Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
Work * scs_init(Data * d, Cone * k, Info * info) {
	Work * w;
	timer initTimer;
	if (!d || !k || !info) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: Missing Data, Cone or Info input\n");
		return NULL;
	if (validate(d, k) < 0) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: Validation returned failure\n");
		return NULL;
	w = initWork(d, k);
	/* strtoc("init", &initTimer); */
	info->setupTime = tocq(&initTimer);
	if (d->VERBOSE) {
		scs_printf("Setup time: %1.2es\n", info->setupTime / 1e3);
	return w;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
static void printInitHeader(Data * d, Work * w, Cone * k) {
	idxint i;
	char * coneStr = getConeHeader(k);
	char * linSysMethod = getLinSysMethod(d, w->p);
	_lineLen_ = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < HEADER_LEN; ++i) {
		_lineLen_ += (idxint) strlen(HEADER[i]) + 1;
	for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) {
	scs_printf("\n\tSCS v%s - Splitting Conic Solver\n\t(c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012\n",
	for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) {
	if (linSysMethod) {
		scs_printf("Lin-sys: %s\n", linSysMethod);
	if (d->NORMALIZE) {
		scs_printf("EPS = %.2e, ALPHA = %.2f, MAX_ITERS = %i, NORMALIZE = %i, SCALE = %2.2f\n", d->EPS, d->ALPHA,
				(int) d->MAX_ITERS, (int) d->NORMALIZE, d->SCALE);
	} else {
		scs_printf("EPS = %.2e, ALPHA = %.2f, MAX_ITERS = %i, NORMALIZE = %i\n", d->EPS, d->ALPHA, (int) d->MAX_ITERS,
				(int) d->NORMALIZE);
	scs_printf("Variables n = %i, constraints m = %i\n", (int) d->n, (int) d->m);
	scs_printf("%s", coneStr);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
void printSol(Data * d, Sol * sol, Info * info) {
	idxint i;
	scs_printf("%s\n", info->status);
	if (sol->x != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; i < d->n; ++i) {
			scs_printf("x[%i] = %4f\n", (int) i, sol->x[i]);
	if (sol->y != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; i < d->m; ++i) {
			scs_printf("y[%i] = %4f\n", (int) i, sol->y[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: demo.c Proyecto: zhangrj7/scs
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	FILE * fp;
	Cone * k;
	Data * d;
	Work * w;
	Sol * sol;
	Info info = { 0 };
	scs_int i;

	if (openFile(argc, argv, 1, DEMO_PATH, &fp) < 0)
		return -1;

	k = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Cone));
	d = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Data));
	sol = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Sol));
	if (readInData(fp, d, k) == -1) {
		printf("Error reading in data, aborting.\n");
		return -1;
	scs_printf("solve once using scs\n");
	scs(d, k, sol, &info);

		scs_printf("solve %i times with warm-start and (if applicable) factorization caching.\n", NUM_TRIALS);
		/* warm starts stored in Sol */
		w = scs_init(d, k, &info);
		if (w) {
			for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRIALS; i++) {
				/* perturb b and c */
				perturbVector(d->b, d->m);
				perturbVector(d->c, d->n);
				d->stgs->warm_start = 1;
				d->stgs->cg_rate = 4;
				scs_solve(w, d, k, sol, &info);
				d->stgs->warm_start = 0;
				d->stgs->cg_rate = 2;
				scs_solve(w, d, k, sol, &info);

	freeData(d, k);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
scs_int factorize(const AMatrix * A, const Settings * stgs, Priv * p) {
	scs_float *info;
	scs_int *Pinv, amd_status, ldl_status;
	cs *C, *K = formKKT(A, stgs);
	if (!K) {
		return -1;
	amd_status = LDLInit(K, p->P, &info);
	if (amd_status < 0)
		return (amd_status);
	if(stgs->verbose) {
		scs_printf("Matrix factorization info:\n");
#ifdef DLONG
	Pinv = cs_pinv(p->P, A->n + A->m);
	C = cs_symperm(K, Pinv, 1);
	ldl_status = LDLFactor(C, NULL, NULL, &p->L, &p->D);
	return (ldl_status);
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: private.c Proyecto: cran/scs
static scs_int factorize(const ScsMatrix *A, const ScsSettings *stgs,
                         ScsLinSysWork *p) {
  scs_float *info;
  scs_int *Pinv, amd_status, ldl_status;
  cs *C, *K = form_kkt(A, stgs);
  if (!K) {
    return -1;
  amd_status = _ldl_init(K, p->P, &info);
  if (amd_status < 0) {
    return (amd_status);
  if (stgs->verbose) {
    scs_printf("Matrix factorization info:\n");
#ifdef DLONG
  Pinv = SCS(cs_pinv)(p->P, A->n + A->m);
  C = SCS(cs_symperm)(K, Pinv, 1);
  ldl_status = _ldl_factor(C, SCS_NULL, SCS_NULL, &p->L, &p->D);
  return (ldl_status);
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
static void printSummary(idxint i, struct residuals *r, timer * solveTimer) {
	scs_printf("%*i|", (int) strlen(HEADER[0]), (int) i);
	scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->resPri);
	scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->resDual);
	scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->relGap);
	scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->cTx);
	scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, -r->bTy);
	scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->kap / r->tau);
	scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, tocq(solveTimer) / 1e3);
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
idxint scs_solve(Work * w, Data * d, Cone * k, Sol * sol, Info * info) {
	idxint i;
	timer solveTimer;
	struct residuals r;
	if (!d || !k || !sol || !info || !w || !d->b || !d->c) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: NULL input\n");
		return FAILURE;
	info->statusVal = 0; /* not yet converged */
	updateWork(d, w, sol);
	if (d->VERBOSE)
		printHeader(d, w, k);
	/* scs: */
	for (i = 0; i < d->MAX_ITERS; ++i) {
		memcpy(w->u_prev, w->u, (d->n + d->m + 1) * sizeof(pfloat));

		if (projectLinSys(d, w, i) < 0) return failureDefaultReturn(d, w, sol, info, "error in projectLinSys");
		if (projectCones(d, w, k, i) < 0) return failureDefaultReturn(d, w, sol, info, "error in projectCones");
		updateDualVars(d, w);

		if ((info->statusVal = converged(d, w, &r, i)) != 0)

		if (i % PRINT_INTERVAL == 0) {
			if (d->VERBOSE) {
				printSummary(i, &r, &solveTimer);
				 scs_printf("Norm u = %4f, ", calcNorm(w->u, d->n + d->m + 1));
				 scs_printf("Norm u_t = %4f, ", calcNorm(w->u_t, d->n + d->m + 1));
				 scs_printf("Norm v = %4f, ", calcNorm(w->v, d->n + d->m + 1));
				 scs_printf("tau = %4f, ", w->u[d->n + d->m]);
				 scs_printf("kappa = %4f, ", w->v[d->n + d->m]);
				 scs_printf("|u - u_prev| = %4f, ", calcNormDiff(w->u, w->u_prev, d->n + d->m + 1));
				 scs_printf("|u - u_t| = %4f\n", calcNormDiff(w->u, w->u_t, d->n + d->m + 1));
	if (d->VERBOSE) {
		printSummary(i, &r, &solveTimer);
	setSolution(d, w, sol, info);
	/* populate info */
	info->iter = i;
	getInfo(d, w, sol, info);
	info->solveTime = tocq(&solveTimer);

	if (d->VERBOSE)
		printFooter(d, w, info);
	/* un-normalize sol, b, c but not A */
	if (d->NORMALIZE)
		unNormalizeSolBC(d, w, sol);
	return info->statusVal;
Ejemplo n.º 9
/* M = inv ( diag ( RHO_X * I + A'A ) ) */
void getPreconditioner(const AMatrix * A, const Settings * stgs, Priv * p) {
	scs_int i;
	scs_float * M = p->M;

	scs_printf("getting pre-conditioner\n");

	for (i = 0; i < A->n; ++i) {
		M[i] = 1 / (stgs->rho_x + calcNormSq(&(A->x[A->p[i]]), A->p[i + 1] - A->p[i]));
		/* M[i] = 1; */

	scs_printf("finished getting pre-conditioner\n");

Ejemplo n.º 10
scs_int solveLinSys(const AMatrix * A, const Settings * stgs, Priv * p, scs_float * b, const scs_float * s, scs_int iter) {
	/* returns solution to linear system */
	/* Ax = b with solution stored in b */
	LDLSolve(b, b, p->L, p->D, p->P, p->bp);
	totalSolveTime += tocq(&linsysTimer);
	scs_printf("linsys solve time: %1.2es\n", tocq(&linsysTimer) / 1e3);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: private.c Proyecto: cran/scs
static scs_int _ldl_factor(cs *A, scs_int P[], scs_int Pinv[], cs **L,
                           scs_float **D) {
  scs_int kk, n = A->n;
  scs_int *Parent = (scs_int *)scs_malloc(n * sizeof(scs_int));
  scs_int *Lnz = (scs_int *)scs_malloc(n * sizeof(scs_int));
  scs_int *Flag = (scs_int *)scs_malloc(n * sizeof(scs_int));
  scs_int *Pattern = (scs_int *)scs_malloc(n * sizeof(scs_int));
  scs_float *Y = (scs_float *)scs_malloc(n * sizeof(scs_float));
  (*L)->p = (scs_int *)scs_malloc((1 + n) * sizeof(scs_int));

  /*scs_int Parent[n], Lnz[n], Flag[n], Pattern[n]; */
  /*scs_float Y[n]; */

  LDL_symbolic(n, A->p, A->i, (*L)->p, Parent, Lnz, Flag, P, Pinv);

  (*L)->nzmax = *((*L)->p + n);
  (*L)->x = (scs_float *)scs_malloc((*L)->nzmax * sizeof(scs_float));
  (*L)->i = (scs_int *)scs_malloc((*L)->nzmax * sizeof(scs_int));
  *D = (scs_float *)scs_malloc(n * sizeof(scs_float));

  if (!(*D) || !(*L)->i || !(*L)->x || !Y || !Pattern || !Flag || !Lnz ||
      !Parent) {
    return -1;

  scs_printf("numeric factorization\n");
  kk = LDL_numeric(n, A->p, A->i, A->x, (*L)->p, Parent, Lnz, (*L)->i, (*L)->x,
                   *D, Y, Pattern, Flag, P, Pinv);
  scs_printf("finished numeric factorization\n");

  return (kk - n);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void transpose(const AMatrix * A, Priv * p) {
	scs_int * Ci = p->At->i;
	scs_int * Cp = p->At->p;
	scs_float * Cx = p->At->x;
	scs_int m = A->m;
	scs_int n = A->n;

	scs_int * Ap = A->p;
	scs_int * Ai = A->i;
	scs_float * Ax = A->x;

	scs_int i, j, q, *z, c1, c2;
	timer transposeTimer;
	scs_printf("transposing A\n");

	z = scs_calloc(m, sizeof(scs_int));
	for (i = 0; i < Ap[n]; i++)
		z[Ai[i]]++; /* row counts */
	cs_cumsum(Cp, z, m); /* row pointers */

	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
		c1 = Ap[j];
		c2 = Ap[j + 1];
		for (i = c1; i < c2; i++) {
			q = z[Ai[i]];
			Ci[q] = j; /* place A(i,j) as entry C(j,i) */
			Cx[q] = Ax[i];

	scs_printf("finished transposing A, time: %1.2es\n", tocq(&transposeTimer) / 1e3);

Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
static void updateWork(Data * d, Work * w, Sol * sol) {
	/* before normalization */
	idxint n = d->n;
	idxint m = d->m;
	w->nm_b = calcNorm(d->b, m);
	w->nm_c = calcNorm(d->c, n);
	printArray(d->b, d->m, "b");
	scs_printf("pre-normalized norm b = %4f\n", calcNorm(d->b, d->m));
	printArray(d->c, d->n, "c");
	scs_printf("pre-normalized norm c = %4f\n", calcNorm(d->c, d->n));
	if (d->NORMALIZE) {
		normalizeBC(d, w);
		printArray(d->b, d->m, "bn");
		scs_printf("sc_b = %4f\n", w->sc_b);
		scs_printf("post-normalized norm b = %4f\n", calcNorm(d->b, d->m));
		printArray(d->c, d->n, "cn");
		scs_printf("sc_c = %4f\n", w->sc_c);
		scs_printf("post-normalized norm c = %4f\n", calcNorm(d->c, d->n));
	if (d->WARM_START) {
		warmStartVars(d, w, sol);
	} else {
		coldStartVars(d, w);
	memcpy(w->h, d->c, n * sizeof(pfloat));
	memcpy(&(w->h[d->n]), d->b, m * sizeof(pfloat));
	memcpy(w->g, w->h, (n + m) * sizeof(pfloat));
	solveLinSys(d, w->p, w->g, NULL, -1);
	scaleArray(&(w->g[d->n]), -1, m);
	w->gTh = innerProd(w->h, w->g, n + m);
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: private.c Proyecto: cran/scs
scs_int SCS(solve_lin_sys)(const ScsMatrix *A, const ScsSettings *stgs,
                           ScsLinSysWork *p, scs_float *b, const scs_float *s,
                           scs_int iter) {
  /* returns solution to linear system */
  /* Ax = b with solution stored in b */
  SCS(timer) linsys_timer;
  _ldl_solve(b, b, p->L, p->D, p->P, p->bp);
  p->total_solve_time += SCS(tocq)(&linsys_timer);
  scs_printf("linsys solve time: %1.2es\n", SCS(tocq)(&linsys_timer) / 1e3);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: private.c Proyecto: cran/scs
static cs *form_kkt(const ScsMatrix *A, const ScsSettings *s) {
   * forms column compressed KKT matrix
   * assumes column compressed form A matrix
   * forms upper triangular part of [I A'; A -I]
  scs_int j, k, kk;
  cs *K_cs;
  /* I at top left */
  const scs_int Anz = A->p[A->n];
  const scs_int Knzmax = A->n + A->m + Anz;
  cs *K = SCS(cs_spalloc)(A->m + A->n, A->m + A->n, Knzmax, 1, 1);

  scs_printf("forming KKT\n");

  if (!K) {
    return SCS_NULL;
  kk = 0;
  for (k = 0; k < A->n; k++) {
    K->i[kk] = k;
    K->p[kk] = k;
    K->x[kk] = s->rho_x;
  /* A^T at top right : CCS: */
  for (j = 0; j < A->n; j++) {
    for (k = A->p[j]; k < A->p[j + 1]; k++) {
      K->p[kk] = A->i[k] + A->n;
      K->i[kk] = j;
      K->x[kk] = A->x[k];
  /* -I at bottom right */
  for (k = 0; k < A->m; k++) {
    K->i[kk] = k + A->n;
    K->p[kk] = k + A->n;
    K->x[kk] = -1;
  /* assert kk == Knzmax */
  K->nz = Knzmax;
  K_cs = SCS(cs_compress)(K);
  return (K_cs);
Ejemplo n.º 16
static scs_int pcg(const AMatrix * A, const Settings * stgs, Priv * pr, const scs_float * s, scs_float * b, scs_int max_its,
		scs_float tol) {
	scs_int i, n = A->n;
	scs_float ipzr, ipzrOld, alpha;
	scs_float *p = pr->p; /* cg direction */
	scs_float *Gp = pr->Gp; /* updated CG direction */
	scs_float *r = pr->r; /* cg residual */
	scs_float *z = pr->z; /* for preconditioning */
	scs_float *M = pr->M; /* inverse diagonal preconditioner */

	if (s == NULL) {
		memcpy(r, b, n * sizeof(scs_float));
		memset(b, 0, n * sizeof(scs_float));
	} else {
		matVec(A, stgs, pr, s, r);
		addScaledArray(r, b, n, -1);
		scaleArray(r, -1, n);
		memcpy(b, s, n * sizeof(scs_float));

    /* check to see if we need to run CG at all */
    if (calcNorm(r, n) < MIN(tol, 1e-18)) {
        return 0;

    applyPreConditioner(M, z, r, n, &ipzr);
    memcpy(p, z, n * sizeof(scs_float));

    for (i = 0; i < max_its; ++i) {
        matVec(A, stgs, pr, p, Gp);
        alpha = ipzr / innerProd(p, Gp, n);
        addScaledArray(b, p, n, alpha);
        addScaledArray(r, Gp, n, -alpha);

		if (calcNorm(r, n) < tol) {
			scs_printf("tol: %.4e, resid: %.4e, iters: %li\n", tol, calcNorm(r, n), (long) i+1);
			return i + 1;
		ipzrOld = ipzr;
		applyPreConditioner(M, z, r, n, &ipzr);

		scaleArray(p, ipzr / ipzrOld, n);
		addScaledArray(p, z, n, 1);
	return i;
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
/* this just calls scs_init, scs_solve, and scs_finish */
idxint scs(Data * d, Cone * k, Sol * sol, Info * info) {
#if ( defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64 ) && !defined MATLAB_MEX_FILE && !defined PYTHON
	/* sets width of exponent for floating point numbers to 2 instead of 3 */
	unsigned int old_output_format = _set_output_format(_TWO_DIGIT_EXPONENT);
	Work * w = scs_init(d, k, info);
	scs_printf("size of idxint = %lu, size of pfloat = %lu\n", sizeof(idxint), sizeof(pfloat));
	if (!w) {
		return failureDefaultReturn(d, NULL, sol, info, "could not initialize work");
	scs_solve(w, d, k, sol, info);
	scs_finish(d, w);
	return info->statusVal;
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
static idxint validate(Data * d, Cone * k) {
	if (d->m <= 0 || d->n <= 0) {
		scs_printf("m and n must both be greater than 0\n");
		return -1;
	if (d->m < d->n) {
		scs_printf("m must be greater than or equal to n\n");
		return -1;
	if (validateLinSys(d) < 0) {
		scs_printf("invalid linear system input data\n");
		return -1;
	if (validateCones(d, k) < 0) {
		scs_printf("invalid cone dimensions\n");
		return -1;
	if (d->MAX_ITERS <= 0) {
		scs_printf("MAX_ITERS must be positive\n");
		return -1;
	if (d->EPS <= 0) {
		scs_printf("EPS tolerance must be positive\n");
		return -1;
	if (d->ALPHA <= 0 || d->ALPHA >= 2) {
		scs_printf("ALPHA must be in (0,2)\n");
		return -1;
	if (d->RHO_X <= 0) {
		scs_printf("RHO_X must be positive (1e-3 works well).\n");
		return -1;
	if (d->SCALE <= 0) {
		scs_printf("SCALE must be positive (1 works well).\n");
		return -1;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
static Work * initWork(Data *d, Cone * k) {
	Work * w = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Work));
	idxint l = d->n + d->m + 1;
	if (d->VERBOSE) {
		printInitHeader(d, w, k);
	if (!w) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: allocating work failure\n");
		return NULL;
	/* allocate workspace: */
	w->u = scs_malloc(l * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->v = scs_malloc(l * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->u_t = scs_malloc(l * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->u_prev = scs_malloc(l * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->h = scs_malloc((l - 1) * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->g = scs_malloc((l - 1) * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->pr = scs_malloc(d->m * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->dr = scs_malloc(d->n * sizeof(pfloat));
	if (!w->u || !w->v || !w->u_t || !w->u_prev || !w->h || !w->g || !w->pr || !w->dr) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: work memory allocation failure\n");
		scs_finish(d, w);
		return NULL;
	if (d->NORMALIZE) {
		normalizeA(d, w, k);
	printArray(w->D, d->m, "D");
	scs_printf("norm D = %4f\n", calcNorm(w->D, d->m));
	printArray(w->E, d->n, "E");
	scs_printf("norm E = %4f\n", calcNorm(w->E, d->n));
	} else {
		w->D = NULL;
		w->E = NULL;
	if (initCone(k) < 0) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: initCone failure\n");
		scs_finish(d, w);
		return NULL;
	w->p = initPriv(d);
	if (!w->p) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: initPriv failure\n");
		scs_finish(d, w);
		return NULL;
	return w;
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
static idxint failureDefaultReturn(Data * d, Work * w, Sol * sol, Info * info, char * msg) {
	info->relGap = NAN;
	info->resPri = NAN;
	info->resDual = NAN;
	info->pobj = NAN;
	info->dobj = NAN;
	info->iter = -1;
	info->statusVal = FAILURE;
	info->solveTime = NAN;
	strcpy(info->status, "Failure");
	if (!sol->x)
		sol->x = scs_malloc(sizeof(pfloat) * d->n);
	scaleArray(sol->x, NAN, d->n);
	if (!sol->y)
		sol->y = scs_malloc(sizeof(pfloat) * d->m);
	scaleArray(sol->y, NAN, d->m);
	if (!sol->s)
		sol->s = scs_malloc(sizeof(pfloat) * d->m);
	scaleArray(sol->s, NAN, d->m);
	scs_printf("FAILURE:%s\n", msg);
	return FAILURE;
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
static void printHeader(Data * d, Work * w, Cone * k) {
	idxint i;
    if (d->WARM_START)
        scs_printf("SCS using variable warm-starting\n");
    for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) {
    for (i = 0; i < HEADER_LEN - 1; ++i) {
        scs_printf("%s|", HEADER[i]);
    scs_printf("%s\n", HEADER[HEADER_LEN - 1]);
    for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) {
Ejemplo n.º 22
scs_int solveLinSys(const AMatrix * A, const Settings * stgs, Priv * p, scs_float * b, const scs_float * s, scs_int iter) {
	scs_int cgIts;
	scs_float cgTol = calcNorm(b, A->n)
			* (iter < 0 ? CG_BEST_TOL : CG_MIN_TOL / POWF((scs_float) iter + 1, stgs->cg_rate));

	/* solves Mx = b, for x but stores result in b */
	/* s contains warm-start (if available) */
	accumByAtrans(A, p, &(b[A->n]), b);
	/* solves (I+A'A)x = b, s warm start, solution stored in b */
	cgIts = pcg(A, stgs, p, s, b, A->n, MAX(cgTol, CG_BEST_TOL));
	scaleArray(&(b[A->n]), -1, A->m);
	accumByA(A, p, b, &(b[A->n]));

	if (iter >= 0) {
		totCgIts += cgIts;

	totalSolveTime += tocq(&linsysTimer);
	scs_printf("linsys solve time: %1.2es\n", tocq(&linsysTimer) / 1e3);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
Archivo: scs.c Proyecto: tkelman/scs
static void printFooter(Data * d, Work * w, Info * info) {
	idxint i;
	char * linSysStr = getLinSysSummary(w->p, info);
	char * coneStr = getConeSummary(info);
	for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) {
	scs_printf("\nStatus: %s\n", info->status);
	if (info->iter == d->MAX_ITERS) {
		scs_printf("Hit MAX_ITERS, solution may be inaccurate\n");
	scs_printf("Timing: Total solve time: %1.2es\n", info->solveTime / 1e3);

	if (linSysStr) {
		scs_printf("%s", linSysStr);
	if (coneStr) {
		scs_printf("%s", coneStr);

	for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) {

	if (info->statusVal == INFEASIBLE) {
		scs_printf("Certificate of primal infeasibility:\n");
		scs_printf("|A'y|_2 * |b|_2 = %.4e\n", info->resDual);
		scs_printf("dist(y, K*) = 0\n");
		scs_printf("b'y = %.4f\n", info->dobj);
	} else if (info->statusVal == UNBOUNDED) {
		scs_printf("Certificate of dual infeasibility:\n");
		scs_printf("|Ax + s|_2 * |c|_2 = %.4e\n", info->resPri);
		scs_printf("dist(s, K) = 0\n");
		scs_printf("c'x = %.4f\n", info->pobj);
	} else {
		scs_printf("Error metrics:\n");
		scs_printf("|Ax + s - b|_2 / (1 + |b|_2) = %.4e\n", info->resPri);
		scs_printf("|A'y + c|_2 / (1 + |c|_2) = %.4e\n", info->resDual);
		scs_printf("|c'x + b'y| / (1 + |c'x| + |b'y|) = %.4e\n", info->relGap);
		scs_printf("dist(s, K) = 0, dist(y, K*) = 0, s'y = 0\n");
		for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) {
		scs_printf("c'x = %.4f, -b'y = %.4f\n", info->pobj, info->dobj);
	for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) {
Ejemplo n.º 24
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	scs_int n, m, col_nnz, nnz, i, q_total, q_num_rows, max_q;
	Cone * k;
	Data * d;
	Sol * sol, * opt_sol;
	Info info = { 0 };
	scs_float p_f, p_l;
	int seed = 0;

	/* default parameters */
	p_f = 0.1;
	p_l = 0.3;
	seed = time(SCS_NULL);

	switch (argc) {
	case 5:
		seed = atoi(argv[4]);
		/* no break */
	case 4:
		p_f = atof(argv[2]);
		p_l = atof(argv[3]);
		/* no break */
	case 2:
		n = atoi(argv[1]);
		scs_printf("usage:\t%s n p_f p_l s\n"
				"\tcreates an SOCP with n variables where p_f fraction of rows correspond\n"
				"\tto equality constraints, p_l fraction of rows correspond to LP constraints,\n"
				"\tand the remaining percentage of rows are involved in second-order\n"
				"\tcone constraints. the random number generator is seeded with s.\n"
				"\tnote that p_f + p_l should be less than or equal to 1, and that\n"
				"\tp_f should be less than .33, since that corresponds to as many equality\n"
				"\tconstraints as variables.\n", argv[0]);
		scs_printf("\nusage:\t%s n p_f p_l\n"
				"\tdefaults the seed to the system time\n", argv[0]);
		scs_printf("\nusage:\t%s n\n"
				"\tdefaults to using p_f = 0.1 and p_l = 0.3\n", argv[0]);
		return 0;
	scs_printf("seed : %i\n", seed);

    k = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Cone));
    d = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Data));
    d->stgs = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Settings));
    sol = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Sol));
    opt_sol = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Sol));

	m = 3 * n;
	col_nnz = (int) ceil(sqrt(n));
	nnz = n * col_nnz;

	max_q = (scs_int) ceil(3 * n / log(3 * n));

	if (p_f + p_l > 1.0) {
		printf("error: p_f + p_l > 1.0!\n");
		return 1;

	k->f = (scs_int) floor(3 * n * p_f);
	k->l = (scs_int) floor(3 * n * p_l);

	k->qsize = 0;
	q_num_rows = 3 * n - k->f - k->l;
	k->q = scs_malloc(q_num_rows * sizeof(scs_int));

	while (q_num_rows > max_q) {
		int size;
		size = (rand() % max_q) + 1;
		k->q[k->qsize] = size;
		q_num_rows -= size;
	if (q_num_rows > 0) {
		k->q[k->qsize] = q_num_rows;

	q_total = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < k->qsize; i++) {
		q_total += k->q[i];

	k->s = SCS_NULL;
	k->ssize = 0;
	k->ep = 0;
	k->ed = 0;

	scs_printf("\nA is %ld by %ld, with %ld nonzeros per column.\n", (long) m, (long) n, (long) col_nnz);
	scs_printf("A has %ld nonzeros (%f%% dense).\n", (long) nnz, 100 * (scs_float) col_nnz / m);
	scs_printf("Nonzeros of A take %f GB of storage.\n", ((scs_float) nnz * sizeof(scs_float)) / POWF(2, 30));
	scs_printf("Row idxs of A take %f GB of storage.\n", ((scs_float) nnz * sizeof(scs_int)) / POWF(2, 30));
	scs_printf("Col ptrs of A take %f GB of storage.\n\n", ((scs_float) n * sizeof(scs_int)) / POWF(2, 30));

	printf("Cone information:\n");
	printf("Zero cone rows: %ld\n", (long) k->f);
	printf("LP cone rows: %ld\n", (long) k->l);
	printf("Number of second-order cones: %ld, covering %ld rows, with sizes\n[", (long) k->qsize, (long) q_total);
	for (i = 0; i < k->qsize; i++) {
		printf("%ld, ", (long) k->q[i]);
	printf("Number of rows covered is %ld out of %ld.\n\n", (long) (q_total + k->f + k->l), (long) m);

	/* set up SCS structures */
	d->m = m;
	d->n = n;
	genRandomProbData(nnz, col_nnz, d, k, opt_sol);

	scs_printf("true pri opt = %4f\n", innerProd(d->c, opt_sol->x, d->n));
	scs_printf("true dua opt = %4f\n", -innerProd(d->b, opt_sol->y, d->m));
    /* solve! */
	scs(d, k, sol, &info);
	scs_printf("true pri opt = %4f\n", innerProd(d->c, opt_sol->x, d->n));
	scs_printf("true dua opt = %4f\n", -innerProd(d->b, opt_sol->y, d->m));

    if (sol->x) { scs_printf("scs pri obj= %4f\n", innerProd(d->c, sol->x, d->n)); }
    if (sol->y) { scs_printf("scs dua obj = %4f\n", -innerProd(d->b, sol->y, d->m)); }

    freeData(d, k);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
scs_int validateCones(const Data * d, const Cone * k) {
	scs_int i;
	if (getFullConeDims(k) != d->m) {
		scs_printf("cone dimensions %li not equal to num rows in A = m = %li\n", (long) getFullConeDims(k), (long) d->m);
		return -1;
	if (k->f && k->f < 0) {
		scs_printf("free cone error\n");
		return -1;
	if (k->l && k->l < 0) {
		scs_printf("lp cone error\n");
		return -1;
    if (k->qsize && k->q) {
        if (k->qsize < 0) {
            scs_printf("soc cone error\n");
            return -1;
        for (i = 0; i < k->qsize; ++i) {
            if (k->q[i] < 0) {
                scs_printf("soc cone error\n");
                return -1;
    if (k->ssize && k->s) {
        if (k->ssize < 0) {
            scs_printf("sd cone error\n");
            return -1;
        for (i = 0; i < k->ssize; ++i) {
            if (k->s[i] < 0) {
                scs_printf("sd cone error\n");
                return -1;
    if (k->ed && k->ed < 0) {
        scs_printf("ep cone error\n");
        return -1;
    if (k->ep && k->ep < 0) {
        scs_printf("ed cone error\n");
        return -1;
    if (k->psize && k->p) {
        if (k->psize < 0) {
            scs_printf("power cone error\n");
            return -1;
        for (i = 0; i<k->psize; ++i) {
            if (k->p[i] < -1 || k->p[i] > 1) {
                scs_printf("power cone error, values must be in [-1,1]\n");
                return -1;
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: ldl.c Proyecto: akshayka/scs
LDL_int LDL_numeric	/* returns n if successful, k if D (k,k) is zero */
    LDL_int n,		/* A and L are n-by-n, where n >= 0 */
    LDL_int Ap [ ],	/* input of size n+1, not modified */
    LDL_int Ai [ ],	/* input of size nz=Ap[n], not modified */
    scs_float Ax [ ],	/* input of size nz=Ap[n], not modified */
    LDL_int Lp [ ],	/* input of size n+1, not modified */
    LDL_int Parent [ ],	/* input of size n, not modified */
    LDL_int Lnz [ ],	/* output of size n, not defn. on input */
    LDL_int Li [ ],	/* output of size lnz=Lp[n], not defined on input */
    scs_float Lx [ ],	/* output of size lnz=Lp[n], not defined on input */
    scs_float D [ ],	/* output of size n, not defined on input */
    scs_float Y [ ],	/* workspace of size n, not defn. on input or output */
    LDL_int Pattern [ ],/* workspace of size n, not defn. on input or output */
    LDL_int Flag [ ],	/* workspace of size n, not defn. on input or output */
    LDL_int P [ ],	/* optional input of size n */
    LDL_int Pinv [ ]	/* optional input of size n */
    scs_float yi, l_ki ;
    LDL_int i, k, p, kk, p2, len, top ;
    for (k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)
	if(isInterrupted()) {
        scs_printf("interrupt detected in factorization\n");
        return -1;
    /* compute nonzero Pattern of kth row of L, in topological order */
	Y [k] = 0.0 ;		    /* Y(0:k) is now all zero */
	top = n ;		    /* stack for pattern is empty */
	Flag [k] = k ;		    /* mark node k as visited */
	Lnz [k] = 0 ;		    /* count of nonzeros in column k of L */
	kk = (P) ? (P [k]) : (k) ;  /* kth original, or permuted, column */
	p2 = Ap [kk+1] ;
	for (p = Ap [kk] ; p < p2 ; p++)
	    i = (Pinv) ? (Pinv [Ai [p]]) : (Ai [p]) ;	/* get A(i,k) */
	    if (i <= k)
		Y [i] += Ax [p] ;  /* scatter A(i,k) into Y (sum duplicates) */
		for (len = 0 ; Flag [i] != k ; i = Parent [i])
		    Pattern [len++] = i ;   /* L(k,i) is nonzero */
		    Flag [i] = k ;	    /* mark i as visited */
		while (len > 0) Pattern [--top] = Pattern [--len] ;
	/* compute numerical values kth row of L (a sparse triangular solve) */
	D [k] = Y [k] ;		    /* get D(k,k) and clear Y(k) */
	Y [k] = 0.0 ;
	for ( ; top < n ; top++)
	    i = Pattern [top] ;	    /* Pattern [top:n-1] is pattern of L(:,k) */
	    yi = Y [i] ;	    /* get and clear Y(i) */
	    Y [i] = 0.0 ;
	    p2 = Lp [i] + Lnz [i] ;
	    for (p = Lp [i] ; p < p2 ; p++)
		Y [Li [p]] -= Lx [p] * yi ;
	    l_ki = yi / D [i] ;	    /* the nonzero entry L(k,i) */
	    D [k] -= l_ki * yi ;
	    Li [p] = k ;	    /* store L(k,i) in column form of L */
	    Lx [p] = l_ki ;
	    Lnz [i]++ ;		    /* increment count of nonzeros in col i */
	if (D [k] == 0.0) return (k) ;	    /* failure, D(k,k) is zero */
    return (n) ;	/* success, diagonal of D is all nonzero */
Ejemplo n.º 27
Archivo: qdldl.c Proyecto: cvxgrp/scs
QDLDL_int QDLDL_factor(const QDLDL_int    n,
                  const QDLDL_int*   Ap,
                  const QDLDL_int*   Ai,
                  const QDLDL_float* Ax,
                  QDLDL_int*   Lp,
                  QDLDL_int*   Li,
                  QDLDL_float* Lx,
                  QDLDL_float* D,
                  QDLDL_float* Dinv,
                  const QDLDL_int* Lnz,
                  const QDLDL_int* etree,
                  QDLDL_bool*  bwork,
                  QDLDL_int*   iwork,
                  QDLDL_float* fwork){

  QDLDL_int i,j,k,nnzY, bidx, cidx, nextIdx, nnzE, tmpIdx;
  QDLDL_int *yIdx, *elimBuffer, *LNextSpaceInCol;
  QDLDL_float *yVals;
  QDLDL_float yVals_cidx;
  QDLDL_bool  *yMarkers;
  QDLDL_int   positiveValuesInD = 0;

  //partition working memory into pieces
  yMarkers        = bwork;
  yIdx            = iwork;
  elimBuffer      = iwork + n;
  LNextSpaceInCol = iwork + n*2;
  yVals           = fwork;

  Lp[0] = 0; //first column starts at index zero

  for(i = 0; i < n; i++){

    //compute L column indices
    Lp[i+1] = Lp[i] + Lnz[i];   //cumsum, total at the end

    // set all Yidx to be 'unused' initially
    //in each column of L, the next available space
    //to start is just the first space in the column
    yMarkers[i]  = QDLDL_UNUSED;
    yVals[i]     = 0.0;
    D[i]         = 0.0;
    LNextSpaceInCol[i] = Lp[i];

  // First element of the diagonal D.
  D[0]     = Ax[0];
  if(D[0] == 0.0){return -1;}
  if(D[0]  > 0.0){positiveValuesInD++;}
  Dinv[0] = 1/D[0];

  //Start from 1 here. The upper LH corner is trivially 0
  //in L b/c we are only computing the subdiagonal elements
  for(k = 1; k < n; k++){
    if(scs_is_interrupted()) {
      scs_printf("interrupt detected in factorization\n");
      return -1;

    //NB : For each k, we compute a solution to
    //y = L(0:(k-1),0:k-1))\b, where b is the kth
    //column of A that sits above the diagonal.
    //The solution y is then the kth row of L,
    //with an implied '1' at the diagonal entry.

    //number of nonzeros in this row of L
    nnzY = 0;  //number of elements in this row

    //This loop determines where nonzeros
    //will go in the kth row of L, but doesn't
    //compute the actual values
    tmpIdx = Ap[k+1];

    for(i = Ap[k]; i < tmpIdx; i++){

      bidx = Ai[i];   // we are working on this element of b

      //Initialize D[k] as the element of this column
      //corresponding to the diagonal place.  Don't use
      //this element as part of the elimination step
      //that computes the k^th row of L
      if(bidx == k){
        D[k] = Ax[i];

      yVals[bidx] = Ax[i];   // initialise y(bidx) = b(bidx)

      // use the forward elimination tree to figure
      // out which elements must be eliminated after
      // this element of b
      nextIdx = bidx;

      if(yMarkers[nextIdx] == QDLDL_UNUSED){   //this y term not already visited

        yMarkers[nextIdx] = QDLDL_USED;     //I touched this one
        elimBuffer[0]     = nextIdx;  // It goes at the start of the current list
        nnzE              = 1;         //length of unvisited elimination path from here

        nextIdx = etree[bidx];

        while(nextIdx != QDLDL_UNKNOWN && nextIdx < k){
          if(yMarkers[nextIdx] == QDLDL_USED) break;

          yMarkers[nextIdx] = QDLDL_USED;   //I touched this one
          elimBuffer[nnzE] = nextIdx; //It goes in the current list
          nnzE++;                     //the list is one longer than before
          nextIdx = etree[nextIdx];   //one step further along tree

        } //end while

        // now I put the buffered elimination list into
        // my current ordering in reverse order
          yIdx[nnzY++] = elimBuffer[--nnzE];
        } //end while
      } //end if

    } //end for i

    //This for loop places nonzeros values in the k^th row
    for(i = (nnzY-1); i >=0; i--){

      //which column are we working on?
      cidx = yIdx[i];

      // loop along the elements in this
      // column of L and subtract to solve to y
      tmpIdx = LNextSpaceInCol[cidx];
      yVals_cidx = yVals[cidx];
      for(j = Lp[cidx]; j < tmpIdx; j++){
        yVals[Li[j]] -= Lx[j]*yVals_cidx;

      //Now I have the cidx^th element of y = L\b.
      //so compute the corresponding element of
      //this row of L and put it into the right place
      Li[tmpIdx] = k;
      Lx[tmpIdx] = yVals_cidx *Dinv[cidx];

      //D[k] -= yVals[cidx]*yVals[cidx]*Dinv[cidx];
      D[k] -= yVals_cidx*Lx[tmpIdx];

      //reset the yvalues and indices back to zero and QDLDL_UNUSED
      //once I'm done with them
      yVals[cidx]     = 0.0;
      yMarkers[cidx]  = QDLDL_UNUSED;

    } //end for i

    //Maintain a count of the positive entries
    //in D.  If we hit a zero, we can't factor
    //this matrix, so abort
    if(D[k] == 0.0){return -1;}
    if(D[k]  > 0.0){positiveValuesInD++;}

    //compute the inverse of the diagonal
    Dinv[k]= 1/D[k];

  } //end for k

  return positiveValuesInD;
