Ejemplo n.º 1
SINT SoundSourceWV::readSampleFrames(
        SINT numberOfFrames, CSAMPLE* sampleBuffer) {
    if (sampleBuffer == nullptr) {
        // NOTE(uklotzde): The WavPack API does not provide any
        // functions for skipping samples in the audio stream. Calling
        // API functions with a nullptr buffer does not return. Since
        // we don't want to read samples into a temporary buffer that
        // has to be allocated we are seeking to the position after
        // the skipped samples.
        SINT curFrameIndexBefore = m_curFrameIndex;
        SINT curFrameIndexAfter = seekSampleFrame(m_curFrameIndex + numberOfFrames);
        DEBUG_ASSERT(curFrameIndexBefore <= curFrameIndexAfter);
        DEBUG_ASSERT(m_curFrameIndex == curFrameIndexAfter);
        return curFrameIndexAfter - curFrameIndexBefore;
    // static assert: sizeof(CSAMPLE) == sizeof(int32_t)
    SINT unpackCount = WavpackUnpackSamples(m_wpc,
            reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(sampleBuffer), numberOfFrames);
    DEBUG_ASSERT(unpackCount >= 0);
    if (!(WavpackGetMode(m_wpc) & MODE_FLOAT)) {
        // signed integer -> float
        const SINT sampleCount = frames2samples(unpackCount);
        for (SINT i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
            const int32_t sampleValue =
            sampleBuffer[i] = CSAMPLE(sampleValue) * m_sampleScaleFactor;
    m_curFrameIndex += unpackCount;
    return unpackCount;
Ejemplo n.º 2
SoundSource::OpenResult SoundSourceMediaFoundation::tryOpen(const AudioSourceConfig& audioSrcCfg) {
    if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrCoInitialize)) {
        qWarning() << "Cannot reopen MediaFoundation file" << getUrlString();
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    const QString fileName(getLocalFileName());

    if (sDebug) {
        qDebug() << "open()" << fileName;

    // Initialize the COM library.
    m_hrCoInitialize = CoInitializeEx(nullptr,
    if (FAILED(m_hrCoInitialize)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: failed to initialize COM";
        return OpenResult::FAILED;
    // Initialize the Media Foundation platform.
    m_hrMFStartup = MFStartup(MF_VERSION);
    if (FAILED(m_hrCoInitialize)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: failed to initialize Media Foundation";
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    // Create the source reader to read the input file.
    // Note: we cannot use QString::toStdWString since QT 4 is compiled with
    // '/Zc:wchar_t-' flag and QT 5 not
    const ushort* const fileNameUtf16 = fileName.utf16();
    static_assert(sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(ushort), "QString::utf16(): wchar_t and ushort have different sizes");
    HRESULT hr = MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL(
            reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(fileNameUtf16),

    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: Error opening input file:" << fileName;
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    if (!configureAudioStream(audioSrcCfg)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: Error configuring audio stream.";
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    if (!readProperties()) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF::readProperties failed";
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    //Seek to position 0, which forces us to skip over all the header frames.
    //This makes sure we're ready to just let the Analyzer rip and it'll
    //get the number of samples it expects (ie. no header frames).

    return OpenResult::SUCCEEDED;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Result SoundSourceMediaFoundation::tryOpen(const Mixxx::AudioSourceConfig& audioSrcCfg) {
    if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrCoInitialize)) {
        qWarning() << "Cannot reopen MediaFoundation file" << getUrlString();
        return ERR;

    const QString fileName(getLocalFileName());

    if (sDebug) {
        qDebug() << "open()" << fileName;

    // Initialize the COM library.
    m_hrCoInitialize = CoInitializeEx(NULL,
    if (FAILED(m_hrCoInitialize)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: failed to initialize COM";
        return ERR;
    // Initialize the Media Foundation platform.
    m_hrMFStartup = MFStartup(MF_VERSION);
    if (FAILED(m_hrCoInitialize)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: failed to initialize Media Foundation";
        return ERR;

    QString qurlStr(fileName);
    // http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/netfxbcl/thread/35c6a451-3507-40c8-9d1c-8d4edde7c0cc
    // gives maximum path + file length as 248 + 260, using that -bkgood
    m_wcFilename = new wchar_t[248 + 260];
    int wcFilenameLength(fileName.toWCharArray(m_wcFilename));
    // toWCharArray does not append a null terminator to the string!
    m_wcFilename[wcFilenameLength] = '\0';

    // Create the source reader to read the input file.
    HRESULT hr = MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL(m_wcFilename, NULL, &m_pReader);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: Error opening input file:" << fileName;
        return ERR;

    if (!configureAudioStream(audioSrcCfg)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: Error configuring audio stream.";
        return ERR;

    //Seek to position 0, which forces us to skip over all the header frames.
    //This makes sure we're ready to just let the Analyser rip and it'll
    //get the number of samples it expects (ie. no header frames).

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
SINT SoundSourceFFmpeg::readSampleFrames(SINT numberOfFrames,
        CSAMPLE* sampleBuffer) {

    if (m_SCache.size() == 0) {
        // Make sure we always start at beginning and cache have some
        // material that we can consume.
        m_bIsSeeked = false;

    getBytesFromCache(sampleBuffer, m_currentMixxxFrameIndex, numberOfFrames);

    //  As this is also Hack
    // If we don't seek like we don't on analyzer.. keep
    // place in mind..
    if (m_bIsSeeked == false) {
        m_currentMixxxFrameIndex += numberOfFrames;

    m_bIsSeeked = false;

    return numberOfFrames;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Result SoundSourceM4A::tryOpen(const AudioSourceConfig& audioSrcCfg) {
    /* open MP4 file, check for >= ver 1.9.1 */
#if MP4V2_PROJECT_version_hex <= 0x00010901
    m_hFile = MP4Read(getLocalFileNameBytes().constData(), 0);
    m_hFile = MP4Read(getLocalFileNameBytes().constData());
    if (MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE == m_hFile) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to open file for reading:" << getUrlString();
        return ERR;

    m_trackId = findFirstAudioTrackId(m_hFile);
    if (MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID == m_trackId) {
        qWarning() << "No AAC track found:" << getUrlString();
        return ERR;

    const MP4SampleId numberOfSamples =
            MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(m_hFile, m_trackId);
    if (0 >= numberOfSamples) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to read number of samples from file:" << getUrlString();
        return ERR;
    m_maxSampleBlockId = kSampleBlockIdMin + (numberOfSamples - 1);

    // Determine the maximum input size (in bytes) of a
    // sample block for the selected track.
    const u_int32_t maxSampleBlockInputSize = MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize(m_hFile,
    m_inputBuffer.resize(maxSampleBlockInputSize, 0);

    DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL == m_hDecoder); // not already opened
    m_hDecoder = NeAACDecOpen();
    if (!m_hDecoder) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to open the AAC decoder!";
        return ERR;
    NeAACDecConfigurationPtr pDecoderConfig = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration(
    pDecoderConfig->outputFormat = FAAD_FMT_FLOAT;
    if ((kChannelCountMono == audioSrcCfg.channelCountHint) ||
            (kChannelCountStereo == audioSrcCfg.channelCountHint)) {
        pDecoderConfig->downMatrix = 1;
    } else {
        pDecoderConfig->downMatrix = 0;

    pDecoderConfig->defObjectType = LC;
    if (!NeAACDecSetConfiguration(m_hDecoder, pDecoderConfig)) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to configure AAC decoder!";
        return ERR;

    u_int8_t* configBuffer = NULL;
    u_int32_t configBufferSize = 0;
    if (!MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(m_hFile, m_trackId, &configBuffer,
            &configBufferSize)) {
        /* failed to get mpeg-4 audio config... this is ok.
         * NeAACDecInit2() will simply use default values instead.
        qWarning() << "Failed to read the MP4 audio configuration."
                << "Continuing with default values.";

    SAMPLERATE_TYPE sampleRate;
    unsigned char channelCount;
    if (0 > NeAACDecInit2(m_hDecoder, configBuffer, configBufferSize,
                    &sampleRate, &channelCount)) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to initialize the AAC decoder!";
        return ERR;
    } else {


    // Resize temporary buffer for decoded sample data
    const SINT sampleBufferCapacity =

    // Invalidate current position to enforce the following
    // seek operation
    m_curFrameIndex = getMaxFrameIndex();

    // (Re-)Start decoding at the beginning of the file

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// soundsource overrides
Result SoundSourceCoreAudio::tryOpen(const AudioSourceConfig& audioSrcCfg) {
    const QString fileName(getLocalFileName());

    //Open the audio file.
    OSStatus err;

    /** This code blocks works with OS X 10.5+ only. DO NOT DELETE IT for now. */
    CFStringRef urlStr = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(0,
            reinterpret_cast<const UniChar *>(fileName.unicode()),
    CFURLRef urlRef = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(NULL, urlStr,
            kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false);
    err = ExtAudioFileOpenURL(urlRef, &m_audioFile);

    /** TODO: Use FSRef for compatibility with 10.4 Tiger.
     Note that ExtAudioFileOpen() is deprecated above Tiger, so we must maintain
     both code paths if someone finishes this part of the code.
     FSRef fsRef;
     CFURLGetFSRef(reinterpret_cast<CFURLRef>(url.get()), &fsRef);
     err = ExtAudioFileOpen(&fsRef, &m_audioFile);

    if (err != noErr) {
        qDebug() << "SSCA: Error opening file " << fileName;
        return ERR;

    // get the input file format
    UInt32 inputFormatSize = sizeof(m_inputFormat);
    err = ExtAudioFileGetProperty(m_audioFile,
            kExtAudioFileProperty_FileDataFormat, &inputFormatSize,
    if (err != noErr) {
        qDebug() << "SSCA: Error getting file format (" << fileName << ")";
        return ERR;
    m_bFileIsMp3 = m_inputFormat.mFormatID == kAudioFormatMPEGLayer3;

    // create the output format
    const UInt32 numChannels =
            (kChannelCountZero < audioSrcCfg.channelCountHint) ? audioSrcCfg.channelCountHint : 2;
    m_outputFormat = CAStreamBasicDescription(m_inputFormat.mSampleRate,
            numChannels, CAStreamBasicDescription::kPCMFormatFloat32, true);

    // set the client format
    err = ExtAudioFileSetProperty(m_audioFile,
            kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat, sizeof(m_outputFormat),
    if (err != noErr) {
        qDebug() << "SSCA: Error setting file property";
        return ERR;

    //get the total length in frames of the audio file - copypasta: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2364583&tstart=47
    SInt64 totalFrameCount;
    UInt32 totalFrameCountSize = sizeof(totalFrameCount);
    err = ExtAudioFileGetProperty(m_audioFile,
            kExtAudioFileProperty_FileLengthFrames, &totalFrameCountSize,
    if (err != noErr) {
        qDebug() << "SSCA: Error getting number of frames";
        return ERR;

    // WORKAROUND for bug in ExtFileAudio

    AudioConverterRef acRef;
    UInt32 acrsize = sizeof(AudioConverterRef);
    err = ExtAudioFileGetProperty(m_audioFile,
            kExtAudioFileProperty_AudioConverter, &acrsize, &acRef);
    //_ThrowExceptionIfErr(@"kExtAudioFileProperty_AudioConverter", err);

    AudioConverterPrimeInfo primeInfo;
    UInt32 piSize = sizeof(AudioConverterPrimeInfo);
    memset(&primeInfo, 0, piSize);
    err = AudioConverterGetProperty(acRef, kAudioConverterPrimeInfo, &piSize,
    if (err != kAudioConverterErr_PropertyNotSupported) { // Only if decompressing
        //_ThrowExceptionIfErr(@"kAudioConverterPrimeInfo", err);
        m_headerFrames = primeInfo.leadingFrames;
    } else {
        m_headerFrames = 0;

    // NOTE(uklotzde): This is what I found when migrating
    // the code from SoundSource (sample-oriented) to the new
    // AudioSource (frame-oriented) API. It is not documented
    // when m_headerFrames > 0 and what the consequences are.
    setFrameCount(totalFrameCount/* - m_headerFrames*/);

    //Seek to position 0, which forces us to skip over all the header frames.
    //This makes sure we're ready to just let the Analyser rip and it'll
    //get the number of samples it expects (ie. no header frames).

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Result SoundSourceM4A::tryOpen(const AudioSourceConfig& audioSrcCfg) {
    // open MP4 file, check for >= ver 1.9.1
    // From mp4v2/file.h:
    //  * On Windows, this should be a UTF-8 encoded string.
    //  * On other platforms, it should be an 8-bit encoding that is
    //  * appropriate for the platform, locale, file system, etc.
    //  * (prefer to use UTF-8 when possible).
#if MP4V2_PROJECT_version_hex <= 0x00010901
    m_hFile = MP4Read(getLocalFileName().toUtf8().constData(), 0);
    m_hFile = MP4Read(getLocalFileName().toUtf8().constData());
    if (MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE == m_hFile) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to open file for reading:" << getUrlString();
        return ERR;

    m_trackId = findFirstAudioTrackId(m_hFile);
    if (MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID == m_trackId) {
        qWarning() << "No AAC track found:" << getUrlString();
        return ERR;

    // Read fixed sample duration.  If the sample duration is not
    // fixed (that is, if the number of frames per sample block varies
    // through the file), the call returns MP4_INVALID_DURATION. We
    // can't currently handle these.
    m_framesPerSampleBlock = MP4GetTrackFixedSampleDuration(m_hFile, m_trackId);
    if (MP4_INVALID_DURATION == m_framesPerSampleBlock) {
      qWarning() << "Unable to decode tracks with non-fixed sample durations: " << getUrlString();
      return ERR;

    const MP4SampleId numberOfSamples =
            MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(m_hFile, m_trackId);
    if (0 >= numberOfSamples) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to read number of samples from file:" << getUrlString();
        return ERR;
    m_maxSampleBlockId = kSampleBlockIdMin + (numberOfSamples - 1);

    // Determine the maximum input size (in bytes) of a
    // sample block for the selected track.
    const u_int32_t maxSampleBlockInputSize = MP4GetTrackMaxSampleSize(m_hFile,
    m_inputBuffer.resize(maxSampleBlockInputSize, 0);

    DEBUG_ASSERT(nullptr == m_hDecoder); // not already opened
    m_hDecoder = NeAACDecOpen();
    if (!m_hDecoder) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to open the AAC decoder!";
        return ERR;
    NeAACDecConfigurationPtr pDecoderConfig = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration(
    pDecoderConfig->outputFormat = FAAD_FMT_FLOAT;
    if ((kChannelCountMono == audioSrcCfg.channelCountHint) ||
            (kChannelCountStereo == audioSrcCfg.channelCountHint)) {
        pDecoderConfig->downMatrix = 1;
    } else {
        pDecoderConfig->downMatrix = 0;

    pDecoderConfig->defObjectType = LC;
    if (!NeAACDecSetConfiguration(m_hDecoder, pDecoderConfig)) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to configure AAC decoder!";
        return ERR;

    u_int8_t* configBuffer = nullptr;
    u_int32_t configBufferSize = 0;
    if (!MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(m_hFile, m_trackId, &configBuffer,
            &configBufferSize)) {
        /* failed to get mpeg-4 audio config... this is ok.
         * NeAACDecInit2() will simply use default values instead.
        qWarning() << "Failed to read the MP4 audio configuration."
                << "Continuing with default values.";

    SAMPLERATE_TYPE sampleRate;
    unsigned char channelCount;
    if (0 > NeAACDecInit2(m_hDecoder, configBuffer, configBufferSize,
                    &sampleRate, &channelCount)) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to initialize the AAC decoder!";
        return ERR;
    } else {

    // Calculate how many sample blocks we need to decode in advance
    // of a random seek in order to get the recommended number of
    // prefetch frames
    m_numberOfPrefetchSampleBlocks  = (kNumberOfPrefetchFrames +
                                      (m_framesPerSampleBlock - 1)) / m_framesPerSampleBlock;

    setFrameCount(((m_maxSampleBlockId - kSampleBlockIdMin) + 1) * m_framesPerSampleBlock);

    // Resize temporary buffer for decoded sample data
    const SINT sampleBufferCapacity =

    // Invalidate current position to enforce the following
    // seek operation
    m_curFrameIndex = getMaxFrameIndex();

    // (Re-)Start decoding at the beginning of the file

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool SoundSourceM4A::openDecoder() {
    DEBUG_ASSERT(m_hDecoder == nullptr); // not already opened

    m_hDecoder = NeAACDecOpen();
    if (m_hDecoder == nullptr) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to open the AAC decoder!";
        return false;
    NeAACDecConfigurationPtr pDecoderConfig = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration(
    pDecoderConfig->outputFormat = FAAD_FMT_FLOAT;
    if ((kChannelCountMono == m_audioSrcCfg.getChannelCount()) ||
            (kChannelCountStereo == m_audioSrcCfg.getChannelCount())) {
        pDecoderConfig->downMatrix = 1;
    } else {
        pDecoderConfig->downMatrix = 0;

    pDecoderConfig->defObjectType = LC;
    if (!NeAACDecSetConfiguration(m_hDecoder, pDecoderConfig)) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to configure AAC decoder!";
        return false;

    u_int8_t* configBuffer = nullptr;
    u_int32_t configBufferSize = 0;
    if (!MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(m_hFile, m_trackId, &configBuffer,
            &configBufferSize)) {
        // Failed to get mpeg-4 audio config... this is ok.
        // NeAACDecInit2() will simply use default values instead.
        qWarning() << "Failed to read the MP4 audio configuration."
                << "Continuing with default values.";

    SAMPLERATE_TYPE samplingRate;
    unsigned char channelCount;
    if (0 > NeAACDecInit2(m_hDecoder, configBuffer, configBufferSize,
                    &samplingRate, &channelCount)) {
        qWarning() << "Failed to initialize the AAC decoder!";
        return false;
    } else {

    // Calculate how many sample blocks we need to decode in advance
    // of a random seek in order to get the recommended number of
    // prefetch frames
    m_numberOfPrefetchSampleBlocks =
            (kNumberOfPrefetchFrames + (m_framesPerSampleBlock - 1)) /

    setFrameCount(((m_maxSampleBlockId - kSampleBlockIdMin) + 1) * m_framesPerSampleBlock);

    // Resize temporary buffer for decoded sample data
    const SINT sampleBufferCapacity =

    // Discard all buffered samples
    m_inputBufferLength = 0;

    // Invalidate current position(s) for the following seek operation
    m_curSampleBlockId = MP4_INVALID_SAMPLE_ID;
    m_curFrameIndex = getMaxFrameIndex();

    // (Re-)Start decoding at the beginning of the file

    return m_curFrameIndex == getMinFrameIndex();