Ejemplo n.º 1
static boolean sameAccession(char *acc1, char *acc2)
/* test if an accessions is the same, ignoring optional versions */
int len1 = lenLessVer(acc1);
int len2 = lenLessVer(acc2);
return (len1 != len2) ? FALSE : sameStringN(acc1, acc2, len1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
boolean endsWithWordComma(char *string, char *word)
/* Return TRUE if string ends with word possibly followed by a comma, and the beginning
 * of word within string is the beginning of string or follows a comma. */
int stringLen = strlen(string);
int wordLen = strlen(word);
int commaSize = (stringLen > wordLen && string[stringLen-1] == ',') ? 1 : 0;
if (stringLen < wordLen + commaSize)
    return FALSE;
int wordOffset = stringLen - commaSize - wordLen;
if (sameStringN(string + wordOffset, word, wordLen) &&
    (wordOffset == 0 || string[wordOffset-1] == ','))
    return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static char *readHtmlRecursive(char *fileName, char *database)
/* Slurp in an html file.  Wherever it contains insertHtmlRegex, recursively slurp that in
 * and replace insertHtmlRegex with the contents. */
char *html;
readInGulp(fileName, &html, NULL);
if (isEmpty(html))
    return html;
regmatch_t substrs[4];
while (regexMatchSubstr(html, insertHtmlRegex, substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
    struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
    // All text before the regex match:
    dyStringAppendN(dy, html, substrs[0].rm_so);
    // Is there an #if before the #insert ?
    boolean doInsert = TRUE;
    if (substrs[1].rm_so != -1 &&
	(! sameStringN(database, html+substrs[2].rm_so, (substrs[2].rm_eo - substrs[2].rm_so))))
	doInsert = FALSE;
    if (doInsert)
	// Recursively pull in inserted file contents from relative path, replacing regex match:
	char dir[PATH_LEN];
	splitPath(fileName, dir, NULL, NULL);
	char insertFileName[PATH_LEN+FILENAME_LEN];
	safecpy(insertFileName, sizeof(insertFileName), dir);
	safencat(insertFileName, sizeof(insertFileName), html+substrs[3].rm_so,
		 (substrs[3].rm_eo - substrs[3].rm_so));
	if (!fileExists(insertFileName))
	    errAbort("readHtmlRecursive: relative path '%s' (#insert'ed in %s) not found",
		     insertFileName, fileName);
	char *insertedText = readHtmlRecursive(insertFileName, database);
	dyStringAppend(dy, insertedText);
    // All text after the regex match:
    dyStringAppend(dy, html+substrs[0].rm_eo);
    html = dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
return html;