static int main_(int argc, char** argv)
    { for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
        char const* const arg = argv[i];


	winstl::temporary_directory dir;

	winstl::path path1(dir);
	winstl::path path2(dir);

	path1 /= "abc";
	path2 /= "def";

	stlsoft::scoped_handle<char const*> scoper3(path1.c_str(), ::remove);
	stlsoft::scoped_handle<char const*> scoper4(path2.c_str(), ::remove);

	HANDLE hFile = winstl::file_create_always(path1.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0);

		fprintf(stderr, "could not open %s: %s\n", path1.c_str(), winstl::error_desc().c_str());

		return EXIT_FAILURE;
		stlsoft::scoped_handle<HANDLE> scoper1(hFile, ::CloseHandle, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);


	DWORD numLinks1;
	DWORD numLinks2;

	winstl::hard_link_count_links(path1.c_str(), &numLinks1);

	if(!winstl::hard_link_create(path2.c_str(), path1.c_str()))
		fprintf(stderr, "failed: %s\n", winstl::error_desc().c_str());

	winstl::hard_link_count_links(path1.c_str(), &numLinks2);

//		tmpnam

    /* . */
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
static int main_(int /* argc */, char ** /*argv*/)
    platformstl::file_path_buffer       path1;
    platformstl::file_path_buffer       path2;

    stlsoft::scoped_handle<char const*>     scoper1(::tmpnam(&path1[0]), ::remove);
    stlsoft::scoped_handle<char const*>     scoper2(::tmpnam(&path2[0]), ::remove);

    // Define the data:
    // "FastFormat can write to vectored file APIs"
    static char fragment0[] =   " ";
    static char fragment1[] =   "FastFormat";
    static char fragment2[] =   "can";
    static char fragment3[] =   "write";
    static char fragment4[] =   "to";
    static char fragment5[] =   "vectored";
    static char fragment6[] =   "file";
    static char fragment7[] =   "APIs";

    fprintf(stdout, "writing to '%s' via raw API (writev())\n", path1.c_str());
        iovec   vecs[] = 
                {   &fragment1[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment1) - 1 }   // "FastFormat"
            ,   {   &fragment0[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment0) - 1 }   // " "
            ,   {   &fragment2[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment2) - 1 }   // "can"
            ,   {   &fragment0[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment0) - 1 }   // " "
            ,   {   &fragment3[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment3) - 1 }   // "write"
            ,   {   &fragment0[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment0) - 1 }   // " "
            ,   {   &fragment4[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment4) - 1 }   // "to"
            ,   {   &fragment0[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment0) - 1 }   // " "
            ,   {   &fragment5[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment5) - 1 }   // "vectored"
            ,   {   &fragment0[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment0) - 1 }   // " "
            ,   {   &fragment6[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment6) - 1 }   // "file"
            ,   {   &fragment0[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment0) - 1 }   // " "
            ,   {   &fragment7[0],  STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(fragment7) - 1 }   // "APIs"

        int     fh  =   ::open(path1.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IWRITE | S_IREAD);
        ssize_t cb  =   ::writev(fh, &vecs[0], STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(vecs));



    fprintf(stdout, "writing to '%s' via FastFormat's vectored_file sink\n", path2.c_str());
        int                             fh  =   ::open(path2.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IWRITE | S_IREAD);
        stlsoft::scoped_handle<int>     fh_(fh, ::close, -1);
        fastformat::sinks::vectored_file_sink  s(fh);

        fastformat::fmt(s, "{1}{0}{2}{0}{3}{0}{4}{0}{5}{0}{6}{0}{7}", fragment0, fragment1, fragment2, fragment3, fragment4, fragment5, fragment6, fragment7);

    fprintf(stdout, "memory mapping '%s'\n", path1.c_str());
    platformstl::file_lines lines1(path1.c_str());

    fprintf(stdout, "memory mapping '%s'\n", path2.c_str());
    platformstl::file_lines lines2(path2.c_str());

    if(lines1 != lines2)
        fprintf(stderr, "file contents differ!\n");
        fprintf(stdout, "file contents identical\n");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;