Ejemplo n.º 1
void CLyapWolfMethod::orthonormalize()
  if (mNumExp < 1) return;

  //TODO generalize
  C_FLOAT64 *dbl, *dblEnd;

  dbl = mVariables.array() + mSystemSize;
  dblEnd = dbl + mSystemSize;
  mNorms[0] = norm(dbl, dblEnd);
  scalarmult(dbl, dblEnd, 1 / mNorms[0]);

  size_t i, j;

  for (i = 1; i < mNumExp; ++i)
      dbl += mSystemSize;
      dblEnd = dbl + mSystemSize;

      for (j = 0; j < i; ++j)
          add(dbl, dblEnd,
              -product(dbl, dblEnd, mVariables.array() + (j + 1)*mSystemSize),
              mVariables.array() + (j + 1)*mSystemSize);

      mNorms[i] = norm(dbl, dblEnd);
      scalarmult(dbl, dblEnd, 1 / mNorms[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ike.c Proyecto: gegel/torfone
//connect of originator,  send X'
short ike_run_originator(unsigned char* data)
 unsigned char* p=data+4; //in/out ptr
 cc->cnt_in=3; //start IKE as originator

 //destination public key is preset in CC->B
 ike_rand(cc->x, 32); //originator's private x  in cc->x
 ike_rand(cc->U, 32); //originator's private u  in cc->U
 scalarmult(cc->T,cc->x, cc->B); //their tag Tb = B*x in cc->T

 sh_upd(cc->T, 32); //Tb
 sh_out(cc->C, 32); //H(Tb)
 r2p(cc->S, cc->C); //speke base P = E(Tb)
 scalarmult(cc->C, cc->U, cc->S); //our speke key U=u*P: our U in cc->C

 scalarmultbase(p, cc->x); //our X=G*x
 sh_upd(cc->C, 32); //hash our U
 sh_crp(p, 32); //mask our X (for commitment reason): X'=X^H(U)
 //output X'
 return IKE_LEN;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: ike.c Proyecto: gegel/torfone
//originator rcvd V, send A
short ike_5(unsigned char* data)
 unsigned char cp;
 short i;
 unsigned char* p=data+4; //in/out ptr


 //receive V

 //check speke keys not same
 cp=ike_cmp(cc->C, p); //compare our and their SPEKE public keys
 ike_rand(cc->T, 32); //get random
 for(i=0;i<32;i++) cc->U[i]^=(cc->T[i]&cp); //mask our SPEKE secret if their key invalid

 scalarmult(cc->C,cc->U, p); //compute speke secret x1*y1*E(X*b)
 scalarmult(cc->U,cc->x, cc->B);  //compute their tag Tb=B*x

 //mask A
 memcpy(p, cc->A, 32); //our A
 sh_upd(cc->C, 32); //speke secret
 sh_out(cc->C, 32); //replace SPEKE secret by it's hash 
 sh_crp(p, 32); //encrypt A to A'

 //send A'
 return IKE_LEN;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: ike.c Proyecto: gegel/torfone
//acceptor rcvd A', send DH fingerprint C
short ike_8(unsigned char* data)
 unsigned char* p=data+4; //in/out ptr


 //receive A'

 //unmask A
 sh_upd(cc->C, 32); //use speke secret
 sh_out(cc->C, 32); //replace SPEKE secret by it's hash
 sh_crp(p, 32); //decrypt A
 memcpy(cc->B, p, 32); //A

 scalarmult(cc->U,cc->x, cc->B); //Ta=A*y  (their tag)

 //compute fingerprint of DH secret
 sh_upd(cc->S, 32);  //DH secret
 sh_upd((char*)"$DH:SALT", 8);  //salt
 sh_out(p, 32); //C

 //send C
 return IKE_LEN;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: ike.c Proyecto: gegel/torfone
void stemu(unsigned char* data)
 unsigned char* p=data+4; //their efemeral Y
 unsigned char tag[32];

 scalarmult(tag, cc->a, p); //compute tag Ta=Y*a
 memcpy(p, tag, 32); //output tag
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: ike.c Proyecto: gegel/torfone
//acceptor rcvd U, unmask X and send to ST
short ike_4(unsigned char* data)
 unsigned char* p=data+4; //in/out ptr

 //receive U
 scalarmult(cc->C, cc->U, p); //compute SPEKE secret S=U^v to cc->C

 //unmask their X (was masked for commitment reason)
 sh_upd(p, 32); //hash their speke key U
 sh_crp(cc->Y, 32); //unmask X: X=X'^H(U)   store their efemeral X in cc->Y

 scalarmult(cc->S, cc->x, cc->Y); //compute DH secret = X*y to cc->S

 //output X to ST
 memcpy(p, cc->Y, 32); //output their efemeral X to ST for safely compute tag Tb=X*b
 return IKE_LEN;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: ike.c Proyecto: gegel/torfone
//originator rcvd Y, send U
short ike_3(unsigned char* data)
 unsigned char* p=data+4; //in/out ptr


 //receive Y
 memcpy(cc->Y, p, 32); //store their efemeral Y in cc->Y
 scalarmult(cc->S, cc->x, cc->Y); //compute DH secret = Y*x   to cc->S

 memcpy(p, cc->C, 32); //output our speke key U from cc->C
 //output U
 return IKE_LEN;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: ike.c Proyecto: gegel/torfone
//compute obfuscation shared secret and set to TR on pre-IKE stage
short ike_obf(unsigned char* data)
 unsigned char* p=data+4; //in/out ptr

 if(cc->cnt_in) return 0; //only in iddle state!
 cc->cnt_in=1; //set state!
 r2p(cc->Y, p); //compute point form their representation
 scalarmult(p, cc->U, cc->Y); //compute shared secret
 sh_upd(p, 32); //hash secret
 sh_out(p, 32);  //output material
 data[0]=TR_OBF; //output to TR
 return IKE_LEN;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: ike.c Proyecto: gegel/torfone
//acceptor rcvd  tag X*b from ST, send V
short ike_6(unsigned char* data)
 unsigned char* p=data+4; //in/out ptr

 //receive tag from ST
 //if ST fail input is random generated by ST
 memcpy(cc->T, p, 32); //save our  tag X*b

 //compute speke base point using Tb
 sh_upd(cc->T, 32); //Tb=X*b
 sh_out(p, 32); //H(Tb)
 r2p(cc->Y, p); //P=E(Tb) //SPEKE point
 scalarmult(p,cc->U, cc->Y); //V=v*P

 //output V
 return IKE_LEN;
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: ike.c Proyecto: gegel/torfone
//self-test of assemler cryptographic procedures (x25519_mult, x25519_elligator2, keccak-800 sponge)
//returns 1 is OK, 0 is failure
unsigned char ike_test(void)
 #define TST_VECTOR 0xAF91E972
 unsigned int i,j;
 unsigned char pub[32];
 unsigned char key[32];
 unsigned char sec[32];
 unsigned char c=0;

 //elligator2 test
  sh_upd(&i, 4); //absorb counter
  sh_xof(); //permute
  sh_out(sec, 32); //output secret key
  p2r(key, sec); //correct sec and output representation
  r2p(pub, key); //convert representation to point
  scalarmultbase(key, sec); //compute point in usual was: must be the same
  for(j=0;j<32;j++) c|=key[j]^pub[j];
 if(c) return 0;

 //old test
 memset(pub, 0x55, 32); //set initial value
 for(i=0;i<16;i++) //provide sequence of computing
 {	//secret=H1(value); value^=H2(value); their_key=elligator2(value); value = their_key^secret; 
  sh_ini(); //init shake	
  sh_upd(&i, 4); //absorb counter
  sh_upd(pub, 32); //absorb value
  sh_xof(); //permute
  sh_crp(pub, 32); //update initial value	
  sh_out(sec, 32); //output secret key
  r2p(key, pub); //compute curve point into their_key
  scalarmult(pub, sec, key); //compute public key
 //compare crc32 of resulting value with precomputed vector
 if(TST_VECTOR ^ cr_crc32(pub, 32)) return 0; //result fail
 else return 1; //result ok
Ejemplo n.º 11
MeshEdgeElementTable::calcLineIntersections(int elem_index, short elem_dir,
                                            Point3& lstart, Point3& ldir, Point3* isec_points)
  meshElementCode elem_code = getElementCode(elem_index);

  if (elem_code <  MEC_202 || elem_code >= 303)
    return 0;

  const int* nodeIds = getNodeIds(elem_index, elem_dir);

  Point3& p0 = meshNodes[nodeIds[0]];
  Point3& p1 = meshNodes[nodeIds[1]];
  Point3& normal = normals[elem_index];
  if (elem_dir == -1)
    scalarmult(-1, normal, normal);

  // Check end-point cases
  if ( samepoint(p0, lstart) ){
    copy3(p0, *isec_points);
    return 1;
  if ( samepoint(p1, lstart) ){
    copy3(p1, *isec_points);
    return 1;

  Point3 edge_dir, l_delta0, tmp;
  // Edge direction vector (normalized)
  edge_dir[0] = normal[1];
  edge_dir[1] = -1 * normal[0];
  edge_dir[2] = 0.0;

  // Edge length
  diff3(p1, p0, tmp);
  double edge_len = dot3(edge_dir, tmp);

  // Vector l_delta0 = lstart - p0
  diff3(lstart, p0, l_delta0);

  // Check that intersection is "within" the edge
  // project the intersection point to the edge
  double t = dot3(edge_dir, l_delta0);
  if ( isLess(t, 0.0) ||
       isGreater(t, edge_len)
    return 0;

  // Check that intersection distance from the edge is ok
  // project intersection point to the edge normal
  double d = dot3(normal, l_delta0);
  if (d < 0)
    d *= -1;
  if ( isGreater(d, MeshEdgeElementTable::pickingTolerance) )
    return 0;

  // Intersection point is: p0 + t * (p1 - p0)
  scalarmult(t, edge_dir, tmp);
  add3(p0, tmp, *isec_points);

  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
// NOTE: This should work for all triangle elments (303 - 306), but only
// if mid-edge and middle nodes are after "corner" nodes in the node list!
// Return nof intersections
MeshFaceElementTable::calcTriangleLineIntersections(int elem_index, short direction,
                                                    Point3& lstart, Point3& ldir, Point3* isec_points)
  // Ccw ordered nodes (if elem_dir is -1, it is from the parent2
  // and nodes are cw oriented and must me reordered
  Point3& p0 = meshNodes[nodeIds[elem_index][0]];
  Point3& p1 = meshNodes[nodeIds[elem_index][1]];
  Point3& p2 = meshNodes[nodeIds[elem_index][2]];
  Point3& normal = normals[elem_index];

  static Point3* points[3];

  points[0] = (direction >= 0)? &p0 : &p1;
  points[1] = (direction >= 0)? &p1 : &p0;
  points[2] = &p2;

#if 0
  // If element is looking into wrong direction
  // NOTE: This makes picking much faster, so wew have to use it (unless some better
  // method is found), although it means that elements cannot be selected from 'inside',
  // which would be quite convenient in some cases!
  if ( direction == 1 ) {
    if ( !isLess(dot3(normal, ldir), 0) ) {
      return 0;

  } else if ( direction == -1 ) {
    if ( !isGreater(dot3(normal, ldir), 0) ) {
      return 0;

  // Plane equation for the normal and a point in the plane is;
  // (r) dot (normal) = (r0) dot (normal) = d
  // So for the form Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, we have
  // A = normal[0], B = normal[1], C = normal[2], D = -d

  double D = -1 * dot3(p0, normal);

  double numer = dot3(normal, lstart) + D;
  double denom = dot3(normal, ldir);

  double t;

  // Intersection
  if (denom != 0) {
    t = - numer / denom;

  // Line is on the plane
  } else if (numer == 0) {
    t = 0.0;

  // Line is parallel,but not in the plane
  } else {
    return 0;

  //-Calc intersection point from the line equation
  Point3 tmp;
  scalarmult(t, ldir, tmp);
  Point3 isec_point;
  add3(lstart, tmp, isec_point);

  // Finally check if intersection point
  // is inside the element (triangle)
  if ( pointInsideTriangle(isec_point, points, centers[elem_index], rSquares[elem_index]) ) {

    copy3(isec_point, *isec_points);
    return 1;

  } else {
    return 0;
