Ejemplo n.º 1
void RKConsole::newOutput (RCommand *, ROutput *output) {

// TODO: handle different types of output, once we can differentiate between them
//	insertAt (output->output, doc->numLines()-1, paragraphLength (doc->numLines() - 1));
	if (output_continuation) {
		editInterface (doc)->insertText (doc->numLines () -1, editInterface (doc)->lineLength (doc->numLines () -1), output->output);
	} else {
		editInterface (doc)->insertText (doc->numLines () -1, 0, output->output);

	if (RKSettingsModuleConsole::maxConsoleLines ()) {
		uint c = (uint) doc->numLines();
// TODO: WORKAROUND: Somehow, when removing paragraph 0, the QTextEdit scrolls to the top in between (yes, this also happens when using removeParagaph (0)). Since this may happen very often in newOutput, we're a bit sloppy, and only remove lines after a certain threshold (20) is exceeded. When the command is finished, this will be cleaned up automatically.
		if (c > (RKSettingsModuleConsole::maxConsoleLines () + 20)) {
			view->setUpdatesEnabled (false);		// major performance boost while removing lines!
			//TODO : deal with the case when there is already a selection
			selectionInterface (doc)->setSelection (0, 0, c - RKSettingsModuleConsole::maxConsoleLines (), 0);
			selectionInterface (doc)->removeSelectedText ();
			view->setUpdatesEnabled (true);
	cursorAtTheEnd ();
	output_continuation = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void RKConsole::clear () {
	doc->clear ();
	doc->insertLine (doc->numLines (), "");
	tryNextInBatch ();
	// need this HACK to remove empty line at start
	selectionInterface (doc)->setSelection (0, 0, 1, 0);
	selectionInterface (doc)->removeSelectedText ();
Ejemplo n.º 3
void KDataToolPluginView::slotToolActivated( const KDataToolInfo &info, const QString &command )

	KDataTool* tool = info.createTool( );
	if ( !tool )
		kdWarning() << "Could not create Tool !" << endl;

	QString text;
	if ( selectionInterface(m_view->document())->hasSelection() )
		text = selectionInterface(m_view->document())->selection();
		text = m_wordUnderCursor;

	QString mimetype = "text/plain";
	QString datatype = "QString";

	// If unsupported (and if we have a single word indeed), try application/x-singleword
	if ( !info.mimeTypes().contains( mimetype ) && m_singleWord )
		mimetype = "application/x-singleword";
	kdDebug() << "Running tool with datatype=" << datatype << " mimetype=" << mimetype << endl;

	QString origText = text;

	if ( tool->run( command, &text, datatype, mimetype) )
		kdDebug() << "Tool ran. Text is now " << text << endl;
		if ( origText != text )
			uint line, col;
			viewCursorInterface(m_view)->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
			if ( ! selectionInterface(m_view->document())->hasSelection() )
				KTextEditor::SelectionInterface *si;
				si = KTextEditor::selectionInterface(m_view->document());
				si->setSelection(m_singleWord_line, m_singleWord_start, m_singleWord_line, m_singleWord_end);
			// replace selection with 'text'
			viewCursorInterface(m_view)->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
			editInterface(m_view->document())->insertText(line, col, text);
			 // fixme: place cursor at the end:
			 /* No idea yet (Joseph Wenninger)
			 for ( uint i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ ) {
			 } */

	delete tool;
QString RKCommandEditorWindow::getSelection () {
	return selectionInterface (m_doc)->selection ();
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool RKConsole::hasSelectedText () {
	return (selectionInterface (doc)->hasSelection ());
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool RKConsole::handleKeyPress (QKeyEvent *e) {

	uint para=0; uint pos=0;
	view->cursorPosition (&para, &pos);

	if (para < doc->numLines() - 1 || pos < prefix.length ()) {	// not inside the last line?
		int t = (int) pos;					// adjust position before interpreting keystroke
		if (prefix.length()>pos) t=prefix.length ();
		view->setCursorPosition (doc->numLines () -1, t);

	if (hasSelectedText () && (selectionInterfaceExt(doc)->selStartCol () < (int) prefix.length () || selectionInterfaceExt (doc)->selStartLine () < (int) doc->numLines () -1)) { // There is a selection outside the command line
		// Eat the key and beep (unless it's just a modifier key). Otherwise it might overwrite or delete the selection
		if (e->state () == e->stateAfter ()) {
			KApplication::kApplication ()->beep ();
			e->ignore ();
		return true;

	if (current_command) {
		e->ignore ();
		return true;

	if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || e->key() == Qt::Key_Return) {
		hinter->hideArgHint ();
		submitCommand ();
		return true;
	else if (e->state () == Qt::ShiftButton && e->key () == Qt::Key_Home){
			pos=selectionInterfaceExt(doc)->selEndCol (); //There is already a selection, we take it into account.
		selectionInterface(doc)->setSelection(doc->numLines()-1,prefix.length (),doc->numLines()-1, pos);
		cursorAtTheBeginning ();
		return true;
	else if (e->state () == Qt::ShiftButton && e->key () == Qt::Key_Left){
		if(pos<=prefix.length ()){
			return true;
		} else {
			view->shiftCursorLeft ();
			return false;
	else if (e->key () == Qt::Key_Up) {
		commandsListUp ();
		return true;
	else if (e->key () == Qt::Key_Down) {
		commandsListDown ();
		return true;
	else if (e->key () == Qt::Key_Left){
		if(pos<=prefix.length ()){
			return true;
		} else {
			return true;
	else if (e->key () == Qt::Key_Backspace){
		if(pos<=prefix.length ()){
			return true;
		} else {
			return true;
	else if (e->key () == Qt::Key_Tab){
		doTabCompletion ();
		return true;
	else if (e->key () == Qt::Key_Home){
		cursorAtTheBeginning ();
		return true;
	else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete) {
		return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void KDataToolPluginView::aboutToShow()
	QString word;
	m_singleWord = false;
	m_wordUnderCursor = QString::null;

	// unplug old actions, if any:
	KAction *ac;
	for ( ac = m_actionList.first(); ac; ac = m_actionList.next() ) {
	if (m_notAvailable) {
		delete m_notAvailable;
	if ( selectionInterface(m_view->document())->hasSelection() )
		word = selectionInterface(m_view->document())->selection();
		if ( word.find(' ') == -1 && word.find('\t') == -1 && word.find('\n') == -1 )
			m_singleWord = true;
			m_singleWord = false;
	} else {
		// No selection -> use word under cursor
		KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei;
		KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *ci;
		KTextEditor::View *v = (KTextEditor::View*)m_view; 
		ei = KTextEditor::editInterface(v->document());
		ci = KTextEditor::viewCursorInterface(v);
		uint line, col;
		ci->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
		QString tmp_line = ei->textLine(line);
		m_wordUnderCursor = "";
		// find begin of word:
		m_singleWord_start = 0;
		for(int i = col; i >= 0; i--) {
			QChar ch = tmp_line.at(i);
			if( ! (ch.isLetter() || ch == '-' || ch == '\'') )
				m_singleWord_start = i+1;
			m_wordUnderCursor = ch + m_wordUnderCursor;
		// find end of word:
		m_singleWord_end = tmp_line.length();
		for(uint i = col+1; i < tmp_line.length(); i++) {
			QChar ch = tmp_line.at(i);
			if( ! (ch.isLetter() || ch == '-' || ch == '\'') )
				m_singleWord_end = i;
			m_wordUnderCursor += ch;
		if( ! m_wordUnderCursor.isEmpty() )
			m_singleWord = true;
			m_singleWord_line = line;
		} else {
			m_notAvailable = new KAction(i18n("(not available)"), QString::null, 0, this, 
					SLOT(slotNotAvailable()), actionCollection(),"dt_n_av");

	KInstance *inst=instance();

	QValueList<KDataToolInfo> tools;
	tools += KDataToolInfo::query( "QString", "text/plain", inst );
	if( m_singleWord )
		tools += KDataToolInfo::query( "QString", "application/x-singleword", inst );

	m_actionList = KDataToolAction::dataToolActionList( tools, this,
		SLOT( slotToolActivated( const KDataToolInfo &, const QString & ) ) );

	for ( ac = m_actionList.first(); ac; ac = m_actionList.next() ) {

	if( m_actionList.isEmpty() ) {
		m_notAvailable = new KAction(i18n("(not available)"), QString::null, 0, this,
			SLOT(slotNotAvailable()), actionCollection(),"dt_n_av");