eHalStatus ccmCfgSetStr(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U8 *pStr, tANI_U32 length, tCcmCfgSetCallback callback, eAniBoolean toBeSaved)
    if( callback || toBeSaved )
        //we need to sychronous this one
        return cfgSet(hHal, cfgId, CCM_STRING_TYPE, length, pStr, 0, callback, toBeSaved);
        //Simply push to CFG and not waiting for the response
        tCfgReq req;
        tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );

        req.callback = NULL; = NULL;
        req.cfgId = ( tANI_U16 )cfgId;
        req.length = length;
        req.type = CCM_STRING_TYPE;
        req.ccmPtr = pStr;
        req.ccmValue = 0;
        req.toBeSaved = toBeSaved;
        req.state = eCCM_REQ_SENT;

        return ( sendCfg( pMac, pMac->hHdd, &req, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
eHalStatus ccmCfgSetInt(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U32 ccmValue, tCcmCfgSetCallback callback, eAniBoolean toBeSaved)
    if( callback || toBeSaved)
        return cfgSet(hHal, cfgId, CCM_INTEGER_TYPE, sizeof(tANI_U32), NULL, ccmValue, callback, toBeSaved);
        tCfgReq req;
        tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );

        req.callback = NULL; = NULL;
        req.cfgId = ( tANI_U16 )cfgId;
        req.length = sizeof( tANI_U32 );
        req.type = CCM_INTEGER_TYPE;
        req.ccmPtr = NULL;
        req.ccmValue = ccmValue;
        req.toBeSaved = toBeSaved;
        req.state = eCCM_REQ_SENT;

        return ( sendCfg( pMac, pMac->hHdd, &req, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE ) );
static void sendQueuedReqToMacSw(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tHddHandle hHdd)
    tCfgReq *req ;

    /* Send the head req */
    req = pMac->ccm.reqQ.head ;
    if (req)
        if (req->state == eCCM_REQ_QUEUED)
            /* Send WNI_CFG_SET_REQ */
            req->state = eCCM_REQ_SENT;
            if (sendCfg(pMac, hHdd, req, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE) != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("sendCfg() failed"));
                palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
                del_req(req, &pMac->ccm.reqQ) ;
                palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
                if (req->callback)
                    req->callback((tHalHandle)pMac, WNI_CFG_OTHER_ERROR) ;

#ifdef CCM_DEBUG
                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("ccmComplete(%p)"), req->done);
                ccmComplete(hHdd, req->done);

                freeCfgReq(hHdd, req);
            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("reqState is not eCCM_REQ_QUEUED, is %d"), req->state );

    return ;
static eHalStatus cfgSetSub(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tHddHandle hHdd, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U32 type, 
                            tANI_S32 length, void *ccmPtr, tANI_U32 ccmValue, 
                            tCcmCfgSetCallback callback, eAniBoolean toBeSaved, void *sem, tCfgReq **r)
    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    tCfgReq *req ;

        *r = NULL ;

        if (pMac->ccm.state == eCCM_STOPPED)
            status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE ;
            break ;

        req = allocateCfgReq(hHdd, type, length);
        if (req == NULL)
            status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILED_ALLOC ;
            break ;

        req->next       = NULL ;
        req->cfgId      = (tANI_U16)cfgId ;
        req->type       = (tANI_U8)type ;
        req->state      = eCCM_REQ_QUEUED ;
        req->toBeSaved  = !!toBeSaved ;
        req->length     = length ;
        req->done       = sem ;
        req->callback   = callback ;
        if (type == CCM_INTEGER_TYPE)
            req->ccmValue = ccmValue ;
            vos_mem_copy((void *)req->ccmPtr, (void *)ccmPtr, length);

        palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);

        add_req_tail(req, &pMac->ccm.reqQ);
        /* If this is the first req on the queue, send it to MAC SW */
        if ((pMac->ccm.replay.started == 0) && (pMac->ccm.reqQ.head == req))
            /* Send WNI_CFG_SET_REQ */
            req->state = eCCM_REQ_SENT;
            palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
            status = sendCfg(pMac, hHdd, req, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE) ;
            if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("sendCfg() failed"));
                palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
                del_req(req, &pMac->ccm.reqQ);
                palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
                freeCfgReq(hHdd, req);
                break ;
                palSpinLockTake(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
                if(req != pMac->ccm.reqQ.head)
                    //We send the request and it must be done already
                    req = NULL;
                palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
            palSpinLockGive(hHdd, pMac->ccm.lock);
        *r = req ;

    } while(0) ;

    return status;