Ejemplo n.º 1
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE mexFunction - Entry for Matlab
   ************************************************************ */
void mexFunction(const int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  int i,j,nblk,k,nk,qDim;
  double *y;
  const double *d, *mu, *blkstartPr;
  int *blkstart;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Check for proper number of arguments 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  mxAssert(nrhs >= NPARIN, "qblkmul requires more input arguments.");
  mxAssert(nlhs <= NPAROUT, "qblkmul generates 1 output argument.");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Get inputs d, mu, blkstart
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  d = mxGetPr(D_IN);
  qDim = mxGetM(D_IN) * mxGetN(D_IN);
  nblk = mxGetM(MU_IN) * mxGetN(MU_IN);
  mu = mxGetPr(MU_IN);
  blkstartPr = mxGetPr(BLKSTART_IN);
  mxAssert(nblk == mxGetM(BLKSTART_IN) * mxGetN(BLKSTART_IN) - 1, "blkstart size mismatch.");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Allocate int working array blkstart(nblk+1).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  blkstart = (int *) mxCalloc(nblk + 1, sizeof(int));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Convert Fortran double to C int
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(i = 0; i <= nblk; i++){
    j = blkstartPr[i];             /* double to int */
    blkstart[i] = --j;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Let d point to Lorentz norm-bound
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if(qDim != blkstart[nblk] - blkstart[0]){
    if(qDim == nblk + blkstart[nblk] - blkstart[0]){
      d += nblk;                   /* Point to Lorentz norm-bound */
    else {
      mxAssert(qDim >= blkstart[nblk], "d size mismatch.");
      d += blkstart[0];                   /* Point to Lorentz norm-bound */
  qDim = blkstart[nblk] - blkstart[0];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Allocate output y(qDim)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  Y_OUT =  mxCreateDoubleMatrix(qDim, 1, mxREAL);
  y = mxGetPr(Y_OUT);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   LORENTZ: yk = mu(k) * d[k]
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(k = 0; k < nblk; k++){
    nk = blkstart[k+1] - blkstart[k];
    y += nk;
    d += nk;
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE fwsolve -- Solve ynew from L*y = yold, where
     L is lower-triangular.
     L - sparse lower triangular matrix
     xsuper - starting column in L for each (dense) supernode.
     nsuper - number of super nodes
     y - full vector, on input y = rhs, on output y = L\rhs.
     fwork - length max(collen[i] - superlen[i]) <= m-1, where
       collen[i] := L.jc[xsuper[i]+1]-L.jc[xsuper[i]] and
       superlen[i] := xsuper[i+1]-xsuper[i].
   ************************************************************ */
void fwsolve(double *y, const int *Ljc, const int *Lir, const double *Lpr,
             const int *xsuper, const int nsuper, double *fwork)
  int jsup,i,j,inz,jnnz;
  double yi,yj;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
     For each supernode jsup:
     ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  j = xsuper[0];           /* 1st col of current snode (j=0)*/
  inz = Ljc[0];           /* 1st nonzero in L (inz = 0) */
  for(jsup = 1; jsup <= nsuper; jsup++){
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   The first equation, 1*y=b(j), yields y(j) = b(j).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    mxAssert(inz == Ljc[j],"");
    yj = y[j++];
    ++inz;             /* jump over diagonal entry */
    if(j >= xsuper[jsup])
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   If supernode is singleton, then simply set y(j+1:m)-=yj*L(j+1:m,j)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      for(; inz < Ljc[j]; inz++)
	y[Lir[inz]] -= yj * Lpr[inz];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Supernode contains multiple subnodes:
   Remember (i,yi) = 1st subnode, then
   perform dense forward solve within current supernode.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      i = j;
      yi = yj;
        subscalarmul(y+j, yj, Lpr+inz, xsuper[jsup] - j);
        inz = Ljc[j];
        yj = y[j++];
        ++inz;             /* jump over diagonal entry */
      } while(j < xsuper[jsup]);
      jnnz = Ljc[j] - inz;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   jnnz = number of later entries that are influenced by this supernode.
   Compute the update in the array fwork(jnnz)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      if(jnnz > 0){
        scalarmul(fwork, yj, Lpr+inz,jnnz);
        while(i < j){
          yi = y[i++];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Update y with fwork at the specified sparse locations
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        for(i = 0; i < jnnz; i++)
          y[Lir[inz++]] -= fwork[i];
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE powminhalf - Computes y = x^{-1/2} for Lorentz,
     given rdetx = sqrt(det(x)).
     x - length n input vector.
     rdetx - scalar, qdetx = sqrt(det(x)).
     n - order
     y - length n vector, y = x^{-1/2}.
   ************************************************************ */
void powminhalf(double *y, const double *x, const double rdetx, const int n)
  double denom, alpha;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Let denom = sqrt(sqrt(2)*x(1) + 2*rdetx), alpha = rdetx * denom
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  denom = sqrt(M_SQRT2 * x[0] + 2*rdetx);
  alpha = rdetx * denom;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   y(1) = x(1)/alpha + sqrt(2)/denom,
   y(2:n) = -x(2:n)/alpha
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  y[0] = x[0] / alpha + M_SQRT2 / denom;
  scalarmul(y+1, -1.0 / alpha, x+1, n-1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE qscale : LORENTZ SCALE D(x)y = z + mu * x (full version)
     mu = (y1+alpha)/sqrt(2), z = rdetx * [alpha; y(2:n)],
     where alpha = (x(2:n)'*y(2:n)) / (x(1)+ sqrt(2) * rdetx)
     x,y - full n x 1
     rdetx - sqrt(det(x))
     n - order of x,y,z.
     z - full n x 1. Let z := rdetx * [alpha; y(2:n)].
     mu = (y1+alpha)/sqrt(2).
   ************************************************************ */
double qscale(double *z,const double *x,const double *y,
              const double rdetx,const int n)
 double alpha, mu;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   alpha = (x(2:n)'*y(2:n)) / (x(1)+ sqrt(2) * rdetx)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 alpha = realdot(x+1,y+1,n-1) / (x[0] + M_SQRT2 * rdetx);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   z = rdetx * [alpha; y(2:n)].
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 z[0] = rdetx * alpha;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   RETURN mu = (y1+alpha)/sqrt(2).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 return (y[0] + alpha) / M_SQRT2;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    struct tw_extensible_t ext;
    struct extensible_t exta;
    struct tw_niels_t niels;
    struct tw_pniels_t pniels;
    struct affine_t affine;
    struct montgomery_t mb;
    field_a_t a,b,c,d;
    double when;
    int i;

    int nbase = N_TESTS_BASE;
    /* Bad randomness so we can debug. */
    char initial_seed[32];
    for (i=0; i<32; i++) initial_seed[i] = i;
    struct crandom_state_t crand;
    crandom_init_from_buffer(&crand, initial_seed);
    /* For testing the performance drop from the crandom debuffering change.
        ignore_result(crandom_init_from_file(&crand, "/dev/urandom", 10000, 1));
    word_t sk[SCALAR_WORDS],tk[SCALAR_WORDS];
    q448_randomize(&crand, sk);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*5000; i++) {
        field_mul(c, b, a);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("mul:         %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*5000; i++) {
        field_sqr(c, a);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("sqr:         %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*5000; i++) {
        field_mulw(c, b, 1234562);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("mulw:        %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*500; i++) {
        field_mul(c, b, a);
        field_mul(a, b, c);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("mul dep:     %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i / 2);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*10; i++) {
        field_randomize(&crand, a);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("rand448:     %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    sha512_ctx_a_t sha;
    uint8_t hashout[128];
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        sha512_final(sha, hashout);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("sha512 1blk: %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        sha512_update(sha, hashout, 128);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("sha512 blk:  %5.1fns (%0.2f MB/s)\n", when * 1e9 / i, 128*i/when/1e6);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        field_isr(c, a);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("isr auto:    %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
        field_randomize(&crand, a);
        if (!field_is_zero(b)) {
            printf("ISR validation failure!\n");
            field_print("a", a);
            field_print("s", d);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        elligator_2s_inject(&affine, a);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("elligator:   %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
        field_randomize(&crand, a);
        elligator_2s_inject(&affine, a);
        if (!validate_affine(&affine)) {
            printf("Elligator validation failure!\n");
            field_print("a", a);
            field_print("x", affine.x);
            field_print("y", affine.y);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        deserialize_affine(&affine, a);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("decompress:  %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    convert_affine_to_extensible(&exta, &affine);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        serialize_extensible(a, &exta);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("compress:    %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    int goods = 0;
    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
        field_randomize(&crand, a);
        mask_t good = deserialize_affine(&affine, a);
        if (good & !validate_affine(&affine)) {
            printf("Deserialize validation failure!\n");
            field_print("a", a);
            field_print("x", affine.x);
            field_print("y", affine.y);
        } else if (good) {
            serialize_extensible(b, &exta);
            if (!field_is_zero(c)) {
                printf("Reserialize validation failure!\n");
                field_print("a", a);
                field_print("x", affine.x);
                field_print("y", affine.y);
                deserialize_affine(&affine, b);
                field_print("b", b);
                field_print("x", affine.x);
                field_print("y", affine.y);
    if (goods<i/3) {
        printf("Deserialization validation failure! Deserialized %d/%d points\n", goods, i);
    word_t lsk[768/WORD_BITS];
    crandom_generate(&crand, (unsigned char *)lsk, sizeof(lsk));
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*100; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("barrett red: %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*10; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("barrett mac: %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    memset(&niels,0,sizeof(niels)); /* avoid assertions in p521 even though this isn't a valid ext or niels */
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*100; i++) {
        add_tw_niels_to_tw_extensible(&ext, &niels);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("exti+niels:  %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pniels, &ext);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*100; i++) {
        add_tw_pniels_to_tw_extensible(&ext, &pniels);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("exti+pniels: %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*100; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("exti dbl:    %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*100; i++) {
        untwist_and_double(&exta, &ext);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("i->a isog:   %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*100; i++) {
        twist_and_double(&ext, &exta);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("a->i isog:   %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase*100; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("monty step:  %5.1fns\n", when * 1e9 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("full ladder: %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("edwards smz: %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("edwards svl: %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("edwards smc: %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        q448_randomize(&crand, sk);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("edwards vtm: %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    tw_niels_a_t wnaft[1<<6];
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("wnaf6 pre:   %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        q448_randomize(&crand, sk);
        scalarmul_fixed_base_wnaf_vt(&ext,sk,SCALAR_BITS,(const tw_niels_a_t*)wnaft,6);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("edwards vt6: %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("wnaf4 pre:   %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        q448_randomize(&crand, sk);
        scalarmul_fixed_base_wnaf_vt(&ext,sk,SCALAR_BITS,(const tw_niels_a_t*)wnaft,4);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("edwards vt4: %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);

    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
    when = now() - when;
    printf("wnaf5 pre:   %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        q448_randomize(&crand, sk);
        scalarmul_fixed_base_wnaf_vt(&ext,sk,SCALAR_BITS,(const tw_niels_a_t*)wnaft,5);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("edwards vt5: %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        q448_randomize(&crand, sk);
        q448_randomize(&crand, tk);
        linear_combo_var_fixed_vt(&ext,sk,FIELD_BITS,tk,FIELD_BITS,(const tw_niels_a_t*)wnaft,5);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("vt vf combo: %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        deserialize_affine(&affine, a);
        serialize_extensible(b, &exta);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("edwards sm:  %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    struct fixed_base_table_t t_5_5_18, t_3_5_30, t_8_4_14, t_5_3_30, t_15_3_10;

    while (1) {
        field_randomize(&crand, a);
        if (deserialize_affine(&affine, a)) break;
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        if (i) destroy_fixed_base(&t_5_5_18);
        ignore_result(precompute_fixed_base(&t_5_5_18, &ext, 5, 5, 18, NULL));
    when = now() - when;
    printf("pre(5,5,18): %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        if (i) destroy_fixed_base(&t_3_5_30);
        ignore_result(precompute_fixed_base(&t_3_5_30, &ext, 3, 5, 30, NULL));
    when = now() - when;
    printf("pre(3,5,30): %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        if (i) destroy_fixed_base(&t_5_3_30);
        ignore_result(precompute_fixed_base(&t_5_3_30, &ext, 5, 3, 30, NULL));
    when = now() - when;
    printf("pre(5,3,30): %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        if (i) destroy_fixed_base(&t_15_3_10);
        ignore_result(precompute_fixed_base(&t_15_3_10, &ext, 15, 3, 10, NULL));
    when = now() - when;
    printf("pre(15,3,10):%5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        if (i) destroy_fixed_base(&t_8_4_14);
        ignore_result(precompute_fixed_base(&t_8_4_14, &ext, 8, 4, 14, NULL));
    when = now() - when;
    printf("pre(8,4,14): %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        scalarmul_fixed_base(&ext, sk, FIELD_BITS, &t_5_5_18);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("com(5,5,18): %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        scalarmul_fixed_base(&ext, sk, FIELD_BITS, &t_3_5_30);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("com(3,5,30): %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);

    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        scalarmul_fixed_base(&ext, sk, FIELD_BITS, &t_8_4_14);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("com(8,4,14): %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);

    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        scalarmul_fixed_base(&ext, sk, FIELD_BITS, &t_5_3_30);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("com(5,3,30): %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);

    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        scalarmul_fixed_base(&ext, sk, FIELD_BITS, &t_15_3_10);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("com(15,3,10):%5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    int res = goldilocks_init();
    struct goldilocks_public_key_t gpk,hpk;
    struct goldilocks_private_key_t gsk,hsk;
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        if (i&1) {
            res = goldilocks_keygen(&gsk,&gpk);
        } else {
            res = goldilocks_keygen(&hsk,&hpk);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("keygen:      %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    uint8_t ss1[64],ss2[64];
    int gres1=0,gres2=0;
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        if (i&1) {
            gres1 = goldilocks_shared_secret(ss1,&gsk,&hpk);
        } else {
            gres2 = goldilocks_shared_secret(ss2,&hsk,&gpk);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("ecdh:        %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    if (gres1 || gres2 || memcmp(ss1,ss2,64)) {
        printf("[FAIL] %d %d\n",gres1,gres2);
        printf("sk1 = ");
        for (i=0; i<SCALAR_BYTES; i++) {
            printf("%02x", gsk.opaque[i]);
        printf("\nsk2 = ");
        for (i=0; i<SCALAR_BYTES; i++) {
            printf("%02x", hsk.opaque[i]);
        printf("\nss1 = ");
        for (i=0; i<64; i++) {
            printf("%02x", ss1[i]);
        printf("\nss2 = ");
        for (i=0; i<64; i++) {
            printf("%02x", ss2[i]);
    uint8_t sout[FIELD_BYTES*2];
    const char *message = "hello world";
    size_t message_len = strlen(message);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        res = goldilocks_sign(sout,(const unsigned char *)message,message_len,&gsk);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("sign:        %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        int ver = goldilocks_verify(sout,(const unsigned char *)message,message_len,&gpk);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("verify:      %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    struct goldilocks_precomputed_public_key_t *pre = NULL;
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        pre = goldilocks_precompute_public_key(&gpk);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("precompute:  %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        int ver = goldilocks_verify_precomputed(sout,(const unsigned char *)message,message_len,pre);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("verify pre:  %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    when = now();
    for (i=0; i<nbase; i++) {
        int ret = goldilocks_shared_secret_precomputed(ss1,&gsk,pre);
    when = now() - when;
    printf("ecdh pre:    %5.1fµs\n", when * 1e6 / i);
    int failures=0, successes = 0;
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        goldilocks_sign(sout,(const unsigned char *)message,message_len,&gsk);
        res = goldilocks_verify(sout,(const unsigned char *)message,message_len,&gpk);
        if (res) failures++;
    if (failures) {
        printf("FAIL %d/%d signature checks!\n", failures, i);
    failures=0; successes = 0;
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        field_randomize(&crand, a);
		word_t two = 2;
        mask_t good = montgomery_ladder(b,a,&two,2,0);
		if (!good) continue;
		word_t x,y;
        crandom_generate(&crand, (unsigned char *)&x, sizeof(x));
        crandom_generate(&crand, (unsigned char *)&y, sizeof(y));
        x = (hword_t)x;
        y = (hword_t)y;
        word_t z=x*y;
		if (!field_is_zero(d)) {
            printf("Odd ladder validation failure %d!\n", ++failures);
            field_print("a", a);
            printf("x=%"PRIxWORD", y=%"PRIxWORD", z=%"PRIxWORD"\n", x,y,z);
            field_print("c", c);
            field_print("b", b);
    failures = 0;
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        mask_t good;
        do {
            field_randomize(&crand, a);
            good = deserialize_affine(&affine, a);
        } while (!good);
        serialize_extensible(b, &exta);
        untwist_and_double_and_serialize(c, &ext);
        if (good && !field_is_zero(d)){
            printf("Iso+serial validation failure %d!\n", ++failures);
            field_print("a", a);
            field_print("b", b);
            field_print("c", c);
        } else if (good) {
            successes ++;
    if (successes < i/3) {
        printf("Iso+serial variation: only %d/%d successful.\n", successes, i);
    successes = failures = 0;
    for (i=0; i<nbase/10; i++) {
        field_a_t aa;
        struct tw_extensible_t exu,exv,exw;
        mask_t good;
        do {
            field_randomize(&crand, a);
            good = deserialize_affine(&affine, a);
        } while (!good);
        do {
            field_randomize(&crand, aa);
            good = deserialize_affine(&affine, aa);
        } while (!good);
        field_randomize(&crand, aa);
        q448_randomize(&crand, sk);
		if (i==0 || i==2) memset(&sk, 0, sizeof(sk));
        q448_randomize(&crand, tk);
		if (i==0 || i==1) memset(&tk, 0, sizeof(tk));
        copy_tw_extensible(&exv, &ext);
        copy_tw_extensible(&exw, &exu);
        convert_tw_extensible_to_tw_pniels(&pniels, &exw);
        serialize_extensible(b, &exta);

        linear_combo_var_fixed_vt(&ext,sk,FIELD_BITS,tk,FIELD_BITS,(const tw_niels_a_t*)wnaft,5);
        serialize_extensible(c, &exta);
        if (!field_is_zero(d)){
            printf("PreWNAF combo validation failure %d!\n", ++failures);
            field_print("a", a);
            field_print("A", aa);
            q448_print("s", sk);
            q448_print("t", tk);
            field_print("c", c);
            field_print("b", b);
        } else if (good) {
            successes ++;
    if (successes < i) {
        printf("PreWNAF combo variation: only %d/%d successful.\n", successes, i);
    return 0;