Ejemplo n.º 1
/* writes the specified command to the transfer file */
int set_transfer_file_state(char* s, int done)
  /* get a hash to store file data */
  scr_hash* hash = scr_hash_new();

  /* attempt to read the file transfer file */
  int fd = -1;
  if (scr_hash_lock_open_read(scr_transfer_file, &fd, hash) == SCR_SUCCESS) {
    /* set the state */
    scr_hash_util_set_str(hash, SCR_TRANSFER_KEY_STATE, s);

    /* set the flag if we're done */
    if (done) {

    /* write the hash back to the file */
    scr_hash_write_close_unlock(scr_transfer_file, &fd, hash);

  /* delete the hash */

  return SCR_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* searches for name and returns a character pointer to its value if set,
 * returns NULL if not found */
char* scr_param_get(char* name)
  char* value = NULL;

  /* see if this parameter is one which is restricted from user */
  scr_hash* no_user = scr_hash_get(scr_no_user_hash, name);

  /* if parameter is set in environment, return that value */
  if (no_user == NULL && getenv(name) != NULL) {
    /* we don't just return the getenv value directly because that causes
     * segfaults on some systems, so instead we add it to a hash and return
     * the pointer into the hash */

    /* try to lookup the value for this name in case we've already cached it */
    if (scr_hash_util_get_str(scr_env_hash, name, &value) != SCR_SUCCESS) {
      /* it's not in the hash yet, so add it */
      char* tmp_value = strdup(getenv(name));
      scr_hash_util_set_str(scr_env_hash, name, tmp_value);

      /* now issue our lookup again */
      if (scr_hash_util_get_str(scr_env_hash, name, &value) != SCR_SUCCESS) {
        /* it's an error if we don't find it this time */
        scr_abort(-1, "Failed to find value for %s in env hash @ %s:%d",
          name, __FILE__, __LINE__
    return value;

  /* otherwise, if parameter is set in user configuration file,
   * return that value */
  value = scr_hash_elem_get_first_val(scr_user_hash, name);
  if (no_user == NULL && value != NULL) {
    return value;

  /* otherwise, if parameter is set in system configuration file,
   * return that value */
  value = scr_hash_elem_get_first_val(scr_system_hash, name);
  if (value != NULL) {
    return value;

  /* parameter not found, return NULL */
  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* read contents of summary file */
static int scr_fetch_summary(
  const char* summary_dir,
  scr_hash* file_list)
  /* assume that we won't succeed in our fetch attempt */
  int rc = SCR_SUCCESS;

  /* check whether summary file exists and is readable */
  if (scr_my_rank_world == 0) {
    /* check that we can access the directory */
    if (scr_file_is_readable(summary_dir) != SCR_SUCCESS) {
      scr_err("Failed to access summary directory %s @ %s:%d",
        summary_dir, __FILE__, __LINE__
      rc = SCR_FAILURE;

  /* broadcast success code from rank 0 */
  MPI_Bcast(&rc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, scr_comm_world);
  if (rc != SCR_SUCCESS) {
    return rc;

  /* add path to file list */
  scr_hash_util_set_str(file_list, SCR_KEY_PATH, summary_dir);

  /* build path to summary file */
  scr_path* dataset_path = scr_path_from_str(summary_dir);
  scr_path* meta_path = scr_path_dup(dataset_path);
  scr_path_append_str(meta_path, ".scr");

  /* rank 0 reads the summary file */
  scr_hash* header = scr_hash_new();
  if (scr_my_rank_world == 0) {
    /* build path to summary file */
    scr_path* summary_path = scr_path_dup(meta_path);
    scr_path_append_str(summary_path, "summary.scr");
    const char* summary_file = scr_path_strdup(summary_path);

    /* open file for reading */
    int fd = scr_open(summary_file, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd >= 0) {
      /* read summary hash */
      ssize_t header_size = scr_hash_read_fd(summary_file, fd, header);
      if (header_size < 0) {
        rc = SCR_FAILURE;

      /* TODO: check that the version is correct */

      /* close the file */
      scr_close(summary_file, fd);
    } else {
      scr_err("Failed to open summary file %s @ %s:%d",
        summary_file, __FILE__, __LINE__
      rc = SCR_FAILURE;

    /* free summary path and string */

  /* broadcast success code from rank 0 */
  MPI_Bcast(&rc, 1, MPI_INT, 0, scr_comm_world);
  if (rc != SCR_SUCCESS) {
    goto cleanup;

  /* broadcast the summary hash */
  scr_hash_bcast(header, 0, scr_comm_world);

  /* extract and record the datast in file list */
  scr_hash* dataset_hash = scr_hash_new();
  scr_dataset* dataset = scr_hash_get(header, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_DATASET);
  scr_hash_merge(dataset_hash, dataset);
  scr_hash_set(file_list, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_DATASET, dataset_hash);

  /* build path to rank2file map */
  scr_path* rank2file_path = scr_path_dup(meta_path);
  scr_path_append_str(rank2file_path, "rank2file.scr");

  /* fetch file names and offsets containing file hash data */
  int valid = 0;
  char* file = NULL;
  unsigned long offset = 0;
  if (scr_my_rank_world == 0) {
    /* rank 0 is only valid reader to start with */
    valid  = 1;
    file   = scr_path_strdup(rank2file_path);
    offset = 0;
  if (scr_fetch_rank2file_map(dataset_path, 1, &valid, &file, &offset)
      != SCR_SUCCESS)
    rc = SCR_FAILURE;

  /* create hashes to exchange data */
  scr_hash* send = scr_hash_new();
  scr_hash* recv = scr_hash_new();

  /* read data from file */
  if (valid) {
    /* open file if necessary */
    int fd = scr_open(file, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd >= 0) {
      /* create hash to hold file contents */
      scr_hash* save = scr_hash_new();

      /* read hash from file */
      scr_lseek(file, fd, offset, SEEK_SET);
      ssize_t readsize = scr_hash_read_fd(file, fd, save);
      if (readsize < 0) {
        scr_err("Failed to read rank2file map file %s @ %s:%d",
          file, __FILE__, __LINE__
        rc = SCR_FAILURE;

      /* check that the number of ranks match */
      int ranks = 0;
      scr_hash_util_get_int(save, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_RANKS, &ranks);
      if (ranks != scr_ranks_world) {
        scr_err("Invalid number of ranks in %s, got %d expected %d @ %s:%d",
          file, ranks, scr_ranks_world, __FILE__, __LINE__
        rc = SCR_FAILURE;

      /* delete current send hash, set it to values from file,
       * delete file hash */
      send = scr_hash_extract(save, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_RANK);

      /* close the file */
      scr_close(file, fd);
    } else {
      scr_err("Failed to open rank2file map %s @ %s:%d",
        file, __FILE__, __LINE__
      rc = SCR_FAILURE;

    /* delete file name string */

  /* check that everyone read the data ok */
  if (! scr_alltrue(rc == SCR_SUCCESS)) {
    rc = SCR_FAILURE;
    goto cleanup_hashes;

  /* scatter to groups */
  scr_hash_exchange_direction(send, recv, scr_comm_world, SCR_HASH_EXCHANGE_RIGHT);

  /* iterate over the ranks that sent data to us, and set up our
   * list of files */
  scr_hash_elem* elem;
  for (elem = scr_hash_elem_first(recv);
       elem != NULL;
       elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem))
    /* the key is the source rank, which we don't care about,
     * the info we need is in the element hash */
    scr_hash* elem_hash = scr_hash_elem_hash(elem);

    /* get pointer to file hash */
    scr_hash* file_hash = scr_hash_get(elem_hash, SCR_SUMMARY_6_KEY_FILE);
    if (file_hash != NULL) {
      /* TODO: parse summary file format */
      scr_hash_merge(file_list, elem_hash);
    } else {
      rc = SCR_FAILURE;

  /* fill in file list parameters */
  if (rc == SCR_SUCCESS) {
    /* if we're not using containers, add PATH entry for each of our
     * files */
    scr_hash* files = scr_hash_get(file_list, SCR_KEY_FILE);
    for (elem = scr_hash_elem_first(files);
         elem != NULL;
         elem = scr_hash_elem_next(elem))
      /* get the file name */
      char* file = scr_hash_elem_key(elem);

      /* combine the file name with the summary directory to build a
       * full path to the file */
      scr_path* path_full = scr_path_dup(dataset_path);
      scr_path_append_str(path_full, file);

      /* subtract off last component to get just the path */
      char* path = scr_path_strdup(path_full);

      /* record path in file list */
      scr_hash* hash = scr_hash_elem_hash(elem);
      scr_hash_util_set_str(hash, SCR_KEY_PATH, path);

      /* free the path and string */

  /* check that everyone read the data ok */
  if (! scr_alltrue(rc == SCR_SUCCESS)) {
    rc = SCR_FAILURE;
    goto cleanup_hashes;

  /* delete send and receive hashes */

  /* free string and path for rank2file map */

  /* free the header hash */

  /* free path for dataset directory */

  return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* copy files to a partner node */
static int scr_reddesc_apply_partner(
  scr_filemap* map,
  const scr_reddesc* c,
  int id)
  int rc = SCR_SUCCESS;

  /* get pointer to partner state structure */
  scr_reddesc_partner* state = (scr_reddesc_partner*) c->copy_state;

  /* get a list of our files */
  int numfiles = 0;
  char** files = NULL;
  scr_filemap_list_files(map, id, scr_my_rank_world, &numfiles, &files);

  /* first, determine how many files we'll be sending and receiving
   * with our partners */
  MPI_Status status;
  int send_num = numfiles;
  int recv_num = 0;
    &send_num, 1, MPI_INT, state->rhs_rank, 0,
    &recv_num, 1, MPI_INT, state->lhs_rank, 0,
    c->comm, &status

  /* record how many files our partner will send */
  scr_filemap_set_expected_files(map, id, state->lhs_rank_world, recv_num);

  /* remember which node our partner is on (needed for scavenge) */
  scr_hash* flushdesc = scr_hash_new();
  scr_filemap_get_flushdesc(map, id, state->lhs_rank_world, flushdesc);
  scr_hash_util_set_int(flushdesc, SCR_SCAVENGE_KEY_PRESERVE,  scr_preserve_directories);
  scr_hash_util_set_int(flushdesc, SCR_SCAVENGE_KEY_CONTAINER, scr_use_containers);
  scr_hash_util_set_str(flushdesc, SCR_SCAVENGE_KEY_PARTNER,   state->lhs_hostname);
  scr_filemap_set_flushdesc(map, id, state->lhs_rank_world, flushdesc);

  /* record partner's redundancy descriptor hash */
  scr_hash* lhs_desc_hash = scr_hash_new();
  scr_hash* my_desc_hash  = scr_hash_new();
  scr_reddesc_store_to_hash(c, my_desc_hash);
  scr_hash_sendrecv(my_desc_hash, state->rhs_rank, lhs_desc_hash, state->lhs_rank, c->comm);
  scr_filemap_set_desc(map, id, state->lhs_rank_world, lhs_desc_hash);

  /* store this info in our filemap before we receive any files */
  scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map);

  /* define directory to receive partner file in */
  char* dir = scr_cache_dir_get(c, id);

  /* for each potential file, step through a call to swap */
  while (send_num > 0 || recv_num > 0) {
    /* assume we won't send or receive in this step */
    int send_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL;
    int recv_rank = MPI_PROC_NULL;

    /* if we have a file left to send,
     * get the filename and destination rank */
    char* file = NULL;
    if (send_num > 0) {
      int i = numfiles - send_num;
      file = files[i];
      send_rank = state->rhs_rank;

    /* if we have a file left to receive, get the rank */
    if (recv_num > 0) {
      recv_rank = state->lhs_rank;

    /* exhange file names with partners */
    char file_partner[SCR_MAX_FILENAME];
    scr_swap_file_names(file, send_rank, file_partner, sizeof(file_partner), recv_rank, dir, c->comm);

    /* if we'll receive a file, record the name of our partner's
     * file in the filemap */
    if (recv_rank != MPI_PROC_NULL) {
      scr_filemap_add_file(map, id, state->lhs_rank_world, file_partner);
      scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map);

    /* get meta data of file we're sending */
    scr_meta* send_meta = scr_meta_new();
    scr_filemap_get_meta(map, id, scr_my_rank_world, file, send_meta);

    /* exhange files with partners */
    scr_meta* recv_meta = scr_meta_new();
    if (scr_swap_files(COPY_FILES, file, send_meta, send_rank, file_partner, recv_meta, recv_rank, c->comm) != SCR_SUCCESS) {
      rc = SCR_FAILURE;
    scr_filemap_set_meta(map, id, state->lhs_rank_world, file_partner, recv_meta);

    /* free meta data for these files */

  /* free cache directory string */

  /* write out the updated filemap */
  scr_filemap_write(scr_map_file, map);

  /* free our list of files */

  return rc;