Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Initiate a get operation.
 * @param btl (IN)         BTL module
 * @param endpoint (IN)    BTL addressing information
 * @param descriptor (IN)  Description of the data to be transferred
int mca_btl_scif_get (struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl,
                      struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint,
                      struct mca_btl_base_descriptor_t *des) {
    mca_btl_scif_segment_t *src = (mca_btl_scif_segment_t *) des->des_src;
    mca_btl_scif_segment_t *dst = (mca_btl_scif_segment_t *) des->des_dst;
    size_t len = lmin (src->base.seg_len, dst->base.seg_len);
    int rc, mark, flags = 0;
    off_t roffset, loffset;
    size_t to_get;
#if defined(SCIF_TIMING)
    struct timespec ts;

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &ts);


    BTL_VERBOSE(("Using DMA Get for frag %p from offset %lu", (void *) des,
                 (unsigned long) src->scif_offset));

    roffset = src->scif_offset + (off_t)(src->orig_ptr - src->base.seg_addr.lval);
    loffset = dst->scif_offset + (off_t)(dst->orig_ptr - dst->base.seg_addr.lval);
    if (mca_btl_scif_component.rma_use_cpu) {
        flags = SCIF_RMA_USECPU;

    if (mca_btl_scif_component.rma_sync) {
        flags |= SCIF_RMA_SYNC;

    /* start the read */
    rc = scif_readfrom (endpoint->scif_epd, loffset, len, roffset, flags);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(-1 == rc)) {
        return OMPI_ERROR;

    /* always call the callback function */
    des->des_flags |= MCA_BTL_DES_SEND_ALWAYS_CALLBACK; 

    if (!(flags & SCIF_RMA_SYNC)) {
        /* according to the scif documentation is is better to use a fence rather
         * than using the SCIF_RMA_SYNC flag with scif_readfrom */
        scif_fence_mark (endpoint->scif_epd, SCIF_FENCE_INIT_SELF, &mark);
        scif_fence_wait (endpoint->scif_epd, mark);

#if defined(SCIF_TIMING)
                      mca_btl_scif_component.get_time_max, ts);

    /* since we completed the fence the RMA operation is complete */
    mca_btl_scif_frag_complete ((mca_btl_scif_base_frag_t *) des, OMPI_SUCCESS);

    return OMPI_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Initiate a get operation.
int mca_btl_scif_get (mca_btl_base_module_t *btl, struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint, void *local_address,
                      uint64_t remote_address, mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *local_handle,
                      mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *remote_handle, size_t size, int flags,
                      int order, mca_btl_base_rdma_completion_fn_t cbfunc, void *cbcontext, void *cbdata)
    int rc, mark, scif_flags = 0;
    off_t roffset, loffset;
#if defined(SCIF_TIMING)
    struct timespec ts;

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &ts);


    BTL_VERBOSE(("Using DMA Get from remote address %" PRIx64 " to local address %p",
                 remote_address, local_address));

    roffset = remote_handle->scif_offset + (off_t)(remote_address - remote_handle->scif_base);
    loffset = local_handle->scif_offset + (off_t)((intptr_t)local_address - local_handle->scif_base);

    if (mca_btl_scif_component.rma_use_cpu) {
        scif_flags = SCIF_RMA_USECPU;

    if (mca_btl_scif_component.rma_sync) {
        scif_flags |= SCIF_RMA_SYNC;

    /* start the read */
    rc = scif_readfrom (endpoint->scif_epd, loffset, size, roffset, scif_flags);
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(-1 == rc)) {
        return OPAL_ERROR;

    if (!(scif_flags & SCIF_RMA_SYNC)) {
        /* according to the scif documentation is is better to use a fence rather
         * than using the SCIF_RMA_SYNC flag with scif_readfrom */
        scif_fence_mark (endpoint->scif_epd, SCIF_FENCE_INIT_SELF, &mark);
        scif_fence_wait (endpoint->scif_epd, mark);

#if defined(SCIF_TIMING)
                      mca_btl_scif_component.get_time_max, ts);

    /* always call the callback function */
    cbfunc (btl, endpoint, local_address, local_handle, cbcontext, cbdata, OPAL_SUCCESS);

    return OPAL_SUCCESS;
int main( )
	size_t len = 536870912;
	int align = 4096;
	scif_epd_t endpoint;
	struct scif_portID portid;
	int ret;
	uint8_t *in_key     = malloc(16 * sizeof(uint8_t));
	struct crypto_tfm *tfm
        	= malloc(
                	 sizeof(struct crypto_tfm) +
                 	 sizeof(struct crypto_aes_ctx)
	struct crypto_aes_ctx *ctx
        	= crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);

	ctx->key_length = AES_KEYSIZE_256;
	crypto_aes_set_key(tfm, in_key, AES_KEYSIZE_256);
        endpoint = scif_open( );
	if( endpoint == SCIF_OPEN_FAILED ) 
		printf("scif open failed\n");
		return 1;

	ret = scif_bind(endpoint, 23955);
		printf("scif_bind failed");
		return 1;

	portid.node = 0;
	portid.port = 23968;

	ret = scif_connect(endpoint, &portid);
	for( int attempt = 0; ret == -1 && attempt < 10; ++attempt ) 
        	ret = scif_connect(endpoint, &portid);
	if (ret==-1)
		printf("scif_connect failed\n");
		return 1;

	void *ptr;
	ret = posix_memalign((void**)&ptr, align, len);	
	if (ret)
		printf("Allocating memory failed\n");
		return 1;

	memset(ptr, 0, len);

	if( SCIF_REGISTER_FAILED == scif_register(endpoint, ptr, len, (long)ptr, SCIF_PROT_READ | SCIF_PROT_WRITE, SCIF_MAP_FIXED ) )
                printf("scif_register of ptr failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

	void *tempbuffer;
	ret = posix_memalign((void**)&tempbuffer, align, len);
	if (ret)
		printf("Allocating tempbuffer failed\n");
		return 1;

       	if( SCIF_REGISTER_FAILED == scif_register(endpoint, tempbuffer, len, (long)tempbuffer, SCIF_PROT_READ | SCIF_PROT_WRITE, SCIF_MAP_FIXED ) )
               	printf("scif_register of temp failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

	void *outbuffer;
	ret = posix_memalign((void**)&outbuffer, align, len);
	if (ret)
		printf("Allocating outbuffer failed %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	if( SCIF_REGISTER_FAILED == scif_register(endpoint, outbuffer, len, (long)outbuffer, SCIF_PROT_READ | SCIF_PROT_WRITE, SCIF_MAP_FIXED ) )
                printf("scif_register of outbuffer failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

	void *remote_ptr;
	void *return_ptr;

	ret = scif_recv(endpoint, &remote_ptr, sizeof(void*), SCIF_RECV_BLOCK);
	if (ret==-1)
		printf("scif_recv failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

        ret = scif_recv(endpoint, &return_ptr, sizeof(void*), SCIF_RECV_BLOCK);
        if (ret==-1)
                printf("scif_recv failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;
	struct timespec start_enc, stop_enc;
	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_enc);
	if (scif_readfrom(endpoint, (long)ptr, len, (long)remote_ptr, SCIF_RMA_SYNC))
		printf("scif_readfrom failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	#pragma omp parallel for 
	for (int k = 0; k<len; k+=16)
		{ aes_encrypt(tfm, (uint8_t*)&tempbuffer[k], (uint8_t*)&ptr[k]); }

	if (scif_writeto(endpoint, (long)tempbuffer, len, (long)return_ptr, SCIF_RMA_SYNC))
		printf("scif_writeto failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop_enc);
	double time_enc = (stop_enc.tv_sec - start_enc.tv_sec) + ( stop_enc.tv_nsec - start_enc.tv_nsec) / NANOSECONDS;
	double result0 = len/time_enc/1048576;
       	printf("%1f,", result0);

        struct timespec start_for, stop_for;
        clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_for);
        if (scif_readfrom(endpoint, (long)ptr, len, (long)remote_ptr, SCIF_RMA_SYNC))
	        printf("scif_readfrom failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

	#pragma omp parallel for
        for (int k=0; k<len; k+=16)
    		{ aes_decrypt(tfm, (uint8_t*)&outbuffer[k], (uint8_t*)&tempbuffer[k]); }

        if (scif_writeto(endpoint, (long)outbuffer, len, (long)return_ptr, SCIF_RMA_SYNC))
        	printf("scif_writeto failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop_for);
        double time_for = (stop_for.tv_sec - start_for.tv_sec) + ( stop_for.tv_nsec - start_for.tv_nsec) / NANOSECONDS;
        double result = 536870912/time_for/1048576;
        printf("%1f \n", result);

	ret = scif_send(endpoint, &ptr, sizeof(long), SCIF_SEND_BLOCK);
	if (ret==-1)
		printf("scif_send failed due to: %s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 1;

        ret = scif_unregister(endpoint, (off_t)ptr, len );
        if(ret==-1 && errno!=ENOTCONN )
                printf("scif_unregister failed %s\n", strerror(errno));
                return 1;

