory function //template<class T,class... Args> //boost::shared_ptr<T> boost::make_shared(Args && ... args); boost::shared_ptr<std::string> sp = boost::make_shared<std::string>("make_shared"); boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<int> > spv = boost::make_shared<std::vector<int> >(10,2); assert(spv->size() == 10); } { typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<int> > vs; vs v(10); int i = 0; for(vs::iterator pos=v.begin();pos!=v.end();++pos) { (*pos) = boost::make_shared<int>(++i); std::cout << *(*pos) << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; boost::shared_ptr<int> p = v[9]; *p = 100; std::cout << *v[9] << std::endl; for(auto& ptr : v) { ptr = boost::make_shared<int>(++i); std::cout << *ptr << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; } { //bridge pattern sample s; s.print(); } return 0; }
int QgsStringUtils::levenshteinDistance( const QString& string1, const QString& string2, bool caseSensitive ) { int length1 = string1.length(); int length2 = string2.length(); //empty strings? solution is trivial... if ( string1.isEmpty() ) { return length2; } else if ( string2.isEmpty() ) { return length1; } //handle case sensitive flag (or not) QString s1( caseSensitive ? string1 : string1.toLower() ); QString s2( caseSensitive ? string2 : string2.toLower() ); const QChar* s1Char = s1.constData(); const QChar* s2Char = s2.constData(); //strip out any common prefix int commonPrefixLen = 0; while ( length1 > 0 && length2 > 0 && *s1Char == *s2Char ) { commonPrefixLen++; length1--; length2--; s1Char++; s2Char++; } //strip out any common suffix while ( length1 > 0 && length2 > 0 && commonPrefixLen + length1 - 1 ) == commonPrefixLen + length2 - 1 ) ) { length1--; length2--; } //fully checked either string? if so, the answer is easy... if ( length1 == 0 ) { return length2; } else if ( length2 == 0 ) { return length1; } //ensure the inner loop is longer if ( length1 > length2 ) { qSwap( s1, s2 ); qSwap( length1, length2 ); } //levenshtein algorithm begins here QVector< int > col; col.fill( 0, length2 + 1 ); QVector< int > prevCol; prevCol.reserve( length2 + 1 ); for ( int i = 0; i < length2 + 1; ++i ) { prevCol << i; } const QChar* s2start = s2Char; for ( int i = 0; i < length1; ++i ) { col[0] = i + 1; s2Char = s2start; for ( int j = 0; j < length2; ++j ) { col[j + 1] = qMin( qMin( 1 + col[j], 1 + prevCol[1 + j] ), prevCol[j] + (( *s1Char == *s2Char ) ? 0 : 1 ) ); s2Char++; } col.swap( prevCol ); s1Char++; } return prevCol[length2]; }
QString QgsStringUtils::longestCommonSubstring( const QString& string1, const QString& string2, bool caseSensitive ) { if ( string1.isEmpty() || string2.isEmpty() ) { //empty strings, solution is trivial... return QString(); } //handle case sensitive flag (or not) QString s1( caseSensitive ? string1 : string1.toLower() ); QString s2( caseSensitive ? string2 : string2.toLower() ); if ( s1 == s2 ) { //another trivial case, identical strings return s1; } int* currentScores = new int [ s2.length()]; int* previousScores = new int [ s2.length()]; int maxCommonLength = 0; int lastMaxBeginIndex = 0; const QChar* s1Char = s1.constData(); const QChar* s2Char = s2.constData(); const QChar* s2Start = s2Char; for ( int i = 0; i < s1.length(); ++i ) { for ( int j = 0; j < s2.length(); ++j ) { if ( *s1Char != *s2Char ) { currentScores[j] = 0; } else { if ( i == 0 || j == 0 ) { currentScores[j] = 1; } else { currentScores[j] = 1 + previousScores[j - 1]; } if ( maxCommonLength < currentScores[j] ) { maxCommonLength = currentScores[j]; lastMaxBeginIndex = i; } } s2Char++; } qSwap( currentScores, previousScores ); s1Char++; s2Char = s2Start; } delete [] currentScores; delete [] previousScores; return string1.mid( lastMaxBeginIndex - maxCommonLength + 1, maxCommonLength ); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int exitCode = 0; /* create a pi|engine instance and initialize it. Initialization step loads and prepares the resources, initializes the engine and sets up game window unless application configuration states otherwise. */ application app; gcString s = "Test_"; gcString s2("shit"); gcString s3 = gcString("coca") + "cola" + "[]"; gcString s4 = "OLD"; s4 = ">" + s + " " + s3 + " " + s4; //Test cocacola[] OLD gcString s5 = gcString::gcFromInt(600); gcString s6 = s + s5 + " " + s2; s6 += " ["; s6 += gcString::gcFromInt(60) + "]"; for(int i=1;i<=100;i++) { s += gcString::gcFromInt(i) +","; } s += s + s; //selfref test gcArray<gcString>* a = new gcArray<gcString>; a->setSize(13); // strings test (*a)[0] = "2500"; (*a)[0].setw(8,"0"); (*a)[1] = "Pesho"; (*a)[1].setw(20,"[abc]"); (*a)[2] = "acbdefghijkl"; (*a)[2].setw(4); (*a)[3] = "5300"; (*a)[3].setw(10); (*a)[4] = "681"; (*a)[4].setw(10,""); //case that is not allowed (*a)[5] = "123"; (*a)[5].setw(10,"-"); (*a)[6] = "Peter"; (*a)[6].setrw(10,"-"); (*a)[7] = "Peter"; (*a)[7].setrw(3); (*a)[8] = "*-PeterSvP1870_test[100]-*X"; (*a)[10] = (*a)[8].digits(); (*a)[8] = (*a)[8].letters(); (*a)[9] = (*a)[8].toLower(); (*a)[11] = (*a)[8][0] + (*a)[8][1]; (*a)[12] = "Pes*o"; (*a)[12].setchar(3,"h"); //show them: for(int i=0;i<a->count();i++) { gcString output; output = "a[" + gcString::gcFromInt(i) + "]= " + (*a)[i] + "\n"; std::cout << output; } std::cout << "s = " << s << std::endl << "s2= " << s2 << std::endl << "s3= " << s3 << std::endl << "s4= " << s4 << std::endl << "s5= " << s5 << std::endl << "s6= " << s6 << std::endl ; #define PRINTINT(gc_array_var) \ for(int i=0;i<gc_array_var.count();++i) \ std::cout << "int[" << gcString::gcFromInt(i) << "] = " << gcString::gcFromInt( gc_array_var.gcAt(i) ) << std::endl; #define PRINTS(gc_array_var) \ for(int i=0;i<gc_array_var.count();++i) \ std::cout << "string[" << gcString::gcFromInt(i) << "] = " << gc_array_var.gcAt(i) << std::endl; /* gcArray test */ // INT { gcArray<int> a; a.setSize(5); //must add 5 zeros a << 1 << 2 << 50 << 100; //and add 1,2,50,100 finally std::cout << "A:\n"; PRINTINT(a); std::cout << "B:\n"; gcArray<int>* b = a.clone(); b->removeDuplicates(); (*b) << 75; b->sort(); PRINTINT( (*b) ); } // STRING { gcArray<gcString> *a = new gcArray<gcString>, *b = new gcArray<gcString>, *c = a; //c i s same as a? (*c) << "1" << "2"; (*a) << "3" << "4"; (*c) << "5" << "6"; a->setSize(10); (*c) << "5" << "Pi-Dev"; (*a).insertAfter(5,"7"); (*a).insertBefore(0,"begin"); (*a).insertAfter( (*a).count()-1, "Appended" ); //delete b; //These calls must be somehow inserted by gameScript optimizer directly; b = a->clone(); //this will effectively invalidate b! There MUST be an memory manager b->removeDuplicates(); c = c->clone(); //it is internally okay ;] C is now copy of a c = c->getDuplicates(); //c will only need to show "" and 5 now ;] b->sort(); std::cout << "A[]:\n"; PRINTS((*a)); std::cout << "B[]:\n"; PRINTS((*b)); std::cout << "C[]:\n"; PRINTS((*c)); } { std::cout << "POINTER TYPE sort\n"; gcArray<int*> a; a << new int(4) << new int(2) << new int(100) << new int(3); a.sort(); std::cout<<"Count: "<<a.count() << "\n"; for(int i=0;i<a.count();++i) { std::cout << *(a[i]) << std::endl; } } { gcArray<std::string>* a = new gcArray<std::string>; (*a) << "Dimo" << "Pesho" << "Atanas"; a->sort(); for(int i=0;i<a->count();++i) { std::cout << (*a)[i] << std::endl; } } { //2d Array test: gcArray2D<int> ia; ia.setSize(3,5); ia(0,1) = 10; ia(1,1) = 20; ia(2,4) = 45; for(int y=0;y<ia.yCount();++y) { for(int x=0;x<ia.xCount();++x) std::cout << gcString::gcFromInt(ia(x,y)).setw(6,".") << " "; std::cout << "\n"; } } { /* 3D Array test */ gcArray3D<gcString> a; a.setSize(5,4,3); for(int x=0;x<3;++x) for(int y=0;y<3;++y) a(x,y,2) = "Stone"; a(0,0,0) = "Cloud"; a(1,0,0) = "Cloud"; a(0,0,1) = "Player"; a(1,0,1) = "Item"; a(1,1,1) = "Item"; a(4,3,2) = "Bound"; for(int z=0;z<a.zCount();++z) { std::cout<<"z = "<< gcString::gcFromInt(z) << "\n"; for(int y=0;y<a.yCount();++y) { for(int x=0;x<a.xCount();++x)std::cout<<"["<<a(x,y,z).setw(6,"-")<<"]"; std::cout<<"\n"; } std::cout<<"\n"; } } #undef PRINTS #undef PRINTINT if(app.init())exitCode =; else std::cout << "Initialization failed with following error:\n" << app.lastException->text << "\n"; std::cout<<"Application closed with exit code "<<exitCode<<"!\n\n"; return exitCode; }
void SecureDataMgrTests::testSecureDataManager() { ByteString soPIN = "3132333435363738"; // "12345678" ByteString userPIN = "4041424344454647"; // "ABCDEFGH" ByteString newSOPIN = "3837363534333231"; // "87654321" ByteString newUserPIN = "4746454443424140"; // "HGFEDCBA" // Instantiate a blank secure data manager SecureDataManager s1; ByteString plaintext = "010203040506070809"; ByteString emptyPlaintext = ""; ByteString encrypted; // Verify that no function other than setting the SO PIN works CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.setUserPIN(userPIN)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.loginSO(soPIN)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.loginUser(userPIN)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.encrypt(plaintext, encrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.decrypt(encrypted, plaintext)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.getSOPINBlob().size() == 0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.getUserPINBlob().size() == 0); // Now set the SO PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.setSOPIN(soPIN)); // Check that it is still not possible to set the user PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.setUserPIN(userPIN)); // Check that it is possible to log in with the SO PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.loginSO(soPIN)); // Check that it is now possible to also set the user PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.setUserPIN(userPIN)); // Check that is is now also possible to log in with the user PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.loginUser(userPIN)); // Check that it is possible to encrypt and decrypt some data ByteString decrypted; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.encrypt(plaintext, encrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(encrypted != plaintext); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.decrypt(encrypted, decrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(decrypted == plaintext); // Log out s1.logout(); // Check that it is no longer possible to set the SO PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.setSOPIN(soPIN)); // Check that it is no longer possible to set the user PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.setUserPIN(userPIN)); // Check that encrypting/decrypting no longer works CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.encrypt(plaintext, encrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s1.decrypt(encrypted, plaintext)); // Export the key blobs ByteString soPINBlob = s1.getSOPINBlob(); ByteString userPINBlob = s1.getUserPINBlob(); // Create a new instance with the exported key blobs SecureDataManager s2(soPINBlob, userPINBlob); // Check that the key blobs match CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.getSOPINBlob() == s2.getSOPINBlob()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.getUserPINBlob() == s2.getUserPINBlob()); // Check that it is not possible to set the SO PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s2.setSOPIN(soPIN)); // Check that it is possible to log in with the SO PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.loginSO(soPIN)); // Check that is is now also possible to log in with the user PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.loginUser(userPIN)); // Check that encrypting the data results in different ciphertext because of the random IV ByteString encrypted2; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.encrypt(plaintext, encrypted2)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(encrypted != encrypted2); // Check that decrypting earlier data can be done with the recreated key CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.decrypt(encrypted, decrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(decrypted == plaintext); // Log in with the SO PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.loginSO(soPIN)); // Check that the SO PIN can be changed CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.setSOPIN(newSOPIN)); // Check that it is no longer possible to log in with the old SO PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s2.loginSO(soPIN)); // Check that encrypting/decrypting no longer works CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s2.encrypt(plaintext, encrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s2.decrypt(encrypted, plaintext)); // Check that the key blobs differ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s1.getSOPINBlob() != s2.getSOPINBlob()); // Check that it is possible to log in with the new SO PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.loginSO(newSOPIN)); // Log in with the user PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.loginUser(userPIN)); // Check that it is possible to change the user PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.setUserPIN(newUserPIN)); // Check that it is no longer possible to log in with the old user PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s2.loginUser(userPIN)); // Check that encrypting/decrypting no longer works CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s2.encrypt(plaintext, encrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s2.decrypt(encrypted, plaintext)); // Check that it is possible to log in with the new user PIN CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.loginUser(newUserPIN)); // Check that encrypting the data results in the different ciphertext because of the random IV CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.encrypt(plaintext, encrypted2)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(encrypted != encrypted2); // Check that decrypting earlier data can be done with the recreated key CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.decrypt(encrypted, decrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(decrypted == plaintext); // Check that empty plaintext can be handled CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.encrypt(emptyPlaintext, encrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s2.decrypt(encrypted, decrypted)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(decrypted == emptyPlaintext); }
void test() { //Single unique_ptr reset_counters(); { def_constr_deleter<A> d; bml::unique_ptr<B, def_constr_deleter<A>&> s(new B, d); A* p = s.get(); bml::unique_ptr<A, def_constr_deleter<A>&> s2(boost::move(s)); BOOST_TEST(s2.get() == p); BOOST_TEST(s.get() == 0); BOOST_TEST(A::count == 1); BOOST_TEST(B::count == 1); d.set_state(6); BOOST_TEST(s2.get_deleter().state() == d.state()); BOOST_TEST(s.get_deleter().state() == d.state()); } BOOST_TEST(A::count == 0); BOOST_TEST(B::count == 0); //Unbounded array unique_ptr reset_counters(); { def_constr_deleter<volatile A[]> d; bml::unique_ptr<A[], def_constr_deleter<volatile A[]>&> s(new A[2], d); A* p = s.get(); bml::unique_ptr<volatile A[], def_constr_deleter<volatile A[]>&> s2(boost::move(s)); BOOST_TEST(s2.get() == p); BOOST_TEST(s.get() == 0); BOOST_TEST(A::count == 2); d.set_state(6); BOOST_TEST(s2.get_deleter().state() == d.state()); BOOST_TEST(s.get_deleter().state() == d.state()); } BOOST_TEST(A::count == 0); //Bounded array unique_ptr reset_counters(); { def_constr_deleter<volatile A[2]> d; bml::unique_ptr<A[2], def_constr_deleter<volatile A[2]>&> s(new A[2], d); A* p = s.get(); bml::unique_ptr<volatile A[2], def_constr_deleter<volatile A[2]>&> s2(boost::move(s)); BOOST_TEST(s2.get() == p); BOOST_TEST(s.get() == 0); BOOST_TEST(A::count == 2); d.set_state(6); BOOST_TEST(s2.get_deleter().state() == d.state()); BOOST_TEST(s.get_deleter().state() == d.state()); } BOOST_TEST(A::count == 0); { def_constr_deleter<volatile A[]> d; bml::unique_ptr<A[2], def_constr_deleter<volatile A[]>&> s(new A[2], d); A* p = s.get(); bml::unique_ptr<volatile A[], def_constr_deleter<volatile A[]>&> s2(boost::move(s)); BOOST_TEST(s2.get() == p); BOOST_TEST(s.get() == 0); BOOST_TEST(A::count == 2); d.set_state(6); BOOST_TEST(s2.get_deleter().state() == d.state()); BOOST_TEST(s.get_deleter().state() == d.state()); } BOOST_TEST(A::count == 0); }