bool Ingridients::saveData(QString& fileName) { QJsonObject saveObj; QFile saveFile(fileName); PRINT_DEBUG("Saving all ingridients"); if ( ! ) { PRINT_WARN("Couldn't open save file."); return false; } saveItems(saveObj); saveFood(saveObj); saveDish(saveObj); QJsonDocument saveDoc(saveObj); if ( !fileName.right(5).compare(".json") ) { saveFile.write(saveDoc.toJson()); } else { saveFile.write(saveDoc.toBinaryData()); } return true; }
void WorkspaceSerializer::Write(const QString& fileName, const SignalData& data, const PlotInfo& plotInfo, bool writeValues /*= true*/) { QJsonObject json; json["background"] = plotInfo.getBackgroundColor().name(); if (writeValues) { if (auto domain = data.getDomain()) json["domain"] = domain->name; } QJsonArray signArray; data.onSignals([&](const Signal& signal){ QJsonObject signObj; signObj["name"] =; signObj["color"] =; signObj["visible"] = signal.graphic.visible; signObj["range"] = ToJsonArray(QVector < qreal > {signal.graphic.rangeLower, signal.graphic.rangeUpper}); if (writeValues) signObj["values"] = ToJsonArray(signal.y); signObj["ticks"] = ToJsonArray(signal.graphic.ticks); signObj["tickLabels"] = ToJsonArray(signal.graphic.tickLabels); signArray.push_back(std::move(signObj)); }); json["signals"] = signArray; QJsonDocument saveDoc(json); QFile outF(fileName);; outF.write(saveDoc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented)); }
void ApiInfo::createInstance() { if (_instance) return; QFile f(apiInfoLocation()); QByteArray clientId; if ( { const QByteArray saveData = f.readAll(); const QJsonDocument d(QJsonDocument::fromBinaryData(saveData)); QJsonObject saveObject = d.object(); clientId = saveObject["clientId"].toString().toLatin1(); f.close(); } else { clientId = genClientId(); // Save the generated ID if ( { QJsonObject saveObject; saveObject["clientId"] = QString(clientId); QJsonDocument saveDoc(saveObject); f.write(saveDoc.toBinaryData()); f.close(); } } QByteArray apiKey("0b19809bab331d70fb9983a0b9866290"); _instance = new ApiInfo(clientId, apiKey); }
void CBAttachmentsProvider::saveAttributes(){ QFile saveFile(attributePath()); if (! { qWarning("Couldn't open save file."); } QJsonDocument saveDoc(QJsonArray::fromVariantList(attributes)); saveFile.write(saveDoc.toJson()); }
bool MultiObjPathPlanningInfo::saveToFile( QString filename ) { QFile saveFile(filename); if( false == ) { qWarning("Couldn't open file."); return false; } QJsonObject infoObject; write(infoObject); QJsonDocument saveDoc(infoObject); saveFile.write(saveDoc.toJson()); return true; }
bool LoginManager::save() { if (_accessToken.isEmpty() || _refreshToken.isEmpty()) return true; QFile saveFile(dataPath + "/cred.dat"); if (! return false; QJsonObject saveObject; saveObject["accessToken"] = _accessToken; saveObject["refreshToken"] = _refreshToken; QJsonDocument saveDoc(saveObject); saveFile.write(saveDoc.toBinaryData()); saveFile.close(); return true; }
void BtsSpawnClient::startClient() { if(isClientReady() || (p->clientProc && p->clientProc->state() == QProcess::Starting)) return; QJsonObject configObject; configObject.insert("storage_path", getDataPath()); configObject.insert("use_gui", false); QJsonObject webuiObject; webuiObject.insert("listen", QString("%1:%2").arg(p->host).arg(p->port)); webuiObject.insert("login", p->username); webuiObject.insert("password", p->password); webuiObject.insert("api_key", BtsGlobal::getApiKey().toString()); configObject.insert("webui", webuiObject); p->; QJsonDocument saveDoc(configObject); p->configFile.write(saveDoc.toJson()); p->configFile.close(); p->configFile.setPermissions(QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner); p->cur_port = p->port; p->cur_password = p->password; p->cur_username = p->username; p->clientProc = new QProcess(this); connect(p->clientProc, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(procFinished(int))); connect(p->clientProc, SIGNAL(finished(int)), p->clientProc, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(p->clientProc, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(procStarted())); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN # define ARG_PREFIX "/" #else # define ARG_PREFIX "--" #endif p->clientProc->setProgram(BtsGlobal::getBtsyncExecutablePath()); p->clientProc->setArguments(QStringList() << ARG_PREFIX "nodaemon" << ARG_PREFIX "config" << p->configFile.fileName()); p->clientProc->setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::ForwardedChannels); p->clientProc->start(); }
void initWindow::guardar() { QFile saveFile(QStringLiteral("save.json")); if (! { qWarning("Couldn't open save file."); return ; } QJsonObject estructura; write(estructura); if(estructura.empty()) exit(0); QJsonDocument saveDoc(estructura); saveFile.write(saveDoc.toJson()); }
void MetaDataWriter::save() { QFile saveFile(m_filename); QJsonObject top, jsonClst; if (! { qWarning("dressr.json could not be opened for writing!"); return; } m_closet->write(jsonClst); top["Closet"] = jsonClst; QJsonDocument saveDoc(top); saveFile.write(saveDoc.toJson()); }
ConfigurationDialog::ConfigurationDialog(const CFGManager *cfg, QWidget *parent) : Dialog("Configuration", "", parent) { this->cfg = cfg; setFixedSize(350, 500); text->hide(); connect(cfg, SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(showMessage(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(okPressed()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(this, SIGNAL(okPressed()), cfg, SLOT(saveDoc())); connect(this, SIGNAL(cancelPressed()), cfg, SLOT(undoDoc())); tabs = new QTabWidget(); mainLayout->addWidget(tabs, 4, 0, 1, 4); createDatabaseTab(); createSpreadSheetTab(); createSecurityTab(); }
bool ImpedanceLog::saveLog() { QFile saveFile(logFile.absoluteFilePath()); if (! { qWarning("Couldn't open save file."); return false; } QJsonObject json; json["log"] = log; QJsonDocument saveDoc(json); saveFile.write(saveDoc.toJson()); cout << "Log saved." << endl; return true; }
UserEntryCache::~UserEntryCache() { if (modified_m) { if (file_name_m == "") { return; } QJsonObject obj{}; obj["cache"] = cache_m; obj["script_path"] = script_path_m; obj["touched_unixtime"] = QJsonValue(qint64(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t())); QJsonDocument saveDoc(obj); QFile saveFile(file_name_m); if (! { MainWindow::mw->show_status_bar_massage(QObject::tr("Could not save user entry cache file.") + file_name_m, 2000); return; } saveFile.write(saveDoc.toJson()); } }
//! [4] bool Game::saveGame(Game::SaveFormat saveFormat) const { QFile saveFile(saveFormat == Json ? QStringLiteral("save.json") : QStringLiteral("save.dat")); if (! { qWarning("Couldn't open save file."); return false; } QJsonObject gameObject; write(gameObject); QJsonDocument saveDoc(gameObject); saveFile.write(saveFormat == Json ? saveDoc.toJson() : saveDoc.toBinaryData()); return true; }
bool Storage::saveToFile(QString fileName, QJsonObject data, bool saveJson) { QFile saveFile(saveJson ? QStringLiteral("%1.json").arg(fileName) : QStringLiteral("%1.dat").arg(fileName)); if (! { qWarning("Couldn't open save file."); return false; } QJsonDocument saveDoc(data); saveFile.write(saveJson == Json ? saveDoc.toJson() : saveDoc.toBinaryData()); return true; }
bool SiteResponseModel::saveJson() { QJsonObject json; json["notes"] = m_notes->toPlainText(); json["method"] = (int) m_method; json["hasResults"] = m_hasResults; json["system"] = (int) Units::instance()->system(); json["randNumGen"] = m_randNumGen->toJson(); json["siteProfile"] = m_siteProfile->toJson(); json["motionLibrary"] = m_motionLibrary->toJson(); json["outputCatalog"] = m_outputCatalog->toJson(); switch (m_method) { case SiteResponseModel::EquivalentLinear: json["calculator"] = qobject_cast<EquivalentLinearCalculator*>(m_calculator)->toJson(); break; case SiteResponseModel::FrequencyDependent: json["calculator"] = qobject_cast<FrequencyDependentCalculator*>(m_calculator)->toJson(); break; case SiteResponseModel::LinearElastic: default: break; } QFile file(m_fileName); if (! { qWarning("Couldn't open save file."); return false; } QJsonDocument saveDoc(json); file.write(saveDoc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented)); setModified(false); return true; }
bool StageSettingDialog::saveStageSettingss(SaveFormat saveFormat) const { QFile saveFile(saveFormat == Json ? QStringLiteral("save.json") : QStringLiteral("save.dat")); if (! { qWarning("Couldn't open save File"); return false; } QJsonObject settingObject; write(settingObject); QJsonDocument saveDoc(settingObject); saveFile.write(saveFormat == Json ? saveDoc.toJson() : saveDoc.toBinaryData()); return true; }
/** * @brief NoteEditScene::saveJson 指定したパスにjson情報を保存する * @param path */ void NoteEditScene::saveJson(QString path) { //QString saveName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this->views()[0], tr("Save File"), QDir::homePath(), tr("Json (*.json)")); QFile f(path); if(! { qWarning("Couldn't open save.json"); return; } //ソート qSort(noteList.begin(), noteList.end(), Note::compare); QVector< QVector< QSharedPointer<QJsonObject> > > lanes; for(int i=0;i < 9;i++) { QVector< QSharedPointer<QJsonObject> > lane; lanes.append(lane); } QHash<int, QSharedPointer<QJsonObject> > timeMap; for(Note* n : noteList) { qreal startTime = n->startTime(); qreal endTime = n->endTime(); int lane =n->laneNum(); bool isLongNote = n->isLongNotes(); bool isHold = n->isStar(); QSharedPointer<QJsonObject> noteInfo(new QJsonObject); noteInfo->insert("starttime", startTime); noteInfo->insert("endtime", endTime); noteInfo->insert("longnote", isLongNote); noteInfo->insert("hold", isHold); noteInfo->insert("parallel", false); noteInfo->insert("lane", lane); //もしもハッシュの中に同じ時間のデータが存在する場合 QHash<int, QSharedPointer<QJsonObject> >::iterator it = timeMap.find(startTime); if(it != timeMap.end() && it.key() == startTime) { noteInfo->insert("parallel", true); //発見したものも直す it.value()->insert("parallel",true); } else { timeMap.insert(startTime,noteInfo); } //lanesに追加 lanes[lane].append(noteInfo); } QJsonObject saveObject; QJsonArray mainArray; for(QVector<QSharedPointer<QJsonObject> > v : lanes) { QSharedPointer<QJsonArray> array(new QJsonArray); for(QSharedPointer<QJsonObject> json : v) { array->append(*json); } mainArray.append(*array); } saveObject.insert("lane", mainArray); // QJsonオブジェクトをテキストの形にして、保存する QJsonDocument saveDoc(saveObject); f.write(saveDoc.toJson()); f.close(); }
void VehicleTemplateExportDialog::saveTemplate(QString path) { QJsonObject exportObject; QList<UAVObject *> objectsToExport; objectsToExport << StabilizationSettings::GetInstance(m_uavoManager); objectsToExport << StabilizationSettingsBank1::GetInstance(m_uavoManager); objectsToExport << StabilizationSettingsBank2::GetInstance(m_uavoManager); objectsToExport << StabilizationSettingsBank3::GetInstance(m_uavoManager); objectsToExport << MixerSettings::GetInstance(m_uavoManager); objectsToExport << EKFConfiguration::GetInstance(m_uavoManager); m_uavoManager->toJson(exportObject, objectsToExport); exportObject["type"] = m_type; exportObject["subtype"] = m_subType; exportObject["name"] = ui->Name->text(); exportObject["owner"] = ui->Owner->text(); exportObject["nick"] = ui->ForumNick->text(); exportObject["size"] = ui->Size->text(); exportObject["weight"] = ui->Weight->text(); exportObject["motor"] = ui->Motor->text(); exportObject["esc"] = ui->Esc->text(); exportObject["servo"] = ui->Servo->text(); exportObject["battery"] = ui->Battery->text(); exportObject["propeller"] = ui->Propeller->text(); exportObject["controller"] = ui->Controllers->currentText(); exportObject["comment"] = ui->Comment->document()->toPlainText(); QUuid uuid = QUuid::createUuid(); exportObject["uuid"] = uuid.toString(); if (!m_image.isNull()) { QByteArray bytes; QBuffer buffer(&bytes);; m_image.scaled(IMAGE_SCALE_WIDTH, IMAGE_SCALE_HEIGHT, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation).save(&buffer, "PNG"); exportObject["photo"] = QString::fromLatin1(bytes.toBase64().data()); } QJsonDocument saveDoc(exportObject); const char *fileType = ".optmpl"; QString fileName = QString("%1-%2-%3%4") .arg(fixFilenameString(ui->Name->text(), 20)) .arg(fixFilenameString(ui->Type->text(), 30)) .arg(fixFilenameString(uuid.toString().right(12))) .arg(fileType); QString fullPath; if (path.isEmpty()) { fullPath = QString("%1%2%3").arg(QDir::homePath()).arg(QDir::separator()).arg(fileName); fullPath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Export settings"), fullPath, QString("%1 (*%2)").arg(tr("OPTemplates"), fileType)); } else { fullPath = QString("%1%2%3").arg(path).arg(QDir::separator()).arg(fileName); } if (!fullPath.isEmpty()) { if (!fullPath.endsWith(fileType)) { fullPath.append(fileType); } QFile saveFile(fullPath); if ( { saveFile.write(saveDoc.toJson()); saveFile.close(); } else { QMessageBox::information(this, "Export", tr("Settings could not be exported to \n%1(%2).\nPlease try again.") .arg(QFileInfo(saveFile).absoluteFilePath(), saveFile.error()), QMessageBox::Ok); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addOptions({ { "nogui", QString("Using command line arguments, do not show GUI.") }, { { "p", "path" }, QString("Path for job files or shape files."), QString("path") }, { { "g", "align" }, QString("Input is not aligned. Find lowest cost alignment.") }, { { "s", "sourceShape" }, QString("Path for source shape file."), QString("source") }, { { "t", "targetShape" }, QString("Path for target shape file."), QString("target") }, { { "a", "auto" }, QString("Automatically try to find initial correspondence. Not used for job files.") }, { { "j", "job" }, QString("Job file to load."), QString("job") }, { { "f", "folder" }, QString("Folder for a shape dataset."), QString("folder") }, { { "z", "output" }, QString("Folder for output JSON file."), QString("output") }, { { "q", "quiet" }, QString("Skip visualization.") }, { { "m", "asymmetry" }, QString("Ignore symmetry groups. Used for evaluation.") }, /* Actual paramteres */ { { "k", "k" }, QString("(k) parameter for DP search."), QString("k") }, { { "o", "roundtrip" }, QString("Compute least cost from source to target, and target to source.") }, { { "c", "cut" }, QString("Allow part cuts/joins.") }, /* Experiments */ { { "e", "experiment" }, QString("Perform hard coded experiments.") }, }); if (!parser.parse(QCoreApplication::arguments())) { QString errorText = parser.errorText(); std::cout << qPrintable(errorText); return CommandLineError; } else parser.process(a); QString path = parser.value("p"); QDir::setCurrent(path); /// Experiments: if (parser.isSet("e")) { QVariantMap options; //options["k"].setValue(6); //options["isQuietMode"].setValue(true); options["isOutputMatching"].setValue(true); options["isSaveReport"].setValue(true); options["isLogJobs"].setValue(true); QString sourceShape = "C:/Development/GeoTopo/standalone/ChairWood2/Woodchair2.xml"; QString targetShape = "C:/Development/GeoTopo/standalone/chairVK2110/chair2110.xml"; srand(time(nullptr)); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { auto bp = QSharedPointer<BatchProcess>(new BatchProcess(sourceShape, targetShape, options)); bp->jobUID = (double(rand()) / RAND_MAX) * 10; bp->run(); for (auto & report : bp->jobReports){ int time = report["search_time"].toInt(); double c = report["min_cost"].toDouble(); std::cout << "cost = " << c << " , time = " << time << std::endl; } //std::swap(sourceShape, targetShape); } return 0; } /// Process shape sets: if(parser.isSet("folder")) { QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); QString dataset = parser.value("folder"); QDir d(""); QString dir_name = QDir(dataset).dirName(); // 1) get sorted set of pairs to compare QVector< QPair<int, int> > shapePairs; auto folders = shapesInDataset(dataset); auto folderKeys = folders.keys(); for (int i = 0; i < folderKeys.size(); i++) for (int j = i + 1; j < folderKeys.size(); j++) shapePairs << qMakePair(i,j); int shapePairsCount = shapePairs.size(); int curShapePair = 0; QMap< QString,QPair<int,int> > pair_idx; // 2) perform correspondence for shape pairs { // Remove previous log file d.remove("log.txt"); // go over pairs for (auto shapePair : shapePairs) { QProcess p; QString source = folders[folders.keys().at(shapePair.first)]["graphFile"].toString(); QString target = folders[folders.keys().at(shapePair.second)]["graphFile"].toString(); auto sg = QFileInfo(source).baseName(); auto tg = QFileInfo(target).baseName(); pair_idx[sg+tg] = qMakePair(shapePair.first, shapePair.second); std::cout << QString("Now: %1 / %2").arg(sg).arg(tg).leftJustified(35, ' ', true).toStdString(); QStringList pargs; // Inputs pargs << "-s" << source << "-t" << target; // Forward search options if (parser.isSet("o")) pargs << "-o"; if (parser.isSet("k")) pargs << "-k" << parser.value("k"); if (parser.isSet("q")) pargs << "-q"; if (parser.isSet("c")) pargs << "-c"; if (parser.isSet("m")) pargs << "-m"; // Execute as a seperate process p.start(a.applicationFilePath(), pargs); p.waitForFinished(-1); // Show progress to user auto percent = (double(curShapePair++) / shapePairsCount) * 100.0; std::cout << QString("[%1 %] - %2 - ").arg((int)percent).arg(shapePairsCount-curShapePair).toStdString(); int secPerPercent = (timer.elapsed() / 1000) / (percent + 1); int timeMinLeft = (secPerPercent * (100 - percent)) / 60; std::cout << QString("Time (%1s=%2m) ETA(%3m)\n").arg(timer.elapsed() / 1000).arg(timer.elapsed() / 60000).arg(timeMinLeft).toStdString(); } } // 3) prepare results folder QString job_name = QString("job_%1").arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd_MM_yyyy_hh_mm_ss")); d.mkpath(job_name); // 4) collect all pair-wise results { // output sorted set of shape names { QFile file(d.absolutePath() + "/" + job_name + "/" + "_" + dir_name + "_shapes.txt"); if ( | QIODevice::Text)){ QTextStream out(&file); for (int i = 0; i < folderKeys.size(); i++) out << QString("%1 %2\n").arg(i).arg(; } } // read log and record the minimum costs and correspondence results { QFile ff(d.absolutePath() + "/" + "log.txt"); | QFile::Text); QTextStream in(&ff); auto datasetLogLines = in.readAll().split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); // Record final results QJsonArray results; for(int idx = 0; idx < datasetLogLines.size(); idx++) { // Read matching pair info auto log_line = datasetLogLines[idx].split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QJsonObject matching; matching["source"] =; matching["target"] =; matching["cost"] =; // Get correspondence data QString correspondenceFile =; bool isSwapped = ( % 2) == 0; QJsonArray correspondence; { // Open correspondence file QFile cf(correspondenceFile); | QFile::Text); QTextStream cfin(&cf); auto corrLines = cfin.readAll().split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); // Read correspondence file (swapping if needed) for (auto line : corrLines) { auto matched_pair = line.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QString sid =; QString tid =; if (isSwapped) std::swap(sid, tid); QJsonArray part_pair; part_pair.push_back(sid); part_pair.push_back(tid); correspondence.push_back(part_pair); } } matching["correspondence"] = correspondence; // Thumbnail files if any QString correspondenceThumb = log_line.back(); if(correspondenceThumb != "null"){ QString targetThumb = QFileInfo(correspondenceThumb).fileName(); targetThumb = QString(d.absolutePath() + "/" + job_name + "/" + targetThumb); QFile::copy(correspondenceThumb, targetThumb); matching["thumbnail"] = targetThumb; } // indexing auto sg = QFileInfo(; auto tg = QFileInfo(; auto pi = pair_idx[sg+tg]; matching["i"] = pi.first; matching["j"] = pi.second; // Record result results.push_back(matching); } // Write all results in JSON format { QJsonDocument saveDoc(results); QString jsonFilename = d.absolutePath() + "/" + job_name + "/_" + dir_name + "_corr.json"; // User specified output folder if(parser.isSet("output")) jsonFilename = parser.value("output") + "/" + dir_name + "_corr.json"; QFile saveFile( jsonFilename ); QIODevice::WriteOnly ); saveFile.write( saveDoc.toJson() ); } } } return folders.size(); } MainWindow w; //; /// Here we perform the actual pair-wise correspondence: QString jobs_filename; if(parser.isSet("nogui") || parser.isSet("auto") || parser.isSet("sourceShape")) { if (parser.isSet("auto") || parser.isSet("sourceShape") || parser.isSet("targetShape")) { QString sourceShape = parser.value("sourceShape"); QString targetShape = parser.value("targetShape"); QVariantMap options; if(parser.isSet("g")) options["align"].setValue(true); if(parser.isSet("o")) options["roundtrip"].setValue(true); if(parser.isSet("k")) options["k"].setValue(parser.value("k").toInt()); if(parser.isSet("q")) options["isQuietMode"].setValue(true); if(parser.isSet("c")) options["isAllowCutsJoins"].setValue(true); if(parser.isSet("m")) options["isIgnoreSymmetryGroups"].setValue(true); if(options["roundtrip"].toBool() || options["align"].toBool()) { options["isManyTypesJobs"].setValue(true); options["isOutputMatching"].setValue(true); QTimer::singleShot(1, [sourceShape, targetShape, options] { int numJobs = 0; auto cur_options = options; QVector< QVector<QVariantMap> > reports; int numIter = 1; // Command line now only supports two tests.. GUI has more options if (cur_options["align"].toBool()) numIter = 2; for (int iter = 0; iter < numIter; iter++) { auto bp = QSharedPointer<BatchProcess>(new BatchProcess(sourceShape, targetShape, cur_options)); bp->jobUID = numJobs++; bp->run(); reports << bp->jobReports; if (cur_options["roundtrip"].toBool()) { auto bp2 = QSharedPointer<BatchProcess>(new BatchProcess(targetShape, sourceShape, cur_options)); bp2->jobUID = numJobs++; bp2->run(); reports << bp2->jobReports; } cur_options["isFlip"].setValue(true); } // Look at reports double minEnergy = 1.0; int totalTime = 0; QVariantMap minJob; for (auto & reportVec : reports) { for (auto & report : reportVec) { totalTime += report["search_time"].toInt(); double c = report["min_cost"].toDouble(); if (c < minEnergy){ minEnergy = c; minJob = report; } } } std::cout << "\nJobs computed: " << numJobs << "\n"; std::cout << minEnergy << " - " << qPrintable(minJob["img_file"].toString()); // Aggregate results { QFile file("log.txt"); if ( | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QString thumb_filename = minJob["img_file"].toString(); QTextStream out(&file); out << sourceShape << "," << targetShape << "," << minJob["min_cost"].toDouble() << "," << minJob["match_file"].toString() << "," << minJob["job_uid"].toInt() << "," << (thumb_filename.isEmpty() ? "null" : thumb_filename) << "\n"; } } }); // end of QTimer::singleShot } else { auto bp = new BatchProcess(sourceShape, targetShape, options); QObject::connect(bp, SIGNAL(allJobsFinished()), &w, SLOT(close())); QObject::connect(bp, SIGNAL(finished()), bp, SLOT(deleteLater())); bp->start(); } return a.exec(); } else { jobs_filename = parser.value("job"); if (jobs_filename.isEmpty()){ std::cout << "Please provide a job file."; return CommandLineError; } } std::cout << "Not enough arguments."; return CommandLineError; } else { jobs_filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(&w, "Load Jobs", "", "Jobs File (*.json)"); } QTimer::singleShot(0, [&] { BatchProcess * bp = new BatchProcess(jobs_filename); QObject::connect(bp, SIGNAL(allJobsFinished()), &w, SLOT(close())); QObject::connect(bp, SIGNAL(finished()), bp, SLOT(deleteLater())); bp->start(); }); return a.exec(); }