Ejemplo n.º 1
/// update cost with scanline optimization method:
/// C1(p,d) + min(Cr(p-r,d), Cr(p-r, d+-1) + P1, min_k(Cr(p-r,k)+P2)) - min_k(Cr(p-r,k))
float* scanlineOptimization(const float* costs, const PARAMETERS& params)
	const int h = params.h, w = params.w;
	const int dMin = params.dMin, dMax = params.dMax;

    int size = w*h*(dMax-dMin+1);
	float *costSO = new float[size];
    std::fill(costSO, costSO+size, 0);

	// computes the 4 directionnal so costs
	// vertical downward
	scanlineOptimizationComputationV(costs,   0,  1, costSO, params);
	// vertical upward
	scanlineOptimizationComputationV(costs, h-1, -1, costSO, params);
	// horizontal leftward
	scanlineOptimizationComputationH(costs,   0,  1, costSO, params);
	// horizontal rightward
	scanlineOptimizationComputationH(costs, w-1, -1, costSO, params);
	return costSO;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void StereoFlow::scanlineOptimization(const int direction)
	cout << "\n\tscanline optimization. disRanges = " << disRanges ;
	cout << ", width = " << width << ", height = " << height << endl;

	activePicture = direction;

	int size = height * width * (disRanges + 1);
	float * costSO = new float[size];
	if(costSO == nullptr)
		cout << "failed to new cost-volume scaline optimization." << endl;
	std::fill(costSO, costSO+size, 0);

	float * costs = new float[size];
	int r  = disRanges + 1;
	int wr = width * r; 
	for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
		for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
			for(int k = 0; k <= disRanges; ++k)
				Mat tcost = (direction == 0) ? costVolumeL[k] : costVolumeR[k];
				costs[y*wr+x*r+k] = tcost.at<float>(y,x);


//	cout << "DEBUG: y = " << deY << ", x = " << deX << endl;  

	//computes the 4 directional so costs: aggregate in order
	//vertical downward 
	scanlineOptimizationComputationV(costs, 0, 1, costSO);
	//cout << "DEBUG: vertical downward: " << endl;
	//for(int k = 0; k <= disRanges; ++k)
	//	cout << costSO[deY*wr + deX*r + k] << ' ';
	//cout << endl;
	//vertical upward
	scanlineOptimizationComputationV(costs, height-1, -1, costSO);
	/*cout << "DEBUG: vertical upward: " << endl;
	for(int k = 0; k <= disRanges; ++k)
		cout << costSO[deY*wr + deX*r + k] << ' ';
	cout << endl;*/
	//horizontal leftward
	scanlineOptimizationComputationH(costs, 0, 1, costSO);
	/*cout << "DEBUG: horizontal leftward: " << endl;
	for(int k = 0; k <= disRanges; ++k)
		cout << costSO[deY*wr + deX*r + k] << ' ';
	cout << endl;*/
	//horizontal rightward
	scanlineOptimizationComputationH(costs, width-1,-1, costSO);
	//cout << "DEBUG: horizontal rightward: " << endl;
	//for(int k = 0; k <= disRanges; ++k)
	//	cout << costSO[deY*wr + deX*r + k] << ' ';
	//cout << endl;
	cout << "\n\tcost to disparity." << endl;
	float * maxcosts = new float[width * height];
	int * kdata = new int[width * height];
	int * dispdata = new int[width * height];

	//std::fill_n(maxcosts, width * height, std::numeric_limits<float>::min());
	std::fill_n(maxcosts, width*height, numeric_limits<int>::min()*1.0f);
	std::fill_n(kdata, width * height, 0);
	std::fill_n(dispdata, width * height, minDisp);

	for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
		for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
		/*	if(y == deY && x== deX)
				cout << "DEBUG: find max cost .." << endl;				
			for(int k = 0; k <= disRanges; ++k)
				int d = DISP(maxDisp, minDisp, k);
			/*	if(y == deY && x== deX)
					cout << "k= " << k << ", d = " << d << ", costSO = " << costSO[y*wr+x*r+k] << endl;				
				if(costSO[y*wr+x*r+k] > maxcosts[y*width+x])
					maxcosts[y*width+x] = costSO[y*wr+x*r+k];
					dispdata[y*width+x] = d;
					kdata[y*width+x] = k;
		/*	if(y == deY && x== deX)
				cout << "maxcost = " << maxcosts[y*width+x] << ", disp = " << dispdata[y*width+x] << ", k = " << kdata[y*width+x] << endl;				

	for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
		uchar * pmsk = (direction==0) ? (uchar *)mskL.ptr<uchar>(y) : (uchar *)mskR.ptr<uchar>(y);

		_uint * pk = (direction==0) ? (_uint *)bestKL.ptr<_uint>(y) : (_uint *)bestKR.ptr<_uint>(y);
		float * pdsp = (direction==0) ? (float *)dispL.ptr<float>(y) : (float *)dispR.ptr<float>(y);
		float * pcost = (direction == 0) ? (float *)bestCostL.ptr<float>(y) : (float *)bestCostR.ptr<float>(y);
		float * pprior = (direction == 0) ? (float *)bestPriorL.ptr<float>(y) : (float *)bestPriorR.ptr<float>(y);

		for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
			if(pmsk[x] == 0) continue;

			int idx = y * width + x;

			pk[x] = kdata[idx];
			pdsp[x] = dispdata[idx];
			pcost[x] = maxcosts[idx];
			pprior[x] = 1;