Ejemplo n.º 1
*  Add-Tail Item 
sflist_add_tail ( SF_LIST* s, NODE_DATA ndata )
  SF_LNODE * q;
  if (!s->head)
      q = s->tail = s->head = (SF_LNODE *) s_alloc (sizeof (SF_LNODE));
      if(!q)return -1;
      q->ndata = (NODE_DATA)ndata;
      q->next = 0;
      q->prev = 0;
      q = (SF_LNODE *) s_alloc (sizeof (SF_LNODE));
      if(!q)return -1;
      q->ndata = ndata;
      q->next = 0;
      q->prev = s->tail;
      s->tail->next = q;
      s->tail = q;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
*    Create a new hash table
*    nrows    : number of rows in hash table, primes are best.
*               > 0  => we use the nearest prime internally
*               < 0  => we use the magnitude as nrows.
*    keysize  : > 0 => bytes in each key, keys are binary bytes,
*               all keys are the same size.
*               ==0 => keys are strings and are null terminated, 
*               allowing random key lengths. 
*    userkeys : > 0 => indicates user owns the key data
*               and we should not allocate or free space for it,
*               nor should we attempt to free the user key. We just
*               save the pointer to the key. 
*               ==0 => we should copy the keys and manage them internally
*    userfree : routine to free users data, null if we should not 
*               free user data in sfghash_delete(). The routine
*               should be of the form 'void userfree(void * userdata)',
*               'free' works for simple allocations.
SFGHASH * sfghash_new( int nrows, int keysize, int userkeys, void (*userfree)(void*p) )
   int    i;
   SFGHASH * h;

   if( nrows > 0 ) /* make sure we have a prime number */
      nrows = sf_nearest_prime( nrows );
   else   /* use the magnitude or nrows as is */
      nrows = -nrows;

   h = (SFGHASH*)s_alloc( sizeof(SFGHASH) );
   if( !h ) 
	   return 0;

   memset( h, 0, sizeof(SFGHASH) );

   h->sfhashfcn = sfhashfcn_new( nrows );
   if( !h->sfhashfcn ) 
	   return 0;

   h->table = (SFGHASH_NODE**) s_alloc( sizeof(SFGHASH_NODE*) * nrows );
   if( !h->table ) 
	   return 0;

   for( i=0; i<nrows; i++ )
      h->table[i] = 0;

   h->userkey = userkeys;

   h->keysize = keysize;

   h->nrows = nrows;

   h->count = 0;

   h->userfree = userfree;

   h->crow = 0; // findfirst/next current row

   h->cnode = 0; // findfirst/next current node ptr

   return h;
Ejemplo n.º 3
*    NEW
SF_LIST * sflist_new(void) 
   SF_LIST * s;
   s = (SF_LIST*)s_alloc( sizeof(SF_LIST) );
   if( s )sflist_init( s );
   return s;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Private void copy(
   char * data,
   short int bytes,
   STRING_CHUNK ** head,
   STRING_CHUNK ** tail)
 short int actual;

 str = s_alloc(bytes, &actual);
 if (*head == NULL)  /* First chunk */
   *head = str;
   *tail = str;
   str->ref_ct = 1;
   str->string_len = 0;
   (*tail)->next = str;
   *tail = str;

 memcpy(str->data, data, bytes);
 str->bytes = bytes;
 (*head)->string_len += bytes;
Ejemplo n.º 5
*  Add-before Item 
int sflist_add_before ( SF_LIST* s, SF_LNODE * lnode, NODE_DATA ndata )
  SF_LNODE * q;

  if( !lnode )
      return 0;

  /* Add to head of list */
  if( s->head == lnode )
      return sflist_add_head ( s, ndata );
      q = (SF_LNODE *) s_alloc ( sizeof (SF_LNODE) );
      if( !q )
          return -1;
      q->ndata = (NODE_DATA)ndata;

      q->next = lnode;
      q->prev = lnode->prev;
      lnode->prev->next = q;
      lnode->prev       = q;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* Set up a write stream that just keeps track of the position. */
s_alloc_position_stream(stream ** ps, gs_memory_t * mem)
    stream *s = *ps = s_alloc(mem, "s_alloc_position_stream");

    if (s == 0)
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
main(int argc, char *argv[])

        stress_test(1 << 2);
        struct s_arena *arena = new_arena();
        for(int i = 0;i < 10; i++) {
        struct s_cache *sc = new_cache(arena,i,0);
        struct s_cache *sc1 = new_cache(arena,7,4);
        struct s_cache *sc2 = new_cache(arena,1,3);

        printf("Alloc1: %p\n", s_alloc(saved_gc, sc1));
        printf("Alloc1: %p\n", s_alloc(saved_gc, sc1));
        printf("Alloc1: %p\n", s_alloc(saved_gc, sc1));
        printf("Alloc2: %p\n", s_alloc(saved_gc, sc2));
        printf("Alloc2: %p\n", s_alloc(saved_gc, sc2));
        printf("Alloc2: %p\n", s_alloc(saved_gc, sc2));


        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: T.c Proyecto: ntozubod/ginr
T_OBJECT T_create( )
	register T_OBJECT T;
	T = (T_OBJECT) Salloc( sizeof(struct T_desc) );
	T-> Type = T_Object;
	T-> T_n  = 0;
	T-> T_lname = 0;
	T-> T_lhash = 1;
	T-> T_name = 0;
	T-> T_hash = s_alloc( 1 );
	T-> T_hash[ 0 ] = MAXSHORT;
	return( T );
Ejemplo n.º 9
STRING_CHUNK * copy_string(
   STRING_CHUNK * tail,    /* Last chunk, may be null */
   STRING_CHUNK ** head,   /* Ptr to head of string chunk chain */
   char * src,             /* Ptr to data to append */
   short int len,          /* Length of data to append */
   short int * chunk_size) /* Desired (in), actual (out) chunk size */
 STRING_CHUNK * str_hdr;   /* Ptr to current string chunk */
 short int space;          /* Bytes remaining in current chunk */
 short int bytes_to_move;

 if (tail == NULL) space = 0;
   str_hdr = tail;
   space = str_hdr->alloc_size - str_hdr->bytes;

 while (len > 0)
   /* Allocate new chunk if the current one is full */

   if (space == 0)
     str_hdr = s_alloc((long)*chunk_size, &space);
     *chunk_size = space * 2;

     if (tail == NULL) /* First chunk */
       *head = str_hdr;
     else /* Appending subsequent chunk */
       tail->next = str_hdr;
     tail = str_hdr;

   /* Copy what will fit into current chunk */

   bytes_to_move = min(space, len);
   memcpy(str_hdr->data + str_hdr->bytes, src, bytes_to_move);
   src += bytes_to_move;
   len -= bytes_to_move;
   space -= bytes_to_move;
   str_hdr->bytes += bytes_to_move;
 return tail;
Ejemplo n.º 10
global String
newnstring(const char *s, int n)
	Ident	*np, **p;

	p = &table[hash((const Byte *)s, n)];
	for (np = *p; np != NULL; np = np->link)
		if (strncmp(np->text, s, n) == 0 && np->text[n] == '\0')
			return np->text;
	np = (Ident *)s_alloc((Natural)SizeIdent(n));
	np->link = *p;
	*p = np;
	np->text[n] = '\0';
	return strncpy(np->text, s, n);
Ejemplo n.º 11
stream *
s_SHA256E_make_stream(gs_memory_t *mem, byte *digest, int digest_size)
    stream *s = s_alloc(mem, "s_SHA256E_make_stream");
    stream_state *ss = s_alloc_state(mem, s_SHA256E_template.stype, "s_SHA256E_make_stream");

    if (ss == NULL || s == NULL)
        goto err;
    ss->templat = &s_SHA256E_template;
    if (s_init_filter(s, ss, digest, digest_size, NULL) < 0)
        goto err;
    s->strm = s;
    return s;
    gs_free_object(mem, ss, "s_SHA256E_make_stream");
    gs_free_object(mem, s, "s_SHA256E_make_stream");
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 12
/* worry about cleaning up if a later step in opening the stream fails. */
stream *
file_alloc_stream(gs_memory_t * mem, client_name_t cname)
    stream *s;
    s = s_alloc(mem, cname);
    if (s == 0)
	return 0;
    s->is_temp = 0;		/* not a temp stream */
    s->foreign = 0;
     * Disable the stream now (in case we can't open the file,
     * or a filter init procedure fails) so that `restore' won't
     * crash when it tries to close open files.
    s->prev = 0;
    s->next = 0;
    return s;
Ejemplo n.º 13
stream *
s_MD5C_make_stream(gs_memory_t *mem, stream *strm)
    stream *s = s_alloc(mem, "s_MD5E_make_stream");
    stream_state *ss = s_alloc_state(mem, s_MD5E_template.stype, "s_MD5E_make_stream");
    int buffer_size = 1024;
    byte *buffer = gs_alloc_bytes(mem, buffer_size, "s_MD5E_make_stream(buffer)");

    if (ss == NULL || s == NULL || buffer == NULL)
        goto err;
    ss->templat = &s_MD5C_template;
    if (s_init_filter(s, ss, buffer, buffer_size, NULL) < 0)
        goto err;
    s->strm = strm;
    s->close_strm = true;
    return s;
    gs_free_object(mem, ss, "s_MD5E_make_stream");
    gs_free_object(mem, s, "s_MD5E_make_stream");
    gs_free_object(mem, buffer, "s_MD5E_make_stream");
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 14
stress_test(int n) {
        struct s_arena *arena = new_arena();
        struct s_cache *caches[NUM_CACHES];

        void *ptrs[n];
        memset(ptrs,0,n*sizeof(void *));
        for(int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHES; i++)
                caches[i] = new_cache(arena,sizeof(void *)*(i + 1), 0);
        for(int i = 0; i < FACTOR * n; i++) {
                int wp = rand() % n;
                if (ptrs[wp]) {
                        ptrs[wp] = NULL;
                } else {
                        ptrs[wp] = s_alloc(saved_gc, caches[rand() % NUM_CACHES]);
                        //ptrs[wp] = malloc((rand() % NUM_CACHES) * sizeof(uintptr_t));
Ejemplo n.º 15
void op_timedate()
 char s[20+1];
 long int timenow;
 short int hour;
 short int min;
 short int sec;
 long int n;
 short int i;

 timenow = local_time() + date_adjustment;

 /* Form time of day values */

 n = timenow % 86400L;
 hour = (short int)(n / 3600);
 n = n % 3600;
 min = (short int)(n / 60);
 sec = (short int)(n % 60);

 /* Build result string */

 sprintf(s, "%02d:%02d:%02d %s",
         (int)hour, (int)min, (int)sec,
         day_to_ddmmmyyyy((timenow / 86400L) + 732));

 InitDescr(e_stack, STRING);
 p = e_stack->data.str.saddr = s_alloc(20L, &i);
 p->string_len = 20;
 p->bytes = 20;
 p->ref_ct = 1;
 memcpy(p->data, s, 20);

Ejemplo n.º 16
*  Add a key + data pair
*  ---------------------
*  key + data should both be non-zero, although data can be zero
*  t    - hash table
*  key  - users key data (should be unique in this table)
*         may be ascii strings or fixed size binary keys
*  data - users data pointer
*  returns  SF_HASH_NOMEM: alloc error
*           SF_HASH_INTABLE : key already in table (t->cnode points to the node)
*           SF_OK: added a node for this key + data pair
*  Notes:
*  If the key node already exists, then t->cnode points to it on return,
*  this allows you to do something with the node - like add the data to a 
*  linked list of data items held by the node, or track a counter, or whatever.
int sfghash_add( SFGHASH * t, void * key, void * data )
    unsigned    hashkey;
	int         klen;
    int         index;
    SFGHASH_NODE  *hnode;

    *   Get proper Key Size
    if( t->keysize > 0  )
        klen = t->keysize;
	     /* need the null byte for strcmp() in sfghash_find() */
        klen = strlen( (char*)key ) + 1;
    hashkey = t->sfhashfcn->hash_fcn(  t->sfhashfcn, (unsigned char*) key, klen );
    index = hashkey % t->nrows;

    *  Uniqueness: 
    *  Check 1st to see if the key is already in the table
    *  Just bail if it is.
    for( hnode=t->table[index]; hnode; hnode=hnode->next )
       if( t->keysize > 0 )
          if( !t->sfhashfcn->keycmp_fcn(hnode->key,key,klen) )
              t->cnode = hnode; /* save pointer to the node */
              return SFGHASH_INTABLE; /* found it */
         if( !strcmp((const char *)hnode->key,(const char*)key) )
             t->cnode = hnode; /* save pointer to the node */
             return SFGHASH_INTABLE; /* found it */

    *  Create new node 
    hnode = (SFGHASH_NODE*)s_alloc(sizeof(SFGHASH_NODE));
    if( !hnode )
         return SFGHASH_NOMEM;
    /* Add the Key */
    if( t->userkey )
      /* Use the Users key */
      hnode->key = key;
      /* Create new key */
      hnode->key = s_alloc( klen );
      if( !hnode->key )
           return SFGHASH_NOMEM;

      /* Copy key  */
    /* Add The Node */
    if( t->table[index] ) /* add the node to the existing list */
        hnode->prev = 0;  // insert node as head node
        t->table[index]->prev = hnode;
        t->table[index] = hnode;
    else /* 1st node in this list */
        t->table[index] = hnode;


    return SFGHASH_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 17
/* Open the output file and stream. */
gdev_vector_open_file_options(gx_device_vector * vdev, uint strmbuf_size,
                              int open_options)
    bool binary = !(open_options & VECTOR_OPEN_FILE_ASCII);
    int code = -1;		/* (only for testing, never returned) */
    cmm_dev_profile_t *icc_struct;

    /* Open the file as seekable or sequential, as requested. */
    if (!(open_options & VECTOR_OPEN_FILE_SEQUENTIAL)) {
        /* Try to open as seekable. */
        code =
            gx_device_open_output_file((gx_device *)vdev, vdev->fname,
                                       binary, true, &vdev->file);
    if (code < 0 && (open_options & (VECTOR_OPEN_FILE_SEQUENTIAL |
                                     VECTOR_OPEN_FILE_SEQUENTIAL_OK))) {
        /* Try to open as sequential. */
        code = gx_device_open_output_file((gx_device *)vdev, vdev->fname,
                                          binary, false, &vdev->file);
    if ((code >= 0) && (dev_proc(vdev, get_profile) != NULL)) {
        code = dev_proc(vdev, get_profile)((gx_device *)vdev, &icc_struct);

    if (code < 0)
        return code;
    if ((vdev->strmbuf = gs_alloc_bytes(vdev->v_memory, strmbuf_size,
                                        "vector_open(strmbuf)")) == 0 ||
        (vdev->strm = s_alloc(vdev->v_memory,
                              "vector_open(strm)")) == 0 ||
        ((open_options & VECTOR_OPEN_FILE_BBOX) &&
         (vdev->bbox_device =
                                    gx_device_bbox, &st_device_bbox,
                                    "vector_open(bbox_device)")) == 0)
        ) {
        if (vdev->bbox_device)
            gs_free_object(vdev->v_memory, vdev->bbox_device,
        vdev->bbox_device = 0;
        if (vdev->strm)
            gs_free_object(vdev->v_memory, vdev->strm,
        vdev->strm = 0;
        if (vdev->strmbuf)
            gs_free_object(vdev->v_memory, vdev->strmbuf,
        vdev->strmbuf = 0;
        gx_device_close_output_file((gx_device *)vdev, vdev->fname, vdev->file);
        vdev->file = 0;
    vdev->strmbuf_size = strmbuf_size;
    swrite_file(vdev->strm, vdev->file, vdev->strmbuf, strmbuf_size);
    vdev->open_options = open_options;
     * We don't want finalization to close the file, but we do want it
     * to flush the stream buffer.
    vdev->strm->procs.close = vdev->strm->procs.flush;
    if (vdev->bbox_device) {
        gx_device_bbox_init(vdev->bbox_device, NULL, vdev->v_memory);

        vdev->bbox_device->icc_struct = icc_struct;

        gx_device_set_resolution((gx_device *) vdev->bbox_device,
        /* Do the right thing about upright vs. inverted. */
        /* (This is dangerous in general, since the procedure */
        /* might reference non-standard elements.) */
        set_dev_proc(vdev->bbox_device, get_initial_matrix,
                     dev_proc(vdev, get_initial_matrix));
        (*dev_proc(vdev->bbox_device, open_device))
            ((gx_device *) vdev->bbox_device);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
Private void rep(bool compatible)
 /* Stack:

     |            BEFORE           |           AFTER             |
 top |  Replacement string         |                             |
     |  Subvalue number            |                             |
     |  Value number               |                             |
     |  Field number               |                             |
     |  ADDR to string to update   |                             |

 DESCRIPTOR * descr;            /* Position descriptors */
 long int field;
 long int value;
 long int subvalue;

 DESCRIPTOR * str_descr;        /* String to update */
 STRING_CHUNK * str_first_chunk;
 STRING_CHUNK * str_hdr;
 STRING_CHUNK * str_prev;
 short int chunk_size;

 STRING_CHUNK * new_str_hdr;    /* For copying replaced chunk */

 DESCRIPTOR * rep_descr;        /* Replacement string */
 STRING_CHUNK * rep_str_hdr;
 long int rep_len;              /* Length of inserted data */
 long int s_len;                /* New length of result string */

 DESCRIPTOR result_descr;       /* Result string */

 bool add_fm;

 rep_descr = e_stack - 1;
 rep_str_hdr = rep_descr->data.str.saddr;

 descr = e_stack - 2;
 subvalue = descr->data.value;

 descr = e_stack - 3;
 value = descr->data.value;

 descr = e_stack - 4;
 field = descr->data.value;

 str_descr = e_stack - 5;
 while (str_descr->type == ADDR) str_descr = str_descr->data.d_addr;

 /* Optimised path for the S<-1, 0, 0> case with a reference count of one */

 if ((field < 0) && (value == 0) && (subvalue == 0))
   str_hdr = str_descr->data.str.saddr;

   if (str_hdr == NULL)
     /* Appending a field to a null string.  Make the updated string a
        reference to the replacement string.                            */

     if (rep_str_hdr != NULL) rep_str_hdr->ref_ct++;
     str_descr->data.str.saddr = rep_str_hdr;
     goto exit_op_rep;

   /* Examine the string we are to update. If this has a reference count of
      one, we can optimise the action by simply appending to the string
      without copying it.                                                  */

   if (str_hdr->ref_ct == 1)
     /* Ensure we do not leave a remove pointer active */

     str_descr->flags &= ~DF_REMOVE;

     /* Find the final chunk of the string */

     str_first_chunk = str_hdr;
     str_prev = NULL;
     while(str_hdr->next != NULL)
       str_prev = str_hdr;
       str_hdr = str_hdr->next;

     /* We need to take into account the program's append mode. For
        compatible style, if the last character of the existing string
        is a field mark (i.e. the string ends with a null field), we
        do not add a further field mark.                                */
     /* 0407 Rearranged code so that mark length is only added if we
        will be adding the mark.                                        */

     add_fm = !compatible || (str_hdr->data[str_hdr->bytes-1] != FIELD_MARK);
     if (rep_str_hdr == NULL) rep_len = add_fm;
     else rep_len = rep_str_hdr->string_len + add_fm;

     /* Update the total string length */

     s_len = str_first_chunk->string_len + rep_len;
     str_first_chunk->string_len = s_len;

     if (str_hdr->alloc_size >= s_len)
       /* The entire result will fit in the allocated size of the target
          string.  Append the new data.                                  */

       if (add_fm) str_hdr->data[str_hdr->bytes++] = FIELD_MARK;

       while(rep_str_hdr != NULL)
         memcpy(str_hdr->data + str_hdr->bytes,
                rep_str_hdr->data, rep_str_hdr->bytes);
         str_hdr->bytes += rep_str_hdr->bytes;
         rep_str_hdr = rep_str_hdr->next;
       goto exit_op_rep;

     /* If this chunk is less than maximum size, replace it by a new chunk. */

     if (str_hdr->bytes < MAX_STRING_CHUNK_SIZE)
       /* Replace final chunk */

       rep_len += str_hdr->bytes;
       new_str_hdr = s_alloc(rep_len, &chunk_size);

       /* Copy old data and rechain chunks, freeing old one */

       memcpy(new_str_hdr->data, str_hdr->data, str_hdr->bytes);
       new_str_hdr->bytes = str_hdr->bytes;

       if (str_prev == NULL) /* First chunk */
         new_str_hdr->string_len = str_hdr->string_len;
         new_str_hdr->ref_ct = 1;

         str_descr->data.str.saddr = new_str_hdr;
         str_prev->next = new_str_hdr;

       str_hdr = new_str_hdr;
       chunk_size = (short int)min(rep_len, MAX_STRING_CHUNK_SIZE);
     /* Append field mark and new data */

     if (add_fm)
       str_hdr = copy_string(str_hdr, &(str_descr->data.str.saddr),
                             FIELD_MARK_STRING, 1, &chunk_size);

     while(rep_str_hdr != NULL)
       str_hdr = copy_string(str_hdr, &(str_descr->data.str.saddr),
                        rep_str_hdr->data, rep_str_hdr->bytes, &chunk_size);
       rep_str_hdr = rep_str_hdr->next;

     goto exit_op_rep;

 rdi(str_descr, field, value, subvalue, DYN_REPLACE, rep_descr, &result_descr, compatible);
 InitDescr(str_descr, STRING);
 str_descr->data.str.saddr = result_descr.data.str.saddr;

 k_pop(4);     /* subvalue, value and field positions and ADDR to target */