Ejemplo n.º 1
int do_cum(void)
    int r, c, dr, dc;
    int r_nbr, c_nbr, ct_dir, np_side, edge;
    CELL is_swale, aspect, ele_nbr;
    DCELL value, valued;
    int killer, threshold;
    int asp_r[9] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
    int asp_c[9] = { 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
    int this_index, down_index, nbr_index;
    double *dist_to_nbr, *contour;
    double cell_size;

    G_message(_("SECTION 3: Accumulating Surface Flow with SFD."));

    /* distances to neighbours, contour lengths */
    dist_to_nbr = (double *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(double));
    contour = (double *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(double));

    cell_size = get_dist(dist_to_nbr, contour);

    if (bas_thres <= 0)
	threshold = 60;
	threshold = bas_thres;
    for (killer = 1; killer <= do_points; killer++) {
	G_percent(killer, do_points, 1);
	this_index = astar_pts[killer];
	aspect = asp[this_index];
	seg_index_rc(alt_seg, this_index, &r, &c);
	if (aspect) {
	    dr = r + asp_r[ABS(aspect)];
	    dc = c + asp_c[ABS(aspect)];
	/* skip user-defined depressions */
	    dr = dc = -1;
	if (dr >= 0 && dr < nrows && dc >= 0 && dc < ncols) { /* if ((dr = astar_pts[killer].downr) > -1) { */
	    down_index = SEG_INDEX(wat_seg, dr, dc);
	    value = wat[this_index];
	    if (fabs(value) >= threshold)
		FLAG_SET(swale, r, c);
	    valued = wat[down_index];

	    edge = 0;
	    np_side = -1;
	    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
		/* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
		r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
		c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];

		if (dr == r_nbr && dc == c_nbr)
		    np_side = ct_dir;

		/* check that neighbour is within region */
		if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 &&
		    c_nbr < ncols) {

		    nbr_index = SEG_INDEX(wat_seg, r_nbr, c_nbr);
		    ele_nbr = alt[nbr_index];
		    if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&ele_nbr))
			edge = 1;
		    edge = 1;
		if (edge)
	    /* do not distribute flow along edges, this causes artifacts */
	    if (edge) {
		is_swale = FLAG_GET(swale, r, c);
		if (is_swale && aspect > 0) {
		    aspect = -1 * drain[r - r_nbr + 1][c - c_nbr + 1];
		    asp[this_index] = aspect;
		if (valued > 0)
		    wat[down_index] = -valued;

	    if (value > 0) {
		if (valued > 0)
		    valued += value;
		    valued -= value;
	    else {
		if (valued < 0)
		    valued += value;
		    valued = value - valued;
	    wat[down_index] = valued;

	    /* topographic wetness index ln(a / tan(beta)) and
	     * stream power index a * tan(beta) */
	    if (atanb_flag) {
		sca[this_index] = fabs(wat[this_index]) *
		                  (cell_size / contour[np_side]);
		tanb[this_index] = get_slope_tci(alt[this_index],

	    is_swale = FLAG_GET(swale, r, c);
	    if (is_swale || fabs(valued) >= threshold) {
		FLAG_SET(swale, dr, dc);
	    else {
		if (er_flag && !is_swale)
		    slope_length(r, c, dr, dc);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int do_cum_mfd(void)
    int r, c, dr, dc;
    CELL is_swale;
    DCELL value, valued, tci_div, sum_contour, cell_size;
    int killer, threshold;

    /* MFD */
    int mfd_cells, stream_cells, swale_cells, astar_not_set, is_null;
    double *dist_to_nbr, *contour, *weight, sum_weight, max_weight;
    int r_nbr, c_nbr, r_max, c_max, ct_dir, np_side;
    CELL ele, ele_nbr, aspect, is_worked;
    double prop, max_val;
    int workedon, edge, flat;
    int asp_r[9] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 };
    int asp_c[9] = { 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
    int this_index, down_index, nbr_index;
    G_message(_("SECTION 3a: Accumulating Surface Flow with MFD."));
    G_debug(1, "MFD convergence factor set to %d.", c_fac);

    /* distances to neighbours, weights, contour lengths */
    dist_to_nbr = (double *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(double));
    weight = (double *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(double));
    contour = (double *)G_malloc(sides * sizeof(double));
    cell_size = get_dist(dist_to_nbr, contour);

    workedon = 0;

    if (bas_thres <= 0)
	threshold = 60;
	threshold = bas_thres;

    for (killer = 1; killer <= do_points; killer++) {
	G_percent(killer, do_points, 1);
	this_index = astar_pts[killer];
	seg_index_rc(alt_seg, this_index, &r, &c);
	FLAG_SET(worked, r, c);
	aspect = asp[this_index];
	if (aspect) {
	    dr = r + asp_r[ABS(aspect)];
	    dc = c + asp_c[ABS(aspect)];
	    dr = dc = -1;
	if (dr >= 0 && dr < nrows && dc >= 0 && dc < ncols) { /* if ((dr = astar_pts[killer].downr) > -1) { */
	    value = wat[this_index];
	    down_index = SEG_INDEX(wat_seg, dr, dc);

	    /* get weights */
	    max_weight = 0;
	    sum_weight = 0;
	    np_side = -1;
	    mfd_cells = 0;
	    astar_not_set = 1;
	    ele = alt[this_index];
	    is_null = 0;
	    edge = 0;
	    /* this loop is needed to get the sum of weights */
	    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
		/* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
		r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
		c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
		weight[ct_dir] = -1;

		if (dr == r_nbr && dc == c_nbr)
		    np_side = ct_dir;

		/* check that neighbour is within region */
		if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 &&
		    c_nbr < ncols) {

		    nbr_index = SEG_INDEX(wat_seg, r_nbr, c_nbr);

		    valued = wat[nbr_index];
		    ele_nbr = alt[nbr_index];

		    is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, r_nbr, c_nbr);
		    if (is_worked == 0) {
			is_null = Rast_is_c_null_value(&ele_nbr);
			edge = is_null;
			if (!is_null && ele_nbr <= ele) {
			    if (ele_nbr < ele) {
				weight[ct_dir] =
				    mfd_pow(((ele -
					      ele_nbr) / dist_to_nbr[ct_dir]),
			    if (ele_nbr == ele) {
				weight[ct_dir] =
				    mfd_pow((0.5 / dist_to_nbr[ct_dir]),
			    sum_weight += weight[ct_dir];

			    if (weight[ct_dir] > max_weight) {
				max_weight = weight[ct_dir];

			    if (dr == r_nbr && dc == c_nbr) {
				astar_not_set = 0;
			    if (value < 0 && valued > 0)
				wat[nbr_index] = -valued;
		    edge = 1;
		if (edge)
	    /* do not distribute flow along edges, this causes artifacts */
	    if (edge) {

	    /* honour A * path 
	     * mfd_cells == 0: fine, SFD along A * path
	     * mfd_cells == 1 && astar_not_set == 0: fine, SFD along A * path
	     * mfd_cells > 0 && astar_not_set == 1: A * path not included, add to mfd_cells

	    /* MFD, A * path not included, add to mfd_cells */
	    if (mfd_cells > 0 && astar_not_set == 1) {
		sum_weight += max_weight;
		weight[np_side] = max_weight;

	    /* set flow accumulation for neighbours */
	    max_val = -1;
	    tci_div = sum_contour = 0.;

	    if (mfd_cells > 1) {
		prop = 0.0;
		for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
		    r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
		    c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];

		    /* check that neighbour is within region */
		    if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 &&
			c_nbr < ncols && weight[ct_dir] > -0.5) {
			is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, r_nbr, c_nbr);
			if (is_worked == 0) {

			    nbr_index = SEG_INDEX(wat_seg, r_nbr, c_nbr);

			    weight[ct_dir] = weight[ct_dir] / sum_weight;
			    /* check everything adds up to 1.0 */
			    prop += weight[ct_dir];

			    if (atanb_flag) {
				sum_contour += contour[ct_dir];
				tci_div += get_slope_tci(ele, alt[nbr_index],
				                         dist_to_nbr[ct_dir]) *

			    valued = wat[nbr_index];
			    if (value > 0) {
				if (valued > 0)
				    valued += value * weight[ct_dir];
				    valued -= value * weight[ct_dir];
			    else {
				if (valued < 0)
				    valued += value * weight[ct_dir];
				    valued = value * weight[ct_dir] - valued;
			    wat[nbr_index] = valued;
			else if (ct_dir == np_side) {
			    /* check for consistency with A * path */
		if (ABS(prop - 1.0) > 5E-6f) {
		    G_warning(_("MFD: cumulative proportion of flow distribution not 1.0 but %f"),
	    /* SFD-like accumulation */
	    else {
		valued = wat[down_index];
		if (value > 0) {
		    if (valued > 0)
			valued += value;
			valued -= value;
		else {
		    if (valued < 0)
			valued += value;
			valued = value - valued;
		wat[down_index] = valued;

		if (atanb_flag) {
		    sum_contour = contour[np_side];
		    tci_div = get_slope_tci(ele, alt[down_index],
	    /* topographic wetness index ln(a / tan(beta)) and
	     * stream power index a * tan(beta) */
	    if (atanb_flag) {
		sca[this_index] = fabs(wat[this_index]) *
		                  (cell_size / sum_contour);
		tanb[this_index] = tci_div;
    if (workedon)
	G_warning(n_("MFD: A * path already processed when distributing flow: %d of %d cell", 
        "MFD: A * path already processed when distributing flow: %d of %d cells", 
		  workedon, do_points);

    G_message(_("SECTION 3b: Adjusting drainage directions."));

    for (killer = 1; killer <= do_points; killer++) {
	G_percent(killer, do_points, 1);
	this_index = astar_pts[killer];
	seg_index_rc(alt_seg, this_index, &r, &c);
	FLAG_UNSET(worked, r, c);
	aspect = asp[this_index];
	if (aspect) {
	    dr = r + asp_r[ABS(aspect)];
	    dc = c + asp_c[ABS(aspect)];
	    dr = dc = -1;
	if (dr >= 0 && dr < nrows && dc >= 0 && dc < ncols) { /* if ((dr = astar_pts[killer].downr) > -1) { */
	    value = wat[this_index];
	    down_index = SEG_INDEX(wat_seg, dr, dc);

	    r_max = dr;
	    c_max = dc;

	    /* get max flow accumulation */
	    max_val = -1;
	    stream_cells = 0;
	    swale_cells = 0;
	    ele = alt[this_index];
	    is_null = 0;
	    edge = 0;
	    flat = 1;

	    for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
		/* get r, c (r_nbr, c_nbr) for neighbours */
		r_nbr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
		c_nbr = c + nextdc[ct_dir];

		/* check that neighbour is within region */
		if (r_nbr >= 0 && r_nbr < nrows && c_nbr >= 0 &&
		    c_nbr < ncols) {

		    nbr_index = SEG_INDEX(wat_seg, r_nbr, c_nbr);

		    /* check for swale or stream cells */
		    is_swale = FLAG_GET(swale, r_nbr, c_nbr);
		    if (is_swale)
		    valued = wat[nbr_index];
		    ele_nbr = alt[nbr_index];
		    edge = Rast_is_c_null_value(&ele_nbr);
		    if ((ABS(valued) + 0.5) >= threshold  &&
		        ele_nbr > ele)

		    is_worked = !(FLAG_GET(worked, r_nbr, c_nbr));
		    if (is_worked == 0) {
			if (ele_nbr != ele)
			    flat = 0;
			is_null = Rast_is_c_null_value(&ele_nbr);
			edge = is_null;
			if (!is_null && ABS(valued) > max_val) {
			    max_val = ABS(valued);
			    r_max = r_nbr;
			    c_max = c_nbr;
		    edge = 1;
		if (edge)
	    /* do not distribute flow along edges, this causes artifacts */
	    if (edge) {
		is_swale = FLAG_GET(swale, r, c);
		if (is_swale && aspect > 0) {
		    aspect = -1 * drain[r - r_nbr + 1][c - c_nbr + 1];
		    asp[this_index] = aspect;
	    /* update asp */
	    if (dr != r_max || dc != c_max) {
		aspect = drain[r - r_max + 1][c - c_max + 1];
		if (asp[this_index] < 0)
		    aspect = -aspect;
		asp[this_index] = aspect;
	    is_swale = FLAG_GET(swale, r, c);
	    /* start new stream */
	    value = ABS(value) + 0.5;
	    if (!is_swale && (int)value >= threshold && stream_cells < 1 &&
		swale_cells < 1 && !flat) {
		FLAG_SET(swale, r, c);
		is_swale = 1;
	    /* continue stream */
	    if (is_swale) {
		FLAG_SET(swale, r_max, c_max);
	    else {
		if (er_flag && !is_swale)
		    slope_length(r, c, r_max, c_max);




    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * return 0 if nothing was modidied
 * return 1 if elevation was modified
int do_flatarea(int index, CELL ele, CELL *alt_org, CELL *alt_new)
    int upr, upc, r, c, ct_dir;
    CELL is_in_list, is_worked, this_in_list;
    int index_doer, index_up;
    int n_flat_cells = 0, counter;
    CELL ele_nbr, min_ele_diff;
    int uphill_order, downhill_order, max_uphill_order, max_downhill_order;
    int last_order;

    struct pq *up_pq = pq_create();
    struct pq *down_pq = pq_create();

    struct orders inc_order, *order_found, *nbr_order_found;
    struct RB_TREE *order_tree = rbtree_create(cmp_orders, sizeof(struct orders));

    pq_add(index, down_pq);
    pq_add(index, up_pq);
    inc_order.downhill = -1;
    inc_order.uphill = 0;
    inc_order.index = index;
    inc_order.flag = 0;
    rbtree_insert(order_tree, &inc_order);

    n_flat_cells = 1;

    min_ele_diff = INT_MAX;
    max_uphill_order = max_downhill_order = 0;

    /* get uphill start points */
    G_debug(2, "get uphill start points");
    counter = 0;
    while (down_pq->size) {
	if ((index_doer = pq_drop(down_pq)) == -1)
	    G_fatal_error("get start points: no more points in down queue");

	seg_index_rc(alt_seg, index_doer, &r, &c);

	FLAG_SET(flat_done, r, c);

	/* check all neighbours, breadth first search */
	for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
	    /* get r, c (upr, upc) for this neighbour */
	    upr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
	    upc = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
	    /* check if r, c are within region */
	    if (upr >= 0 && upr < nrows && upc >= 0 && upc < ncols) {
		index_up = SEG_INDEX(alt_seg, upr, upc);
		is_in_list = FLAG_GET(in_list, upr, upc);
		is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, upr, upc);
		ele_nbr = alt_org[index_up];

		if (ele_nbr == ele && !is_worked) {

		    inc_order.downhill = -1;
		    inc_order.uphill = -1;
		    inc_order.index = index_up;
		    inc_order.flag = 0;
		    /* not yet added to queue */
		    if ((order_found = rbtree_find(order_tree, &inc_order)) == NULL) {

			/* add to down queue if not yet in there */
			pq_add(index_up, down_pq);

			/* add to up queue if not yet in there */
			if (is_in_list) {
			    pq_add(index_up, up_pq);
			    /* set uphill order to 0 */
			    inc_order.uphill = 0;
			rbtree_insert(order_tree, &inc_order);
    /* flat area too small, not worth the effort */
    if (n_flat_cells < 5) {
	/* clean up */

	return 0;
    G_debug(2, "%d flat cells, %d cells in tree, %d start cells",
               n_flat_cells, (int)order_tree->count, counter);

    down_pq = pq_create();

    /* got uphill start points, do uphill correction */
    G_debug(2, "got uphill start points, do uphill correction");
    counter = 0;
    uphill_order = 1;
    while (up_pq->size) {
	int is_in_down_queue = 0;

	if ((index_doer = pq_drop(up_pq)) == -1)
	    G_fatal_error("uphill order: no more points in up queue");

	seg_index_rc(alt_seg, index_doer, &r, &c);
	this_in_list = FLAG_GET(in_list, r, c);

	/* get uphill order for this point */
	inc_order.index = index_doer;
	if ((order_found = rbtree_find(order_tree, &inc_order)) == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("flat cell escaped for uphill correction"));

	last_order = uphill_order - 1;
	uphill_order = order_found->uphill;

	if (last_order > uphill_order)
	    G_warning(_("queue error: last uphill order %d > current uphill order %d"),
	              last_order, uphill_order);

	/* debug */
	if (uphill_order == -1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("uphill order not set"));

	if (max_uphill_order < uphill_order)
	    max_uphill_order = uphill_order;


	/* check all neighbours, breadth first search */
	for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
	    /* get r, c (upr, upc) for this neighbour */
	    upr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
	    upc = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
	    /* check if r, c are within region */
	    if (upr >= 0 && upr < nrows && upc >= 0 && upc < ncols) {
		index_up = SEG_INDEX(alt_seg, upr, upc);
		is_in_list = FLAG_GET(in_list, upr, upc);
		is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, upr, upc);
		ele_nbr = alt_org[index_up];

		/* all cells that are in_list should have been added
		 * previously as uphill start points */
		if (ele_nbr == ele && !is_worked) {

		    inc_order.index = index_up;
		    if ((nbr_order_found = rbtree_find(order_tree, &inc_order)) == NULL) {
			G_fatal_error(_("flat cell escaped in uphill correction"));

		    /* not yet added to queue */
		    if (nbr_order_found->uphill == -1) {
			if (is_in_list)
			    G_warning("cell should be in queue");
			/* add to up queue */
			pq_add(index_up, up_pq);
			/* set nbr uphill order = current uphill order + 1 */
			nbr_order_found->uphill = uphill_order;
		/* add focus cell to down queue */
		if (!this_in_list && !is_in_down_queue &&
		    ele_nbr != ele && !is_in_list && !is_worked) {
		    pq_add(index_doer, down_pq);
		    /* set downhill order to 0 */
		    order_found->downhill = 0;
		    is_in_down_queue = 1;
		if (ele_nbr > ele && min_ele_diff > ele_nbr - ele)
		    min_ele_diff = ele_nbr - ele;
    /* debug: all flags should be set to 0 */

    up_pq = pq_create();

    /* got downhill start points, do downhill correction */
    G_debug(2, "got downhill start points, do downhill correction");
    downhill_order = 1;
    while (down_pq->size) {
	if ((index_doer = pq_drop(down_pq)) == -1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("downhill order: no more points in down queue"));

	seg_index_rc(alt_seg, index_doer, &r, &c);
	this_in_list = FLAG_GET(in_list, r, c);

	/* get downhill order for this point */
	inc_order.index = index_doer;
	if ((order_found = rbtree_find(order_tree, &inc_order)) == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("flat cell escaped for downhill correction"));

	last_order = downhill_order - 1;
	downhill_order = order_found->downhill;

	if (last_order > downhill_order)
	    G_warning(_("queue error: last downhill order %d > current downhill order %d"),
	              last_order, downhill_order);

	/* debug */
	if (downhill_order == -1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("downhill order: downhill order not set"));

	if (max_downhill_order < downhill_order)
	    max_downhill_order = downhill_order;


	/* check all neighbours, breadth first search */
	for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
	    /* get r, c (upr, upc) for this neighbour */
	    upr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
	    upc = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
	    /* check if r, c are within region */
	    if (upr >= 0 && upr < nrows && upc >= 0 && upc < ncols) {
		index_up = SEG_INDEX(alt_seg, upr, upc);
		is_in_list = FLAG_GET(in_list, upr, upc);
		is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, upr, upc);
		ele_nbr = alt_org[index_up];

		if (ele_nbr == ele && !is_worked) {

		    inc_order.index = index_up;
		    if ((nbr_order_found = rbtree_find(order_tree, &inc_order)) == NULL)
			G_fatal_error(_("flat cell escaped in downhill correction"));

		    /* not yet added to queue */
		    if (nbr_order_found->downhill == -1) {
			/* add to down queue */
			pq_add(index_up, down_pq);
			/* set nbr downhill order = current downhill order + 1 */
			nbr_order_found->downhill = downhill_order;

			/* add to up queue */
			if (is_in_list) {
			    pq_add(index_up, up_pq);
			    /* set flag */
			    nbr_order_found->flag = 1;

    /* got uphill and downhill order, adjust ele */

    /* increment: ele += uphill_order +  max_downhill_order - downhill_order */
    /* decrement: ele += uphill_order - max_uphill_order - downhill_order */

    G_debug(2, "adjust ele");
    while (up_pq->size) {
	if ((index_doer = pq_drop(up_pq)) == -1)
	    G_fatal_error("no more points in up queue");

	seg_index_rc(alt_seg, index_doer, &r, &c);
	this_in_list = FLAG_GET(in_list, r, c);

	/* get uphill and downhill order for this point */
	inc_order.index = index_doer;
	if ((order_found = rbtree_find(order_tree, &inc_order)) == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("flat cell escaped for adjustment"));

	uphill_order = order_found->uphill;
	downhill_order = order_found->downhill;

	/* debug */
	if (uphill_order == -1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("adjustment: uphill order not set"));
	if (!this_in_list && downhill_order == -1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("adjustment: downhill order not set"));

	/* increment */
	if (this_in_list) {
	    downhill_order = max_downhill_order;
	    uphill_order = 0;
	alt_new[index_doer] +=
	    (uphill_order + (double)(max_downhill_order - downhill_order) / 2.0 + 0.5) / 2.0 + 0.5;

	/* check all neighbours, breadth first search */
	for (ct_dir = 0; ct_dir < sides; ct_dir++) {
	    /* get r, c (upr, upc) for this neighbour */
	    upr = r + nextdr[ct_dir];
	    upc = c + nextdc[ct_dir];
	    /* check if r, c are within region */
	    if (upr >= 0 && upr < nrows && upc >= 0 && upc < ncols) {
		index_up = SEG_INDEX(alt_seg, upr, upc);
		is_in_list = FLAG_GET(in_list, upr, upc);
		is_worked = FLAG_GET(worked, upr, upc);
		ele_nbr = alt_org[index_up];

		if (ele_nbr == ele && !is_worked) {

		    inc_order.index = index_up;
		    if ((nbr_order_found = rbtree_find(order_tree, &inc_order)) == NULL)
			G_fatal_error(_("flat cell escaped in adjustment"));

		    /* not yet added to queue */
		    if (nbr_order_found->flag == 0) {
			if (is_in_list)
			    G_warning("adjustment: in_list cell should be in queue");
			/* add to up queue */
			pq_add(index_up, up_pq);
			nbr_order_found->flag = 1;

    /* clean up */
    return 1;