Ejemplo n.º 1
static void save_file(FILE *fh, unsigned char *ptr, unsigned long filesz) {
	unsigned long chunksz;


	/* Descramble 2 meg blocks for as long as possible, then
	 gradually reduce the window down to 32 bytes (1 slice) */
	for(chunksz = MAXCHUNK; chunksz >= 32; chunksz >>= 1)
	while(filesz >= chunksz) {
		save_chunk(fh, ptr, chunksz);
		filesz -= chunksz;
		ptr += chunksz;

	/* Save final incomplete slice */
		save(fh, ptr, filesz);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int
save_file (FILE * fh, unsigned char *ptr, uint32_t filesz)
    uint32_t chunksz;

    dc_srand (filesz);

    /* Descramble 2 meg blocks for as long as possible, then
       gradually reduce the window down to 32 bytes (1 slice) */
    for (chunksz = MAXCHUNK; chunksz >= 32; chunksz >>= 1)
        while (filesz >= chunksz)
            save_chunk (fh, ptr, chunksz);
            filesz -= chunksz;
            ptr += chunksz;

    /* Save final incomplete slice */
    if (filesz)
        if (fwrite (ptr, 1, filesz, fh) != filesz)
            return -1;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
do_parse(request_t* request)
    int started = 0;
    int status;
    char* buffer;
    size_t length;
    char* p;
    char* pe;
    int cs;
    int gensaved = 0;
    int urisaved = 0;
        // Get a chunk of data to parse.
        status = fill_buffer(request, &buffer, &length);
        if(status < 0 || (status == 0 && started)) return -1;
        if(status == 0) return 0;
        started = 1;

        // If we saved some state in the buffers we need
        // to reinitialize them before resuming parsing.

        if(gensaved) reinit_buffer(request->genbuf, buffer);
        gensaved = 0;
        if(urisaved) reinit_buffer(request->uribuf, buffer);
        urisaved = 0;

        // Setup and run the main parse loop saving the
        // parse state afterwards.

        cs = request->cs;
        p = buffer;
        pe = buffer + length;

#line 219 "./c_src/request.c"
	if ( p == pe )
		goto _test_eof;
	switch ( cs )
case 1:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 36: goto tr0;
		case 95: goto tr0;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto tr0;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto tr0;
	} else
		goto tr0;
	goto st0;
cs = 0;
	goto _out;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st2;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof2;
case 2:
#line 253 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st48;
		case 95: goto st48;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st48;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st48;
	} else
		goto st48;
	goto st0;
#line 44 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->method = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->method == NULL) {p++; cs = 3; goto _out;}
	goto st3;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof3;
case 3:
#line 280 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr4;
		case 32: goto tr4;
		case 35: goto tr5;
		case 42: goto tr6;
		case 43: goto tr7;
		case 47: goto tr8;
		case 63: goto tr9;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr7;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr7;
	} else
		goto tr7;
	goto st0;
#line 82 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark");
        request->uribuf->pos = p;
#line 87 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 4; goto _out;}
	goto st4;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof4;
case 4:
#line 315 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr4;
		case 32: goto tr4;
		case 35: goto tr5;
		case 42: goto tr6;
		case 43: goto tr7;
		case 47: goto tr8;
		case 63: goto tr9;
		case 72: goto tr10;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto tr7;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto tr7;
	} else
		goto tr7;
	goto st0;
#line 82 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark");
        request->uribuf->pos = p;
	goto st5;
#line 54 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 5; goto _out;}
	goto st5;
#line 67 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->path = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->path == NULL) {p++; cs = 5; goto _out;}
	goto st5;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
#line 72 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->query = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->query == NULL) {p++; cs = 5; goto _out;}
	goto st5;
#line 72 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->query = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->query == NULL) {p++; cs = 5; goto _out;}
	goto st5;
#line 59 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->port = 0;
	goto st5;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof5;
case 5:
#line 385 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr11;
		case 32: goto tr11;
		case 37: goto tr13;
		case 61: goto tr12;
		case 95: goto tr12;
	if ( (*p) < 44 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 34 ) {
			if ( 36 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 )
				goto tr12;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 33 )
			goto tr12;
	} else if ( (*p) > 59 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto tr12;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 64 )
			goto tr12;
	} else
		goto tr12;
	goto st0;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
#line 77 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->fragment = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
#line 87 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
	goto st6;
#line 77 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->fragment = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
#line 87 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
	goto st6;
#line 87 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
	goto st6;
#line 54 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
#line 87 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
	goto st6;
#line 67 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->path = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->path == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
#line 87 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
	goto st6;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
#line 72 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->query = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->query == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
#line 87 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
	goto st6;
#line 72 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->query = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->query == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
#line 87 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
	goto st6;
#line 59 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->port = 0;
#line 87 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->uri = buffer_to_string(request->uribuf, p);
        if(request->fragment == NULL) {p++; cs = 6; goto _out;}
	goto st6;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof6;
case 6:
#line 512 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto st6;
		case 32: goto st6;
		case 72: goto st7;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof7;
case 7:
	if ( (*p) == 84 )
		goto st8;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof8;
case 8:
	if ( (*p) == 84 )
		goto st9;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof9;
case 9:
	if ( (*p) == 80 )
		goto st10;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof10;
case 10:
	if ( (*p) == 47 )
		goto st11;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof11;
case 11:
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto tr20;
	goto st0;
#line 92 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->vsn_major = 0;
#line 96 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->vsn_major = request->vsn_major*10 + ((*p)-'0');
	goto st12;
#line 96 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->vsn_major = request->vsn_major*10 + ((*p)-'0');
	goto st12;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof12;
case 12:
#line 574 "./c_src/request.c"
	if ( (*p) == 46 )
		goto st13;
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto tr22;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof13;
case 13:
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto tr23;
	goto st0;
#line 100 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->vsn_minor = 0;
#line 104 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->vsn_minor = request->vsn_minor*10 + ((*p)-'0');
	goto st14;
#line 104 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->vsn_minor = request->vsn_minor*10 + ((*p)-'0');
	goto st14;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof14;
case 14:
#line 607 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto st15;
		case 13: goto st16;
		case 32: goto st15;
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto tr26;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof15;
case 15:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto st15;
		case 13: goto st16;
		case 32: goto st15;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof16;
case 16:
	if ( (*p) == 10 )
		goto st17;
	goto st0;
#line 134 "./c_src/request.rl"
        if(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
            request->continued = 1;
            {goto st20;}
        else if(*p == '\r')
            if(!append_header(request, p)) {p++; cs = 17; goto _out;}
            {goto st68;}
            if(!append_header(request, p)) {p++; cs = 17; goto _out;}
            {goto st67;}
	goto st17;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof17;
case 17:
#line 660 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 13: goto st18;
		case 33: goto tr29;
		case 124: goto tr29;
		case 126: goto tr29;
	if ( (*p) < 45 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 39 ) {
			if ( 42 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 43 )
				goto tr29;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 35 )
			goto tr29;
	} else if ( (*p) > 46 ) {
		if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
			if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
				goto tr29;
		} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 94 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto tr29;
		} else
			goto tr29;
	} else
		goto tr29;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof18;
case 18:
	if ( (*p) == 10 )
		goto tr30;
	goto st0;
#line 155 "./c_src/request.rl"
        {p++; cs = 69; goto _out;}
	goto st69;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof69;
case 69:
#line 703 "./c_src/request.c"
	goto st0;
#line 108 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->hdr_name == NULL && "header name already marked");        
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite a mark");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st19;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof19;
case 19:
#line 717 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 33: goto st19;
		case 58: goto tr32;
		case 124: goto st19;
		case 126: goto st19;
	if ( (*p) < 45 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 39 ) {
			if ( 42 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 43 )
				goto st19;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 35 )
			goto st19;
	} else if ( (*p) > 46 ) {
		if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
			if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
				goto st19;
		} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 94 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto st19;
		} else
			goto st19;
	} else
		goto st19;
	goto st0;
#line 114 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->hdr_name = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->hdr_name == NULL) {p++; cs = 20; goto _out;}
	goto st20;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof20;
case 20:
#line 753 "./c_src/request.c"
	if ( (*p) == 13 )
		goto tr34;
	goto tr33;
#line 119 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->hdr_name != NULL && "value must have a name");
        assert(request->continued ||
                    (request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite a mark"));
            request->continued = 1;
            request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st21;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof21;
case 21:
#line 778 "./c_src/request.c"
	if ( (*p) == 13 )
		goto st22;
	goto st21;
#line 119 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->hdr_name != NULL && "value must have a name");
        assert(request->continued ||
                    (request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite a mark"));
            request->continued = 1;
            request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st22;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof22;
case 22:
#line 803 "./c_src/request.c"
	if ( (*p) == 10 )
		goto st23;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof23;
case 23:
	goto tr38;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st24;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof24;
case 24:
#line 823 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr39;
		case 32: goto tr39;
		case 37: goto st25;
		case 61: goto st24;
		case 95: goto st24;
	if ( (*p) < 44 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 34 ) {
			if ( 36 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 )
				goto st24;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 33 )
			goto st24;
	} else if ( (*p) > 59 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto st24;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 64 )
			goto st24;
	} else
		goto st24;
	goto st0;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st25;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof25;
case 25:
#line 857 "./c_src/request.c"
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st26;
	} else if ( (*p) > 70 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 )
			goto st26;
	} else
		goto st26;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof26;
case 26:
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st24;
	} else if ( (*p) > 70 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 )
			goto st24;
	} else
		goto st24;
	goto st0;
#line 82 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark");
        request->uribuf->pos = p;
	goto st27;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof27;
case 27:
#line 891 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr43;
		case 32: goto tr43;
	goto st0;
#line 82 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark");
        request->uribuf->pos = p;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st28;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof28;
case 28:
#line 913 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 43: goto st28;
		case 58: goto tr45;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st28;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto st28;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 65 )
			goto st28;
	} else
		goto st28;
	goto st0;
#line 49 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->scheme = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->scheme == NULL) {p++; cs = 29; goto _out;}
	goto st29;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof29;
case 29:
#line 941 "./c_src/request.c"
	if ( (*p) == 47 )
		goto st30;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof30;
case 30:
	if ( (*p) == 47 )
		goto st31;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof31;
case 31:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 33: goto tr48;
		case 37: goto tr49;
		case 59: goto tr48;
		case 61: goto tr48;
		case 63: goto tr48;
		case 95: goto tr48;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 42 ) {
			if ( 44 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
				goto tr48;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 36 )
			goto tr48;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto tr48;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 65 )
			goto tr48;
	} else
		goto tr48;
	goto st0;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st32;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof32;
case 32:
#line 990 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr50;
		case 32: goto tr50;
		case 35: goto tr51;
		case 47: goto tr52;
		case 58: goto tr53;
		case 63: goto tr54;
	goto st0;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st33;
#line 82 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark");
        request->uribuf->pos = p;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st33;
#line 54 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 33; goto _out;}
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st33;
#line 59 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->port = 0;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st33;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof33;
case 33:
#line 1046 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr55;
		case 32: goto tr55;
		case 35: goto tr57;
		case 37: goto st34;
		case 61: goto st33;
		case 63: goto tr59;
		case 95: goto st33;
	if ( (*p) < 44 ) {
		if ( 33 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 )
			goto st33;
	} else if ( (*p) > 59 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto st33;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 64 )
			goto st33;
	} else
		goto st33;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof34;
case 34:
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st35;
	} else if ( (*p) > 70 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 )
			goto st35;
	} else
		goto st35;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof35;
case 35:
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st33;
	} else if ( (*p) > 70 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 )
			goto st33;
	} else
		goto st33;
	goto st0;
#line 82 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark");
        request->uribuf->pos = p;
	goto st36;
#line 54 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 36; goto _out;}
	goto st36;
#line 67 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->path = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->path == NULL) {p++; cs = 36; goto _out;}
	goto st36;
#line 59 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->port = 0;
	goto st36;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof36;
case 36:
#line 1125 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr61;
		case 32: goto tr61;
		case 35: goto tr63;
		case 37: goto tr64;
		case 61: goto tr62;
		case 95: goto tr62;
	if ( (*p) < 44 ) {
		if ( 33 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 )
			goto tr62;
	} else if ( (*p) > 59 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto tr62;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 64 )
			goto tr62;
	} else
		goto tr62;
	goto st0;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st37;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof37;
case 37:
#line 1157 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr65;
		case 32: goto tr65;
		case 35: goto tr67;
		case 37: goto st38;
		case 61: goto st37;
		case 95: goto st37;
	if ( (*p) < 44 ) {
		if ( 33 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 42 )
			goto st37;
	} else if ( (*p) > 59 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto st37;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 64 )
			goto st37;
	} else
		goto st37;
	goto st0;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st38;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof38;
case 38:
#line 1189 "./c_src/request.c"
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st39;
	} else if ( (*p) > 70 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 )
			goto st39;
	} else
		goto st39;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof39;
case 39:
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st37;
	} else if ( (*p) > 70 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 )
			goto st37;
	} else
		goto st37;
	goto st0;
#line 54 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->host = buffer_to_string(request->genbuf, p);
        if(request->host == NULL) {p++; cs = 40; goto _out;}
	goto st40;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof40;
case 40:
#line 1223 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr70;
		case 32: goto tr70;
		case 35: goto tr71;
		case 47: goto tr72;
		case 63: goto tr74;
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto tr73;
	goto st0;
#line 59 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->port = 0;
#line 63 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->port = request->port*10 + ((*p)-'0');
	goto st41;
#line 63 "./c_src/request.rl"
        request->port = request->port*10 + ((*p)-'0');
	goto st41;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof41;
case 41:
#line 1254 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr43;
		case 32: goto tr43;
		case 35: goto st5;
		case 47: goto tr76;
		case 63: goto st36;
	if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
		goto tr77;
	goto st0;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st42;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof42;
case 42:
#line 1276 "./c_src/request.c"
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st43;
	} else if ( (*p) > 70 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 )
			goto st43;
	} else
		goto st43;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof43;
case 43:
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st32;
	} else if ( (*p) > 70 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 102 )
			goto st32;
	} else
		goto st32;
	goto st0;
#line 82 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->uribuf->pos == NULL && "wont overwrite uri mark");
        request->uribuf->pos = p;
#line 39 "./c_src/request.rl"
        assert(request->genbuf->pos == NULL && "won't overwrite a mark.");
        request->genbuf->pos = p;
	goto st44;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof44;
case 44:
#line 1315 "./c_src/request.c"
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 43: goto st28;
		case 58: goto tr45;
		case 84: goto st45;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st28;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto st28;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 65 )
			goto st28;
	} else
		goto st28;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof45;
case 45:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 43: goto st28;
		case 58: goto tr45;
		case 84: goto st46;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st28;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto st28;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 65 )
			goto st28;
	} else
		goto st28;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof46;
case 46:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 43: goto st28;
		case 58: goto tr45;
		case 80: goto st47;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st28;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto st28;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 65 )
			goto st28;
	} else
		goto st28;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof47;
case 47:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 43: goto st28;
		case 47: goto st11;
		case 58: goto tr45;
	if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
			goto st28;
	} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
		if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
			goto st28;
	} else
		goto st28;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof48;
case 48:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st49;
		case 95: goto st49;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st49;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st49;
	} else
		goto st49;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof49;
case 49:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st50;
		case 95: goto st50;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st50;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st50;
	} else
		goto st50;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof50;
case 50:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st51;
		case 95: goto st51;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st51;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st51;
	} else
		goto st51;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof51;
case 51:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st52;
		case 95: goto st52;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st52;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st52;
	} else
		goto st52;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof52;
case 52:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st53;
		case 95: goto st53;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st53;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st53;
	} else
		goto st53;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof53;
case 53:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st54;
		case 95: goto st54;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st54;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st54;
	} else
		goto st54;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof54;
case 54:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st55;
		case 95: goto st55;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st55;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st55;
	} else
		goto st55;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof55;
case 55:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st56;
		case 95: goto st56;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st56;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st56;
	} else
		goto st56;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof56;
case 56:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st57;
		case 95: goto st57;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st57;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st57;
	} else
		goto st57;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof57;
case 57:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st58;
		case 95: goto st58;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st58;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st58;
	} else
		goto st58;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof58;
case 58:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st59;
		case 95: goto st59;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st59;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st59;
	} else
		goto st59;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof59;
case 59:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st60;
		case 95: goto st60;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st60;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st60;
	} else
		goto st60;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof60;
case 60:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st61;
		case 95: goto st61;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st61;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st61;
	} else
		goto st61;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof61;
case 61:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st62;
		case 95: goto st62;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st62;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st62;
	} else
		goto st62;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof62;
case 62:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st63;
		case 95: goto st63;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st63;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st63;
	} else
		goto st63;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof63;
case 63:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st64;
		case 95: goto st64;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st64;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st64;
	} else
		goto st64;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof64;
case 64:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st65;
		case 95: goto st65;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st65;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st65;
	} else
		goto st65;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof65;
case 65:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
		case 36: goto st66;
		case 95: goto st66;
	if ( (*p) < 48 ) {
		if ( 45 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 46 )
			goto st66;
	} else if ( (*p) > 57 ) {
		if ( 65 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 90 )
			goto st66;
	} else
		goto st66;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof66;
case 66:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 9: goto tr2;
		case 32: goto tr2;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof67;
case 67:
	switch( (*p) ) {
		case 33: goto tr29;
		case 124: goto tr29;
		case 126: goto tr29;
	if ( (*p) < 45 ) {
		if ( (*p) > 39 ) {
			if ( 42 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 43 )
				goto tr29;
		} else if ( (*p) >= 35 )
			goto tr29;
	} else if ( (*p) > 46 ) {
		if ( (*p) < 65 ) {
			if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
				goto tr29;
		} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
			if ( 94 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
				goto tr29;
		} else
			goto tr29;
	} else
		goto tr29;
	goto st0;
	if ( ++p == pe )
		goto _test_eof68;
case 68:
	if ( (*p) == 13 )
		goto st18;
	goto st0;
	_test_eof2: cs = 2; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof3: cs = 3; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof4: cs = 4; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof5: cs = 5; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof6: cs = 6; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof7: cs = 7; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof8: cs = 8; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof9: cs = 9; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof10: cs = 10; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof11: cs = 11; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof12: cs = 12; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof13: cs = 13; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof14: cs = 14; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof15: cs = 15; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof16: cs = 16; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof17: cs = 17; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof18: cs = 18; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof69: cs = 69; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof19: cs = 19; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof20: cs = 20; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof21: cs = 21; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof22: cs = 22; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof23: cs = 23; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof24: cs = 24; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof25: cs = 25; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof26: cs = 26; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof27: cs = 27; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof28: cs = 28; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof29: cs = 29; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof30: cs = 30; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof31: cs = 31; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof32: cs = 32; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof33: cs = 33; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof34: cs = 34; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof35: cs = 35; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof36: cs = 36; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof37: cs = 37; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof38: cs = 38; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof39: cs = 39; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof40: cs = 40; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof41: cs = 41; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof42: cs = 42; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof43: cs = 43; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof44: cs = 44; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof45: cs = 45; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof46: cs = 46; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof47: cs = 47; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof48: cs = 48; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof49: cs = 49; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof50: cs = 50; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof51: cs = 51; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof52: cs = 52; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof53: cs = 53; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof54: cs = 54; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof55: cs = 55; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof56: cs = 56; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof57: cs = 57; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof58: cs = 58; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof59: cs = 59; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof60: cs = 60; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof61: cs = 61; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof62: cs = 62; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof63: cs = 63; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof64: cs = 64; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof65: cs = 65; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof66: cs = 66; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof67: cs = 67; goto _test_eof; 
	_test_eof68: cs = 68; goto _test_eof; 

	_test_eof: {}
	_out: {}

#line 329 "./c_src/request.rl"

            return -1;

        request->cs = cs;
        request->nread += p - buffer;
        if(p < pe) save_chunk(request, p, pe-p);
        // Parsing stopped in the middle of a buffer
        // state. Save the current data and prepare
        // for reinitialization.
        gensaved = request->genbuf->pos ? 1 : 0;
        if(gensaved) save_buffer(request->genbuf, p);
        urisaved = request->uribuf->pos ? 1 : 0;
        if(urisaved) save_buffer(request->uribuf, p);

    } while(cs != http_req_parser_error && cs < http_req_parser_first_final);

    if(cs == http_req_parser_error)
            // MAKE MOAR BUTTAH
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Failed to parse data stream.");
            return -1;

    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 *  Imports the files in a directory and returns a directory object.
cafs::directory cafs::import_directory( const fc::path& p ) {
   directory dir;

   fc::directory_iterator itr(p);
   fc::directory_iterator end;

   chunk_header            cur_chunk;
   fc::vector<char>        cur_chunk_data(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
   fc::datastream<char*>   cur_chunk_ds(cur_chunk_data.data(),cur_chunk_data.size());

   while( itr != end ) {
       fc::path    cur_path = *itr;
       slog( "%s", cur_path.generic_string().c_str() );
       fc::string  name = cur_path.filename().string();
       file_type   cur_file_type = unknown;

       fc::vector<char> cur_file;

       if( fc::is_directory( cur_path ) && name[0] != '.' ) {
           directory d = fc::async( [=]() { return import_directory( cur_path ); } );
           cur_file = fc::raw::pack( d );
           cur_file_type = directory_type;
       } else if( fc::is_regular_file( cur_path ) ) {
           if( fc::file_size(cur_path) > IMBED_THRESHOLD ) {
              cur_file = fc::raw::pack( import_file(cur_path) );
              cur_file_type = file_header_type;
           } else {
              cur_file.resize( fc::file_size(cur_path) ); 
              fc::ifstream inf( cur_path, fc::ifstream::binary );
              inf.read(cur_file.data(), cur_file.size() );
              cur_file_type = file_data_type;

       fc::sha1 h = fc::sha1::hash(cur_file.data(),cur_file.size());
       fc::optional<file_ref> ofr = my->file_db.fetch(h);
       //slog( "                                               %s", fc::string(h).c_str() );
       if( ofr ) {
       //  wlog( "We already have a file ref for this..." );
         dir.entries.push_back( directory::entry(name) );
         dir.entries.back().ref = *ofr;
       if( !ofr && !add_to_chunk( cur_chunk_ds, cur_file, name, dir, cur_file_type ) ) {
          // save cur chunk... 
        //  wlog( "                           save chunk size %llu", cur_chunk_ds.tellp() );
          save_chunk( *this, dir, cur_chunk_data );
          cur_chunk_ds = fc::datastream<char*>(cur_chunk_data.data(),
          add_to_chunk( cur_chunk_ds, cur_file, name, dir, cur_file_type );
       if( itr == end && cur_chunk_ds.tellp() > 0 ) {
        //  wlog( "                            save chunk size %llu", cur_chunk_ds.tellp() );
          save_chunk( *this, dir, cur_chunk_data );
   for( auto itr = dir.entries.begin(); itr != dir.entries.end(); ++itr ) {
     my->file_db.store( itr->ref );
   return dir;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int freeze(char *filename,char **msg,char *comments)
        HEADER_FREEZE hfreeze ;
        int nb;
        char realname8[10] ;
        char realname[16] ;

        nb_saved_chunks = 0 ;
        memset(&hfreeze,0,sizeof(HEADER_FREEZE)) ;
        memset(realname8,0,10) ;

        hfreeze.header1 = ID_HEADER1 ;
        hfreeze.header2 = ID_HEADER2 ;
        hfreeze.major = pacifist_major ;
        hfreeze.minor = pacifist_minor ;
        hfreeze.ramsize = (processor->ramsize)>>19 ;
        hfreeze.nbdrives = nb_drives ;

        strncpy(hfreeze.text,comments,80) ;
        strncpy(realname8,filename,8) ;
        sprintf(realname,"%s.FRZ",realname8) ;
        strupr(realname) ;

        //fp = fopen("TRYING.FRZ","wb") ;
        fp = fopen(realname,"wb") ;
        if (fp==NULL) {
                *msg = msg_err_open ;
                return FALSE ;

        *msg = msg_err_writing ;        // default message now

        nb = fwrite(&hfreeze,1,sizeof(HEADER_FREEZE),fp) ;
        if (nb != sizeof(HEADER_FREEZE))
                return FALSE;

//*************************** PROCESSOR *****************************

        if (!save_chunk(ID_681,ID_682,0,processor,sizeof(struct tprocessor)))
                return FALSE ;

//****************************** MFP *********************************

        if (!save_chunk(ID_MFP1,ID_MFP2,0,&STRUCT_MFP_START,STRUCT_MFP_SIZE))
               return FALSE ;

//        if (!save_chunk(ID_MFP1,ID_MFP2,0,&mfp,sizeof(mfp)))
//               return FALSE ;

//*************************** SHIFTER *********************************

        if (!save_chunk(ID_SHI1,ID_SHI2,0,&STRUCT_WORK_START,STRUCT_WORK_SIZE))
               return FALSE ;

//****************************** IO *********************************

        if (!save_chunk(ID_IO1,ID_IO2,0,memio,32768))
                return FALSE ;

//****************************** RAM *********************************

        if (!save_chunk(ID_RAM1,ID_RAM2,0,memory_ram,processor->ramsize))
                return FALSE ;

//****************************** END *********************************

        if (!save_chunk(ID_END1,ID_END2,0,&nb_saved_chunks,4))
                return FALSE ;

        sprintf(msg_ok,"Freezing as %s done.",realname) ;
        *msg = msg_ok ;
        fclose(fp) ;
        return TRUE ;
void process_inbound_udp(int sock) {
    struct sockaddr_in from;
    socklen_t fromlen;
    char buf[MAX_PACKET_LENGTH];

    fromlen = sizeof(from);
    int read_result = spiffy_recvfrom(sock, buf, MAX_PACKET_LENGTH, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &from, &fromlen);
    printf("read %d bytes\n", read_result);
    //printf("incoming message from %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr), ntohs(from.sin_port));

    /* we just assume we got one packet everytime
     * if there are multiple packets in the buffer (whichi is rare), we just ignore them,
     * and everything will just work fine.
    struct network_packet_s* network_packet = (struct network_packet_s*)buf;
    net_to_host_header(& network_packet->header);
    if(validate_packet(& network_packet->header) < 0){
        printf("packet is invalid, skip\n");
    int packet_type = get_packet_type(& network_packet->header);
    /* get the peer who send this packet*/
    bt_peer_t* peer = search_bt_peer(&config, (struct sockaddr *)&from);
    switch(packet_type) {
        case TYPE_WHOHAS: {
            struct network_packet_s* ihave_packet = malloc_ihave_packet(network_packet);
            /* this node has no such chunk */
            if(ihave_packet == NULL){
                send_packet(ihave_packet, global_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &from);
        case TYPE_IHAVE: {
            if(current_job == NULL){
            /* receiving a new IHAVE packet */
            /* check whether there is alreay a connection with this peer */
            struct receiver_connection_s* existing_connection = 
                    search_receiver_connection(receiver_connection_head, peer);
            if(existing_connection != NULL){
            /* there is alreay a connection */
                add_ihave_to_receiver_connection(existing_connection, network_packet);
            /* there is no such connection */
                /* check if the number of connection reached the maximum */
                if(get_receiver_connection_number(receiver_connection_head) >=
                /* add add the hash whose chunk is in a CHUNK_STATUS_NOT_FOUND status 
                 * to a new connection
                    struct receiver_connection_s*  new_connection = 
                        malloc_receiver_connection(network_packet, peer);
                    /* if every chunk has a provider, the new_connection is NULL */
                    if(new_connection != NULL){
                        /* start the new connection */
                        struct network_packet_s* get_packet = start_connection(new_connection);
        case TYPE_GET: {
            /* check whether there is alreay a connection with this peer */
            if(search_provider_connection(provider_connection_head, peer) != NULL){
                printf("Provider connection already exists with peer %d , ignore GET\n", peer->id);
            /* do nothing is the number of connection reached the maximum*/
            if(get_provider_connection_number(provider_connection_head) >=
                printf("Provider connection reached maximum with peer %d \n", peer->id);
            struct provider_connection_s* new_connection = 
                    malloc_provider_connection(network_packet, peer);
            if(new_connection != NULL){
                printf("Add new provider connection with peer %d \n", peer->id);
        case TYPE_DATA: {
            printf("received data packet, seq: %d, ack: %d\n ",

            /* check whether there is a connection with this peer */
            struct receiver_connection_s* receiver_connection = 
                    search_receiver_connection(receiver_connection_head, peer);
            /* connection does not exist, ignore the data packet */
            if(receiver_connection == NULL){
            int existing_seq_num = receiver_connection->chunk_list_head->chunk->received_seq_num;
            printf("expected data packet, seq: %d \n", 1 + existing_seq_num);
            int packet_seq_num = network_packet->header.seq_number;
            /* sequence number is illegal */
            if(packet_seq_num < 0){
            /* old packet arrived, do nothing */
            else if(packet_seq_num  < (existing_seq_num + 1)){
            /* latter packet arrived first, send duplicate ACK */
            else if(packet_seq_num  > (existing_seq_num + 1)){
                struct network_packet_s* ack_packet = malloc_ack_packet(existing_seq_num);
                send_packet(ack_packet, global_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &from);
            /* the packet expected */
                gettimeofday(&receiver_connection->last_data_time, NULL);
                receiver_connection->status = RECEIVER_STATUS_RECEIVED_DATA;

                struct network_packet_s* ack_packet = malloc_ack_packet(1 + existing_seq_num);
                send_packet(ack_packet, global_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &from);
                /* save_data_packet */
                save_data_packet(network_packet, receiver_connection);
                /* save the downloading chunk of the connnection, if it finihsed */
                /* continue to download next chunk, if finished first one */
        case TYPE_ACK: {
            struct provider_connection_s* provider_connection = 
                    search_provider_connection(provider_connection_head, peer);
            if(provider_connection == NULL){
            /* check if the data has been all send to a receiver */
            if(provider_connection->last_packet_acked == CHUNK_DATA_NUM){
                /* download finished */
        case TYPE_DENIED: {