int main_samview(int argc, char *argv[]) { int index; for(index = 0; index < argc; index++) { printf("The %d is %s\n",index,argv[index]); } getchar();return 0; int c, is_header = 0, is_header_only = 0, ret = 0, compress_level = -1, is_count = 0; int is_long_help = 0, n_threads = 0; int64_t count = 0; samFile *in = 0, *out = 0, *un_out=0; bam_hdr_t *header = NULL; char out_mode[5], out_un_mode[5], *out_format = ""; char *fn_in = 0, *fn_out = 0, *fn_list = 0, *q, *fn_un_out = 0; sam_global_args ga = SAM_GLOBAL_ARGS_INIT; samview_settings_t settings = { .rghash = NULL, .min_mapQ = 0, .flag_on = 0, .flag_off = 0, .min_qlen = 0, .remove_B = 0, .subsam_seed = 0, .subsam_frac = -1., .library = NULL, .bed = NULL, }; static const struct option lopts[] = { SAM_OPT_GLOBAL_OPTIONS('-', 0, 'O', 0, 'T'), { "threads", required_argument, NULL, '@' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /* parse command-line options */ strcpy(out_mode, "w"); strcpy(out_un_mode, "w"); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "SbBcCt:h1Ho:O:q:f:F:ul:r:?T:R:L:s:@:m:x:U:", lopts, NULL)) >= 0) { switch (c) { case 's': if ((settings.subsam_seed = strtol(optarg, &q, 10)) != 0) { srand(settings.subsam_seed); settings.subsam_seed = rand(); } settings.subsam_frac = strtod(q, &q); break; case 'm': settings.min_qlen = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': is_count = 1; break; case 'S': break; case 'b': out_format = "b"; break; case 'C': out_format = "c"; break; case 't': fn_list = strdup(optarg); break; case 'h': is_header = 1; break; case 'H': is_header_only = 1; break; case 'o': fn_out = strdup(optarg); break; case 'U': fn_un_out = strdup(optarg); break; case 'f': settings.flag_on |= strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'F': settings.flag_off |= strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'q': settings.min_mapQ = atoi(optarg); break; case 'u': compress_level = 0; break; case '1': compress_level = 1; break; case 'l': settings.library = strdup(optarg); break; case 'L': if ((settings.bed = bed_read(optarg)) == NULL) { print_error_errno("view", "Could not read file \"%s\"", optarg); ret = 1; goto view_end; } break; case 'r': if (add_read_group_single("view", &settings, optarg) != 0) { ret = 1; goto view_end; } break; case 'R': if (add_read_groups_file("view", &settings, optarg) != 0) { ret = 1; goto view_end; } break; /* REMOVED as htslib doesn't support this //case 'x': out_format = "x"; break; //case 'X': out_format = "X"; break; */ case '?': is_long_help = 1; break; case 'B': settings.remove_B = 1; break; case '@': n_threads = strtol(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'x': { if (strlen(optarg) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "main_samview: Error parsing -x auxiliary tags should be exactly two characters long.\n"); return usage(stderr, EXIT_FAILURE, is_long_help); } settings.remove_aux = (char**)realloc(settings.remove_aux, sizeof(char*) * (++settings.remove_aux_len)); settings.remove_aux[settings.remove_aux_len-1] = optarg; } break; default: if (parse_sam_global_opt(c, optarg, lopts, &ga) != 0) return usage(stderr, EXIT_FAILURE, is_long_help); break; } } if (compress_level >= 0 && !*out_format) out_format = "b"; if (is_header_only) is_header = 1; // File format auto-detection first if (fn_out) sam_open_mode(out_mode+1, fn_out, NULL); if (fn_un_out) sam_open_mode(out_un_mode+1, fn_un_out, NULL); // Overridden by manual -b, -C if (*out_format) out_mode[1] = out_un_mode[1] = *out_format; out_mode[2] = out_un_mode[2] = '\0'; // out_(un_)mode now 1 or 2 bytes long, followed by nul. if (compress_level >= 0) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = compress_level + '0'; tmp[1] = '\0'; strcat(out_mode, tmp); strcat(out_un_mode, tmp); } if (argc == optind && isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) return usage(stdout, EXIT_SUCCESS, is_long_help); // potential memory leak... fn_in = (optind < argc)? argv[optind] : "-"; // generate the fn_list if necessary if (fn_list == 0 && ga.reference) fn_list = samfaipath(ga.reference); // open file handlers if ((in = sam_open_format(fn_in, "r", & == 0) { print_error_errno("view", "failed to open \"%s\" for reading", fn_in); ret = 1; goto view_end; } if (fn_list) { if (hts_set_fai_filename(in, fn_list) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] failed to use reference \"%s\".\n", fn_list); ret = 1; goto view_end; } } if ((header = sam_hdr_read(in)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] fail to read the header from \"%s\".\n", fn_in); ret = 1; goto view_end; } if (settings.rghash) { // FIXME: I do not know what "bam_header_t::n_text" is for... char *tmp; int l; tmp = drop_rg(header->text, settings.rghash, &l); free(header->text); header->text = tmp; header->l_text = l; } if (!is_count) { if ((out = sam_open_format(fn_out? fn_out : "-", out_mode, &ga.out)) == 0) { print_error_errno("view", "failed to open \"%s\" for writing", fn_out? fn_out : "standard output"); ret = 1; goto view_end; } if (fn_list) { if (hts_set_fai_filename(out, fn_list) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] failed to use reference \"%s\".\n", fn_list); ret = 1; goto view_end; } } if (*out_format || is_header || out_mode[1] == 'b' || out_mode[1] == 'c' || (ga.out.format != sam && ga.out.format != unknown_format)) { if (sam_hdr_write(out, header) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] failed to write the SAM header\n"); ret = 1; goto view_end; } } if (fn_un_out) { if ((un_out = sam_open_format(fn_un_out, out_un_mode, &ga.out)) == 0) { print_error_errno("view", "failed to open \"%s\" for writing", fn_un_out); ret = 1; goto view_end; } if (fn_list) { if (hts_set_fai_filename(un_out, fn_list) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] failed to use reference \"%s\".\n", fn_list); ret = 1; goto view_end; } } if (*out_format || is_header || out_un_mode[1] == 'b' || out_un_mode[1] == 'c' || (ga.out.format != sam && ga.out.format != unknown_format)) { if (sam_hdr_write(un_out, header) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] failed to write the SAM header\n"); ret = 1; goto view_end; } } } } if (n_threads > 1) { if (out) hts_set_threads(out, n_threads); } if (is_header_only) goto view_end; // no need to print alignments if (optind + 1 >= argc) { // convert/print the entire file bam1_t *b = bam_init1(); int r; while ((r = sam_read1(in, header, b)) >= 0) { // read one alignment from `in' if (!process_aln(header, b, &settings)) { if (!is_count) { if (check_sam_write1(out, header, b, fn_out, &ret) < 0) break; } count++; } else { if (un_out) { if (check_sam_write1(un_out, header, b, fn_un_out, &ret) < 0) break; } } } if (r < -1) { fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] truncated file.\n"); ret = 1; } bam_destroy1(b); } else { // retrieve alignments in specified regions int i; bam1_t *b; hts_idx_t *idx = sam_index_load(in, fn_in); // load index if (idx == 0) { // index is unavailable fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] random alignment retrieval only works for indexed BAM or CRAM files.\n"); ret = 1; goto view_end; } b = bam_init1(); for (i = optind + 1; i < argc; ++i) { int result; hts_itr_t *iter = sam_itr_querys(idx, header, argv[i]); // parse a region in the format like `chr2:100-200' if (iter == NULL) { // region invalid or reference name not found int beg, end; if (hts_parse_reg(argv[i], &beg, &end)) fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] region \"%s\" specifies an unknown reference name. Continue anyway.\n", argv[i]); else fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] region \"%s\" could not be parsed. Continue anyway.\n", argv[i]); continue; } // fetch alignments while ((result = sam_itr_next(in, iter, b)) >= 0) { if (!process_aln(header, b, &settings)) { if (!is_count) { if (check_sam_write1(out, header, b, fn_out, &ret) < 0) break; } count++; } else { if (un_out) { if (check_sam_write1(un_out, header, b, fn_un_out, &ret) < 0) break; } } } hts_itr_destroy(iter); if (result < -1) { fprintf(stderr, "[main_samview] retrieval of region \"%s\" failed due to truncated file or corrupt BAM index file\n", argv[i]); ret = 1; break; } } bam_destroy1(b); hts_idx_destroy(idx); // destroy the BAM index } view_end: if (is_count && ret == 0) printf("%" PRId64 "\n", count); // close files, free and return if (in) check_sam_close("view", in, fn_in, "standard input", &ret); if (out) check_sam_close("view", out, fn_out, "standard output", &ret); if (un_out) check_sam_close("view", un_out, fn_un_out, "file", &ret); free(fn_list); free(fn_out); free(settings.library); free(fn_un_out); sam_global_args_free(&ga); if ( header ) bam_hdr_destroy(header); if (settings.bed) bed_destroy(settings.bed); if (settings.rghash) { khint_t k; for (k = 0; k < kh_end(settings.rghash); ++k) if (kh_exist(settings.rghash, k)) free((char*)kh_key(settings.rghash, k)); kh_destroy(rg, settings.rghash); } if (settings.remove_aux_len) { free(settings.remove_aux); } return ret; } static int usage(FILE *fp, int exit_status, int is_long_help) { fprintf(fp, "\n" "Usage: samtools view [options] <in.bam>|<in.sam>|<in.cram> [region ...]\n" "\n" "Options:\n" // output options " -b output BAM\n" " -C output CRAM (requires -T)\n" " -1 use fast BAM compression (implies -b)\n" " -u uncompressed BAM output (implies -b)\n" " -h include header in SAM output\n" " -H print SAM header only (no alignments)\n" " -c print only the count of matching records\n" " -o FILE output file name [stdout]\n" " -U FILE output reads not selected by filters to FILE [null]\n" // extra input " -t FILE FILE listing reference names and lengths (see long help) [null]\n" // read filters " -L FILE only include reads overlapping this BED FILE [null]\n" " -r STR only include reads in read group STR [null]\n" " -R FILE only include reads with read group listed in FILE [null]\n" " -q INT only include reads with mapping quality >= INT [0]\n" " -l STR only include reads in library STR [null]\n" " -m INT only include reads with number of CIGAR operations consuming\n" " query sequence >= INT [0]\n" " -f INT only include reads with all bits set in INT set in FLAG [0]\n" " -F INT only include reads with none of the bits set in INT set in FLAG [0]\n" // read processing " -x STR read tag to strip (repeatable) [null]\n" " -B collapse the backward CIGAR operation\n" " -s FLOAT integer part sets seed of random number generator [0];\n" " rest sets fraction of templates to subsample [no subsampling]\n" // general options " -@, --threads INT\n" " number of BAM/CRAM compression threads [0]\n" " -? print long help, including note about region specification\n" " -S ignored (input format is auto-detected)\n"); sam_global_opt_help(fp, "-.O.T"); fprintf(fp, "\n"); if (is_long_help) fprintf(fp, "Notes:\n" "\n" "1. This command now auto-detects the input format (BAM/CRAM/SAM).\n" " Further control over the CRAM format can be specified by using the\n" " --output-fmt-option, e.g. to specify the number of sequences per slice\n" " and to use avoid reference based compression:\n" "\n" "\tsamtools view -C --output-fmt-option seqs_per_slice=5000 \\\n" "\t --output-fmt-option no_ref -o out.cram in.bam\n" "\n" " Options can also be specified as a comma separated list within the\n" " --output-fmt value too. For example this is equivalent to the above\n" "\n" "\tsamtools view --output-fmt cram,seqs_per_slice=5000,no_ref \\\n" "\t -o out.cram in.bam\n" "\n" "2. The file supplied with `-t' is SPACE/TAB delimited with the first\n" " two fields of each line consisting of the reference name and the\n" " corresponding sequence length. The `.fai' file generated by \n" " `samtools faidx' is suitable for use as this file. This may be an\n" " empty file if reads are unaligned.\n" "\n" "3. SAM->BAM conversion: samtools view -bT ref.fa in.sam.gz\n" "\n" "4. BAM->SAM conversion: samtools view -h in.bam\n" "\n" "5. A region should be presented in one of the following formats:\n" " `chr1', `chr2:1,000' and `chr3:1000-2,000'. When a region is\n" " specified, the input alignment file must be a sorted and indexed\n" " alignment (BAM/CRAM) file.\n" "\n" "6. Option `-u' is preferred over `-b' when the output is piped to\n" " another samtools command.\n" "\n"); return exit_status; }
int main_pad2unpad(int argc, char *argv[]) { samFile *in = 0, *out = 0; bam_hdr_t *h = 0, *h_fix = 0; faidx_t *fai = 0; int c, compress_level = -1, is_long_help = 0; char in_mode[5], out_mode[6], *fn_out = 0, *fn_list = 0; int ret=0; sam_global_args ga = SAM_GLOBAL_ARGS_INIT; static const struct option lopts[] = { SAM_OPT_GLOBAL_OPTIONS('-', 0, 0, 0, 'T'), { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /* parse command-line options */ strcpy(in_mode, "r"); strcpy(out_mode, "w"); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "SCso:u1T:?", lopts, NULL)) >= 0) { switch (c) { case 'S': break; case 'C': hts_parse_format(&ga.out, "cram"); break; case 's': assert(compress_level == -1); hts_parse_format(&ga.out, "sam"); break; case 'o': fn_out = strdup(optarg); break; case 'u': compress_level = 0; if (ga.out.format == unknown_format) hts_parse_format(&ga.out, "bam"); break; case '1': compress_level = 1; if (ga.out.format == unknown_format) hts_parse_format(&ga.out, "bam"); break; case '?': is_long_help = 1; break; default: if (parse_sam_global_opt(c, optarg, lopts, &ga) == 0) break; fprintf(stderr, "[bam_fillmd] unrecognized option '-%c'\n\n", c); return usage(is_long_help); } } if (argc == optind) return usage(is_long_help); strcat(out_mode, "h"); if (compress_level >= 0) { char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = compress_level + '0'; tmp[1] = '\0'; strcat(out_mode, tmp); } // Load FASTA reference (also needed for SAM -> BAM if missing header) if (ga.reference) { fn_list = samfaipath(ga.reference); fai = fai_load(ga.reference); } // open file handlers if ((in = sam_open_format(argv[optind], in_mode, & == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to open \"%s\" for reading.\n", argv[optind]); ret = 1; goto depad_end; } if (fn_list && hts_set_fai_filename(in, fn_list) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to load reference file \"%s\".\n", fn_list); ret = 1; goto depad_end; } if ((h = sam_hdr_read(in)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to read the header from \"%s\".\n", argv[optind]); ret = 1; goto depad_end; } if (fai) { h_fix = fix_header(h, fai); } else { fprintf(stderr, "[depad] Warning - reference lengths will not be corrected without FASTA reference\n"); h_fix = h; } char wmode[2]; strcat(out_mode, sam_open_mode(wmode, fn_out, NULL)==0 ? wmode : "b"); if ((out = sam_open_format(fn_out? fn_out : "-", out_mode, &ga.out)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to open \"%s\" for writing.\n", fn_out? fn_out : "standard output"); ret = 1; goto depad_end; } // Reference-based CRAM won't work unless we also create a new reference. // We could embed this, but for now we take the easy option. if (ga.out.format == cram) hts_set_opt(out, CRAM_OPT_NO_REF, 1); if (sam_hdr_write(out, h_fix) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[depad] failed to write header.\n"); ret = 1; goto depad_end; } // Do the depad ret = bam_pad2unpad(in, out, h, fai); depad_end: // close files, free and return if (fai) fai_destroy(fai); if (h) bam_hdr_destroy(h); sam_close(in); sam_close(out); free(fn_list); free(fn_out); return ret; }