//-------------------------- void threadedSerial::threadedFunction() { while( isThreadRunning() != 0 ){ if( lock() ){ haveInput[0] = 0; haveInput[1] = 0; haveInput[2] = 0; readSerial(); // this is the threaded serial polling call OSCtime = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis(); if(OSCtime >= (OSCprevTime + OSCsendingInterval) ) { for(int i = 0; i < NUMOSCSENDERS; i++) { if(senderActive[i]) { if(i == resetID){ sendOSC( i, true ); }else{ sendOSC( i, false ); } } } OSCprevTime = OSCtime; } usleep(500); //mac sleeps in microseconds = 1/2 millisecond interval for serialThread unlock(); } } }
void nebulaEye::update() { parameterSync.update(); updateOSC(); video.update(); if(video.isFrameNew() || mouseTest){ if ( mouseTest ){ ofxCv::toOf(testimg,img); zone.unregister(); } else { img = video.getPixels(); zone._register(); } zone.update(img); cv::Mat cvimg = ofxCv::toCv(img); cv::Mat maskedImg; cvimg.copyTo(maskedImg,~zone.mask[0]); bgSub.update(maskedImg); flow.update(img); if (pix_share.getSource() == nebulaPix_share::SOURCE_FLOW) pix_share.setPixels(flow.getUCFlow()); if ( bgSub.enabled ){ contour.update(bgSub.m_fgmask); if (pix_share.getSource() == nebulaPix_share::SOURCE_FGMASK) pix_share.setPixels(bgSub.m_fgmask); } else { contour.update(ofxCv::toCv(img)); } sendOSC(); recordCSVData(); } }
//============================================================================== void Ambix_encoderAudioProcessor::prepareToPlay (double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock) { // Use this method as the place to do any pre-playback // initialisation that you need.. SampleRate = sampleRate; // init meter dsp _my_meter_dsp.setAudioParams((int)SampleRate, samplesPerBlock); _my_meter_dsp.setParams(0.5f, 20.0f); #if WITH_OSC sendOSC(); #endif }
void Ambix_encoderAudioProcessor::timerCallback() // check if new values and call send osc { if (osc_out) { if (_azimuth_param != azimuth_param || _elevation_param != elevation_param || _size_param != size_param || _rms != rms || _dpk != dpk) sendOSC(); } }
void Canvas::blobOff( int x, int y, int id, int order ) { sendOSC("/destroy", id, 1.0*x/width, 1.0*y/height); }
void Canvas::blobMoved( int x, int y, int id, int order) { sendOSC("/update", id, 1.0*x/width, 1.0*y/height); }
void Canvas::blobOn( int x, int y, int id, int order ) { sendOSC("/create", id, 1.0*x/width, 1.0*y/height); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("i2c c test.\n"); int fd[2]; unsigned char buf[10]; char *fileName = "/dev/i2c-1"; int addr[2] = {0x29, 0x39}; // Adressen der Chips openPort(&fd[0]); openPort(&fd[1]); addSlave(addr[0], &fd[0]); addSlave(addr[1], &fd[1]); int i; int readcount[2] = {0, 1}; double maxlux = 0.0; int maxCh0 = 0; //Variablen zur Berechnung des Lichteinfalls int cLow[2] = {65536, 65536}; int cHigh[2] = {0, 0}; double cc[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; double maxcc[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; double lastcc[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; double epsilon = 0.01; //Variablen zur Aktivierung der Dosen: int active[2] = {0, 0}; double actThr = 0.1; //Schwellenwert um Verdunklung zu erkennen //initialisiere OSC: lo_address oscaddr = initOSC("", "7777"); while(1) { for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { cc[i] = readLight(&fd[i], &cLow[i], &cHigh[i]); readcount[i]++; if(cc[i] > maxcc[i]) { maxcc[i] = cc[i]; } if(readcount[i] >= 3) { if(active[i]) { if((lastcc[i] > maxcc[i] + epsilon) || (lastcc[i] < maxcc[i] - epsilon)) { //Lichtintensitaet hat sich signifikant geaendert -> Ausgabe! printf("%d Licht: %f\n", i, maxcc[i]); if(i == 0) sendOSC(&oscaddr, "/licht0", maxcc[i]); else if(i == 1) sendOSC(&oscaddr, "/licht1", maxcc[i]); lastcc[i] = maxcc[i]; } } else { if(maxcc[i] > (1.0 - actThr)) { printf("Dose %d ist jetzt aktiv.\n", i); active[i] = 1; } } readcount[i] = 0; maxcc[i] = 0.0; } } /* lo_address t = lo_address_new("", "7777"); if(lo_send(t, "/light", "f", cc) == -1) { printf("OSC Fehler: %s\n", lo_address_errstr(t)); }*/ usleep(13 * 1000); } return 0; }