static STREAM cssp_encode_tssmartcardcreds(char *username, char *password, char *domain) { STREAM out, h1, h2; struct stream tmp = { 0 }; struct stream message = { 0 }; // pin [0] s_realloc(&tmp, strlen(password) * sizeof(uint16)); s_reset(&tmp); rdp_out_unistr(&tmp, password, strlen(password) * sizeof(uint16)); s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 0, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); // cspData[1] h2 = cssp_encode_tscspdatadetail(AT_KEYEXCHANGE, g_sc_card_name, g_sc_reader_name, g_sc_container_name, g_sc_csp_name); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 1, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); // userHint [2] if (username && strlen(username)) { s_realloc(&tmp, strlen(username) * sizeof(uint16)); s_reset(&tmp); rdp_out_unistr(&tmp, username, strlen(username) * sizeof(uint16)); s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 2, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); } // domainHint [3] if (domain && strlen(domain)) { s_realloc(&tmp, strlen(domain) * sizeof(uint16)); s_reset(&tmp); rdp_out_unistr(&tmp, domain, strlen(domain) * sizeof(uint16)); s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 3, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); } s_mark_end(&message); // build message out = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_SEQUENCE | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED, &message); // cleanup free(; free(; return out; }
char * hello(char *me, int encrypted) { int ehlo; String *r; char *ret, *s, *t; if (!encrypted) { if(trysecure > 1){ if((ret = wraptls()) != nil) return ret; encrypted = 1; } /* * Verizon fails to print the smtp greeting banner when it * answers a call. Send a no-op in the hope of making it * talk. */ if (autistic) { dBprint("NOOP\r\n"); getreply(); /* consume the smtp greeting */ /* next reply will be response to noop */ } switch(getreply()){ case 2: break; case 5: return Giveup; default: return Retry; } } ehlo = 1; Again: if(ehlo) dBprint("EHLO %s\r\n", me); else dBprint("HELO %s\r\n", me); switch (getreply()) { case 2: break; case 5: if(ehlo){ ehlo = 0; goto Again; } return Giveup; default: return Retry; } r = s_clone(reply); if(r == nil) return Retry; /* Out of memory or couldn't get string */ /* Invariant: every line has a newline, a result of getcrlf() */ for(s = s_to_c(r); (t = strchr(s, '\n')) != nil; s = t + 1){ *t = '\0'; for (t = s; *t != '\0'; t++) *t = toupper(*t); if(!encrypted && trysecure && (strcmp(s, "250-STARTTLS") == 0 || strcmp(s, "250 STARTTLS") == 0)){ s_free(r); return dotls(me); } if(tryauth && (encrypted || insecure) && (strncmp(s, "250 AUTH", strlen("250 AUTH")) == 0 || strncmp(s, "250-AUTH", strlen("250 AUTH")) == 0)){ ret = doauth(s + strlen("250 AUTH ")); s_free(r); return ret; } } s_free(r); return 0; }
void lwqq_free_extension(LwqqClient* lc,LwqqExtension* ext) { ext->remove(lc, ext); s_free(ext); }
//detect boundary box FLOAT *dpm_ttic_gpu_get_boxes(FLOAT **features,FLOAT *scales,int *feature_size, GPUModel *MO, int *detected_count, FLOAT *acc_score, FLOAT thresh) { //constant parameters const int max_scale = MO->MI->max_scale; const int interval = MO->MI->interval; const int sbin = MO->MI->sbin; const int padx = MO->MI->padx; const int pady = MO->MI->pady; const int NoR = MO->RF->NoR; const int NoP = MO->PF->NoP; const int NoC = MO->MI->numcomponent; const int *numpart = MO->MI->numpart; const int LofFeat=(max_scale+interval)*NoC; const int L_MAX = max_scale+interval; /* for measurement */ struct timeval tv; struct timeval tv_make_c_start, tv_make_c_end; struct timeval tv_nucom_start, tv_nucom_end; struct timeval tv_box_start, tv_box_end; float time_box=0; struct timeval tv_root_score_start, tv_root_score_end; float time_root_score = 0; struct timeval tv_part_score_start, tv_part_score_end; float time_part_score = 0; struct timeval tv_dt_start, tv_dt_end; float time_dt = 0; struct timeval tv_calc_a_score_start, tv_calc_a_score_end; float time_calc_a_score = 0; gettimeofday(&tv_make_c_start, nullptr); int **RF_size = MO->RF->root_size; int *rootsym = MO->RF->rootsym; int *part_sym = MO->PF->part_sym; int **part_size = MO->PF->part_size; FLOAT **rootfilter = MO->RF->rootfilter; FLOAT **partfilter=MO->PF->partfilter; int **psize = MO->MI->psize; int **rm_size_array = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *)*L_MAX); int **pm_size_array = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *)*L_MAX); pm_size_array = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *)*L_MAX); FLOAT **Tboxes=(FLOAT**)calloc(LofFeat,sizeof(FLOAT*)); //box coordinate information(Temp) int *b_nums =(int*)calloc(LofFeat,sizeof(int)); //length of Tboxes int count = 0; int detected_boxes=0; CUresult res; /* matched score (root and part) */ FLOAT ***rootmatch,***partmatch = nullptr; int *new_PADsize; // need new_PADsize[L_MAX*3] size_t SUM_SIZE_feat = 0; FLOAT **featp2 = (FLOAT **)malloc(L_MAX*sizeof(FLOAT *)); if(featp2 == nullptr) { // error semantics printf("allocate featp2 failed\n"); exit(1); } /* allocate required memory for new_PADsize */ new_PADsize = (int *)malloc(L_MAX*3*sizeof(int)); if(new_PADsize == nullptr) { // error semantics printf("allocate new_PADsize failed\n"); exit(1); } /* do padarray once and reuse it at calculating root and part time */ /* calculate sum of size of padded feature */ for(int tmpL=0; tmpL<L_MAX; tmpL++) { int PADsize[3] = { feature_size[tmpL*2], feature_size[tmpL*2+1], 31 }; int NEW_Y = PADsize[0] + pady*2; int NEW_X = PADsize[1] + padx*2; SUM_SIZE_feat += (NEW_X*NEW_Y*PADsize[2])*sizeof(FLOAT); } /* allocate region for padded feat in a lump */ FLOAT *dst_feat; res = cuMemHostAlloc((void **)&dst_feat, SUM_SIZE_feat, CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_DEVICEMAP); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuMemHostAlloc(dst_feat) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } memset(dst_feat, 0, SUM_SIZE_feat); // zero clear /* distribute allocated region */ uintptr_t pointer_feat = (uintptr_t)dst_feat; for(int tmpL=0; tmpL<L_MAX; tmpL++) { featp2[tmpL] = (FLOAT *)pointer_feat; int PADsize[3] = { feature_size[tmpL*2], feature_size[tmpL*2+1], 31 }; int NEW_Y = PADsize[0] + pady*2; int NEW_X = PADsize[1] + padx*2; pointer_feat += (uintptr_t)(NEW_X*NEW_Y*PADsize[2]*sizeof(FLOAT)); } /* copy feat to feat2 */ for(int tmpL=0; tmpL<L_MAX; tmpL++) { int PADsize[3] = { feature_size[tmpL*2], feature_size[tmpL*2+1], 31 }; int NEW_Y = PADsize[0] + pady*2; int NEW_X = PADsize[1] + padx*2; int L = NEW_Y*padx; int SPL = PADsize[0] + pady; int M_S = sizeof(FLOAT)*PADsize[0]; FLOAT *P = featp2[tmpL]; FLOAT *S = features[tmpL]; for(int i=0; i<PADsize[2]; i++) { P += L; for(int j=0; j<PADsize[1]; j++) { P += pady; memcpy(P, S, M_S); S += PADsize[0]; P += SPL; } P += L; } new_PADsize[tmpL*3] = NEW_Y; new_PADsize[tmpL*3 + 1] = NEW_X; new_PADsize[tmpL*3 + 2] = PADsize[2]; } /* do padarray once and reuse it at calculating root and part time */ /* allocation in a lump */ int *dst_rm_size = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*NoC*2*L_MAX); if(dst_rm_size == nullptr) { printf("allocate dst_rm_size failed\n"); exit(1); } /* distribution to rm_size_array[L_MAX] */ uintptr_t ptr = (uintptr_t)dst_rm_size; for(int i=0; i<L_MAX; i++) { rm_size_array[i] = (int *)ptr; ptr += (uintptr_t)(NoC*2*sizeof(int)); } /* allocation in a lump */ int *dst_pm_size = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*NoP*2*L_MAX); if(dst_pm_size == nullptr) { printf("allocate dst_pm_size failed\n"); exit(1); } /* distribution to pm_size_array[L_MAX] */ ptr = (uintptr_t)dst_pm_size; for(int i=0; i<L_MAX; i++) { pm_size_array[i] = (int *)ptr; ptr += (uintptr_t)(NoP*2*sizeof(int)); } ///////level for (int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) // feature's loop(A's loop) 1level 1picture { if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { Tboxes[count]=nullptr; count++; continue; } } //for (level) // feature's loop(A's loop) 1level 1picture ///////root calculation///////// /* calculate model score (only root) */ gettimeofday(&tv_root_score_start, nullptr); rootmatch = fconvsMT_GPU( featp2, SUM_SIZE_feat, rootfilter, rootsym, 1, NoR, new_PADsize, RF_size, rm_size_array, L_MAX, interval, feature_size, padx, pady, MO->MI->max_X, MO->MI->max_Y, ROOT ); gettimeofday(&tv_root_score_end, nullptr); tvsub(&tv_root_score_end, &tv_root_score_start, &tv); time_root_score += tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; ///////part calculation///////// if(NoP>0) { /* calculate model score (only part) */ gettimeofday(&tv_part_score_start, nullptr); partmatch = fconvsMT_GPU( featp2, SUM_SIZE_feat, partfilter, part_sym, 1, NoP, new_PADsize, part_size, pm_size_array, L_MAX, interval, feature_size, padx, pady, MO->MI->max_X, MO->MI->max_Y, PART ); gettimeofday(&tv_part_score_end, nullptr); tvsub(&tv_part_score_end, &tv_part_score_start, &tv); time_part_score += tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; } res = cuCtxSetCurrent(ctx[0]); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuCtxSetCurrent(ctx[0]) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } gettimeofday(&tv_make_c_end, nullptr); gettimeofday(&tv_nucom_start, nullptr); count = 0; detected_boxes = 0; int **RL_array = (int **)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int*)); int *dst_RL = (int *) malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int)); int **RI_array = (int **)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int*)); int *dst_RI = (int *)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int)); int **OI_array = (int **)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int*)); int *dst_OI = (int *)malloc((NoC)*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int)); int **RL_S_array = (int **)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int*)); int *dst_RL_S = (int *)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int)); FLOAT **OFF_array = (FLOAT **)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(FLOAT*)); FLOAT *dst_OFF = (FLOAT *)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(FLOAT)); FLOAT ***SCORE_array = (FLOAT ***)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(FLOAT **)); FLOAT **sub_dst_SCORE = (FLOAT **)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(FLOAT*)); uintptr_t pointer_RL = (uintptr_t)dst_RL; uintptr_t pointer_RI = (uintptr_t)dst_RI; uintptr_t pointer_OI = (uintptr_t)dst_OI; uintptr_t pointer_RL_S = (uintptr_t)dst_RL_S; uintptr_t pointer_OFF = (uintptr_t)dst_OFF; uintptr_t pointer_SCORE = (uintptr_t)sub_dst_SCORE; for (int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L=level-interval; RL_array[L] = (int *)pointer_RL; pointer_RL += (uintptr_t)NoC*sizeof(int); RI_array[L] = (int *)pointer_RI; pointer_RI += (uintptr_t)NoC*sizeof(int); OI_array[L] = (int *)pointer_OI; pointer_OI += (uintptr_t)NoC*sizeof(int); RL_S_array[L] = (int *)pointer_RL_S; pointer_RL_S += (uintptr_t)NoC*sizeof(int); OFF_array[L] = (FLOAT *)pointer_OFF; pointer_OFF += (uintptr_t)NoC*sizeof(FLOAT); SCORE_array[L] = (FLOAT **)pointer_SCORE; pointer_SCORE += (uintptr_t)NoC*sizeof(FLOAT*); } int sum_RL_S = 0; int sum_SNJ = 0; /* prepare for parallel execution */ for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } for(int j=0; j<NoC; j++) { /* root score + offset */ RL_array[L][j] = rm_size_array[level][j*2]*rm_size_array[level][j*2+1]; //length of root-matching RI_array[L][j] = MO->MI->ridx[j]; //root-index OI_array[L][j] = MO->MI->oidx[j]; //offset-index RL_S_array[L][j] =sizeof(FLOAT)*RL_array[L][j]; OFF_array[L][j] = MO->MI->offw[RI_array[L][j]]; //offset information /* search max values */ max_RL_S = (max_RL_S < RL_S_array[L][j]) ? RL_S_array[L][j] : max_RL_S; max_numpart = (max_numpart < numpart[j]) ? numpart[j] : max_numpart; } } sum_RL_S = max_RL_S*NoC*(L_MAX-interval); /* root matching size */ sum_SNJ = sizeof(int*)*max_numpart*NoC*(L_MAX-interval); /* consolidated allocation for SCORE_array and distribute region */ FLOAT *dst_SCORE = (FLOAT *)malloc(sum_RL_S); pointer_SCORE = (uintptr_t)dst_SCORE; for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } for(int j=0; j<NoC; j++) { SCORE_array[L][j] = (FLOAT *)pointer_SCORE; pointer_SCORE += (uintptr_t)max_RL_S; } } /* add offset */ for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } for(int j=0; j<NoC; j++) { memcpy(SCORE_array[L][j], rootmatch[level][j], RL_S_array[L][j]); FLOAT *SC_S = SCORE_array[L][j]; FLOAT *SC_E = SCORE_array[L][j]+RL_array[L][j]; while(SC_S<SC_E) *(SC_S++)+=OFF_array[L][j]; } } /* anchor matrix */ // consolidated allocation int ***ax_array = (int ***)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int **)); int **sub_dst_ax = (int **)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int *)); int *dst_ax = (int *)malloc(sum_SNJ); int ***ay_array = (int ***)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int **)); int **sub_dst_ay = (int **)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int *)); int *dst_ay = (int *)malloc(sum_SNJ); /* boudary index */ // consolidated allocation int ****Ix_array =(int ****)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int ***)); int ***sub_dst_Ix = (int ***)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int **)); int **dst_Ix = (int **)malloc(sum_SNJ); int ****Iy_array = (int ****)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int ***)); int ***sub_dst_Iy = (int ***)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int **)); int **dst_Iy = (int **)malloc(sum_SNJ); /* distribute region */ uintptr_t pointer_ax = (uintptr_t)sub_dst_ax; uintptr_t pointer_ay = (uintptr_t)sub_dst_ay; uintptr_t pointer_Ix = (uintptr_t)sub_dst_Ix; uintptr_t pointer_Iy = (uintptr_t)sub_dst_Iy; for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } ax_array[L] = (int **)pointer_ax; pointer_ax += (uintptr_t)(NoC*sizeof(int*)); ay_array[L] = (int **)pointer_ay; pointer_ay += (uintptr_t)(NoC*sizeof(int*)); Ix_array[L] = (int ***)pointer_Ix; pointer_Ix += (uintptr_t)(NoC*sizeof(int**)); Iy_array[L] = (int ***)pointer_Iy; pointer_Iy += (uintptr_t)(NoC*sizeof(int**)); } pointer_ax = (uintptr_t)dst_ax; pointer_ay = (uintptr_t)dst_ay; pointer_Ix = (uintptr_t)dst_Ix; pointer_Iy = (uintptr_t)dst_Iy; for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } for(int j=0; j<NoC; j++) { uintptr_t pointer_offset = sizeof(int*)*max_numpart; ax_array[L][j] = (int *)pointer_ax; pointer_ax += pointer_offset; ay_array[L][j] = (int *)pointer_ay; pointer_ay += pointer_offset; Ix_array[L][j] = (int **)pointer_Ix; pointer_Ix += pointer_offset; Iy_array[L][j] = (int **)pointer_Iy; pointer_Iy += pointer_offset; } } /* add parts */ if(NoP>0) { /* arrays to store temporary loop variables */ int tmp_array_size = 0; for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } for(int j=0; j<NoC; j++) { tmp_array_size += max_numpart*sizeof(int); } } int ***DIDX_array = (int ***)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int**)); int **sub_dst_DIDX = (int **)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int*)); int *dst_DIDX = (int *)malloc(tmp_array_size); int ***DID_4_array = (int ***)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int **)); int **sub_dst_DID_4 = (int **)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int*)); int *dst_DID_4; res = cuMemHostAlloc((void **)&dst_DID_4, tmp_array_size, CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_DEVICEMAP); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuMemHostAlloc(dst_DID_4) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } int ***PIDX_array = (int ***)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int **)); int **sub_dst_PIDX = (int **)malloc(NoC*(L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(int*)); int *dst_PIDX; res = cuMemHostAlloc((void **)&dst_PIDX, tmp_array_size, CU_MEMHOSTALLOC_DEVICEMAP); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuMemHostAlloc(dst_PIDX) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } /* distribute consolidated region */ uintptr_t pointer_DIDX = (uintptr_t)sub_dst_DIDX; uintptr_t pointer_DID_4 = (uintptr_t)sub_dst_DID_4; uintptr_t pointer_PIDX = (uintptr_t)sub_dst_PIDX; for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } DIDX_array[L] = (int **)pointer_DIDX; pointer_DIDX += (uintptr_t)(NoC*sizeof(int*)); DID_4_array[L] = (int **)pointer_DID_4; pointer_DID_4 += (uintptr_t)(NoC*sizeof(int*)); PIDX_array[L] = (int **)pointer_PIDX; pointer_PIDX += (uintptr_t)(NoC*sizeof(int*)); } pointer_DIDX = (uintptr_t)dst_DIDX; pointer_DID_4 = (uintptr_t)dst_DID_4; pointer_PIDX = (uintptr_t)dst_PIDX; for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } for(int j=0; j<NoC; j++) { uintptr_t pointer_offset = (uintptr_t)(max_numpart*sizeof(int)); DIDX_array[L][j] = (int *)pointer_DIDX; pointer_DIDX += pointer_offset; DID_4_array[L][j] = (int *)pointer_DID_4; pointer_DID_4 += pointer_offset; PIDX_array[L][j] = (int *)pointer_PIDX; pointer_PIDX += pointer_offset; } } /* prepare for parallel execution */ int sum_size_index_matrix = 0; for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } for(int j=0; j<NoC; j++) { for (int k=0;k<numpart[j];k++) { /* assign values to each element */ DIDX_array[L][j][k] = MO->MI->didx[j][k]; DID_4_array[L][j][k] = DIDX_array[L][j][k]*4; PIDX_array[L][j][k] = MO->MI->pidx[j][k]; /* anchor */ ax_array[L][j][k] = MO->MI->anchor[DIDX_array[L][j][k]*2]+1; ay_array[L][j][k] = MO->MI->anchor[DIDX_array[L][j][k]*2+1]+1; int PSSIZE[2] ={pm_size_array[L][PIDX_array[L][j][k]*2], pm_size_array[L][PIDX_array[L][j][k]*2+1]}; // size of C /* index matrix */ sum_size_index_matrix += sizeof(int)*PSSIZE[0]*PSSIZE[1]; } } } int *dst_Ix_kk = (int *)malloc(sum_size_index_matrix); int *dst_Iy_kk = (int *)malloc(sum_size_index_matrix); uintptr_t pointer_Ix_kk = (uintptr_t)dst_Ix_kk; uintptr_t pointer_Iy_kk = (uintptr_t)dst_Iy_kk; for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } for(int j=0; j<NoC; j++) { for (int k=0;k<numpart[j];k++) { int PSSIZE[2] ={pm_size_array[L][PIDX_array[L][j][k]*2], pm_size_array[L][PIDX_array[L][j][k]*2+1]}; // size of C Ix_array[L][j][k] = (int *)pointer_Ix_kk; Iy_array[L][j][k] = (int *)pointer_Iy_kk; pointer_Ix_kk += (uintptr_t)(sizeof(int)*PSSIZE[0]*PSSIZE[1]); pointer_Iy_kk += (uintptr_t)(sizeof(int)*PSSIZE[0]*PSSIZE[1]); } } } gettimeofday(&tv_dt_start, nullptr); FLOAT ****M_array = dt_GPU( Ix_array, // int ****Ix_array Iy_array, // int ****Iy_array PIDX_array, // int ***PIDX_array pm_size_array, // int **size_array NoP, // int NoP numpart, // int *numpart NoC, // int NoC interval, // int interval L_MAX, // int L_MAX feature_size, // int *feature_size, padx, // int padx, pady, // int pady, MO->MI->max_X, // int max_X MO->MI->max_Y, // int max_Y MO->MI->def, // FLOAT *def tmp_array_size, // int tmp_array_size dst_PIDX, // int *dst_PIDX dst_DID_4 // int *DID_4 ); gettimeofday(&tv_dt_end, nullptr); tvsub(&tv_dt_end, &tv_dt_start, &tv); time_dt += tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; /* add part score */ for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++){ int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { continue; } for(int j=0; j<NoC; j++) { for(int k=0; k<numpart[j]; k++) { int PSSIZE[2] ={pm_size_array[L][PIDX_array[L][j][k]*2], pm_size_array[L][PIDX_array[L][j][k]*2+1]}; // Size of C int R_S[2]={rm_size_array[level][j*2], rm_size_array[level][j*2+1]}; dpm_ttic_add_part_calculation(SCORE_array[L][j], M_array[L][j][k], R_S, PSSIZE, ax_array[L][j][k], ay_array[L][j][k]); } } } s_free(M_array[0][0][0]); s_free(M_array[0][0]); s_free(M_array[0]); s_free(M_array); /* free temporary arrays */ free(dst_DIDX); free(sub_dst_DIDX); free(DIDX_array); res = cuMemFreeHost(dst_DID_4); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuMemFreeHost(dst_DID_4) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } free(sub_dst_DID_4); free(DID_4_array); res = cuMemFreeHost(dst_PIDX); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuMemFreeHost(dst_PIDX) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } free(sub_dst_PIDX); free(PIDX_array); res = cuCtxSetCurrent(ctx[0]); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuCtxSetCurrent(ctx[0]) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } } // start from if(NoP>0) /* combine root and part score and detect boundary box for each-component */ FLOAT *scale_array = (FLOAT *)malloc((L_MAX-interval)*sizeof(FLOAT)); for(int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) { int L = level - interval; if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { Tboxes[count]=nullptr; count++; continue; } scale_array[L] = (FLOAT)sbin/scales[level]; } for (int level=interval; level<L_MAX; level++) // feature's loop(A's loop) 1level 1picture { /* parameters (related for level) */ int L=level-interval; /* matched score size matrix */ FLOAT scale=(FLOAT)sbin/scales[level]; /* loop conditon */ if(feature_size[level*2]+2*pady<MO->MI->max_Y ||(feature_size[level*2+1]+2*padx<MO->MI->max_X)) { Tboxes[count]=nullptr; count++; continue; } /* calculate accumulated score */ gettimeofday(&tv_calc_a_score_start, nullptr); calc_a_score_GPU( acc_score, // FLOAT *ac_score SCORE_array[L], // FLOAT **score rm_size_array[level], // int *ssize_start MO->MI, // Model_info *MI scale, // FLOAT scale RL_S_array[L], // int *size_score_array NoC // int NoC ); gettimeofday(&tv_calc_a_score_end, nullptr); tvsub(&tv_calc_a_score_end, &tv_calc_a_score_start, &tv); time_calc_a_score += tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; for(int j = 0; j <NoC; j++) { int R_S[2]={rm_size_array[level][j*2], rm_size_array[level][j*2+1]}; /* get all good matches */ int GMN; int *GMPC = get_gmpc(SCORE_array[L][j],thresh,R_S,&GMN); int RSIZE[2]={MO->MI->rsize[j*2], MO->MI->rsize[j*2+1]}; int GL = (numpart[j]+1)*4+3; //31 /* detected box coordinate(current level) */ FLOAT *t_boxes = (FLOAT*)calloc(GMN*GL,sizeof(FLOAT)); gettimeofday(&tv_box_start, nullptr); // NO NEED TO USE GPU for(int k = 0;k < GMN;k++) { FLOAT *P_temp = t_boxes+GL*k; int y = GMPC[2*k]; int x = GMPC[2*k+1]; /* calculate root box coordinate */ FLOAT *RB =rootbox(x,y,scale,padx,pady,RSIZE); memcpy(P_temp, RB,sizeof(FLOAT)*4); s_free(RB); P_temp+=4; for(int pp=0;pp<numpart[j];pp++) { int PBSIZE[2]={psize[j][pp*2], psize[j][pp*2+1]}; int Isize[2]={pm_size_array[L][MO->MI->pidx[j][pp]*2], pm_size_array[L][MO->MI->pidx[j][pp]*2+1]}; /* calculate part box coordinate */ FLOAT *PB = partbox(x,y,ax_array[L][j][pp],ay_array[L][j][pp],scale,padx,pady,PBSIZE,Ix_array[L][j][pp],Iy_array[L][j][pp],Isize); memcpy(P_temp, PB,sizeof(FLOAT)*4); P_temp+=4; s_free(PB); } /* component number and score */ *(P_temp++)=(FLOAT)j; //component number *(P_temp++)=SCORE_array[L][j][x*R_S[0]+y]; //score of good match *P_temp = scale; } // NO NEED TO USE GPU gettimeofday(&tv_box_end, nullptr); tvsub(&tv_box_end, &tv_box_start, &tv); time_box += tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; /* save box information */ if (GMN > 0) Tboxes[count] = t_boxes; else Tboxes[count] = nullptr; b_nums[count]=GMN; count++; detected_boxes+=GMN; //number of detected box /* release */ s_free(GMPC); } ////numcom } ////level /* free temporary arrays */ free(dst_RL); free(RL_array); free(dst_RI); free(RI_array); free(dst_OI); free(OI_array); free(dst_RL_S); free(RL_S_array); free(dst_OFF); free(OFF_array); free(dst_SCORE); free(sub_dst_SCORE); free(SCORE_array); free(dst_ax); free(sub_dst_ax); free(ax_array); free(dst_ay); free(sub_dst_ay); free(ay_array); free(Ix_array[0][0][0]); free(dst_Ix); free(sub_dst_Ix); free(Ix_array); free(Iy_array[0][0][0]); free(dst_Iy); free(sub_dst_Iy); free(Iy_array); free(scale_array); gettimeofday(&tv_nucom_end, nullptr); #ifdef PRINT_INFO printf("root SCORE : %f\n", time_root_score); printf("part SCORE : %f\n", time_part_score); printf("dt : %f\n", time_dt); printf("calc_a_score : %f\n", time_calc_a_score); #endif res = cuCtxSetCurrent(ctx[0]); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuCtxSetCurrent(ctx[0]) failed: res = %s\n",cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } /* free memory regions */ res = cuMemFreeHost((void *)featp2[0]); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuMemFreeHost(featp2[0]) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } s_free(featp2); res = cuMemFreeHost((void *)rootmatch[interval][0]); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuMemFreeHost(rootmatch[0][0]) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } s_free(rootmatch[0]); s_free(rootmatch); if (partmatch != nullptr) { res = cuMemFreeHost((void *)partmatch[0][0]); if(res != CUDA_SUCCESS) { printf("cuMemFreeHost(partmatch[0][0]) failed: res = %s\n", cuda_response_to_string(res)); exit(1); } s_free(partmatch[0]); s_free(partmatch); s_free(new_PADsize); } /* release */ s_free(rm_size_array[0]); s_free(rm_size_array); s_free(pm_size_array[0]); s_free(pm_size_array); /* Output boundary-box coorinate information */ int GL=(numpart[0]+1)*4+3; FLOAT *boxes=(FLOAT*)calloc(detected_boxes*GL,sizeof(FLOAT)); //box coordinate information(Temp) FLOAT *T1 = boxes; for(int i = 0; i < LofFeat; i++) { int num_t = b_nums[i]*GL; if(num_t > 0) { FLOAT *T2 = Tboxes[i]; //memcpy_s(T1,sizeof(FLOAT)*num_t,T2,sizeof(FLOAT)*num_t); memcpy(T1, T2,sizeof(FLOAT)*num_t); T1 += num_t; } } FLOAT abs_threshold = abs(thresh); /* accumulated score calculation */ FLOAT max_score = 0.0; /* add offset to accumulated score */ for(int i = 0; i < MO->MI->IM_HEIGHT*MO->MI->IM_WIDTH; i++) { if (acc_score[i] < thresh) { acc_score[i] = 0.0; } else { acc_score[i] += abs_threshold; if (acc_score[i] > max_score) max_score = acc_score[i]; } } /* normalization */ if (max_score > 0.0) { FLOAT ac_ratio = 1.0 / max_score; for (int i = 0; i < MO->MI->IM_HEIGHT*MO->MI->IM_WIDTH; i++) { acc_score[i] *= ac_ratio; } } /* release */ free_boxes(Tboxes,LofFeat); s_free(b_nums); /* output result */ *detected_count = detected_boxes; return boxes; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { population *pop=NULL; /* Population of solutions. */ char *filename_in=NULL; /* Input filename. */ char *filename_out=NULL; /* Output filename. */ int i; /* Loop variable over command-line arguments. */ int generations=10; /* Number of generations to perform. */ char *beststring=NULL; /* Human readable form of best solution. */ size_t beststrlen=0; /* Length of beststring. */ random_seed(42); /* * Parse command-line. Expect '-i FILENAME' for a population to read, * otherwise a new population will be created. * '-o FILENAME' is absolutely required to specify a file to write to. * If we don't get these, then we will write the options. */ if (argc<2) { write_usage(); exit(0); } for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-i")==0) { /* Read pop. */ i++; if (i==argc) { printf("Input filename not specified.\n"); write_usage(); exit(0); } filename_in = argv[i]; printf("Input filename set to \"%s\"\n", filename_in); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o")==0) { /* Out pop. */ i++; if (i==argc) { printf("Output filename not specified.\n"); write_usage(); exit(0); } filename_out = argv[i]; printf("Output filename set to \"%s\"\n", filename_out); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n")==0) { /* Number of generations requested. */ i++; if (i==argc) { printf("Number of generations not specified.\n"); write_usage(); exit(0); } generations = atoi(argv[i]); printf("Number of generations set to %d.\n", generations); } else { /* Error parsing args. */ printf("Unable to parse command-line argument \"%s\"\n", argv[i]); write_usage(); exit(0); } } /* * Check that we had the required inputs. */ if (filename_out == NULL) { printf("No output filename was specified.\n"); write_usage(); exit(0); } /* * Read or create population. */ if (filename_in == NULL) { pop = ga_genesis_char( 40, /* const int population_size */ 1, /* const int num_chromo */ strlen(target_text), /* const int len_chromo */ NULL, /* GAgeneration_hook generation_hook */ NULL, /* GAiteration_hook iteration_hook */ NULL, /* GAdata_destructor data_destructor */ NULL, /* GAdata_ref_incrementor data_ref_incrementor */ struggle_score, /* GAevaluate evaluate */ ga_seed_printable_random, /* GAseed seed */ NULL, /* GAadapt adapt */ ga_select_one_roulette, /* GAselect_one select_one */ ga_select_two_roulette, /* GAselect_two select_two */ ga_mutate_printable_singlepoint_drift, /* GAmutate mutate */ ga_crossover_char_allele_mixing, /* GAcrossover crossover */ NULL, /* GAreplace replace */ NULL /* vpointer User data */ ); ga_population_set_parameters( pop, /* population *pop */ GA_SCHEME_DARWIN, /* const ga_scheme_type scheme */ GA_ELITISM_PARENTS_SURVIVE, /* const ga_elitism_type elitism */ 1.0, /* double crossover */ 0.1, /* double mutation */ 0.0 /* double migration */ ); } else { pop = ga_population_read(filename_in); pop->evaluate = struggle_score; /* Custom functions can't be saved and * therefore "pop->evaluate" must be * defined manually. Likewise, if a * custom crossover routine was used, for * example, then that would also need * to be manually defined here. */ } ga_evolution( pop, /* population *pop */ generations /* const int max_generations */ ); printf("The final solution with seed = %d was:\n", i); beststring = ga_chromosome_char_to_string(pop, ga_get_entity_from_rank(pop,0), beststring, &beststrlen); printf("%s\n", beststring); printf("With score = %f\n", ga_entity_get_fitness(ga_get_entity_from_rank(pop,0)) ); ga_population_write(pop, filename_out); printf("Population has been saved as \"%s\"\n", filename_out); ga_extinction(pop); s_free(beststring); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/** * Set online status, this is the last step of login * * @param err * @param lc */ static void set_online_status(LwqqClient *lc, char *status, LwqqErrorCode *err) { char msg[1024] ={0}; char *buf; LwqqHttpRequest *req = NULL; char *response = NULL; char *cookies; int ret; json_t *json = NULL; char *value; if (!status || !err) { goto done ; } lc->clientid = generate_clientid(); if (!lc->clientid) { lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Generate clientid error\n"); *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done ; } snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "{\"status\":\"%s\",\"ptwebqq\":\"%s\"," "\"passwd_sig\":""\"\",\"clientid\":\"%s\"" ", \"psessionid\":null}" ,status, lc->cookies->ptwebqq ,lc->clientid); buf = url_encode(msg); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "r=%s", buf); s_free(buf); /* Create a POST request */ req = lwqq_http_create_default_request(LWQQ_URL_SET_STATUS, err); if (!req) { goto done; } /* Set header needed by server */ req->set_header(req, "Cookie2", "$Version=1"); req->set_header(req, "Referer", ""); req->set_header(req, "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); /* Set http cookie */ cookies = lwqq_get_cookies(lc); if (cookies) { req->set_header(req, "Cookie", cookies); s_free(cookies); } ret = req->do_request(req, 1, msg); if (ret) { *err = LWQQ_EC_NETWORK_ERROR; goto done; } if (req->http_code != 200) { *err = LWQQ_EC_HTTP_ERROR; goto done; } /** * Here, we got a json object like this: * {"retcode":0,"result":{"uin":1421032531,"cip":2013211875,"index":1060,"port":43415,"status":"online","vfwebqq":"e7ce7913336ad0d28de9cdb9b46a57e4a6127161e35b87d09486001870226ec1fca4c2ba31c025c7","psessionid":"8368046764001e636f6e6e7365727665725f77656271714031302e3133332e34312e32303200006b2900001544016e0400533cb3546d0000000a4046674d4652585136496d00000028e7ce7913336ad0d28de9cdb9b46a57e4a6127161e35b87d09486001870226ec1fca4c2ba31c025c7","user_state":0,"f":0}} * */ response = req->response; ret = json_parse_document(&json, response); if (ret != JSON_OK) { *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; } if (!(value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "retcode"))) { *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; } /** * Do we need parse "seskey? from kernelhcy's code, we need it, * but from the response we got like above, we dont need * */ if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "seskey"))) { lc->seskey = s_strdup(value); } if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "cip"))) { lc->cip = s_strdup(value); } if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "index"))) { lc->index = s_strdup(value); } if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "port"))) { lc->port = s_strdup(value); } if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "status"))) { /* This really need? */ lc->status = s_strdup(value); } if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "vfwebqq"))) { lc->vfwebqq = s_strdup(value); } if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "psessionid"))) { lc->psessionid = s_strdup(value); } *err = LWQQ_EC_OK; done: if (json) json_free_value(&json); lwqq_http_request_free(req); }
/* * change to a remote directory. */ int changedir(Node *node) { Node *to; String *cdpath; to = node; if(to == remdir) return 0; /* build an absolute path */ switch(os){ case Tops: case VM: switch(node->depth){ case 0: remdir = node; return 0; case 1: cdpath = s_clone(node->remname); break; default: return seterr(nosuchfile); } break; case VMS: switch(node->depth){ case 0: remdir = node; return 0; default: cdpath = s_new(); vmspath(node, cdpath); } break; case MVS: if(node->depth == 0) cdpath = s_clone(remrootpath); else{ cdpath = s_new(); mvspath(node, cdpath); } break; default: if(node->depth == 0) cdpath = s_clone(remrootpath); else{ cdpath = s_new(); unixpath(node, cdpath); } break; } uncachedir(remdir, 0); /* * connect, if we need a password (Incomplete) * act like it worked (best we can do). */ sendrequest("CWD", s_to_c(cdpath)); s_free(cdpath); switch(getreply(&ctlin, msg, sizeof(msg), 0)){ case Success: case Incomplete: remdir = node; return 0; default: return seterr(nosuchfile); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { population *popd=NULL; /* Population for Darwinian evolution. */ population *popb=NULL; /* Population for Baldwinian evolution. */ population *popl=NULL; /* Population for Lamarckian evolution. */ char *beststring=NULL; /* Human readable form of best solution. */ size_t beststrlen=0; /* Length of beststring. */ random_seed(23091975); popd = ga_genesis_char( 150, /* const int population_size */ 1, /* const int num_chromo */ (int) strlen(target_text), /* const int len_chromo */ NULL, /* GAgeneration_hook generation_hook */ NULL, /* GAiteration_hook iteration_hook */ NULL, /* GAdata_destructor data_destructor */ NULL, /* GAdata_ref_incrementor data_ref_incrementor */ struggle_score, /* GAevaluate evaluate */ ga_seed_printable_random, /* GAseed seed */ struggle_adaptation, /* GAadapt adapt */ ga_select_one_sus, /* GAselect_one select_one */ ga_select_two_sus, /* GAselect_two select_two */ ga_mutate_printable_singlepoint_drift, /* GAmutate mutate */ ga_crossover_char_allele_mixing, /* GAcrossover crossover */ NULL, /* GAreplace replace */ NULL /* vpointer User data */ ); ga_population_set_parameters( popd, /* population *pop */ GA_SCHEME_DARWIN, /* const ga_scheme_type scheme */ GA_ELITISM_PARENTS_DIE, /* const ga_elitism_type elitism */ 0.9, /* const double crossover */ 0.1, /* const double mutation */ 0.0 /* const double migration */ ); /* * Make exact copies of the populations, except modify * their evolutionary schemes. */ popb = ga_population_clone(popd); ga_population_set_scheme(popb, GA_SCHEME_BALDWIN_CHILDREN); popl = ga_population_clone(popd); ga_population_set_scheme(popl, GA_SCHEME_LAMARCK_CHILDREN); /* * Evolve each population in turn. */ ga_evolution( popd, /* population *pop */ 600 /* const int max_generations */ ); printf( "The final solution with Darwinian evolution with score %f was:\n", ga_get_entity_from_rank(popd,0)->fitness ); beststring = ga_chromosome_char_to_string(popd, ga_get_entity_from_rank(popd,0), beststring, &beststrlen); printf("%s\n", beststring); ga_evolution( popb, /* population *pop */ 300 /* const int max_generations */ ); printf( "The final solution with Baldwinian evolution with score %f was:\n", ga_get_entity_from_rank(popb,0)->fitness ); beststring = ga_chromosome_char_to_string(popb, ga_get_entity_from_rank(popb,0), beststring, &beststrlen); printf("%s\n", beststring); ga_evolution( popl, /* population *pop */ 300 /* const int max_generations */ ); printf( "The final solution with Lamarckian evolution with score %f was:\n", ga_get_entity_from_rank(popl,0)->fitness ); beststring = ga_chromosome_char_to_string(popl, ga_get_entity_from_rank(popl,0), beststring, &beststrlen); printf("%s\n", beststring); /* Deallocate population structures. */ ga_extinction(popd); ga_extinction(popb); ga_extinction(popl); /* Deallocate string buffer. */ s_free(beststring); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/* Function: iUtlSignalsIgnoreHandler() Purpose: To set the signal handler to 'ignore', and optionally recover the current signal handler Parameters: iSignal signal ppsaSigAction return pointer for the current signal action (optional) Globals: none Returns: UTL error code */ int iUtlSignalsIgnoreHandler ( int iSignal, struct sigaction **ppsaSigAction ) { int iError = UTL_NoError; struct sigaction *psaSigAction = NULL; struct sigaction saSigAction; sigset_t ssSigSet; /* Clear the structures */ s_memset(&ssSigSet, 0, sizeof(sigset_t)); s_memset(&saSigAction, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); /* Set the structure fields */ saSigAction.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; saSigAction.sa_mask = ssSigSet; saSigAction.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; /* Allocate space for the signal action structure if the return pointer is passed */ if ( ppsaSigAction != NULL ) { if ( (psaSigAction = (struct sigaction *)s_malloc(sizeof(struct sigaction))) == NULL ) { iError = UTL_MemError; goto bailFromiSignalsIgnoreHandler; } } /* Install the signal action */ if ( s_sigaction(iSignal, &saSigAction, psaSigAction) != 0 ) { iError = UTL_SignalActionInstallFailed; goto bailFromiSignalsIgnoreHandler; } /* Bail label */ bailFromiSignalsIgnoreHandler: /* Handle the error */ if ( iError == UTL_NoError ) { /* Set the return pointer if it was passed */ if ( ppsaSigAction != NULL ) { *ppsaSigAction = psaSigAction; } } else { /* Free allocations */ s_free(psaSigAction); } return (iError); }
// // read in the mailbox and parse into messages. // static char* _readmbox(Mailbox *mb, int doplumb, Mlock *lk) { int fd, n; String *tmp; Dir *d; static char err[128]; Message *m, **l; Inbuf *inb; char *x; l = &mb->root->part; /* * open the mailbox. If it doesn't exist, try the temporary one. */ n = 0; retry: fd = open(mb->path, OREAD); if(fd < 0){ rerrstr(err, sizeof(err)); if(strstr(err, "exclusive lock") != 0 && n++ < 20){ sleep(500); /* wait for lock to go away */ goto retry; } if(strstr(err, "exist") != 0){ tmp = s_copy(mb->path); s_append(tmp, ".tmp"); if(sysrename(s_to_c(tmp), mb->path) == 0){ s_free(tmp); goto retry; } s_free(tmp); } return err; } /* * a new qid.path means reread the mailbox, while * a new qid.vers means read any new messages */ d = dirfstat(fd); if(d == nil){ close(fd); errstr(err, sizeof(err)); return err; } if(mb->d != nil){ if(d->qid.path == mb->d->qid.path && d->qid.vers == mb->d->qid.vers){ close(fd); free(d); return nil; } if(d->qid.path == mb->d->qid.path){ while(*l != nil) l = &(*l)->next; seek(fd, mb->d->length, 0); } free(mb->d); } mb->d = d; mb->vers++; henter(PATH(0, Qtop), mb->name, (Qid){PATH(mb->id, Qmbox), mb->vers, QTDIR}, nil, mb); inb = emalloc(sizeof(Inbuf)); inb->rptr = inb->wptr = inb->data; inb->fd = fd; // read new messages snprint(err, sizeof err, "reading '%s'", mb->path); logmsg(err, nil); for(;;){ if(lk != nil) syslockrefresh(lk); m = newmessage(mb->root); m->mallocd = 1; m->inmbox = 1; if(readmessage(m, inb) < 0){ delmessage(mb, m); mb->root->subname--; break; } // merge mailbox versions while(*l != nil){ if(memcmp((*l)->digest, m->digest, SHA1dlen) == 0){ // matches mail we already read, discard logmsg("duplicate", *l); delmessage(mb, m); mb->root->subname--; m = nil; l = &(*l)->next; break; } else { // old mail no longer in box, mark deleted logmsg("disappeared", *l); if(doplumb) mailplumb(mb, *l, 1); (*l)->inmbox = 0; (*l)->deleted = 1; l = &(*l)->next; } } if(m == nil) continue; x = strchr(m->start, '\n'); if(x == nil) m->header = m->end; else m->header = x + 1; m->mheader = m->mhend = m->header; parseunix(m); parse(m, 0, mb, 0); logmsg("new", m); /* chain in */ *l = m; l = &m->next; if(doplumb) mailplumb(mb, m, 0); } logmsg("mbox read", nil); // whatever is left has been removed from the mbox, mark deleted while(*l != nil){ if(doplumb) mailplumb(mb, *l, 1); (*l)->inmbox = 0; (*l)->deleted = 1; l = &(*l)->next; } close(fd); free(inb); return nil; }
static void _writembox(Mailbox *mb, Mlock *lk) { Dir *d; Message *m; String *tmp; int mode, errs; Biobuf *b; tmp = s_copy(mb->path); s_append(tmp, ".tmp"); /* * preserve old files permissions, if possible */ d = dirstat(mb->path); if(d != nil){ mode = d->mode&0777; free(d); } else mode = MBOXMODE; sysremove(s_to_c(tmp)); b = sysopen(s_to_c(tmp), "alc", mode); if(b == 0){ fprint(2, "can't write temporary mailbox %s: %r\n", s_to_c(tmp)); return; } logmsg("writing new mbox", nil); errs = 0; for(m = mb->root->part; m != nil; m = m->next){ if(lk != nil) syslockrefresh(lk); if(m->deleted) continue; logmsg("writing", m); if(Bwrite(b, m->start, m->end - m->start) < 0) errs = 1; if(Bwrite(b, "\n", 1) < 0) errs = 1; } logmsg("wrote new mbox", nil); if(sysclose(b) < 0) errs = 1; if(errs){ fprint(2, "error writing temporary mail file\n"); s_free(tmp); return; } sysremove(mb->path); if(sysrename(s_to_c(tmp), mb->path) < 0) fprint(2, "%s: can't rename %s to %s: %r\n", argv0, s_to_c(tmp), mb->path); s_free(tmp); if(mb->d != nil) free(mb->d); mb->d = dirstat(mb->path); }
RD_BOOL cssp_connect(char *server, char *user, char *domain, char *password, STREAM s) { OM_uint32 actual_time; gss_cred_id_t cred; gss_buffer_desc input_tok, output_tok; gss_name_t target_name; OM_uint32 major_status, minor_status; int context_established = 0; gss_ctx_id_t gss_ctx; gss_OID desired_mech = &_gss_spnego_krb5_mechanism_oid_desc; STREAM ts_creds; struct stream token = { 0 }; struct stream pubkey = { 0 }; struct stream pubkey_cmp = { 0 }; // Verify that system gss support spnego if (!cssp_gss_mech_available(desired_mech)) { warning("CredSSP: System doesn't have support for desired authentication mechanism.\n"); return False; } // Get service name if (!cssp_gss_get_service_name(server, &target_name)) { warning("CredSSP: Failed to get target service name.\n"); return False; } // Establish tls connection to server if (!tcp_tls_connect()) { warning("CredSSP: Failed to establish TLS connection.\n"); return False; } tcp_tls_get_server_pubkey(&pubkey); #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_CREDSSP streamsave(&pubkey, "PubKey.raw"); #endif // Enter the spnego loop OM_uint32 actual_services; gss_OID actual_mech; struct stream blob = { 0 }; gss_ctx = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT; cred = GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL; input_tok.length = 0; output_tok.length = 0; minor_status = 0; int i = 0; do { major_status = gss_init_sec_context(&minor_status, cred, &gss_ctx, target_name, desired_mech, GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG | GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG, GSS_C_INDEFINITE, GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS, &input_tok, &actual_mech, &output_tok, &actual_services, &actual_time); if (GSS_ERROR(major_status)) { if (i == 0) error("CredSSP: Initialize failed, do you have correct kerberos tgt initialized ?\n"); else error("CredSSP: Negotiation failed.\n"); #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_CREDSSP cssp_gss_report_error(GSS_C_GSS_CODE, "CredSSP: SPNEGO negotiation failed.", major_status, minor_status); #endif goto bail_out; } // validate required services if (!(actual_services & GSS_C_CONF_FLAG)) { error("CredSSP: Confidiality service required but is not available.\n"); goto bail_out; } // Send token to server if (output_tok.length != 0) { if (output_tok.length > token.size) s_realloc(&token, output_tok.length); s_reset(&token); out_uint8p(&token, output_tok.value, output_tok.length); s_mark_end(&token); if (!cssp_send_tsrequest(&token, NULL, NULL)) goto bail_out; (void) gss_release_buffer(&minor_status, &output_tok); } // Read token from server if (major_status & GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED) { (void) gss_release_buffer(&minor_status, &input_tok); if (!cssp_read_tsrequest(&token, NULL)) goto bail_out; input_tok.value =; input_tok.length = s_length(&token); } else { // Send encrypted pubkey for verification to server context_established = 1; if (!cssp_gss_wrap(gss_ctx, &pubkey, &blob)) goto bail_out; if (!cssp_send_tsrequest(NULL, NULL, &blob)) goto bail_out; context_established = 1; } i++; } while (!context_established); // read tsrequest response and decrypt for public key validation if (!cssp_read_tsrequest(NULL, &blob)) goto bail_out; if (!cssp_gss_unwrap(gss_ctx, &blob, &pubkey_cmp)) goto bail_out;[0] -= 1; // validate public key if (memcmp(,, s_length(&pubkey)) != 0) { error("CredSSP: Cannot guarantee integrity of server connection, MITM ? " "(public key data mismatch)\n"); goto bail_out; } // Send TSCredentials ts_creds = cssp_encode_tscredentials(user, password, domain); if (!cssp_gss_wrap(gss_ctx, ts_creds, &blob)) goto bail_out; s_free(ts_creds); if (!cssp_send_tsrequest(NULL, &blob, NULL)) goto bail_out; return True; bail_out: xfree(; return False; }
RD_BOOL cssp_send_tsrequest(STREAM token, STREAM auth, STREAM pubkey) { STREAM s; STREAM h1, h2, h3, h4, h5; struct stream tmp = { 0 }; struct stream message = { 0 }; memset(&message, 0, sizeof(message)); memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); // version [0] s_realloc(&tmp, sizeof(uint8)); s_reset(&tmp); out_uint8(&tmp, 2); s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_INTEGER, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 0, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); // negoToken [1] if (token && s_length(token)) { h5 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, token); h4 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 0, h5); h3 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_SEQUENCE | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED, h4); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_SEQUENCE | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED, h3); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 1, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h5); s_free(h4); s_free(h3); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); } // authInfo [2] if (auth && s_length(auth)) { h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, auth); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 2, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); } // pubKeyAuth [3] if (pubkey && s_length(pubkey)) { h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, pubkey); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 3, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); } s_mark_end(&message); // Construct ASN.1 Message // Todo: can h1 be send directly instead of tcp_init() approach h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_SEQUENCE | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED, &message); s = tcp_init(s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(s, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(s); s_free(h1); #if WITH_DEBUG_CREDSSP streamsave(s, "tsrequest_out.raw"); printf("Out TSRequest %ld bytes\n", s_length(s)); hexdump(s->data, s_length(s)); #endif tcp_send(s); // cleanup xfree(; xfree(; return True; }
STREAM cssp_encode_tscredentials(char *username, char *password, char *domain) { STREAM out; STREAM h1, h2, h3; struct stream tmp = { 0 }; struct stream message = { 0 }; // credType [0] s_realloc(&tmp, sizeof(uint8)); s_reset(&tmp); if (g_use_password_as_pin == False) { out_uint8(&tmp, 1); // TSPasswordCreds } else { out_uint8(&tmp, 2); // TSSmartCardCreds } s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_INTEGER, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 0, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); // credentials [1] if (g_use_password_as_pin == False) { h3 = cssp_encode_tspasswordcreds(username, password, domain); } else { h3 = cssp_encode_tssmartcardcreds(username, password, domain); } h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, h3); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 1, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h3); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); // Construct ASN.1 message out = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_SEQUENCE | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED, &message); #if WITH_DEBUG_CREDSSP streamsave(out, "tscredentials.raw"); printf("Out TSCredentials %ld bytes\n", s_length(out)); hexdump(out->data, s_length(out)); #endif // cleanup xfree(; xfree(; return out; }
/** * Do really login * * @param lc * @param md5 The md5 calculated from calculate_password_md5() * @param err */ static void do_login(LwqqClient *lc, const char *md5, LwqqErrorCode *err) { char url[1024]; LwqqHttpRequest *req; char *response = NULL; char *cookies; int ret; snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/login?u=%s&p=%s&verifycode=%s&" "webqq_type=10&remember_uin=1&aid=1003903&login2qq=1&" "" "%%3Flogin2qq%%3D1%%26webqq_type%%3D10&h=1&ptredirect=0&" "ptlang=2052&from_ui=1&pttype=1&dumy=&fp=loginerroralert&" "action=2-11-7438&mibao_css=m_webqq&t=1&g=1", LWQQ_URL_LOGIN_HOST, lc->username, md5, lc->vc->str); req = lwqq_http_create_default_request(url, err); if (!req) { goto done; } /* Setup http header */ cookies = lwqq_get_cookies(lc); if (cookies) { req->set_header(req, "Cookie", cookies); s_free(cookies); } /* Send request */ ret = req->do_request(req, 0, NULL); if (ret) { *err = LWQQ_EC_NETWORK_ERROR; goto done; } if (req->http_code != 200) { *err = LWQQ_EC_HTTP_ERROR; goto done; } response = req->response; char *p = strstr(response, "\'"); if (!p) { *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; } char buf[4] = {0}; int status; strncpy(buf, p + 1, 1); status = atoi(buf); switch (status) { case 0: if (sava_cookie(lc, req, err)) { goto done; } break; case 1: lwqq_log(LOG_WARNING, "Server busy! Please try again\n"); *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; case 2: lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of date QQ number\n"); *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; case 3: lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Wrong password\n"); *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; case 4: lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Wrong verify code\n"); *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; case 5: lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Verify failed\n"); *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; case 6: lwqq_log(LOG_WARNING, "You may need to try login again\n"); *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; case 7: lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Wrong input\n"); *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; case 8: lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Too many logins on this IP. Please try again\n"); *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; default: *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknow error"); goto done; } set_online_status(lc, "online", err); done: lwqq_http_request_free(req); }
/* * pipe message to mailer with the following transformations: * - change \r\n into \n. * - add sender's domain to any addrs with no domain * - add a From: if none of From:, Sender:, or Replyto: exists * - add a Received: line */ int pipemsg(int *byteswritten) { int n, nbytes, sawdot, status, nonhdr, bpr; char *cp; Field *f; Link *l; Node *p; String *hdr, *line; pipesig(&status); /* set status to 1 on write to closed pipe */ sawdot = 0; status = 0; /* * add a 'From ' line as envelope */ nbytes = 0; nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "From %s %s remote from \n", s_to_c(senders.first->p), thedate()); /* * add our own Received: stamp */ nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "Received: from %s ", him); if(nci->rsys) nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "([%s]) ", nci->rsys); nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "by %s; %s\n", me, thedate()); /* * read first 16k obeying '.' escape. we're assuming * the header will all be there. */ line = s_new(); hdr = s_new(); while(sawdot == 0 && s_len(hdr) < 16*1024){ n = getcrnl(s_reset(line), &bin); /* eof or error ends the message */ if(n <= 0) break; /* a line with only a '.' ends the message */ cp = s_to_c(line); if(n == 2 && *cp == '.' && *(cp+1) == '\n'){ sawdot = 1; break; } s_append(hdr, *cp == '.' ? cp+1 : cp); } /* * parse header */ yyinit(s_to_c(hdr), s_len(hdr)); yyparse(); /* * Look for masquerades. Let Sender: trump From: to allow mailing list * forwarded messages. */ if(fflag) nbytes += forgedheaderwarnings(); /* * add an orginator and/or destination if either is missing */ if(originator == 0){ if(senders.last == nil || senders.last->p == nil) nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "From: /dev/null@%s\n", him); else nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "From: %s\n", s_to_c(senders.last->p)); } if(destination == 0){ nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "To: "); for(l = rcvers.first; l; l = l->next){ if(l != rcvers.first) nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, ", "); nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "%s", s_to_c(l->p)); } nbytes += Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "\n"); } /* * add sender's domain to any domainless addresses * (to avoid forging local addresses) */ cp = s_to_c(hdr); for(f = firstfield; cp != nil && f; f = f->next){ for(p = f->node; cp != 0 && p; p = p->next) { bpr = 0; cp = bprintnode(pp->std[0]->fp, p, &bpr); nbytes += bpr; } if(status == 0 && Bprint(pp->std[0]->fp, "\n") < 0){ piperror = "write error"; status = 1; } nbytes++; /* for newline */ } if(cp == nil){ piperror = "sender domain"; status = 1; } /* write anything we read following the header */ nonhdr = s_to_c(hdr) + s_len(hdr) - cp; if(status == 0 && Bwrite(pp->std[0]->fp, cp, nonhdr) < 0){ piperror = "write error 2"; status = 1; } nbytes += nonhdr; s_free(hdr); /* * pass rest of message to mailer. take care of '.' * escapes. */ while(sawdot == 0){ n = getcrnl(s_reset(line), &bin); /* eof or error ends the message */ if(n <= 0) break; /* a line with only a '.' ends the message */ cp = s_to_c(line); if(n == 2 && *cp == '.' && *(cp+1) == '\n'){ sawdot = 1; break; } if(cp[0] == '.'){ cp++; n--; } nbytes += n; if(status == 0 && Bwrite(pp->std[0]->fp, cp, n) < 0){ piperror = "write error 3"; status = 1; } } s_free(line); if(sawdot == 0){ /* message did not terminate normally */ snprint(pipbuf, sizeof pipbuf, "network eof: %r"); piperror = pipbuf; if (pp->pid > 0) { syskillpg(pp->pid); /* none can't syskillpg, so try a variant */ sleep(500); syskill(pp->pid); } status = 1; } if(status == 0 && Bflush(pp->std[0]->fp) < 0){ piperror = "write error 4"; status = 1; } if (debug) { stamp(); fprint(2, "at end of message; %s .\n", (sawdot? "saw": "didn't see")); } stream_free(pp->std[0]); pp->std[0] = 0; *byteswritten = nbytes; pipesigoff(); if(status && !piperror) piperror = "write on closed pipe"; return status; }
/** * Update the cookies needed by webqq * * @param req * @param key * @param value * @param update_cache Weather update lwcookies member */ static void update_cookies(LwqqCookies *cookies, LwqqHttpRequest *req, const char *key, int update_cache) { if (!cookies || !req || !key) { lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Null pointer access\n"); return ; } char *value = req->get_cookie(req, key); if (!value) return ; #define FREE_AND_STRDUP(a, b) \ if (a) \ s_free(a); \ a = s_strdup(b); if (!strcmp(key, "ptvfsession")) { FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->ptvfsession, value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "ptcz")) { FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->ptcz, value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "skey")) { FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->skey, value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "ptwebqq")) { FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->ptwebqq, value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "ptuserinfo")) { FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->ptuserinfo, value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "uin")) { FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->uin, value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "ptisp")) { FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->ptisp, value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "pt2gguin")) { FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->pt2gguin, value); } else if (!strcmp(key, "verifysession")) { FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->verifysession, value); } else { lwqq_log(LOG_WARNING, "No this cookie: %s\n", key); } s_free(value); if (update_cache) { char buf[4096] = {0}; /* 4K is enough for cookies. */ int buflen = 0; if (cookies->ptvfsession) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ptvfsession=%s; ", cookies->ptvfsession); buflen = strlen(buf); } if (cookies->ptcz) { snprintf(buf + buflen, sizeof(buf) - buflen, "ptcz=%s; ", cookies->ptcz); buflen = strlen(buf); } if (cookies->skey) { snprintf(buf + buflen, sizeof(buf) - buflen, "skey=%s; ", cookies->skey); buflen = strlen(buf); } if (cookies->ptwebqq) { snprintf(buf + buflen, sizeof(buf) - buflen, "ptwebqq=%s; ", cookies->ptwebqq); buflen = strlen(buf); } if (cookies->ptuserinfo) { snprintf(buf + buflen, sizeof(buf) - buflen, "ptuserinfo=%s; ", cookies->ptuserinfo); buflen = strlen(buf); } if (cookies->uin) { snprintf(buf + buflen, sizeof(buf) - buflen, "uin=%s; ", cookies->uin); buflen = strlen(buf); } if (cookies->ptisp) { snprintf(buf + buflen, sizeof(buf) - buflen, "ptisp=%s; ", cookies->ptisp); buflen = strlen(buf); } if (cookies->pt2gguin) { snprintf(buf + buflen, sizeof(buf) - buflen, "pt2gguin=%s; ", cookies->pt2gguin); buflen = strlen(buf); } if (cookies->verifysession) { snprintf(buf + buflen, sizeof(buf) - buflen, "verifysession=%s; ", cookies->verifysession); buflen = strlen(buf); } FREE_AND_STRDUP(cookies->lwcookies, buf); } #undef FREE_AND_STRDUP }
void data(void) { int status, nbytes; char *cp, *ep; char errx[ERRMAX]; Link *l; String *cmd, *err; if(rejectcheck()) return; if(senders.last == 0){ reply("503 2.5.2 Data without MAIL FROM:\r\n"); rejectcount++; return; } if(rcvers.last == 0){ reply("503 2.5.2 Data without RCPT TO:\r\n"); rejectcount++; return; } if(!trusted && sendermxcheck()){ rerrstr(errx, sizeof errx); if(strncmp(errx, "rejected:", 9) == 0) reply("554 5.7.1 %s\r\n", errx); else reply("450 4.7.0 %s\r\n", errx); for(l=rcvers.first; l; l=l->next) syslog(0, "smtpd", "[%s/%s] %s -> %s sendercheck: %s", him, nci->rsys, s_to_c(senders.first->p), s_to_c(l->p), errx); rejectcount++; return; } cmd = startcmd(); if(cmd == 0) return; reply("354 Input message; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>\r\n"); if(debug){ seek(2, 0, 2); stamp(); fprint(2, "# sent 354; accepting DATA %s\n", thedate()); } /* * allow 145 more minutes to move the data */ alarm(145*60*1000); status = pipemsg(&nbytes); /* * read any error messages */ err = s_new(); if (debug) { stamp(); fprint(2, "waiting for upas/send to close stderr\n"); } while(s_read_line(pp->std[2]->fp, err)) ; alarm(0); atnotify(catchalarm, 0); if (debug) { stamp(); fprint(2, "waiting for upas/send to exit\n"); } status |= proc_wait(pp); if(debug){ seek(2, 0, 2); stamp(); fprint(2, "# %d upas/send status %#ux at %s\n", getpid(), status, thedate()); if(*s_to_c(err)) fprint(2, "# %d error %s\n", getpid(), s_to_c(err)); } /* * if process terminated abnormally, send back error message */ if(status){ int code; char *ecode; if(strstr(s_to_c(err), "mail refused")){ syslog(0, "smtpd", "++[%s/%s] %s %s refused: %s", him, nci->rsys, s_to_c(senders.first->p), s_to_c(cmd), firstline(s_to_c(err))); code = 554; ecode = "5.0.0"; } else { syslog(0, "smtpd", "++[%s/%s] %s %s %s%s%sreturned %#q %s", him, nci->rsys, s_to_c(senders.first->p), s_to_c(cmd), piperror? "error during pipemsg: ": "", piperror? piperror: "", piperror? "; ": "", pp->waitmsg->msg, firstline(s_to_c(err))); code = 450; ecode = "4.0.0"; } for(cp = s_to_c(err); ep = strchr(cp, '\n'); cp = ep){ *ep++ = 0; reply("%d-%s %s\r\n", code, ecode, cp); } reply("%d %s mail process terminated abnormally\r\n", code, ecode); } else { /* * if a message appeared on stderr, despite good status, * log it. this can happen if contains a bad * r.e., for example. */ if(*s_to_c(err)) syslog(0, "smtpd", "%s returned good status, but said: %s", s_to_c(mailer), s_to_c(err)); if(filterstate == BLOCKED) reply("554 5.7.1 we believe this is spam. " "we don't accept it.\r\n"); else if(filterstate == DELAY) reply("450 4.3.0 There will be a delay in delivery " "of this message.\r\n"); else { reply("250 2.5.0 sent\r\n"); logcall(nbytes); if(debug){ seek(2, 0, 2); stamp(); fprint(2, "# %d sent 250 reply %s\n", getpid(), thedate()); } } } proc_free(pp); pp = 0; s_free(cmd); s_free(err); listfree(&senders); listfree(&rcvers); }
/** * WebQQ logout function * * @param client Lwqq Client * @param err Error code */ void lwqq_logout(LwqqClient *client, LwqqErrorCode *err) { char url[512]; LwqqHttpRequest *req = NULL; int ret; json_t *json = NULL; char *value; struct timeval tv; char *cookies; long int re; if (!client) { lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Invalid pointer\n"); return ; } /* Get the milliseconds of now */ if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL)) { if (err) *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; return ; } re = tv.tv_usec / 1000; re += tv.tv_sec; snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/channel/logout2?clientid=%s&psessionid=%s&t=%ld", "", client->clientid, client->psessionid, re); /* Create a GET request */ req = lwqq_http_create_default_request(url, err); if (!req) { goto done; } /* Set header needed by server */ req->set_header(req, "Referer", ""); /* Set http cookie */ cookies = lwqq_get_cookies(client); if (cookies) { req->set_header(req, "Cookie", cookies); s_free(cookies); } ret = req->do_request(req, 0, NULL); if (ret) { lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Send logout request failed\n"); if (err) *err = LWQQ_EC_NETWORK_ERROR; goto done; } if (req->http_code != 200) { if (err) *err = LWQQ_EC_HTTP_ERROR; goto done; } ret = json_parse_document(&json, req->response); if (ret != JSON_OK) { if (err) *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; } /* Check whether logout correctly */ value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "retcode"); if (!value || strcmp(value, "0")) { if (err) *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; } value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "result"); if (!value || strcmp(value, "ok")) { if (err) *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR; goto done; } /* Ok, seems like all thing is ok */ if (err) *err = LWQQ_EC_OK; done: if (json) json_free_value(&json); lwqq_http_request_free(req); }
void auth(String *mech, String *resp) { char *user, *pass, *scratch = nil; AuthInfo *ai = nil; Chalstate *chs = nil; String *s_resp1_64 = nil, *s_resp2_64 = nil, *s_resp1 = nil; String *s_resp2 = nil; if (rejectcheck()) goto bomb_out; syslog(0, "smtpd", "auth(%s, %s) from %s", s_to_c(mech), "(protected)", him); if (authenticated) { bad_sequence: rejectcount++; reply("503 5.5.2 Bad sequence of commands\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } if (cistrcmp(s_to_c(mech), "plain") == 0) { if (!passwordinclear) { rejectcount++; reply("538 5.7.1 Encryption required for requested " "authentication mechanism\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } s_resp1_64 = resp; if (s_resp1_64 == nil) { reply("334 \r\n"); s_resp1_64 = s_new(); if (getcrnl(s_resp1_64, &bin) <= 0) goto bad_sequence; } s_resp1 = s_dec64(s_resp1_64); if (s_resp1 == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.4 Cannot decode base64\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } memset(s_to_c(s_resp1_64), 'X', s_len(s_resp1_64)); user = s_to_c(s_resp1) + strlen(s_to_c(s_resp1)) + 1; pass = user + strlen(user) + 1; ai = auth_userpasswd(user, pass); authenticated = ai != nil; memset(pass, 'X', strlen(pass)); goto windup; } else if (cistrcmp(s_to_c(mech), "login") == 0) { if (!passwordinclear) { rejectcount++; reply("538 5.7.1 Encryption required for requested " "authentication mechanism\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } if (resp == nil) { reply("334 VXNlcm5hbWU6\r\n"); s_resp1_64 = s_new(); if (getcrnl(s_resp1_64, &bin) <= 0) goto bad_sequence; } reply("334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6\r\n"); s_resp2_64 = s_new(); if (getcrnl(s_resp2_64, &bin) <= 0) goto bad_sequence; s_resp1 = s_dec64(s_resp1_64); s_resp2 = s_dec64(s_resp2_64); memset(s_to_c(s_resp2_64), 'X', s_len(s_resp2_64)); if (s_resp1 == nil || s_resp2 == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.4 Cannot decode base64\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } ai = auth_userpasswd(s_to_c(s_resp1), s_to_c(s_resp2)); authenticated = ai != nil; memset(s_to_c(s_resp2), 'X', s_len(s_resp2)); windup: if (authenticated) { /* if you authenticated, we trust you despite your IP */ trusted = 1; reply("235 2.0.0 Authentication successful\r\n"); } else { rejectcount++; reply("535 5.7.1 Authentication failed\r\n"); syslog(0, "smtpd", "authentication failed: %r"); } goto bomb_out; } else if (cistrcmp(s_to_c(mech), "cram-md5") == 0) { int chal64n; char *resp, *t; chs = auth_challenge("proto=cram role=server"); if (chs == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.7.5 Couldn't get CRAM-MD5 challenge\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } scratch = malloc(chs->nchal * 2 + 1); chal64n = enc64(scratch, chs->nchal * 2, (uchar *)chs->chal, chs->nchal); scratch[chal64n] = 0; reply("334 %s\r\n", scratch); s_resp1_64 = s_new(); if (getcrnl(s_resp1_64, &bin) <= 0) goto bad_sequence; s_resp1 = s_dec64(s_resp1_64); if (s_resp1 == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.4 Cannot decode base64\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } /* should be of form <user><space><response> */ resp = s_to_c(s_resp1); t = strchr(resp, ' '); if (t == nil) { rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.4 Poorly formed CRAM-MD5 response\r\n"); goto bomb_out; } *t++ = 0; chs->user = resp; chs->resp = t; chs->nresp = strlen(t); ai = auth_response(chs); authenticated = ai != nil; goto windup; } rejectcount++; reply("501 5.5.1 Unrecognised authentication type %s\r\n", s_to_c(mech)); bomb_out: if (ai) auth_freeAI(ai); if (chs) auth_freechal(chs); if (scratch) free(scratch); if (s_resp1) s_free(s_resp1); if (s_resp2) s_free(s_resp2); if (s_resp1_64) s_free(s_resp1_64); if (s_resp2_64) s_free(s_resp2_64); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { HC_DEF_S(s); s_catz(s, "hello world of possibilities!"); HC_SAFE_CSTR(s); fprintf(stdout, "[%i][%i][%s]\n", s->len, s->a, s->s); s->len = 0; /* truncate string */ s_catn(s, "hi ", 3); fwrite(s->s, s->len, 1, stdout); s_copyc(s, 'f'); s_catz(s, "olk"); s_catc(s, 's'); s_catc(s, '!'); s_catc(s, '\n'); fwrite(s->s, s->len, 1, stdout); s_upper(s); fwrite(s->s, s->len, 1, stdout); s_lower(s); fwrite(s->s, s->len, 1, stdout); s_copyz(s, "aa"); assert(sdiff("aa", "aa") == 0); assert(s_diffz(s, "aa") == 0); assert(s_diffn(s, "aa", slen("aa")) == 0); assert(sdiff("aa", "aaz") < 0); assert(s_diffz(s, "aaz") < 0); assert(s_diffn(s, "aaz", slen("aaz")) < 0); assert(sdiff("aa", "a0z") > 0); assert(s_diffz(s, "a0z") > 0); assert(s_diffn(s, "a0z", slen("a0z")) > 0); assert(sdiff("aa", "0") > 0); assert(s_diffz(s, "0") > 0); assert(s_diffn(s, "0", slen("0")) > 0); assert(sdiff("aa", "0zz") > 0); assert(s_diffz(s, "0zz") > 0); assert(s_diffn(s, "0zz", slen("0zz")) > 0); assert(sdiff("aa", "a") > 0); assert(s_diffz(s, "a") > 0); assert(s_diffn(s, "a", slen("a")) > 0); assert(sdiff("aa", "a0") > 0); assert(s_diffz(s, "a0") > 0); assert(s_diffn(s, "a0", slen("a0")) > 0); s_free(s); /* */ assert(s_cat_u4_hex(s, 0) == 1); assert(s_diffz(s, "0") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s->len = 0; assert(s_cat_i4_hex(s, 0) == 1); assert(s_diffz(s, "0") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s->len = 0; assert(s_cat_u4_hex(s, 0xffffffff) == 8); assert(s_diffz(s, "ffffffff") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s->len = 0; assert(s_cat_i4_hex(s, (int32_t)0xffffffff) == 2); assert(s_diffz(s, "-1") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s_free(s); /* */ assert(s_cat_u4_dec(s, 0) == 1); assert(s_diffz(s, "0") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s->len = 0; assert(s_cat_i4_dec(s, 0) == 1); assert(s_diffz(s, "0") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s->len = 0; assert(s_cat_u4_dec(s, 0xffffffff) == 10); assert(s_diffz(s, "4294967295") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s->len = 0; assert(s_cat_i4_dec(s, (int32_t)0xffffffff) == 2); assert(s_diffz(s, "-1") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s_free(s); /* */ assert(s_cat_u4_base36(s, 0) == 1); assert(s_diffz(s, "0") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s->len = 0; assert(s_cat_i4_base36(s, 0) == 1); assert(s_diffz(s, "0") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s->len = 0; assert(s_cat_u4_base36(s, 0xffffffff) == 7); assert(s_diffz(s, "1z141z3") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s->len = 0; assert(s_cat_i4_base36(s, (int32_t)0xffffffff) == 2); assert(s_diffz(s, "-1") == 0); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); s_free(s); /* */ { void *out; int putlen; HC_DEF_S(t); s_copyz(s, "hello world of possibilities!"); putlen = s_putlen(s); HC_ALLOC(out, putlen); assert(s_put(s, out) == putlen); assert(s_get(t, out) == putlen); assert(s_diff(s, t) == 0); s->len = 0; s_reprn(s, out, putlen); print_s("[", s, "]\n"); HC_FREE(out); s_free(t); } /* */ s_free(s); return 0; }
void sender(String *path) { String *s; static char *lastsender; if(rejectcheck()) return; if (authenticate && !authenticated) { rejectcount++; reply("530 5.7.0 Authentication required\r\n"); return; } if(him == 0 || *him == 0){ rejectcount++; reply("503 Start by saying HELO, please.\r\n", s_to_c(path)); return; } /* don't add the domain onto black holes or we will loop */ if(strchr(s_to_c(path), '!') == 0 && strcmp(s_to_c(path), "/dev/null") != 0){ s = s_new(); s_append(s, him); s_append(s, "!"); s_append(s, s_to_c(path)); s_terminate(s); s_free(path); path = s; } if(shellchars(s_to_c(path))){ rejectcount++; reply("501 5.1.3 Bad character in sender address %s.\r\n", s_to_c(path)); return; } /* * if the last sender address resulted in a rejection because the sending * domain didn't exist and this sender has the same domain, reject * immediately. */ if(lastsender){ if (strncmp(lastsender, s_to_c(path), strlen(lastsender)) == 0){ filterstate = REFUSED; rejectcount++; reply("554 5.1.8 Sender domain must exist: %s\r\n", s_to_c(path)); return; } free(lastsender); /* different sender domain */ lastsender = 0; } /* * see if this ip address, domain name, user name or account is blocked */ logged = 0; filterstate = blocked(path); /* * permanently reject what we can before trying smtp ping, which * often leads to merely temporary rejections. */ switch (filterstate){ case DENIED: syslog(0, "smtpd", "Denied %s (%s/%s)", s_to_c(path), him, nci->rsys); rejectcount++; logged++; reply("554-5.7.1 We don't accept mail from %s.\r\n", s_to_c(path)); reply("554 5.7.1 Contact postmaster@%s for more information.\r\n", dom); return; case REFUSED: syslog(0, "smtpd", "Refused %s (%s/%s)", s_to_c(path), him, nci->rsys); rejectcount++; logged++; reply("554 5.7.1 Sender domain must exist: %s\r\n", s_to_c(path)); return; } listadd(&senders, path); reply("250 2.0.0 sender is %s\r\n", s_to_c(path)); }
/* Free an sds string. No operation is performed if 's' is NULL. */ void sdsfree(sds s) { if (s == NULL) return; s_free((char*)s-sdsHdrSize(s[-1])); }
String* startcmd(void) { int n; char *filename; char **av; Link *l; String *cmd; /* * ignore the filterstate if the all the receivers prefer it. */ filterstate = optoutall(filterstate); switch (filterstate){ case BLOCKED: case DELAY: rejectcount++; logmsg("Blocked"); filename = dumpfile(s_to_c(senders.last->p)); cmd = s_new(); s_append(cmd, "cat > "); s_append(cmd, filename); pp = proc_start(s_to_c(cmd), instream(), 0, outstream(), 0, 0); break; case DIALUP: logmsg("Dialup"); rejectcount++; reply("554 5.7.1 We don't accept mail from dial-up ports.\r\n"); /* * we could exit here, because we're never going to accept mail * from this ip address, but it's unclear that RFC821 allows * that. Instead we set the hardreject flag and go stupid. */ hardreject = 1; return 0; case DENIED: logmsg("Denied"); rejectcount++; reply("554-5.7.1 We don't accept mail from %s.\r\n", s_to_c(senders.last->p)); reply("554 5.7.1 Contact postmaster@%s for more information.\r\n", dom); return 0; case REFUSED: logmsg("Refused"); rejectcount++; reply("554 5.7.1 Sender domain must exist: %s\r\n", s_to_c(senders.last->p)); return 0; default: case NONE: logmsg("Confused"); rejectcount++; reply("554-5.7.0 We have had an internal mailer error " "classifying your message.\r\n"); reply("554-5.7.0 Filterstate is %d\r\n", filterstate); reply("554 5.7.0 Contact postmaster@%s for more information.\r\n", dom); return 0; case ACCEPT: /* * now that all other filters have been passed, * do grey-list processing. */ if(gflag) vfysenderhostok(); /* fall through */ case TRUSTED: /* * set up mail command */ cmd = s_clone(mailer); n = 3; for(l = rcvers.first; l; l = l->next) n++; av = malloc(n * sizeof(char*)); if(av == nil){ reply("450 4.3.2 We're busy right now, try later\r\n"); s_free(cmd); return 0; } n = 0; av[n++] = s_to_c(cmd); av[n++] = "-r"; for(l = rcvers.first; l; l = l->next) av[n++] = s_to_c(l->p); av[n] = 0; /* * start mail process */ pp = noshell_proc_start(av, instream(), outstream(), outstream(), 0, 0); free(av); break; } if(pp == 0) { reply("450 4.3.2 We're busy right now, try later\r\n"); s_free(cmd); return 0; } return cmd; }
int s_handler_uninit (s_handler_t *handler) { s_free(handler); return 0; }
/* Free a window manager cursor This function can be NULL if CreateWMCursor is also NULL. */ void sdl_xynth_FreeWMCursor (_THIS, WMcursor *cursor) { s_free(cursor); debugf("sdl_xynth_FreeWMCursor\n"); }
/* * send the damn thing */ char * data(String *from, Biobuf *b) { char *buf, *cp; int i, n, nbytes, bufsize, eof, r; String *fromline; char errmsg[Errlen]; char id[40]; /* * input the header. */ buf = malloc(1); if(buf == 0){ s_append(s_restart(reply), "out of memory"); return Retry; } n = 0; eof = 0; for(;;){ cp = Brdline(b, '\n'); if(cp == nil){ eof = 1; break; } nbytes = Blinelen(b); buf = realloc(buf, n+nbytes+1); if(buf == 0){ s_append(s_restart(reply), "out of memory"); return Retry; } strncpy(buf+n, cp, nbytes); n += nbytes; if(nbytes == 1) /* end of header */ break; } buf[n] = 0; bufsize = n; /* * parse the header, turn all addresses into @ format */ yyinit(buf, n); yyparse(); /* * print message observing '.' escapes and using \r\n for \n */ alarm(20*alarmscale); if(!filter){ dBprint("DATA\r\n"); switch(getreply()){ case 3: break; case 5: free(buf); return Giveup; default: free(buf); return Retry; } } /* * send header. add a message-id, a sender, and a date if there * isn't one */ nbytes = 0; fromline = convertheader(from); uneaten = buf; srand(truerand()); if(messageid == 0){ for(i=0; i<16; i++){ r = rand()&0xFF; id[2*i] = hex[r&0xF]; id[2*i+1] = hex[(r>>4)&0xF]; } id[2*i] = '\0'; nbytes += Bprint(&bout, "Message-ID: <%s@%s>\r\n", id, hostdomain); if(debug) Bprint(&berr, "Message-ID: <%s@%s>\r\n", id, hostdomain); } if(originator==0){ nbytes += Bprint(&bout, "From: %s\r\n", s_to_c(fromline)); if(debug) Bprint(&berr, "From: %s\r\n", s_to_c(fromline)); } s_free(fromline); if(destination == 0 && toline) if(*s_to_c(toline) == '@'){ /* route addr */ nbytes += Bprint(&bout, "To: <%s>\r\n", s_to_c(toline)); if(debug) Bprint(&berr, "To: <%s>\r\n", s_to_c(toline)); } else { nbytes += Bprint(&bout, "To: %s\r\n", s_to_c(toline)); if(debug) Bprint(&berr, "To: %s\r\n", s_to_c(toline)); } if(date==0 && udate) nbytes += printdate(udate); if (usys) uneaten = usys->end + 1; nbytes += printheader(); if (*uneaten != '\n') putcrnl("\n", 1); /* * send body */ putcrnl(uneaten, buf+n - uneaten); nbytes += buf+n - uneaten; if(eof == 0){ for(;;){ n = Bread(b, buf, bufsize); if(n < 0){ rerrstr(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg)); s_append(s_restart(reply), errmsg); free(buf); return Retry; } if(n == 0) break; alarm(10*alarmscale); putcrnl(buf, n); nbytes += n; } } free(buf); if(!filter){ if(last != '\n') dBprint("\r\n.\r\n"); else dBprint(".\r\n"); alarm(10*alarmscale); switch(getreply()){ case 2: break; case 5: return Giveup; default: return Retry; } syslog(0, "smtp", "%s sent %d bytes to %s", s_to_c(from), nbytes, s_to_c(toline));/**/ } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; /* Loop over populations. */ population *pop[GA_STRUGGLE_NUM_POPS]; /* Array of populations. */ population *slavepop; /* Population for slave calculations. */ char *beststring=NULL; /* Human readable form of best solution. */ size_t beststrlen=0; /* Length of beststring. */ int rank; /* MPI rank. */ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); printf("Process %d initialised (rank %d)\n", getpid(), rank); random_seed(42); if (rank != 0) { /* This is a slave process. */ /* * A population is created so that the callbacks are defined. Evolution doesn't * occur with this population, so population_size can be zero. In such a case, * no entities are ever seeded, so there is no significant overhead. * Strictly, several of these callbacks are not needed on the slave processes, but * their definition doesn't have any adverse effects. */ slavepop = ga_genesis_char( 0, /* const int population_size */ 1, /* const int num_chromo */ (int) strlen(target_text), /* const int len_chromo */ NULL, /* GAgeneration_hook generation_hook */ NULL, /* GAiteration_hook iteration_hook */ NULL, /* GAdata_destructor data_destructor */ NULL, /* GAdata_ref_incrementor data_ref_incrementor */ struggle_score, /* GAevaluate evaluate */ ga_seed_printable_random, /* GAseed seed */ NULL, /* GAadapt adapt */ ga_select_one_sus, /* GAselect_one select_one */ ga_select_two_sus, /* GAselect_two select_two */ ga_mutate_printable_singlepoint_drift, /* GAmutate mutate */ ga_crossover_char_allele_mixing, /* GAcrossover crossover */ NULL, /* GAreplace replace */ NULL /* vpointer User data */ ); printf("DEBUG: Attaching process %d\n", rank); ga_attach_mpi_slave( slavepop ); /* The slaves halt here until ga_detach_mpi_slaves(), below, is called. */ } else { /* * This is the master process. Other than calling ga_evolution_mpi() instead * of ga_evolution(), there are no differences between this code and the usual * GAUL invocation. */ for (i=0; i<GA_STRUGGLE_NUM_POPS; i++) { pop[i] = ga_genesis_char( 80, /* const int population_size */ 1, /* const int num_chromo */ (int) strlen(target_text), /* const int len_chromo */ NULL, /* GAgeneration_hook generation_hook */ NULL, /* GAiteration_hook iteration_hook */ NULL, /* GAdata_destructor data_destructor */ NULL, /* GAdata_ref_incrementor data_ref_incrementor */ struggle_score, /* GAevaluate evaluate */ ga_seed_printable_random, /* GAseed seed */ NULL, /* GAadapt adapt */ ga_select_one_sus, /* GAselect_one select_one */ ga_select_two_sus, /* GAselect_two select_two */ ga_mutate_printable_singlepoint_drift, /* GAmutate mutate */ ga_crossover_char_allele_mixing, /* GAcrossover crossover */ NULL, /* GAreplace replace */ NULL /* vpointer User data */ ); ga_population_set_parameters( pop[i], GA_SCHEME_DARWIN, GA_ELITISM_PARENTS_DIE, 0.75, 0.25, 0.001 ); } ga_evolution_archipelago_mpi( GA_STRUGGLE_NUM_POPS, pop, 250 ); for (i=0; i<GA_STRUGGLE_NUM_POPS; i++) { printf( "The best solution on island %d with score %f was:\n", i, ga_get_entity_from_rank(pop[i],0)->fitness ); beststring = ga_chromosome_char_to_string(pop[i], ga_get_entity_from_rank(pop[i],0), beststring, &beststrlen); printf("%s\n", beststring); ga_extinction(pop[i]); } s_free(beststring); ga_detach_mpi_slaves(); /* Allow all slave processes to continue. */ } MPI_Finalize(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //detect and save detected boxes FLOAT *detect(IplImage *IM,MODEL *MO,FLOAT thresh,int *D_NUMS,FLOAT *A_SCORE) { /* for measurement */ struct timeval tv; struct timeval tv_ini_scales_start, tv_ini_scales_end; float time_ini_scales; struct timeval tv_ini_feat_size_start, tv_ini_feat_size_end; float time_ini_feat_size; struct timeval tv_get_boxes_start, tv_get_boxes_end; float time_get_boxes; struct timeval tv_calc_f_pyramid_start, tv_calc_f_pyramid_end; float time_calc_f_pyramid = 0; //for time measurement clock_t t1,t2,t3; //initialize scale information for hierachical detection gettimeofday(&tv_ini_scales_start, NULL); FLOAT *scales=ini_scales(MO->MI,IM,IM->width,IM->height); gettimeofday(&tv_ini_scales_end, NULL); //initialize feature-size matrix gettimeofday(&tv_ini_feat_size_start, NULL); int *featsize=ini_featsize(MO->MI); gettimeofday(&tv_ini_feat_size_end, NULL); //calculate feature pyramid t1=clock(); gettimeofday(&tv_calc_f_pyramid_start, NULL); FLOAT **feature=calc_f_pyramid(IM,MO->MI,featsize,scales); gettimeofday(&tv_calc_f_pyramid_end, NULL); tvsub(&tv_calc_f_pyramid_end, &tv_calc_f_pyramid_start, &tv); time_kernel += tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; time_calc_f_pyramid += tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; printf("\n"); printf("calc_f_pyramid %f[ms]\n", time_calc_f_pyramid); t2=clock(); //detect boundary boxes gettimeofday(&tv_get_boxes_start, NULL); FLOAT *boxes = get_boxes(feature,scales,featsize,MO,D_NUMS,A_SCORE,thresh); gettimeofday(&tv_get_boxes_end, NULL); t3=clock(); #if 1 // tvsub(&tv_ini_scales_end, &tv_ini_scales_start, &tv); // time_ini_scales = tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; // tvsub(&tv_ini_feat_size_end, &tv_ini_feat_size_start, &tv); // time_ini_feat_size = tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; // tvsub(&tv_calc_f_pyramid_end, &tv_calc_f_pyramid_start, &tv); // time_calc_f_pyramid = tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; // tvsub(&tv_get_boxes_end, &tv_get_boxes_start, &tv); // time_get_boxes = tv.tv_sec * 1000.0 + (float)tv.tv_usec / 1000.0; // printf("ini_scales : %f\n", time_ini_scales); // printf("ini_feat_size : %f\n", time_ini_feat_size); // printf("calc_f_pyramid : %f\n", time_calc_f_pyramid); // printf("get_boxes : %f\n", time_get_boxes); printf("\n"); #endif s_free(scales); //release scale-information s_free(featsize); //release feat size information free_features(feature,MO->MI); return boxes; }
static STREAM cssp_encode_tscspdatadetail(unsigned char keyspec, char *card, char *reader, char *container, char *csp) { STREAM out; STREAM h1, h2; struct stream tmp = { 0 }; struct stream message = { 0 }; // keySpec [0] s_realloc(&tmp, sizeof(uint8)); s_reset(&tmp); out_uint8(&tmp, keyspec); s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_INTEGER, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 0, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); // cardName [1] if (card) { s_realloc(&tmp, 4 + strlen(card) * sizeof(uint16)); s_reset(&tmp); rdp_out_unistr(&tmp, card, strlen(card) * sizeof(uint16)); s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 1, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); } // readerName [2] if (reader) { s_realloc(&tmp, 4 + strlen(reader) * sizeof(uint16)); s_reset(&tmp); rdp_out_unistr(&tmp, reader, strlen(reader) * sizeof(uint16)); s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 2, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); } // containerName [3] if (container) { s_realloc(&tmp, 4 + strlen(container) * sizeof(uint16)); s_reset(&tmp); rdp_out_unistr(&tmp, container, strlen(container) * sizeof(uint16)); s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 3, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); } // cspName [4] if (csp) { s_realloc(&tmp, 4 + strlen(csp) * sizeof(uint16)); s_reset(&tmp); rdp_out_unistr(&tmp, csp, strlen(csp) * sizeof(uint16)); s_mark_end(&tmp); h2 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_OCTET_STRING, &tmp); h1 = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_CTXT_SPECIFIC | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED | 4, h2); s_realloc(&message, s_length(&message) + s_length(h1)); out_uint8p(&message, h1->data, s_length(h1)); s_mark_end(&message); s_free(h2); s_free(h1); } s_mark_end(&message); // build message out = ber_wrap_hdr_data(BER_TAG_SEQUENCE | BER_TAG_CONSTRUCTED, &message); // cleanup free(; free(; return out; }