Ejemplo n.º 1
impl::muxer::mux(volatile const bool& terminate)
    atf::utils::auto_array< struct pollfd > poll_fds(new struct pollfd[m_nfds]);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nfds; i++) {
        poll_fds[i].fd = m_fds[i];
        poll_fds[i].events = POLLIN;

    size_t nactive = m_nfds;
    while (nactive > 0 && !terminate) {
        int ret;
        while (!terminate && (ret = safe_poll(poll_fds.get(), 2, 250)) == 0) {}

        for (size_t i = 0; !terminate && i < m_nfds; i++) {
            if (poll_fds[i].events == 0)

            if (poll_fds[i].revents & POLLHUP) {
                // Any data still available at this point will be processed by
                // a call to the flush method.
                poll_fds[i].events = 0;

                INV(nactive >= 1);
            } else if (poll_fds[i].revents & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM | POLLRDBAND |
                                       POLLPRI)) {
                (void)read_one(i, poll_fds[i].fd, m_buffers[i], true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void main()
    char buf[1024];

    puts("before open \n");
    FILE *p=popen("top -b", "r");
    struct pollfd pfd[1];

    if(NULL != p)
        int i =0;
        puts("normal open\n");

       pfd[0].fd = fileno(p);
	pfd[0].events = POLLIN;

    int ret =safe_poll(pfd, 1, 5000);
       if( ret > 0)
        puts("could read \n");
            printf("read %d time\n",i);
            fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, p);   
       else if( ret == 0)

Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: less.c Proyecto: OPSF/uClinux
static ssize_t getch_nowait(char* input, int sz)
    ssize_t rd;
    struct pollfd pfd[2];

    pfd[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO;
    pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
    pfd[1].fd = kbd_fd;
    pfd[1].events = POLLIN;
    tcsetattr(kbd_fd, TCSANOW, &term_less);
    /* NB: select/poll returns whenever read will not block. Therefore:
     * if eof is reached, select/poll will return immediately
     * because read will immediately return 0 bytes.
     * Even if select/poll says that input is available, read CAN block
     * (switch fd into O_NONBLOCK'ed mode to avoid it)
    rd = 1;
    if (max_fline <= cur_fline + max_displayed_line
            && eof_error > 0 /* did NOT reach eof yet */
       ) {
        /* We are interested in stdin */
        rd = 0;
    /* position cursor if line input is done */
    if (less_gets_pos >= 0)
        move_cursor(max_displayed_line + 2, less_gets_pos + 1);
    safe_poll(pfd + rd, 2 - rd, -1);

    input[0] = '\0';
    rd = safe_read(kbd_fd, input, sz); /* NB: kbd_fd is in O_NONBLOCK mode */
    if (rd < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
        /* No keyboard input -> we have input on stdin! */
        goto again;
    return rd;
static int
wait_for_reply(len_and_sockaddr *from_lsa, struct sockaddr *to, unsigned *timestamp_us, int *left_ms)
	struct pollfd pfd[1];
	int read_len = 0;

	pfd[0].fd = rcvsock;
	pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
	if (*left_ms >= 0 && safe_poll(pfd, 1, *left_ms) > 0) {
		unsigned t;

		read_len = recv_from_to(rcvsock,
				recv_pkt, sizeof(recv_pkt),
				/*flags:*/ MSG_DONTWAIT,
				&from_lsa->u.sa, to, from_lsa->len);
		t = monotonic_us();
		*left_ms -= (t - *timestamp_us) / 1000;
		*timestamp_us = t;

	return read_len;
Ejemplo n.º 5
//TODO: use more efficient setvar() which takes a pointer to malloced "VAR=VAL"
//string. hush naturally has it, and ash has setvareq().
//Here we can simply store "VAR=" at buffer start and store read data directly
//after "=", then pass buffer to setvar() to consume.
const char* FAST_FUNC
shell_builtin_read(void FAST_FUNC (*setvar)(const char *name, const char *val),
	char       **argv,
	const char *ifs,
	int        read_flags,
	const char *opt_n,
	const char *opt_p,
	const char *opt_t,
	const char *opt_u
	unsigned end_ms; /* -t TIMEOUT */
	int fd; /* -u FD */
	int nchars; /* -n NUM */
	char **pp;
	char *buffer;
	struct termios tty, old_tty;
	const char *retval;
	int bufpos; /* need to be able to hold -1 */
	int startword;
	smallint backslash;

	pp = argv;
	while (*pp) {
		if (!is_well_formed_var_name(*pp, '\0')) {
			/* Mimic bash message */
			bb_error_msg("read: '%s': not a valid identifier", *pp);
			return (const char *)(uintptr_t)1;

	nchars = 0; /* if != 0, -n is in effect */
	if (opt_n) {
		nchars = bb_strtou(opt_n, NULL, 10);
		if (nchars < 0 || errno)
			return "invalid count";
		/* note: "-n 0": off (bash 3.2 does this too) */
	end_ms = 0;
	if (opt_t) {
		end_ms = bb_strtou(opt_t, NULL, 10);
		if (errno || end_ms > UINT_MAX / 2048)
			return "invalid timeout";
		end_ms *= 1000;
#if 0 /* even bash has no -t N.NNN support */
		ts.tv_sec = bb_strtou(opt_t, &p, 10);
		ts.tv_usec = 0;
		/* EINVAL means number is ok, but not terminated by NUL */
		if (*p == '.' && errno == EINVAL) {
			char *p2;
			if (*++p) {
				int scale;
				ts.tv_usec = bb_strtou(p, &p2, 10);
				if (errno)
					return "invalid timeout";
				scale = p2 - p;
				/* normalize to usec */
				if (scale > 6)
					return "invalid timeout";
				while (scale++ < 6)
					ts.tv_usec *= 10;
		} else if (ts.tv_sec < 0 || errno) {
			return "invalid timeout";
		if (!(ts.tv_sec | ts.tv_usec)) { /* both are 0? */
			return "invalid timeout";
#endif /* if 0 */
	if (opt_u) {
		fd = bb_strtou(opt_u, NULL, 10);
		if (fd < 0 || errno)
			return "invalid file descriptor";

	if (opt_p && isatty(fd)) {
		fputs(opt_p, stderr);

	if (ifs == NULL)
		ifs = defifs;

	if (nchars || (read_flags & BUILTIN_READ_SILENT)) {
		tcgetattr(fd, &tty);
		old_tty = tty;
		if (nchars) {
			tty.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
			tty.c_cc[VMIN] = nchars < 256 ? nchars : 255;
		if (read_flags & BUILTIN_READ_SILENT) {
			tty.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOK | ECHONL);
		/* This forces execution of "restoring" tcgetattr later */
		read_flags |= BUILTIN_READ_SILENT;
		/* if tcgetattr failed, tcsetattr will fail too.
		 * Ignoring, it's harmless. */
		tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tty);

	retval = (const char *)(uintptr_t)0;
	startword = 1;
	backslash = 0;
	if (end_ms) /* NB: end_ms stays nonzero: */
		end_ms = ((unsigned)monotonic_ms() + end_ms) | 1;
	buffer = NULL;
	bufpos = 0;
	do {
		char c;

		if (end_ms) {
			int timeout;
			struct pollfd pfd[1];

			pfd[0].fd = fd;
			pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
			timeout = end_ms - (unsigned)monotonic_ms();
			if (timeout <= 0 /* already late? */
			 || safe_poll(pfd, 1, timeout) != 1 /* no? wait... */
			) { /* timed out! */
				retval = (const char *)(uintptr_t)1;
				goto ret;

		if ((bufpos & 0xff) == 0)
			buffer = xrealloc(buffer, bufpos + 0x100);
		if (nonblock_safe_read(fd, &buffer[bufpos], 1) != 1) {
			retval = (const char *)(uintptr_t)1;
		c = buffer[bufpos];
		if (c == '\0')
		if (backslash) {
			backslash = 0;
			if (c != '\n')
				goto put;
		if (!(read_flags & BUILTIN_READ_RAW) && c == '\\') {
			backslash = 1;
		if (c == '\n')

		/* $IFS splitting. NOT done if we run "read"
		 * without variable names (bash compat).
		 * Thus, "read" and "read REPLY" are not the same.
		if (argv[0]) {
/* http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html#tag_18_06_05 */
			const char *is_ifs = strchr(ifs, c);
			if (startword && is_ifs) {
				if (isspace(c))
				/* it is a non-space ifs char */
				if (startword == 1) /* first one? */
					continue; /* yes, it is not next word yet */
			startword = 0;
			if (argv[1] != NULL && is_ifs) {
				buffer[bufpos] = '\0';
				bufpos = 0;
				setvar(*argv, buffer);
				/* can we skip one non-space ifs char? (2: yes) */
				startword = isspace(c) ? 2 : 1;
	} while (--nchars);

	if (argv[0]) {
		/* Remove trailing space $IFS chars */
		while (--bufpos >= 0 && isspace(buffer[bufpos]) && strchr(ifs, buffer[bufpos]) != NULL)
		buffer[bufpos + 1] = '\0';
		/* Use the remainder as a value for the next variable */
		setvar(*argv, buffer);
		/* Set the rest to "" */
		while (*++argv)
			setvar(*argv, "");
	} else {
		/* Note: no $IFS removal */
		buffer[bufpos] = '\0';
		setvar("REPLY", buffer);

	if (read_flags & BUILTIN_READ_SILENT)
		tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &old_tty);
	return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int getch_nowait(void)
	int rd;
	struct pollfd pfd[2];

	pfd[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO;
	pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
	pfd[1].fd = kbd_fd;
	pfd[1].events = POLLIN;
	tcsetattr(kbd_fd, TCSANOW, &term_less);
	/* NB: select/poll returns whenever read will not block. Therefore:
	 * if eof is reached, select/poll will return immediately
	 * because read will immediately return 0 bytes.
	 * Even if select/poll says that input is available, read CAN block
	 * (switch fd into O_NONBLOCK'ed mode to avoid it)
	rd = 1;
	/* Are we interested in stdin? */
//TODO: reuse code for determining this
	if (!(option_mask32 & FLAG_S)
	   ? !(max_fline > cur_fline + max_displayed_line)
	   : !(max_fline >= cur_fline
	       && max_lineno > LINENO(flines[cur_fline]) + max_displayed_line)
	) {
		if (eof_error > 0) /* did NOT reach eof yet */
			rd = 0; /* yes, we are interested in stdin */
	/* Position cursor if line input is done */
	if (less_gets_pos >= 0)
		move_cursor(max_displayed_line + 2, less_gets_pos + 1);

	if (kbd_input[0] == 0) { /* if nothing is buffered */
		while (1) {
			int r;
			/* NB: SIGWINCH interrupts poll() */
			r = poll(pfd + rd, 2 - rd, -1);
			if (/*r < 0 && errno == EINTR &&*/ winch_counter)
				return '\\'; /* anything which has no defined function */
			if (r) break;
		safe_poll(pfd + rd, 2 - rd, -1);

	/* We have kbd_fd in O_NONBLOCK mode, read inside read_key()
	 * would not block even if there is no input available */
	rd = read_key(kbd_fd, kbd_input, /*timeout off:*/ -2);
	if (rd == -1) {
		if (errno == EAGAIN) {
			/* No keyboard input available. Since poll() did return,
			 * we should have input on stdin */
			goto again;
		/* EOF/error (ssh session got killed etc) */
	return rd;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: zcip.c Proyecto: sdg7/wl500g
int zcip_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	int state;
	char *r_opt;
	unsigned opts;

	// ugly trick, but I want these zeroed in one go
	struct {
		const struct in_addr null_ip;
		const struct ether_addr null_addr;
		struct in_addr ip;
		struct ifreq ifr;
		int timeout_ms; /* must be signed */
		unsigned conflicts;
		unsigned nprobes;
		unsigned nclaims;
		int ready;
	} L;
#define null_ip    (L.null_ip   )
#define null_addr  (L.null_addr )
#define ip         (L.ip        )
#define ifr        (L.ifr       )
#define timeout_ms (L.timeout_ms)
#define conflicts  (L.conflicts )
#define nprobes    (L.nprobes   )
#define nclaims    (L.nclaims   )
#define ready      (L.ready     )

	memset(&L, 0, sizeof(L));

#define FOREGROUND (opts & 1)
#define QUIT       (opts & 2)
	// parse commandline: prog [options] ifname script
	// exactly 2 args; -v accumulates and implies -f
	opt_complementary = "=2:vv:vf";
	opts = getopt32(argv, "fqr:p:v", &r_opt, &pidfile, &verbose);
#if !BB_MMU
	// on NOMMU reexec early (or else we will rerun things twice)
		bb_daemonize_or_rexec(0 /*was: DAEMON_CHDIR_ROOT*/, argv);
	// open an ARP socket
	// (need to do it before openlog to prevent openlog from taking
	// fd 3 (sock_fd==3))
	xmove_fd(xsocket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(ETH_P_ARP)), sock_fd);
		// do it before all bb_xx_msg calls
		openlog(applet_name, 0, LOG_DAEMON);
		logmode |= LOGMODE_SYSLOG;
	if (opts & 4) { // -r n.n.n.n
		if (inet_aton(r_opt, &ip) == 0
		 || (ntohl(ip.s_addr) & IN_CLASSB_NET) != LINKLOCAL_ADDR
		) {
			bb_error_msg_and_die("invalid link address");
	argv += optind - 1;

	/* Now: argv[0]:junk argv[1]:intf argv[2]:script argv[3]:NULL */
	/* We need to make space for script argument: */
	argv[0] = argv[1];
	argv[1] = argv[2];
	/* Now: argv[0]:intf argv[1]:script argv[2]:junk argv[3]:NULL */
#define argv_intf (argv[0])

	xsetenv("interface", argv_intf);

	// initialize the interface (modprobe, ifup, etc)
	if (run(argv, "init", NULL))
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// initialize saddr
	// saddr is: { u16 sa_family; u8 sa_data[14]; }
	//memset(&saddr, 0, sizeof(saddr));
	//TODO: are we leaving sa_family == 0 (AF_UNSPEC)?!
	safe_strncpy(saddr.sa_data, argv_intf, sizeof(saddr.sa_data));

	// bind to the interface's ARP socket
	xbind(sock_fd, &saddr, sizeof(saddr));

	// get the interface's ethernet address
	//memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
	strncpy_IFNAMSIZ(ifr.ifr_name, argv_intf);
	xioctl(sock_fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr);
	memcpy(&eth_addr, &ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, ETH_ALEN);

	// start with some stable ip address, either a function of
	// the hardware address or else the last address we used.
	// we are taking low-order four bytes, as top-order ones
	// aren't random enough.
	// NOTE: the sequence of addresses we try changes only
	// depending on when we detect conflicts.
		uint32_t t;
		move_from_unaligned32(t, ((char *)&eth_addr + 2));
	if (ip.s_addr == 0)
		ip.s_addr = pick();

	// FIXME cases to handle:
	//  - zcip already running!
	//  - link already has local address... just defend/update

	// daemonize now; don't delay system startup
#if BB_MMU
		bb_daemonize(0 /*was: DAEMON_CHDIR_ROOT*/);
		if (verbose)
			bb_info_msg("start, interface %s", argv_intf);

	bb_signals(BB_FATAL_SIGS, cleanup);

	// run the dynamic address negotiation protocol,
	// restarting after address conflicts:
	//  - start with some address we want to try
	//  - short random delay
	//  - arp probes to see if another host uses it
	//  - arp announcements that we're claiming it
	//  - use it
	//  - defend it, within limits
	// exit if:
	// - address is successfully obtained and -q was given:
	//   run "<script> config", then exit with exitcode 0
	// - poll error (when does this happen?)
	// - read error (when does this happen?)
	// - sendto error (in arp()) (when does this happen?)
	// - revents & POLLERR (link down). run "<script> deconfig" first
	state = PROBE;
	while (1) {
		struct pollfd fds[1];
		unsigned deadline_us;
		struct arp_packet p;
		int source_ip_conflict;
		int target_ip_conflict;

		fds[0].fd = sock_fd;
		fds[0].events = POLLIN;
		fds[0].revents = 0;

		// poll, being ready to adjust current timeout
		if (!timeout_ms) {
			timeout_ms = random_delay_ms(PROBE_WAIT);
			// FIXME setsockopt(sock_fd, SO_ATTACH_FILTER, ...) to
			// make the kernel filter out all packets except
			// ones we'd care about.
		// set deadline_us to the point in time when we timeout
		deadline_us = MONOTONIC_US() + timeout_ms * 1000;

		VDBG("...wait %d %s nprobes=%u, nclaims=%u\n",
				timeout_ms, argv_intf, nprobes, nclaims);

		switch (safe_poll(fds, 1, timeout_ms)) {

			//bb_perror_msg("poll"); - done in safe_poll

		// timeout
		case 0:
			VDBG("state = %d\n", state);
			switch (state) {
			case PROBE:
				// timeouts in the PROBE state mean no conflicting ARP packets
				// have been received, so we can progress through the states
				if (nprobes < PROBE_NUM) {
					VDBG("probe/%u %s@%s\n",
							nprobes, argv_intf, inet_ntoa(ip));
					arp(/* ARPOP_REQUEST, */
							/* &eth_addr, */ null_ip,
							&null_addr, ip);
					timeout_ms = PROBE_MIN * 1000;
					timeout_ms += random_delay_ms(PROBE_MAX - PROBE_MIN);
				else {
					// Switch to announce state.
					state = ANNOUNCE;
					nclaims = 0;
					VDBG("announce/%u %s@%s\n",
							nclaims, argv_intf, inet_ntoa(ip));
					arp(/* ARPOP_REQUEST, */
							/* &eth_addr, */ ip,
							&eth_addr, ip);
					timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000;
				// timeouts in the RATE_LIMIT_PROBE state mean no conflicting ARP packets
				// have been received, so we can move immediately to the announce state
				state = ANNOUNCE;
				nclaims = 0;
				VDBG("announce/%u %s@%s\n",
						nclaims, argv_intf, inet_ntoa(ip));
				arp(/* ARPOP_REQUEST, */
						/* &eth_addr, */ ip,
						&eth_addr, ip);
				timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000;
			case ANNOUNCE:
				// timeouts in the ANNOUNCE state mean no conflicting ARP packets
				// have been received, so we can progress through the states
				if (nclaims < ANNOUNCE_NUM) {
					VDBG("announce/%u %s@%s\n",
							nclaims, argv_intf, inet_ntoa(ip));
					arp(/* ARPOP_REQUEST, */
							/* &eth_addr, */ ip,
							&eth_addr, ip);
					timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000;
				else {
					// Switch to monitor state.
					state = MONITOR;
					// link is ok to use earlier
					// FIXME update filters
					run(argv, "config", &ip);
					ready = 1;
					conflicts = 0;
					timeout_ms = -1; // Never timeout in the monitor state.

					// NOTE: all other exit paths
					// should deconfig ...
					if (QUIT)
			case DEFEND:
				// We won!  No ARP replies, so just go back to monitor.
				state = MONITOR;
				timeout_ms = -1;
				conflicts = 0;
				// Invalid, should never happen.  Restart the whole protocol.
				state = PROBE;
				ip.s_addr = pick();
				timeout_ms = 0;
				nprobes = 0;
				nclaims = 0;
			} // switch (state)
			break; // case 0 (timeout)

		// packets arriving, or link went down
		case 1:
			// We need to adjust the timeout in case we didn't receive
			// a conflicting packet.
			if (timeout_ms > 0) {
				unsigned diff = deadline_us - MONOTONIC_US();
				if ((int)(diff) < 0) {
					// Current time is greater than the expected timeout time.
					// Should never happen.
					VDBG("missed an expected timeout\n");
					timeout_ms = 0;
				} else {
					VDBG("adjusting timeout\n");
					timeout_ms = (diff / 1000) | 1; /* never 0 */

			if ((fds[0].revents & POLLIN) == 0) {
				if (fds[0].revents & POLLERR) {
					// FIXME: links routinely go down;
					// this shouldn't necessarily exit.
					bb_error_msg("iface %s is down", argv_intf);
					if (ready) {
						run(argv, "deconfig", &ip);

			// read ARP packet
			if (safe_read(sock_fd, &p, sizeof(p)) < 0) {
			if (p.eth.ether_type != htons(ETHERTYPE_ARP))
#ifdef DEBUG
				struct ether_addr *sha = (struct ether_addr *) p.arp.arp_sha;
				struct ether_addr *tha = (struct ether_addr *) p.arp.arp_tha;
				struct in_addr *spa = (struct in_addr *) p.arp.arp_spa;
				struct in_addr *tpa = (struct in_addr *) p.arp.arp_tpa;
				VDBG("%s recv arp type=%d, op=%d,\n",
					argv_intf, ntohs(p.eth.ether_type),
				VDBG("\tsource=%s %s\n",
				VDBG("\ttarget=%s %s\n",
			if (p.arp.arp_op != htons(ARPOP_REQUEST)
			 && p.arp.arp_op != htons(ARPOP_REPLY))

			source_ip_conflict = 0;
			target_ip_conflict = 0;

			if (memcmp(p.arp.arp_spa, &ip.s_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) == 0
			 && memcmp(&p.arp.arp_sha, &eth_addr, ETH_ALEN) != 0
			) {
				source_ip_conflict = 1;
			if (p.arp.arp_op == htons(ARPOP_REQUEST)
			 && memcmp(p.arp.arp_tpa, &ip.s_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)) == 0
			 && memcmp(&p.arp.arp_tha, &eth_addr, ETH_ALEN) != 0
			) {
				target_ip_conflict = 1;

			VDBG("state = %d, source ip conflict = %d, target ip conflict = %d\n",
				state, source_ip_conflict, target_ip_conflict);
			switch (state) {
			case PROBE:
			case ANNOUNCE:
				// When probing or announcing, check for source IP conflicts
				// and other hosts doing ARP probes (target IP conflicts).
				if (source_ip_conflict || target_ip_conflict) {
					if (conflicts >= MAX_CONFLICTS) {
						VDBG("%s ratelimit\n", argv_intf);
						timeout_ms = RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL * 1000;
						state = RATE_LIMIT_PROBE;

					// restart the whole protocol
					ip.s_addr = pick();
					timeout_ms = 0;
					nprobes = 0;
					nclaims = 0;
			case MONITOR:
				// If a conflict, we try to defend with a single ARP probe.
				if (source_ip_conflict) {
					VDBG("monitor conflict -- defending\n");
					state = DEFEND;
					timeout_ms = DEFEND_INTERVAL * 1000;
					arp(/* ARPOP_REQUEST, */
						/* &eth_addr, */ ip,
						&eth_addr, ip);
			case DEFEND:
				// Well, we tried.  Start over (on conflict).
				if (source_ip_conflict) {
					state = PROBE;
					VDBG("defend conflict -- starting over\n");
					ready = 0;
					run(argv, "deconfig", &ip);

					// restart the whole protocol
					ip.s_addr = pick();
					timeout_ms = 0;
					nprobes = 0;
					nclaims = 0;
				// Invalid, should never happen.  Restart the whole protocol.
				VDBG("invalid state -- starting over\n");
				state = PROBE;
				ip.s_addr = pick();
				timeout_ms = 0;
				nprobes = 0;
				nclaims = 0;
			} // switch state
			break; // case 1 (packets arriving)
		} // switch poll
	} // while (1)
#undef argv_intf
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void NOINLINE retrieve_file_data(FILE *dfp)
	unsigned second_cnt;
# endif
	struct pollfd polldata;

	polldata.fd = fileno(dfp);
	polldata.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;

	if (G.chunked)
		goto get_clen;

	/* Loops only if chunked */
	while (1) {

		/* Must use nonblocking I/O, otherwise fread will loop
		 * and *block* until it reads full buffer,
		 * which messes up progress bar and/or timeout logic.
		 * Because of nonblocking I/O, we need to dance
		 * very carefully around EAGAIN. See explanation at
		 * clearerr() call.
		while (1) {
			int n;
			unsigned rdsz;

			rdsz = sizeof(G.wget_buf);
			if (G.got_clen) {
				if (G.content_len < (off_t)sizeof(G.wget_buf)) {
					if ((int)G.content_len <= 0)
					rdsz = (unsigned)G.content_len;

			second_cnt = G.timeout_seconds;
# endif
			while (1) {
				if (safe_poll(&polldata, 1, 1000) != 0)
					break; /* error, EOF, or data is available */
				if (second_cnt != 0 && --second_cnt == 0) {
					bb_error_msg_and_die("download timed out");
# endif
				/* Needed for "stalled" indicator */

			/* fread internally uses read loop, which in our case
			 * is usually exited when we get EAGAIN.
			 * In this case, libc sets error marker on the stream.
			 * Need to clear it before next fread to avoid possible
			 * rare false positive ferror below. Rare because usually
			 * fread gets more than zero bytes, and we don't fall
			 * into if (n <= 0) ...
			errno = 0;
			n = fread(G.wget_buf, 1, rdsz, dfp);
			/* man fread:
			 * If error occurs, or EOF is reached, the return value
			 * is a short item count (or zero).
			 * fread does not distinguish between EOF and error.
			if (n <= 0) {
				if (errno == EAGAIN) /* poll lied, there is no data? */
					continue; /* yes */
				if (ferror(dfp))
				break; /* EOF, not error */

			xwrite(G.output_fd, G.wget_buf, n);

			G.transferred += n;
			if (G.got_clen) {
				G.content_len -= n;
				if (G.content_len == 0)
		ndelay_off(polldata.fd); /* else fgets can get very unhappy */
		if (!G.chunked)

		fgets_and_trim(dfp); /* Eat empty line */
		G.content_len = STRTOOFF(G.wget_buf, NULL, 16);
		/* FIXME: error check? */
		if (G.content_len == 0)
			break; /* all done! */
		G.got_clen = 1;

	/* If -c failed, we restart from the beginning,
	 * but we do not truncate file then, we do it only now, at the end.
	 * This lets user to ^C if his 99% complete 10 GB file download
	 * failed to restart *without* losing the almost complete file.
		off_t pos = lseek(G.output_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
		if (pos != (off_t)-1)
			ftruncate(G.output_fd, pos);

	/* Draw full bar and free its resources */
	G.chunked = 0;  /* makes it show 100% even for chunked download */
	G.got_clen = 1; /* makes it show 100% even for download of (formerly) unknown size */
Ejemplo n.º 9
int arpping(uint32_t test_ip, uint32_t from_ip, uint8_t *from_mac, const char *interface)
	int timeout_ms;
	struct pollfd pfd[1];
#define s (pfd[0].fd)           /* socket */
	int rv = 1;             /* "no reply received" yet */
	struct sockaddr addr;   /* for interface name */
	struct arpMsg arp;

	s = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(ETH_P_ARP));
	if (s == -1) {
		return -1;

	if (setsockopt_broadcast(s) == -1) {
		bb_perror_msg("cannot enable bcast on raw socket");
		goto ret;

	/* send arp request */
	memset(&arp, 0, sizeof(arp));
	memset(arp.h_dest, 0xff, 6);                    /* MAC DA */
	memcpy(arp.h_source, from_mac, 6);              /* MAC SA */
	arp.h_proto = htons(ETH_P_ARP);                 /* protocol type (Ethernet) */
	arp.htype = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER);                /* hardware type */
	arp.ptype = htons(ETH_P_IP);                    /* protocol type (ARP message) */
	arp.hlen = 6;                                   /* hardware address length */
	arp.plen = 4;                                   /* protocol address length */
	arp.operation = htons(ARPOP_REQUEST);           /* ARP op code */
	memcpy(arp.sHaddr, from_mac, 6);                /* source hardware address */
	memcpy(arp.sInaddr, &from_ip, sizeof(from_ip)); /* source IP address */
	/* tHaddr is zero-fiiled */                     /* target hardware address */
	memcpy(arp.tInaddr, &test_ip, sizeof(test_ip)); /* target IP address */

	memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
	safe_strncpy(addr.sa_data, interface, sizeof(addr.sa_data));
	if (sendto(s, &arp, sizeof(arp), 0, &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
		// TODO: error message? caller didn't expect us to fail,
		// just returning 1 "no reply received" misleads it.
		goto ret;

	/* wait for arp reply, and check it */
	timeout_ms = 2000;
	do {
		int r;
		unsigned prevTime = monotonic_us();

		pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
		r = safe_poll(pfd, 1, timeout_ms);
		if (r < 0)
		if (r) {
			r = read(s, &arp, sizeof(arp));
			if (r < 0)
			if (r >= ARP_MSG_SIZE
			 && arp.operation == htons(ARPOP_REPLY)
			 /* don't check it: Linux doesn't return proper tHaddr (fixed in 2.6.24?) */
			 /* && memcmp(arp.tHaddr, from_mac, 6) == 0 */
			 && *((uint32_t *) arp.sInaddr) == test_ip
			) {
				rv = 0;
		timeout_ms -= (monotonic_us() - prevTime) / 1000;
	} while (timeout_ms > 0);

	DEBUG("%srp reply received for this address", rv ? "No a" : "A");
	return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int64_t FAST_FUNC read_key(int fd, char *buffer, int timeout)
	struct pollfd pfd;
	const char *seq;
	int n;

	/* Known escape sequences for cursor and function keys.
	 * See "Xterm Control Sequences"
	 * http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html
	static const char esccmds[] ALIGN1 = {
		'O','A'        |0x80,KEYCODE_UP      ,
		'O','B'        |0x80,KEYCODE_DOWN    ,
		'O','C'        |0x80,KEYCODE_RIGHT   ,
		'O','D'        |0x80,KEYCODE_LEFT    ,
		'O','H'        |0x80,KEYCODE_HOME    ,
		'O','F'        |0x80,KEYCODE_END     ,
#if 0
		'O','P'        |0x80,KEYCODE_FUN1    ,
		/* [ESC] ESC O [2] P - [Alt-][Shift-]F1 */
		/* ESC [ O 1 ; 2 P - Shift-F1 */
		/* ESC [ O 1 ; 3 P - Alt-F1 */
		/* ESC [ O 1 ; 4 P - Alt-Shift-F1 */
		/* ESC [ O 1 ; 5 P - Ctrl-F1 */
		/* ESC [ O 1 ; 6 P - Ctrl-Shift-F1 */
		'O','Q'        |0x80,KEYCODE_FUN2    ,
		'O','R'        |0x80,KEYCODE_FUN3    ,
		'O','S'        |0x80,KEYCODE_FUN4    ,
		'[','A'        |0x80,KEYCODE_UP      ,
		'[','B'        |0x80,KEYCODE_DOWN    ,
		'[','C'        |0x80,KEYCODE_RIGHT   ,
		'[','D'        |0x80,KEYCODE_LEFT    ,
		/* ESC [ 1 ; 2 x, where x = A/B/C/D: Shift-<arrow> */
		/* ESC [ 1 ; 3 x, where x = A/B/C/D: Alt-<arrow> - implemented below */
		/* ESC [ 1 ; 4 x, where x = A/B/C/D: Alt-Shift-<arrow> */
		/* ESC [ 1 ; 5 x, where x = A/B/C/D: Ctrl-<arrow> - implemented below */
		/* ESC [ 1 ; 6 x, where x = A/B/C/D: Ctrl-Shift-<arrow> */
		/* ESC [ 1 ; 7 x, where x = A/B/C/D: Ctrl-Alt-<arrow> */
		/* ESC [ 1 ; 8 x, where x = A/B/C/D: Ctrl-Alt-Shift-<arrow> */
		'[','H'        |0x80,KEYCODE_HOME    , /* xterm */
		'[','F'        |0x80,KEYCODE_END     , /* xterm */
		/* [ESC] ESC [ [2] H - [Alt-][Shift-]Home (End similarly?) */
		/* '[','Z'        |0x80,KEYCODE_SHIFT_TAB, */
		'[','1','~'    |0x80,KEYCODE_HOME    , /* vt100? linux vt? or what? */
		'[','2','~'    |0x80,KEYCODE_INSERT  ,
		/* ESC [ 2 ; 3 ~ - Alt-Insert */
		'[','3','~'    |0x80,KEYCODE_DELETE  ,
		/* [ESC] ESC [ 3 [;2] ~ - [Alt-][Shift-]Delete */
		/* ESC [ 3 ; 3 ~ - Alt-Delete */
		/* ESC [ 3 ; 5 ~ - Ctrl-Delete */
		'[','4','~'    |0x80,KEYCODE_END     , /* vt100? linux vt? or what? */
		'[','5','~'    |0x80,KEYCODE_PAGEUP  ,
		/* ESC [ 5 ; 3 ~ - Alt-PgUp */
		/* ESC [ 5 ; 5 ~ - Ctrl-PgUp */
		/* ESC [ 5 ; 7 ~ - Ctrl-Alt-PgUp */
		'[','6','~'    |0x80,KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN,
		'[','7','~'    |0x80,KEYCODE_HOME    , /* vt100? linux vt? or what? */
		'[','8','~'    |0x80,KEYCODE_END     , /* vt100? linux vt? or what? */
#if 0
		'[','1','1','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN1    , /* old xterm, deprecated by ESC O P */
		'[','1','2','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN2    , /* old xterm... */
		'[','1','3','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN3    , /* old xterm... */
		'[','1','4','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN4    , /* old xterm... */
		'[','1','5','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN5    ,
		/* [ESC] ESC [ 1 5 [;2] ~ - [Alt-][Shift-]F5 */
		'[','1','7','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN6    ,
		'[','1','8','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN7    ,
		'[','1','9','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN8    ,
		'[','2','0','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN9    ,
		'[','2','1','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN10   ,
		'[','2','3','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN11   ,
		'[','2','4','~'|0x80,KEYCODE_FUN12   ,
		/* ESC [ 2 4 ; 2 ~ - Shift-F12 */
		/* ESC [ 2 4 ; 3 ~ - Alt-F12 */
		/* ESC [ 2 4 ; 4 ~ - Alt-Shift-F12 */
		/* ESC [ 2 4 ; 5 ~ - Ctrl-F12 */
		/* ESC [ 2 4 ; 6 ~ - Ctrl-Shift-F12 */
		/* '[','1',';','5','A' |0x80,KEYCODE_CTRL_UP   , - unugsed */
		/* '[','1',';','5','B' |0x80,KEYCODE_CTRL_DOWN , - unugsed */
		'[','1',';','5','C' |0x80,KEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHT,
		'[','1',';','5','D' |0x80,KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT ,
		/* '[','1',';','3','A' |0x80,KEYCODE_ALT_UP    , - unugsed */
		/* '[','1',';','3','B' |0x80,KEYCODE_ALT_DOWN  , - unugsed */
		'[','1',';','3','C' |0x80,KEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT,
		'[','1',';','3','D' |0x80,KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT ,
		/* '[','3',';','3','~' |0x80,KEYCODE_ALT_DELETE, - unugsed */

	pfd.fd = fd;
	pfd.events = POLLIN;

	buffer++; /* saved chars counter is in buffer[-1] now */

	errno = 0;
	n = (unsigned char)buffer[-1];
	if (n == 0) {
		/* If no data, wait for input.
		 * If requested, wait TIMEOUT ms. TIMEOUT = -1 is useful
		 * if fd can be in non-blocking mode.
		if (timeout >= -1) {
			if (safe_poll(&pfd, 1, timeout) == 0) {
				/* Timed out */
				errno = EAGAIN;
				return -1;
		/* It is tempting to read more than one byte here,
		 * but it breaks pasting. Example: at shell prompt,
		 * user presses "c","a","t" and then pastes "\nline\n".
		 * When we were reading 3 bytes here, we were eating
		 * "li" too, and cat was getting wrong input.
		n = safe_read(fd, buffer, 1);
		if (n <= 0)
			return -1;

		unsigned char c = buffer[0];
		if (n)
			memmove(buffer, buffer + 1, n);
		/* Only ESC starts ESC sequences */
		if (c != 27) {
			buffer[-1] = n;
			return c;

	/* Loop through known ESC sequences */
	seq = esccmds;
	while (*seq != '\0') {
		/* n - position in sequence we did not read yet */
		int i = 0; /* position in sequence to compare */

		/* Loop through chars in this sequence */
		while (1) {
			/* So far escape sequence matched up to [i-1] */
			if (n <= i) {
				/* Need more chars, read another one if it wouldn't block.
				 * Note that escape sequences come in as a unit,
				 * so if we block for long it's not really an escape sequence.
				 * Timeout is needed to reconnect escape sequences
				 * split up by transmission over a serial console. */
				if (safe_poll(&pfd, 1, 50) == 0) {
					/* No more data!
					 * Array is sorted from shortest to longest,
					 * we can't match anything later in array -
					 * anything later is longer than this seq.
					 * Break out of both loops. */
					goto got_all;
				errno = 0;
				if (safe_read(fd, buffer + n, 1) <= 0) {
					/* If EAGAIN, then fd is O_NONBLOCK and poll lied:
					 * in fact, there is no data. */
					if (errno != EAGAIN) {
						/* otherwise: it's EOF/error */
						buffer[-1] = 0;
						return -1;
					goto got_all;
			if (buffer[i] != (seq[i] & 0x7f)) {
				/* This seq doesn't match, go to next */
				seq += i;
				/* Forward to last char */
				while (!(*seq & 0x80))
				/* Skip it and the keycode which follows */
				seq += 2;
			if (seq[i] & 0x80) {
				/* Entire seq matched */
				n = 0;
				/* n -= i; memmove(...);
				 * would be more correct,
				 * but we never read ahead that much,
				 * and n == i here. */
				buffer[-1] = 0;
				return (signed char)seq[i+1];
	/* We did not find matching sequence.
	 * We possibly read and stored more input in buffer[] by now.
	 * n = bytes read. Try to read more until we time out.
	while (n < KEYCODE_BUFFER_SIZE-1) { /* 1 for count byte at buffer[-1] */
		if (safe_poll(&pfd, 1, 50) == 0) {
			/* No more data! */
		errno = 0;
		if (safe_read(fd, buffer + n, 1) <= 0) {
			/* If EAGAIN, then fd is O_NONBLOCK and poll lied:
			 * in fact, there is no data. */
			if (errno != EAGAIN) {
				/* otherwise: it's EOF/error */
				buffer[-1] = 0;
				return -1;
		/* Try to decipher "ESC [ NNN ; NNN R" sequence */
		 && n >= 5
		 && buffer[0] == '['
		 && buffer[n-1] == 'R'
		 && isdigit(buffer[1])
		) {
			char *end;
			unsigned long row, col;

			row = strtoul(buffer + 1, &end, 10);
			if (*end != ';' || !isdigit(end[1]))
			col = strtoul(end + 1, &end, 10);
			if (*end != 'R')
			if (row < 1 || col < 1 || (row | col) > 0x7fff)

			buffer[-1] = 0;
			/* Pack into "1 <row15bits> <col16bits>" 32-bit sequence */
			col |= (((-1 << 15) | row) << 16);
			/* Return it in high-order word */
			return ((int64_t) col << 32) | (uint32_t)KEYCODE_CURSOR_POS;

	if (n <= 1) {
		/* Alt-x is usually returned as ESC x.
		 * Report ESC, x is remembered for the next call.
		buffer[-1] = n;
		return 27;

	/* We were doing "buffer[-1] = n; return c;" here, but this results
	 * in unknown key sequences being interpreted as ESC + garbage.
	 * This was not useful. Pretend there was no key pressed,
	 * go and wait for a new keypress:
	buffer[-1] = 0;
	goto start_over;
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* Returns 1 if no reply received */
int FAST_FUNC arpping(uint32_t test_nip,
		const uint8_t *safe_mac,
		uint32_t from_ip,
		uint8_t *from_mac,
		const char *interface,
		unsigned timeo)
	int timeout_ms;
	struct pollfd pfd[1];
#define s (pfd[0].fd)           /* socket */
	int rv = 1;             /* "no reply received" yet */
	struct sockaddr addr;   /* for interface name */
	struct arpMsg arp;

	if (!timeo)
		return 1;

	s = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(ETH_P_ARP));
	if (s == -1) {
		return -1;

	if (setsockopt_broadcast(s) == -1) {
		bb_perror_msg("can't enable bcast on raw socket");
		goto ret;

	/* send arp request */
	memset(&arp, 0, sizeof(arp));
	memset(arp.h_dest, 0xff, 6);                    /* MAC DA */
	memcpy(arp.h_source, from_mac, 6);              /* MAC SA */
	arp.h_proto = htons(ETH_P_ARP);                 /* protocol type (Ethernet) */
	arp.htype = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER);                /* hardware type */
	arp.ptype = htons(ETH_P_IP);                    /* protocol type (ARP message) */
	arp.hlen = 6;                                   /* hardware address length */
	arp.plen = 4;                                   /* protocol address length */
	arp.operation = htons(ARPOP_REQUEST);           /* ARP op code */
	memcpy(arp.sHaddr, from_mac, 6);                /* source hardware address */
	memcpy(arp.sInaddr, &from_ip, sizeof(from_ip)); /* source IP address */
	/* tHaddr is zero-filled */                     /* target hardware address */
	memcpy(arp.tInaddr, &test_nip, sizeof(test_nip));/* target IP address */

	memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
	safe_strncpy(addr.sa_data, interface, sizeof(addr.sa_data));
	if (sendto(s, &arp, sizeof(arp), 0, &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) {
		// TODO: error message? caller didn't expect us to fail,
		// just returning 1 "no reply received" misleads it.
		goto ret;

	/* wait for arp reply, and check it */
	timeout_ms = (int)timeo;
	do {
		typedef uint32_t aliased_uint32_t FIX_ALIASING;
		int r;
		unsigned prevTime = monotonic_ms();

		pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
		r = safe_poll(pfd, 1, timeout_ms);
		if (r < 0)
		if (r) {
			r = safe_read(s, &arp, sizeof(arp));
			if (r < 0)

			//log3("sHaddr %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
			//	arp.sHaddr[0], arp.sHaddr[1], arp.sHaddr[2],
			//	arp.sHaddr[3], arp.sHaddr[4], arp.sHaddr[5]);

			if (r >= ARP_MSG_SIZE
			 && arp.operation == htons(ARPOP_REPLY)
			 /* don't check it: Linux doesn't return proper tHaddr (fixed in 2.6.24?) */
			 /* && memcmp(arp.tHaddr, from_mac, 6) == 0 */
			 && *(aliased_uint32_t*)arp.sInaddr == test_nip
			) {
				/* if ARP source MAC matches safe_mac
				 * (which is client's MAC), then it's not a conflict
				 * (client simply already has this IP and replies to ARPs!)
				if (!safe_mac || memcmp(safe_mac, arp.sHaddr, 6) != 0)
					rv = 0;
				//else log2("sHaddr == safe_mac");
		timeout_ms -= (unsigned)monotonic_ms() - prevTime + 1;

		/* We used to check "timeout_ms > 0", but
		 * this is more under/overflow-resistant
		 * (people did see overflows here when system time jumps):
	} while ((unsigned)timeout_ms <= timeo);

	log1("%srp reply received for this address", rv ? "no a" : "A");
	return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int zcip_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	char *r_opt;
	const char *l_opt = "";
	int state;
	int nsent;
	unsigned opts;

	// Ugly trick, but I want these zeroed in one go
	struct {
		const struct ether_addr null_ethaddr;
		struct ifreq ifr;
		uint32_t chosen_nip;
		int conflicts;
		int timeout_ms; // must be signed
		int verbose;
	} L;
#define null_ethaddr (L.null_ethaddr)
#define ifr          (L.ifr         )
#define chosen_nip   (L.chosen_nip  )
#define conflicts    (L.conflicts   )
#define timeout_ms   (L.timeout_ms  )
#define verbose      (L.verbose     )

	memset(&L, 0, sizeof(L));

#define FOREGROUND (opts & 1)
#define QUIT       (opts & 2)
	// Parse commandline: prog [options] ifname script
	// exactly 2 args; -v accumulates and implies -f
	opt_complementary = "=2:vv:vf";
	opts = getopt32(argv, "fqr:l:v", &r_opt, &l_opt, &verbose);
#if !BB_MMU
	// on NOMMU reexec early (or else we will rerun things twice)
		bb_daemonize_or_rexec(0 /*was: DAEMON_CHDIR_ROOT*/, argv);
	// Open an ARP socket
	// (need to do it before openlog to prevent openlog from taking
	// fd 3 (sock_fd==3))
	xmove_fd(xsocket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(ETH_P_ARP)), sock_fd);
		// do it before all bb_xx_msg calls
		openlog(applet_name, 0, LOG_DAEMON);
		logmode |= LOGMODE_SYSLOG;

	{ // -l n.n.n.n
		struct in_addr net;
		if (inet_aton(l_opt, &net) == 0
		 || (net.s_addr & htonl(IN_CLASSB_NET)) != net.s_addr
		) {
			bb_error_msg_and_die("invalid network address");
		G.localnet_ip = ntohl(net.s_addr);
	if (opts & 4) { // -r n.n.n.n
		struct in_addr ip;
		if (inet_aton(r_opt, &ip) == 0
		 || (ntohl(ip.s_addr) & IN_CLASSB_NET) != G.localnet_ip
		) {
			bb_error_msg_and_die("invalid link address");
		chosen_nip = ip.s_addr;
	argv += optind - 1;

	/* Now: argv[0]:junk argv[1]:intf argv[2]:script argv[3]:NULL */
	/* We need to make space for script argument: */
	argv[0] = argv[1];
	argv[1] = argv[2];
	/* Now: argv[0]:intf argv[1]:script argv[2]:junk argv[3]:NULL */
#define argv_intf (argv[0])

	xsetenv("interface", argv_intf);

	// Initialize the interface (modprobe, ifup, etc)
	if (run(argv, "init", 0))
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// Initialize G.iface_sockaddr
	// G.iface_sockaddr is: { u16 sa_family; u8 sa_data[14]; }
	//memset(&G.iface_sockaddr, 0, sizeof(G.iface_sockaddr));
	//TODO: are we leaving sa_family == 0 (AF_UNSPEC)?!
	safe_strncpy(G.iface_sockaddr.sa_data, argv_intf, sizeof(G.iface_sockaddr.sa_data));

	// Bind to the interface's ARP socket
	xbind(sock_fd, &G.iface_sockaddr, sizeof(G.iface_sockaddr));

	// Get the interface's ethernet address
	//memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
	strncpy_IFNAMSIZ(ifr.ifr_name, argv_intf);
	xioctl(sock_fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr);
	memcpy(&G.our_ethaddr, &ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, ETH_ALEN);

	// Start with some stable ip address, either a function of
	// the hardware address or else the last address we used.
	// we are taking low-order four bytes, as top-order ones
	// aren't random enough.
	// NOTE: the sequence of addresses we try changes only
	// depending on when we detect conflicts.
		uint32_t t;
		move_from_unaligned32(t, ((char *)&G.our_ethaddr + 2));
		t += getpid();
	// FIXME cases to handle:
	//  - zcip already running!
	//  - link already has local address... just defend/update

	// Daemonize now; don't delay system startup
#if BB_MMU
		bb_daemonize(0 /*was: DAEMON_CHDIR_ROOT*/);
		bb_info_msg("start, interface %s", argv_intf);

	// Run the dynamic address negotiation protocol,
	// restarting after address conflicts:
	//  - start with some address we want to try
	//  - short random delay
	//  - arp probes to see if another host uses it
	//    00:04:e2:64:23:c2 > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff arp who-has tell
	//  - arp announcements that we're claiming it
	//    00:04:e2:64:23:c2 > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff arp who-has (00:04:e2:64:23:c2) tell
	//  - use it
	//  - defend it, within limits
	// exit if:
	// - address is successfully obtained and -q was given:
	//   run "<script> config", then exit with exitcode 0
	// - poll error (when does this happen?)
	// - read error (when does this happen?)
	// - sendto error (in send_arp_request()) (when does this happen?)
	// - revents & POLLERR (link down). run "<script> deconfig" first
	if (chosen_nip == 0) {
		chosen_nip = pick_nip();
	nsent = 0;
	state = PROBE;
	while (1) {
		struct pollfd fds[1];
		unsigned deadline_us;
		struct arp_packet p;
		int ip_conflict;
		int n;

		fds[0].fd = sock_fd;
		fds[0].events = POLLIN;
		fds[0].revents = 0;

		// Poll, being ready to adjust current timeout
		if (!timeout_ms) {
			timeout_ms = random_delay_ms(PROBE_WAIT);
			// FIXME setsockopt(sock_fd, SO_ATTACH_FILTER, ...) to
			// make the kernel filter out all packets except
			// ones we'd care about.
		// Set deadline_us to the point in time when we timeout
		deadline_us = MONOTONIC_US() + timeout_ms * 1000;

		VDBG("...wait %d %s nsent=%u\n",
				timeout_ms, argv_intf, nsent);

		n = safe_poll(fds, 1, timeout_ms);
		if (n < 0) {
			//bb_perror_msg("poll"); - done in safe_poll
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		if (n == 0) { // timed out?
			VDBG("state:%d\n", state);
			switch (state) {
			case PROBE:
				// No conflicting ARP packets were seen:
				// we can progress through the states
				if (nsent < PROBE_NUM) {
					VDBG("probe/%u %s@%s\n",
							nsent, argv_intf, nip_to_a(chosen_nip));
					timeout_ms = PROBE_MIN * 1000;
					timeout_ms += random_delay_ms(PROBE_MAX - PROBE_MIN);
					send_arp_request(0, &null_ethaddr, chosen_nip);
  				// Switch to announce state
				nsent = 0;
				state = ANNOUNCE;
				goto send_announce;
			case ANNOUNCE:
				// No conflicting ARP packets were seen:
				// we can progress through the states
				if (nsent < ANNOUNCE_NUM) {
					VDBG("announce/%u %s@%s\n",
							nsent, argv_intf, nip_to_a(chosen_nip));
					timeout_ms = ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL * 1000;
					send_arp_request(chosen_nip, &G.our_ethaddr, chosen_nip);
				// Switch to monitor state
				// FIXME update filters
				run(argv, "config", chosen_nip);
				// NOTE: all other exit paths should deconfig...
				if (QUIT)
					return EXIT_SUCCESS;
				// fall through: switch to MONITOR
			// case DEFEND:
			// case MONITOR: (shouldn't happen, MONITOR timeout is infinite)
				// Defend period ended with no ARP replies - we won
				timeout_ms = -1; // never timeout in monitor state
				state = MONITOR;

		// Packet arrived, or link went down.
		// We need to adjust the timeout in case we didn't receive
		// a conflicting packet.
		if (timeout_ms > 0) {
			unsigned diff = deadline_us - MONOTONIC_US();
			if ((int)(diff) < 0) {
				// Current time is greater than the expected timeout time.
				diff = 0;
			VDBG("adjusting timeout\n");
			timeout_ms = (diff / 1000) | 1; // never 0

		if ((fds[0].revents & POLLIN) == 0) {
			if (fds[0].revents & POLLERR) {
				// FIXME: links routinely go down;
				// this shouldn't necessarily exit.
				bb_error_msg("iface %s is down", argv_intf);
				if (state >= MONITOR) {
					// Only if we are in MONITOR or DEFEND
					run(argv, "deconfig", chosen_nip);
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

		// Read ARP packet
		if (safe_read(sock_fd, &p, sizeof(p)) < 0) {

		if (p.eth.ether_type != htons(ETHERTYPE_ARP))
		if (p.arp.arp_op != htons(ARPOP_REQUEST)
		 && p.arp.arp_op != htons(ARPOP_REPLY)
		) {
#ifdef DEBUG
			struct ether_addr *sha = (struct ether_addr *) p.arp.arp_sha;
			struct ether_addr *tha = (struct ether_addr *) p.arp.arp_tha;
			struct in_addr *spa = (struct in_addr *) p.arp.arp_spa;
			struct in_addr *tpa = (struct in_addr *) p.arp.arp_tpa;
			VDBG("source=%s %s\n", ether_ntoa(sha),	inet_ntoa(*spa));
			VDBG("target=%s %s\n", ether_ntoa(tha),	inet_ntoa(*tpa));
		ip_conflict = 0;
		if (memcmp(&p.arp.arp_sha, &G.our_ethaddr, ETH_ALEN) != 0) {
			if (memcmp(p.arp.arp_spa, &chosen_nip, 4) == 0) {
				// A probe or reply with source_ip == chosen ip
				ip_conflict = 1;
			if (p.arp.arp_op == htons(ARPOP_REQUEST)
			 && memcmp(p.arp.arp_spa, &const_int_0, 4) == 0
			 && memcmp(p.arp.arp_tpa, &chosen_nip, 4) == 0
			) {
				// A probe with source_ip ==, target_ip == chosen ip:
				// another host trying to claim this ip!
				ip_conflict |= 2;
		VDBG("state:%d ip_conflict:%d\n", state, ip_conflict);
		if (!ip_conflict)

		// Either src or target IP conflict exists
		if (state <= ANNOUNCE) {
			timeout_ms = PROBE_MIN * 1000
				+ CONFLICT_MULTIPLIER * random_delay_ms(conflicts);
			goto new_nip_and_PROBE;

		// MONITOR or DEFEND: only src IP conflict is a problem
		if (ip_conflict & 1) {
			if (state == MONITOR) {
				// Src IP conflict, defend with a single ARP probe
				VDBG("monitor conflict - defending\n");
				timeout_ms = DEFEND_INTERVAL * 1000;
				state = DEFEND;
				send_arp_request(chosen_nip, &G.our_ethaddr, chosen_nip);
			// state == DEFEND
			// Another src IP conflict, start over
			VDBG("defend conflict - starting over\n");
			run(argv, "deconfig", chosen_nip);
			conflicts = 0;
			timeout_ms = 0;
			goto new_nip_and_PROBE;
		// Note: if we only have a target IP conflict here (ip_conflict & 2),
		// IOW: if we just saw this sort of ARP packet:
		//  aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff > xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx arp who-has <chosen_nip> tell
		// we expect _kernel_ to respond to that, because <chosen_nip>
		// is (expected to be) configured on this iface.
	} // while (1)
#undef argv_intf
Ejemplo n.º 13
int microcom_main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct pollfd pfd[2];
#define sfd (pfd[1].fd)
	char *device_lock_file = NULL;
	const char *s;
	const char *opt_s = "9600";
	unsigned speed;
	int len;
	int exitcode = 1;
	struct termios tio0, tiosfd, tio;

	getopt32(argv, "s:", &opt_s);
	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;
	if (!argv[0])
	speed = xatou(opt_s);

	// try to create lock file in /var/lock
	s = bb_basename(argv[0]);
	if (!s[0]) {
		errno = ENODEV;
		bb_perror_msg_and_die("can't lock device");
	device_lock_file = xasprintf("/var/lock/LCK..%s", s);
	sfd = open(device_lock_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL, 0644);
	if (sfd < 0) {
		device_lock_file = NULL;
		if (errno == EEXIST)
			bb_perror_msg_and_die("can't lock device");
		// We don't abort on other errors: /var/lock can be
		// non-writable or non-existent
	} else {
		// %4d to make mgetty happy. It treats 4-bytes lock files as binary,
		// not text, PID. Making 5+ char file. Brrr...
		s = xasprintf("%4d\n", getpid());
		write(sfd, s, strlen(s));

	// open device
	sfd = open(argv[0], O_RDWR);
	if (sfd < 0) {
		bb_perror_msg("can't open device");
		goto unlock_and_exit;

	// put stdin to "raw mode", handle one character at a time
	tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &tio0);
	tio = tio0;
	tio.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO);
	tio.c_iflag &= ~(IXON|ICRNL);
	tio.c_oflag &= ~(ONLCR);
	tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
	tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
	if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &tio)) {
		bb_perror_msg("can't tcsetattr for %s", "stdin");
		goto unlock_and_exit;

	/* same thing for modem (plus: set baud rate) - TODO: make CLI option */
	tcgetattr(sfd, &tiosfd);
	tio = tiosfd;
	tio.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO);
	tio.c_iflag &= ~(IXON|ICRNL);
	tio.c_oflag &= ~(ONLCR);
	tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
	tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
	cfsetispeed(&tio, tty_value_to_baud(speed));
	cfsetospeed(&tio, tty_value_to_baud(speed));
	if (tcsetattr(sfd, TCSANOW, &tio)) {
		bb_perror_msg("can't tcsetattr for %s", "device");
		goto unlock_and_exit;

	// disable SIGINT
	signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);

	// drain stdin
	printf("connected to '%s' (%d bps), exit with ctrl-X...\r\n", argv[0], speed);

	// main loop: check with poll(), then read/write bytes across
	pfd[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO;
	pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
	/*pfd[1].fd = sfd;*/
	pfd[1].events = POLLIN;
	while (1) {
		int i;
		safe_poll(pfd, 2, -1);
		for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
			if (pfd[i].revents & POLLIN) {
				len = read(pfd[i].fd, bb_common_bufsiz1, COMMON_BUFSIZE);
				if (len > 0) {
					if (!i && 24 == bb_common_bufsiz1[0])
						goto done; // ^X exits
					write(pfd[1-i].fd, bb_common_bufsiz1, len);
	tcsetattr(sfd, TCSANOW, &tiosfd);
	tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &tio0);

	exitcode = 0;

	// delete lock file
	if (device_lock_file) {
	return exitcode;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int microcom_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	int sfd;
	int nfd;
	struct pollfd pfd[2];
	struct termios tio0, tiosfd, tio;
	char *device_lock_file;
	enum {
		OPT_X = 1 << 0, // do not respect Ctrl-X, Ctrl-@
		OPT_s = 1 << 1, // baudrate
		OPT_d = 1 << 2, // wait for device response, ms
		OPT_t = 1 << 3, // timeout, ms
	speed_t speed = 9600;
	int delay = -1;
	int timeout = -1;
	unsigned opts;

	// fetch options
	opt_complementary = "=1:s+:d+:t+"; // exactly one arg, numeric options
	opts = getopt32(argv, "Xs:d:t:", &speed, &delay, &timeout);
//	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

	// try to create lock file in /var/lock
	device_lock_file = (char *)bb_basename(argv[0]);
	device_lock_file = xasprintf("/var/lock/LCK..%s", device_lock_file);
	sfd = open(device_lock_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL, 0644);
	if (sfd < 0) {
		// device already locked -> bail out
		if (errno == EEXIST)
			bb_perror_msg_and_die("can't create %s", device_lock_file);
		// can't create lock -> don't care
		device_lock_file = NULL;
	} else {
		// %4d to make concurrent mgetty (if any) happy.
		// Mgetty treats 4-bytes lock files as binary,
		// not text, PID. Making 5+ char file. Brrr...
		fdprintf(sfd, "%4d\n", getpid());

	// setup signals
		+ (1 << SIGHUP)
		+ (1 << SIGINT)
		+ (1 << SIGTERM)
		+ (1 << SIGPIPE)
		, signal_handler);

	// error exit code if we fail to open the device
	signalled = 1;

	// open device
	sfd = open_or_warn(argv[0], O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
	if (sfd < 0)
		goto done;
	fcntl(sfd, F_SETFL, 0);

	// put device to "raw mode"
	xget1(sfd, &tio, &tiosfd);
	// set device speed
	cfsetspeed(&tio, tty_value_to_baud(speed));
	if (xset1(sfd, &tio, argv[0]))
		goto done;

	// put stdin to "raw mode" (if stdin is a TTY),
	// handle one character at a time
	if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) {
		xget1(STDIN_FILENO, &tio, &tio0);
		if (xset1(STDIN_FILENO, &tio, "stdin"))
			goto done;

	// main loop: check with poll(), then read/write bytes across
	pfd[0].fd = sfd;
	pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
	pfd[1].fd = STDIN_FILENO;
	pfd[1].events = POLLIN;

	signalled = 0;
	nfd = 2;
	while (!signalled && safe_poll(pfd, nfd, timeout) > 0) {
		if (nfd > 1 && pfd[1].revents) {
			char c;
			// read from stdin -> write to device
			if (safe_read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1) < 1) {
				// don't poll stdin anymore if we got EOF/error
				goto skip_write;
			// do we need special processing?
			if (!(opts & OPT_X)) {
				// ^@ sends Break
				if (VINTR == c) {
					tcsendbreak(sfd, 0);
					goto skip_write;
				// ^X exits
				if (24 == c)
			write(sfd, &c, 1);
			if (delay >= 0)
				safe_poll(pfd, 1, delay);
skip_write: ;
		if (pfd[0].revents) {
#define iobuf bb_common_bufsiz1
			ssize_t len;
			// read from device -> write to stdout
			len = safe_read(sfd, iobuf, sizeof(iobuf));
			if (len > 0)
				full_write(STDOUT_FILENO, iobuf, len);
			else {
				// EOF/error -> bail out
				signalled = SIGHUP;

	// restore device mode
	tcsetattr(sfd, TCSAFLUSH, &tiosfd);

	if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO))
		tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &tio0);

	if (device_lock_file)

	return signalled;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void NOINLINE retrieve_file_data(FILE *dfp, int output_fd)
	char buf[512];
	unsigned second_cnt;
# endif
	struct pollfd polldata;

	polldata.fd = fileno(dfp);
	polldata.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;

	if (G.chunked)
		goto get_clen;

	/* Loops only if chunked */
	while (1) {
		while (1) {
			int n;
			unsigned rdsz;

			rdsz = sizeof(buf);
			if (G.got_clen) {
				if (G.content_len < (off_t)sizeof(buf)) {
					if ((int)G.content_len <= 0)
					rdsz = (unsigned)G.content_len;
			second_cnt = G.timeout_seconds;
# endif
			while (1) {
				if (safe_poll(&polldata, 1, 1000) != 0)
					break; /* error, EOF, or data is available */
				if (second_cnt != 0 && --second_cnt == 0) {
					bb_perror_msg_and_die("download timed out");
# endif
				/* Needed for "stalled" indicator */
			n = safe_fread(buf, rdsz, dfp);
			if (n <= 0) {
				if (ferror(dfp)) {
					/* perror will not work: ferror doesn't set errno */
			xwrite(output_fd, buf, n);
			G.transferred += n;
			if (G.got_clen)
				G.content_len -= n;

		if (!G.chunked)

		safe_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), dfp); /* This is a newline */
		safe_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), dfp);
		G.content_len = STRTOOFF(buf, NULL, 16);
		/* FIXME: error check? */
		if (G.content_len == 0)
			break; /* all done! */
		G.got_clen = 1;

Ejemplo n.º 16
int32_t FAST_FUNC read_key(int fd, char *buffer, int timeout)
	struct pollfd pfd;
	int n;
	int count;
	unsigned char c;

	pfd.fd = fd;
	pfd.events = POLLIN;

	buffer++; /* saved chars counter is in buffer[-1] now */

	errno = 0;
	n = (unsigned char)buffer[-1];
	if (n == 0) {
		/* If no data, wait for input.
		 * If requested, wait TIMEOUT ms. TIMEOUT = -1 is useful
		 * if fd can be in non-blocking mode.
		/* On GNO, skip the poll if timeout == -1.
		 * It's pointless, since non-blocking mode isn't implemented,
		 * and it seems to hang in certain cases (e.g. where another 
		 * process was interrupted while reading from the terminal).
		 * This may be due to bugs in the underlying select() implementation.
#ifndef __GNO__
		if (timeout >= -1) 
		if (timeout >= 0) 
			if (safe_poll(&pfd, 1, timeout) == 0) {
				/* Timed out */
				errno = EAGAIN;
				return -1;
		/* It is tempting to read more than one byte here,
		 * but it breaks pasting. Example: at shell prompt,
		 * user presses "c","a","t" and then pastes "\nline\n".
		 * When we were reading 3 bytes here, we were eating
		 * "li" too, and cat was getting wrong input.
		n = safe_read(fd, buffer, 1);
		if (n <= 0)
			return -1;

	/* ASCII printable chars presumably don't start escape sequences */
	c = buffer[0];
	if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') {
		goto return_c;

	/* Loop through known escape sequences */
	for (count = 0; count < n_escape_seqs; count++) {
		struct escape_seq *escseq = &escape_seqs[count];
		/* n - position in sequence we did not read yet */
		int i = 0; /* position in sequence to compare */

		while (1) {
			/* So far escape sequence matched up to [i-1] */
			if (escseq->seq[i] == 0) {
				/* Entire seq matched */
				n = 0;
				/* n -= i; memmove(...);
				 * would be more correct,
				 * but we never read ahead that much,
				 * and n == i here. */
				buffer[-1] = 0;
				return escseq->keycode;
			if (n <= i) {
				/* Need more chars, read another one if it wouldn't block.
				 * Note that escape sequences come in as a unit,
				 * so if we block for long it's not really an escape sequence.
				 * Timeout is needed to reconnect escape sequences
				 * split up by transmission over a serial console. */
				if (safe_poll(&pfd, 1, 50) == 0) {
					/* No more data!
					 * Can't match this sequence. Keep looping in case
					 * a later one is shorter. */
					goto next_seq;
				errno = 0;
				if (safe_read(fd, buffer + n, 1) <= 0) {
					/* If EAGAIN, then fd is O_NONBLOCK and poll lied:
					 * in fact, there is no data. */
					if (errno != EAGAIN) {
						/* otherwise: it's EOF/error */
						buffer[-1] = 0;
						return -1;
					goto got_all;
			if (buffer[i] != (escseq->seq[i] & 0x7f)) {
				/* This seq doesn't match, go to next */
				goto next_seq;
 next_seq: ;

	/* We did not find matching sequence.
	 * We possibly read and stored more input in buffer[] by now.
	 * n = bytes read.
	if (n <= 0) {
		buffer[-1] = 0;
		return -1;

	/* Returning miscellaneous characters may result in unknown 
	 * escape sequences being interpreted as ESC + garbage, but
	 * it's difficult to know what to filter out, so we'll
	 * just return everything for now.
	c = buffer[0];
	if (n)
		memmove(buffer, buffer + 1, n);
	buffer[-1] = n;
	return c;
Ejemplo n.º 17
static int
retrieve_file_data(struct globals *state,
                   FILE *dfp,
                   int (*progress)(void *data, int current, int total),
                   int (*output_func)(void *data, char *bytes, int len),
                   void *data)
	char buf[4*1024]; /* made bigger to speed up local xfers */
	unsigned second_cnt;
	struct pollfd polldata;

	polldata.fd = fileno(dfp);
	polldata.events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
	progress(data, 0, state->total_len);

	if (state->chunked)
		goto get_clen;

	/* Loops only if chunked */
	while (1) {

		while (1) {
			int n;
			unsigned rdsz;

			rdsz = sizeof(buf);
			if (state->got_clen) {
				if (state->content_len < (off_t)sizeof(buf)) {
					if ((int)state->content_len <= 0)
					rdsz = (unsigned)state->content_len;
			second_cnt = state->timeout_seconds;
			while (1) {
				if (safe_poll(&polldata, 1, 1000) != 0)
					break; /* error, EOF, or data is available */
				if (second_cnt != 0 && --second_cnt == 0) {
					progress(data, -1, state->total_len);
					ERROR("download timed out");
					return -1;
				/* Needed for "stalled" indicator */
				progress(data, state->transferred, state->total_len);
			/* fread internally uses read loop, which in our case
			 * is usually exited when we get EAGAIN.
			 * In this case, libc sets error marker on the stream.
			 * Need to clear it before next fread to avoid possible
			 * rare false positive ferror below. Rare because usually
			 * fread gets more than zero bytes, and we don't fall
			 * into if (n <= 0) ...
			errno = 0;
			n = safe_fread(buf, rdsz, dfp);
			/* man fread:
			 * If error occurs, or EOF is reached, the return value
			 * is a short item count (or zero).
			 * fread does not distinguish between EOF and error.
			if (n <= 0) {
				if (errno == EAGAIN) /* poll lied, there is no data? */
					continue; /* yes */
				if (ferror(dfp))
					ERROR("Could not read file");
				break; /* EOF, not error */

			output_func(data, buf, n);
			state->transferred += n;
			progress(data, state->transferred, state->total_len);
			if (state->got_clen) {
				state->content_len -= n;
				if (state->content_len == 0)

		if (!state->chunked)

		safe_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), dfp); /* This is a newline */
		safe_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), dfp);
		state->content_len = strtol(buf, NULL, 16);
		/* FIXME: error check? */
		if (state->content_len == 0)
			break; /* all done! */
		state->got_clen = 1;

	progress(data, state->transferred, state->total_len);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int acpid_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
	int nfd;
	int opts;
	struct pollfd *pfd;
	const char *opt_dir = "/etc/acpi";
	const char *opt_input = "/dev/input/event";
	const char *opt_logfile = "/var/log/acpid.log";
	const char *opt_action = "/etc/acpid.conf";
	const char *opt_map = "/etc/acpi.map";
	const char *opt_pidfile = "/var/run/acpid.pid";


	opt_complementary = "df:e--e";
	opts = getopt32(argv, "c:de:fl:a:M:" IF_FEATURE_PIDFILE("p:") IF_FEATURE_ACPID_COMPAT("g:m:s:S:v"),
		&opt_dir, &opt_input, &opt_logfile, &opt_action, &opt_map
		IF_FEATURE_PIDFILE(, &opt_pidfile)

	if (!(opts & OPT_f)) {
		/* No -f "Foreground", we go to background */
		bb_daemonize_or_rexec(DAEMON_CLOSE_EXTRA_FDS, argv);

	if (!(opts & OPT_d)) {
		/* No -d "Debug", we log to log file.
		 * This includes any output from children.
		xmove_fd(xopen(opt_logfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC), STDOUT_FILENO);
		/* Also, acpid's messages (but not children) will go to syslog too */
		openlog(applet_name, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
	/* else: -d "Debug", log is not redirected */



	bb_signals((1 << SIGCHLD), SIG_IGN);
	bb_signals(BB_FATAL_SIGS, record_signo);

	pfd = NULL;
	nfd = 0;
	while (1) {
		int fd;
		char *dev_event;

		dev_event = xasprintf((opts & OPT_e) ? "%s" : "%s%u", opt_input, nfd);
		fd = open(dev_event, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
		if (fd < 0) {
			if (nfd == 0)
		pfd = xrealloc_vector(pfd, 1, nfd);
		pfd[nfd].fd = fd;
		pfd[nfd].events = POLLIN;


	while (safe_poll(pfd, nfd, -1) > 0) {
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < nfd; i++) {
			const char *event;

			if (!(pfd[i].revents & POLLIN)) {
				if (pfd[i].revents == 0)
					continue; /* this fd has nothing */

				 * Do not listen on this fd anymore.
				for (; i < nfd; i++)
					pfd[i].fd = pfd[i + 1].fd;
				break; /* do poll() again */

			event = NULL;
			if (option_mask32 & OPT_e) {
				char *buf;
				int len;

				buf = xmalloc_reads(pfd[i].fd, NULL);
				/* buf = "button/power PWRB 00000080 00000000" */
				len = strlen(buf) - 9;
				if (len >= 0)
					buf[len] = '\0';
				event = find_action(NULL, buf);
			} else {
				struct input_event ev;

				if (sizeof(ev) != full_read(pfd[i].fd, &ev, sizeof(ev)))

				if (ev.value != 1 && ev.value != 0)

				event = find_action(&ev, NULL);
			if (!event)
			// spawn event handler

		while (nfd--)
