Ejemplo n.º 1
 * \\n
 * \date 01-Dec-2004\n
 * \brief Notifies the SCR that the client doe not require the channel any longer
 * This function can be called both by clients that are in possession of the channel, and by
 * clients that are pending to use the channel.\n
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hScr - handle to the SCR object.\n
 * \param client - the client releasing the channel.\n
 * \param eResource - the resource being released.\n
 * \return TI_OK if successful, TI_NOK otherwise.\n
void scr_clientComplete( TI_HANDLE hScr, EScrClientId client, EScrResourceId eResource )
    TScr            *pScr = (TScr*)hScr;
    EScrClientId    highestPending;

    TRACE2( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "Client %d releasing resource %d.\n", client, eResource);

#ifdef TI_DBG
    if (client >= SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS)
        TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Attempting to release SCR for invalid client %d\n", client);
        TRACE2( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Attempting to release invalid resource %d by client %d\n", eResource, client);

    /* mark client state as idle */
    pScr->clientArray[ client ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_IDLE;
    pScr->clientArray[ client ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ] = SCR_PR_NONE;

    /* if completing client is running (or aborting) */
    if ( pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] == client )   
        /* mark no running client */
        pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] = SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT;

        /* find the pending client with highest priority */
        highestPending = scrFindHighest( hScr, SCR_CS_PENDING, eResource, (SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS-1), 0 );
        /* if a pending client exists */
        if (( SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT != highestPending ) && (highestPending < SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS))
            /* mark the client with highest priority as running */
            pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_RUNNING;
            pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ] = SCR_PR_NONE;
            pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] = highestPending;
            /* if the SCR is not called from within a client request (re-entrance) */
            if ( TI_FALSE == pScr->statusNotficationPending )
                if ( NULL != pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB )
                    pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB( pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].ClientRequestCBObj,
                                                                         SCR_CRS_RUN, eResource, SCR_PR_NONE );
                    TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Trying to call client %d callback, which is NULL\n", highestPending);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * \\n
 * \date 27-April-2005\n
 * \brief Changes the current SCR group.\n
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hScr - handle to the SCR object.\n
 * \param newGroup - the new group to use.\n
void scr_setGroup( TI_HANDLE hScr, EScrGroupId newGroup )
	TScr            *pScr = (TScr*)hScr;
	TI_UINT32       i, uResourceIndex;
	EScrClientId    highestPending;

#ifdef TI_DBG
	if (newGroup >= SCR_GID_NUM_OF_GROUPS) {

	/* keep the new group */
	pScr->currentGroup = newGroup;

	/* check both resources */
	for (uResourceIndex = 0; uResourceIndex < SCR_RESOURCE_NUM_OF_RESOURCES; uResourceIndex++) {
		/* for all pending clients */
		for ( i = 0; i < SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS; i++ ) {
			/* if the pending reason has escalated */
			if ( (pScr->clientArray[ i ].state[ uResourceIndex ] == SCR_CS_PENDING) && /* the client is pending */
			        (pScr->clientArray[ i ].currentPendingReason[ uResourceIndex ] < SCR_PR_DIFFERENT_GROUP_RUNNING) && /* the client was enabled in the previous group */
			        (TI_FALSE == clientStatus[ uResourceIndex ][ pScr->currentMode ][ newGroup ][ i ])) { /* the client is not enabled in the new group */
				/* mark the new pending reason */
				pScr->clientArray[ i ].currentPendingReason[ uResourceIndex ] = SCR_PR_DIFFERENT_GROUP_RUNNING;

				/* notify the client of the change, using its callback */
				if ( NULL != pScr->clientArray[ i ].clientRequestCB ) {
					pScr->clientArray[ i ].clientRequestCB( pScr->clientArray[ i ].ClientRequestCBObj,
					                                        SCR_CRS_PEND, (EScrResourceId)uResourceIndex, SCR_PR_DIFFERENT_GROUP_RUNNING );

		 * if no client is running call the highest pending client
		 * (after group change, previously pending clients may be enabled)
		if ( SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT == pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ] ) {
			highestPending = scrFindHighest( hScr, SCR_CS_PENDING, uResourceIndex,
			                                 (SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS - 1), 0 );
			if (( SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT != highestPending ) && (highestPending < SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS)) {
				pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].state[ uResourceIndex ] = SCR_CS_RUNNING;
				pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].currentPendingReason[ uResourceIndex ] = SCR_PR_NONE;
				pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ] = (EScrClientId)highestPending;
				if ( NULL != pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB ) {
					pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB( pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].ClientRequestCBObj,
					        SCR_CRS_RUN, (EScrResourceId)uResourceIndex, SCR_PR_NONE );
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * \\n
 * \date 01-Dec-2004\n
 * \brief Notifies the SCR that the client doe not require the channel any longer
 * This function can be called both by clients that are in possession of the channel, and by
 * clients that are pending to use the channel.\n
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hScr - handle to the SCR object.\n
 * \param client - the client releasing the channel.\n
 * \param eResource - the resource being released.\n
 * \return TI_OK if successful, TI_NOK otherwise.\n
void scr_clientComplete( TI_HANDLE hScr, EScrClientId client, EScrResourceId eResource )
	TScr            *pScr = (TScr*)hScr;
	EScrClientId    highestPending;

#ifdef TI_DBG
	if (client >= SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS) {

	/* mark client state as idle */
	pScr->clientArray[ client ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_IDLE;
	pScr->clientArray[ client ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ] = SCR_PR_NONE;

	/* if completing client is running (or aborting) */
	if ( pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] == client ) {
		/* mark no running client */
		pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] = SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT;

		/* find the pending client with highest priority */
		highestPending = scrFindHighest( hScr, SCR_CS_PENDING, eResource, (SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS-1), 0 );

		/* if a pending client exists */
		if (( SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT != highestPending ) && (highestPending < SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS)) {
			/* mark the client with highest priority as running */
			pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_RUNNING;
			pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ] = SCR_PR_NONE;
			pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] = highestPending;

			/* if the SCR is not called from within a client request (re-entrance) */
			if ( TI_FALSE == pScr->statusNotficationPending ) {
				if ( NULL != pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB ) {
					pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB( pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].ClientRequestCBObj,
					        SCR_CRS_RUN, eResource, SCR_PR_NONE );
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * \\n
 * \date 01-Dec-2004\n
 * \brief Request the channel use by a client
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hScr - handle to the SCR object.\n
 * \param client - the client ID requesting the channel.\n
 * \param resource - the requested resource.\n
 * \param pPendReason - the reason for a pend reply.\n
 * \return The request status.\n
 * \retval SCR_CRS_REJECT the channel cannot be allocated to this client.
 * \retval SCR_CRS_PEND the channel is currently busy, and this client had been placed on the waiting list.
 * \retval SCR_CRS_RUN the channel is allocated to this client.
EScrClientRequestStatus scr_clientRequest( TI_HANDLE hScr, EScrClientId client,
                                           EScrResourceId eResource, EScePendReason* pPendReason )
    TScr    *pScr = (TScr*)hScr;

    TRACE2( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "scr_clientRequest: Client %d requesting the channel for resource %d.\n", client, eResource);

#ifdef TI_DBG
    if (client >= SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS)
        TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Attempting to request SCR for invalid client %d\n", client);
        return SCR_CRS_PEND;
        TRACE2( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Attempting to request SCR by client %d for invalid resource %d\n", client, eResource);
        return SCR_CRS_PEND;
    *pPendReason = SCR_PR_NONE;

    /* check if already inside a request - shouldn't happen!!! */
    if ( TI_TRUE == pScr->statusNotficationPending )
        TRACE0( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "request call while already in request!\n");
        return SCR_CRS_PEND;

    /* check if current running client is requesting */
    if ( client == pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] )
        TRACE2( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_WARNING, "Client %d re-requesting SCR for resource %d\n", client, eResource);
        return SCR_CRS_RUN;

    TRACE5( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "scr_clientRequest: is client enabled = %d. eResource=%d,currentMode=%d,currentGroup=%d,client=%d,\n", clientStatus[ eResource ][ pScr->currentMode ][ pScr->currentGroup ][ client ], eResource, pScr->currentMode, pScr->currentGroup, client);

    /* check if the client is enabled in the current group */
    if ( TI_TRUE != clientStatus[ eResource ][ pScr->currentMode ][ pScr->currentGroup ][ client ])
        pScr->clientArray[ client ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_PENDING;
        pScr->clientArray[ client ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ]
                                                = *pPendReason = SCR_PR_DIFFERENT_GROUP_RUNNING;
        return SCR_CRS_PEND;
    /* check if a there's no running client at the moment */
    if ( SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT == pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] )
        /* no running or aborted client - allow access */
        TRACE2( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "Resource %d allocated to client: %d\n", eResource, client);
        pScr->clientArray[ client ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_RUNNING;
        pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] = client;
        return SCR_CRS_RUN;
    /* check if any client is aborting at the moment */
    if ( SCR_CS_ABORTING == pScr->clientArray[ pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] ].state[ eResource ] )
        /* a client is currently aborting, but there still might be a pending client with higher priority
           than the client currently requesting the SCR. If such client exists, the requesting client is
           notified that it is pending because of this pending client, rather than the one currently aborting.
        EScrClientId highestPending;
        highestPending = scrFindHighest( hScr, SCR_CS_PENDING, eResource, 
                                         (SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS - 1), client );
        if ( (SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT == highestPending) ||
             (highestPending < client))
            /* if the requesting client has higher priority than the current highest priority pending client,
               the current highest priority pending client should be notified that its pending reason has 
               changed (it is no longer waiting for current running client to abort, but for the requesting
               client to finish, once the current has aborted */
            if ( (highestPending != SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT) &&
                 (SCR_PR_OTHER_CLIENT_ABORTING == pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ]))

                if ( NULL != pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB )
                    pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB( pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].ClientRequestCBObj,
                                                                         SCR_CRS_PEND, eResource, SCR_PR_OTHER_CLIENT_RUNNING );
                    TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Trying to call client %d callback, which is NULL\n", highestPending);
            pScr->clientArray[ client ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ] = *pPendReason = SCR_PR_OTHER_CLIENT_ABORTING;
            pScr->clientArray[ client ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ] = *pPendReason = SCR_PR_OTHER_CLIENT_RUNNING;
        pScr->clientArray[ client ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_PENDING;
        return SCR_CRS_PEND;
    /* check if a client with higher priority is running */
    if (pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] > client)
        pScr->clientArray[ client ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_PENDING;
        pScr->clientArray[ client ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ] = *pPendReason = SCR_PR_OTHER_CLIENT_RUNNING;
        return SCR_CRS_PEND;

    /* if the client is not supposed to abort lower priority clients */
    if ( (SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT == abortOthers[ eResource ][ client ]) || /* client is not supposed to abort any other client */
         (pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] > abortOthers[ eResource ][ client ])) /* client is not supposed to abort running client */
        /* wait for the lower priority client */
        pScr->clientArray[ client ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_PENDING;
        pScr->clientArray[ client ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ] = *pPendReason = SCR_PR_OTHER_CLIENT_RUNNING;
        return SCR_CRS_PEND;

    /* at this point, there is a lower priority client running, that should be aborted: */
    /* mark the requesting client as pending (until the abort process will be completed) */
    pScr->clientArray[ client ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_PENDING;

    /* mark that we are in the middle of a request (if a re-entrance will occur in the complete) */
    pScr->statusNotficationPending = TI_TRUE;

    /* abort the running client */
    pScr->clientArray[ pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] ].state[ eResource ] = SCR_CS_ABORTING;
    if ( NULL != pScr->clientArray[ pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] ].clientRequestCB )
        TRACE2( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "Sending abort request to client %d for resource %d\n", pScr->runningClient[ eResource ], eResource);
        pScr->clientArray[ pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] ].clientRequestCB( pScr->clientArray[ pScr->runningClient[ eResource ] ].ClientRequestCBObj,
                                                                               SCR_CRS_ABORT, eResource,
                                                                               SCR_PR_NONE );
        TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Trying to call client %d callback, which is NULL\n", pScr->runningClient[ eResource ]);

    /* mark that we have finished the request process */
    pScr->statusNotficationPending = TI_FALSE;

    /* return the current status (in case the completion changed the client status to run) */
    if ( SCR_CS_RUNNING == pScr->clientArray[ client ].state[ eResource ] )
        TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "channel allocated to client: %d\n", client);
        return SCR_CRS_RUN;
        pScr->clientArray[ client ].currentPendingReason[ eResource ] = *pPendReason = SCR_PR_OTHER_CLIENT_ABORTING;
        return SCR_CRS_PEND;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * \\n
 * \date 23-Nov-2005\n
 * \brief Changes the current SCR mode.\n
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hScr - handle to the SCR object.\n
 * \param newMode - the new mode to use.\n
void scr_setMode( TI_HANDLE hScr, EScrModeId newMode )
	TScr            *pScr = (TScr*)hScr;
    TI_UINT32       i, uResourceIndex;
    EScrClientId    highestPending;

    TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "Setting mode %d.\n", newMode);

#ifdef TI_DBG
    if (newMode >= SCR_MID_NUM_OF_MODES)
        TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Attempting to set invalid mode to %d\n", newMode);

    /* keep the new mode */
    pScr->currentMode = newMode;


    for (uResourceIndex = 0; uResourceIndex < SCR_RESOURCE_NUM_OF_RESOURCES; uResourceIndex++)
        /* Stage I : if someone is running and shouldn't be running in the new mode - Abort it */
        if ( (SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT != pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ]) && 
             (TI_FALSE == clientStatus[ uResourceIndex ][ pScr->currentMode ][ pScr->currentGroup ][ pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ] ]))
            /* abort the running client */
            pScr->clientArray[ pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ] ].state[ uResourceIndex ] = SCR_CS_ABORTING;
            if ( NULL != pScr->clientArray[ pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ] ].clientRequestCB )
                TRACE2( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "Sending abort request to client %d for resource %d\n", pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ], uResourceIndex);
                pScr->clientArray[ pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ] ].clientRequestCB( pScr->clientArray[ pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ] ].ClientRequestCBObj,
                                                                                            SCR_PR_NONE );
                TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Trying to call client %d callback, which is NULL\n", pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ]);
        /* Stage II : notify escalated pending reason */
        /* for all pending clients */
        for ( i = 0; i < SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS; i++ )
            /* if the pending reason has escalated */
            if ( (pScr->clientArray[ i ].state[ uResourceIndex ] == SCR_CS_PENDING) && /* the client is pending */
                 (pScr->clientArray[ i ].currentPendingReason[ uResourceIndex ] < SCR_PR_DIFFERENT_GROUP_RUNNING) && /* the client was enabled in the previous group */
                 (TI_FALSE == clientStatus[ uResourceIndex ][ pScr->currentMode ][ pScr->currentGroup ][ i ])) /* the client is not enabled in the new group/mode */
                /* mark the new pending reason */
                pScr->clientArray[ i ].currentPendingReason[ uResourceIndex ] = SCR_PR_DIFFERENT_GROUP_RUNNING;
                /* notify the client of the change, using its callback */
                if ( NULL != pScr->clientArray[ i ].clientRequestCB )
                    pScr->clientArray[ i ].clientRequestCB( pScr->clientArray[ i ].ClientRequestCBObj, 
                                                            SCR_CRS_PEND, (EScrResourceId)uResourceIndex, 
                                                            SCR_PR_DIFFERENT_GROUP_RUNNING );
                    TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Trying to call client %d callback, which is NULL\n", i);
        /* Stage III : call Highest Pending Client who is enabled in the new mode   */
        if ( SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT == pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ] )
            highestPending = scrFindHighest( hScr, SCR_CS_PENDING, uResourceIndex, 
                                             (SCR_CID_NUM_OF_CLIENTS - 1), 0 );
            if (SCR_CID_NO_CLIENT != highestPending)
                pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].state[ uResourceIndex ] = SCR_CS_RUNNING;
                pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].currentPendingReason[ uResourceIndex ] = SCR_PR_NONE;
                pScr->runningClient[ uResourceIndex ] = (EScrClientId)highestPending;
                if ( NULL != pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB )
                    pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].clientRequestCB( pScr->clientArray[ highestPending ].ClientRequestCBObj, 
                                                                         SCR_CRS_RUN, (EScrResourceId)uResourceIndex,
                                                                         SCR_PR_NONE );
                    TRACE1( pScr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Trying to call client %d callback, which is NULL\n", highestPending);