Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Read a single byte from the serial port. Returns 1 on success, 0
 * otherwise. When the function is succesfull, the character read is
 * written into its argument c.
int serial_getc_dev(const int dev_index)
	struct s5p_uart *const uart = s5p_get_base_uart(dev_index);

	/* wait for character to arrive */
	while (!(readl(&uart->utrstat) & 0x1)) {
		if (serial_err_check(dev_index, 0))
			return 0;

	return (int)(readb(&uart->urxh) & 0xff);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Initialise the serial port with the given baudrate. The settings
 * are always 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no start bits.
int serial_init_dev(const int dev_index)
	struct s5p_uart *const uart = s5p_get_base_uart(dev_index);

	/* reset and enable FIFOs, set triggers to the maximum */
	writel(0, &uart->ufcon);
	writel(0, &uart->umcon);
	/* 8N1 */
	writel(0x3, &uart->ulcon);
	/* No interrupts, no DMA, pure polling */
	writel(0x245, &uart->ucon);


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Output a single byte to the serial port.
void serial_putc_dev(const char c, const int dev_index)
	struct s5p_uart *const uart = s5p_get_base_uart(dev_index);

	/* wait for room in the tx FIFO */
	while (!(readl(&uart->utrstat) & 0x2)) {
		if (serial_err_check(dev_index, 1))

	writeb(c, &uart->utxh);

	/* If \n, also do \r */
	if (c == '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 4
void serial_setbrg_dev(const int dev_index)
	struct s5p_uart *const uart = s5p_get_base_uart(dev_index);
	u32 uclk = get_uart_clk(dev_index);
	u32 baudrate = gd->baudrate;
	u32 val;

	val = uclk / baudrate;

	writel(val / 16 - 1, &uart->ubrdiv);

	if (use_divslot)
		writew(udivslot[val % 16], &uart->rest.slot);
		writeb(val % 16, &uart->rest.value);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int serial_err_check(const int dev_index, int op)
	struct s5p_uart *const uart = s5p_get_base_uart(dev_index);
	unsigned int mask;

	 * Break Detect	[3]
	 * Frame Err	[2] : receive operation
	 * Parity Err	[1] : receive operation
	 * Overrun Err	[0] : receive operation
	if (op)
		mask = 0x8;
		mask = 0xf;

	return readl(&uart->uerstat) & mask;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Test whether a character is in the RX buffer
int serial_tstc_dev(const int dev_index)
	struct s5p_uart *const uart = s5p_get_base_uart(dev_index);

	return (int)(readl(&uart->utrstat) & 0x1);