Ejemplo n.º 1
  update one GPS instance. This should be called at 10Hz or greater
AP_GPS::update_instance(uint8_t instance)
    if (_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_HIL) {
        // in HIL, leave info alone
    if (_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_NONE) {
        // not enabled
        state[instance].status = NO_GPS;
        state[instance].hdop = 9999;
    if (locked_ports & (1U<<instance)) {
        // the port is locked by another driver

    if (drivers[instance] == NULL || state[instance].status == NO_GPS) {
        // we don't yet know the GPS type of this one, or it has timed
        // out and needs to be re-initialised


    // we have an active driver for this instance
    bool result = drivers[instance]->read();
    uint32_t tnow = AP_HAL::millis();

    // if we did not get a message, and the idle timer of 1.2 seconds
    // has expired, re-initialise the GPS. This will cause GPS
    // detection to run again
    if (!result) {
        if (tnow - timing[instance].last_message_time_ms > 1200) {
            // free the driver before we run the next detection, so we
            // don't end up with two allocated at any time
            delete drivers[instance];
            drivers[instance] = NULL;
            memset(&state[instance], 0, sizeof(state[instance]));
            state[instance].instance = instance;
            state[instance].status = NO_GPS;
            state[instance].hdop = 9999;
            timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = tnow;
    } else {
        timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = tnow;
        if (state[instance].status >= GPS_OK_FIX_2D) {
            timing[instance].last_fix_time_ms = tnow;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  run detection step for one GPS instance. If this finds a GPS then it
  will fill in drivers[instance] and change state[instance].status
  from NO_GPS to NO_FIX.
AP_GPS::detect_instance(uint8_t instance)
    AP_GPS_Backend *new_gps = NULL;
    AP_HAL::UARTDriver *port = instance==0?hal.uartB:hal.uartE;
    struct detect_state *dstate = &detect_state[instance];

    if (port == NULL) {
        // UART not available

    uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis();

    state[instance].instance = instance;
    state[instance].status = NO_GPS;

    // record the time when we started detection. This is used to try
    // to avoid initialising a uBlox as a NMEA GPS
    if (dstate->detect_started_ms == 0) {
        dstate->detect_started_ms = now;

    if (now - dstate->last_baud_change_ms > 1200) {
        // try the next baud rate
		if (dstate->last_baud == sizeof(_baudrates) / sizeof(_baudrates[0])) {
			dstate->last_baud = 0;
		uint32_t baudrate = pgm_read_dword(&_baudrates[dstate->last_baud]);
		port->begin(baudrate, 256, 16);		
		dstate->last_baud_change_ms = now;
        send_blob_start(instance, _initialisation_blob, sizeof(_initialisation_blob));


    while (port->available() > 0 && new_gps == NULL) {
        uint8_t data = port->read();
          running a uBlox at less than 38400 will lead to packet
          corruption, as we can't receive the packets in the 200ms
          window for 5Hz fixes. The NMEA startup message should force
          the uBlox into 38400 no matter what rate it is configured
        if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_UBLOX) &&
            pgm_read_dword(&_baudrates[dstate->last_baud]) >= 38400 && 
            AP_GPS_UBLOX::_detect(dstate->ublox_detect_state, data)) {
            hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" ublox "));
            new_gps = new AP_GPS_UBLOX(*this, state[instance], port);
		else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_MTK19) &&
                 AP_GPS_MTK19::_detect(dstate->mtk19_detect_state, data)) {
			hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" MTK19 "));
			new_gps = new AP_GPS_MTK19(*this, state[instance], port);
		else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_MTK) &&
                 AP_GPS_MTK::_detect(dstate->mtk_detect_state, data)) {
			hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" MTK "));
			new_gps = new AP_GPS_MTK(*this, state[instance], port);
        else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_SBP) &&
                 AP_GPS_SBP::_detect(dstate->sbp_detect_state, data)) {
            hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" SBP "));
            new_gps = new AP_GPS_SBP(*this, state[instance], port);
#endif // HAL_CPU_CLASS
#if !defined( __AVR_ATmega1280__ )
		// save a bit of code space on a 1280
		else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_SIRF) &&
                 AP_GPS_SIRF::_detect(dstate->sirf_detect_state, data)) {
			hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" SIRF "));
			new_gps = new AP_GPS_SIRF(*this, state[instance], port);
		else if (now - dstate->detect_started_ms > 5000) {
			// prevent false detection of NMEA mode in
			// a MTK or UBLOX which has booted in NMEA mode
			if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_NMEA) &&
                AP_GPS_NMEA::_detect(dstate->nmea_detect_state, data)) {
				hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" NMEA "));
				new_gps = new AP_GPS_NMEA(*this, state[instance], port);

	if (new_gps != NULL) {
        state[instance].status = NO_FIX;
        drivers[instance] = new_gps;
        timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = now;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  run detection step for one GPS instance. If this finds a GPS then it
  will fill in drivers[instance] and change state[instance].status
  from NO_GPS to NO_FIX.
AP_GPS::detect_instance(uint8_t instance)
    AP_GPS_Backend *new_gps = NULL;
    struct detect_state *dstate = &detect_state[instance];
    uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();

    if (_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_PX4) {
        // check for explicitely chosen PX4 GPS beforehand
        // it is not possible to autodetect it, nor does it require a real UART
        hal.console->print(" PX4 ");
        new_gps = new AP_GPS_PX4(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
        goto found_gps;

    if (_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_QURT) {
        hal.console->print(" QURTGPS ");
        new_gps = new AP_GPS_QURT(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
        goto found_gps;
    if (_port[instance] == NULL) {
        // UART not available

    state[instance].instance = instance;
    state[instance].status = NO_GPS;
    state[instance].hdop = 9999;

	// by default the sbf/trimble gps outputs no data on its port, until configured.
	if (_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_SBF) {
		hal.console->print(" SBF ");
		new_gps = new AP_GPS_SBF(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
	} else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_GSOF)) {
		hal.console->print(" GSOF ");
		new_gps = new AP_GPS_GSOF(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);

    // record the time when we started detection. This is used to try
    // to avoid initialising a uBlox as a NMEA GPS
    if (dstate->detect_started_ms == 0) {
        dstate->detect_started_ms = now;

    if (now - dstate->last_baud_change_ms > GPS_BAUD_TIME_MS) {
        // try the next baud rate
		if (dstate->last_baud == ARRAY_SIZE(_baudrates)) {
			dstate->last_baud = 0;
		uint32_t baudrate = pgm_read_dword(&_baudrates[dstate->last_baud]);
		dstate->last_baud_change_ms = now;
    if(_raw_data != 0)
        send_blob_start(instance, _initialisation_raw_blob, sizeof(_initialisation_raw_blob));
        send_blob_start(instance, _initialisation_blob, sizeof(_initialisation_blob));


    while (initblob_state[instance].remaining == 0 && _port[instance]->available() > 0
            && new_gps == NULL) {
        uint8_t data = _port[instance]->read();
          running a uBlox at less than 38400 will lead to packet
          corruption, as we can't receive the packets in the 200ms
          window for 5Hz fixes. The NMEA startup message should force
          the uBlox into 38400 no matter what rate it is configured
        if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_UBLOX) &&
            pgm_read_dword(&_baudrates[dstate->last_baud]) >= 38400 && 
            AP_GPS_UBLOX::_detect(dstate->ublox_detect_state, data)) {
            hal.console->print(" ublox ");
            new_gps = new AP_GPS_UBLOX(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
		else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_MTK19) &&
                 AP_GPS_MTK19::_detect(dstate->mtk19_detect_state, data)) {
			hal.console->print(" MTK19 ");
			new_gps = new AP_GPS_MTK19(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
		else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_MTK) &&
                 AP_GPS_MTK::_detect(dstate->mtk_detect_state, data)) {
			hal.console->print(" MTK ");
			new_gps = new AP_GPS_MTK(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
        else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_SBP) &&
                 AP_GPS_SBP::_detect(dstate->sbp_detect_state, data)) {
            hal.console->print(" SBP ");
            new_gps = new AP_GPS_SBP(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
		// save a bit of code space on a 1280
		else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_SIRF) &&
                 AP_GPS_SIRF::_detect(dstate->sirf_detect_state, data)) {
			hal.console->print(" SIRF ");
			new_gps = new AP_GPS_SIRF(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
		else if (now - dstate->detect_started_ms > (ARRAY_SIZE(_baudrates) * GPS_BAUD_TIME_MS)) {
			// prevent false detection of NMEA mode in
			// a MTK or UBLOX which has booted in NMEA mode
			if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_NMEA) &&
                AP_GPS_NMEA::_detect(dstate->nmea_detect_state, data)) {
				hal.console->print(" NMEA ");
				new_gps = new AP_GPS_NMEA(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);

	if (new_gps != NULL) {
        state[instance].status = NO_FIX;
        drivers[instance] = new_gps;
        timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = now;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  run detection step for one GPS instance. If this finds a GPS then it
  will fill in drivers[instance] and change state[instance].status
  from NO_GPS to NO_FIX.
AP_GPS::detect_instance(uint8_t instance)
    AP_GPS_Backend *new_gps = NULL;
    struct detect_state *dstate = &detect_state[instance];
    uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis();

    if (_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_PX4) {
        // check for explicitely chosen PX4 GPS beforehand
        // it is not possible to autodetect it, nor does it require a real UART
        hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" PX4 "));
        new_gps = new AP_GPS_PX4(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
        goto found_gps;

    if (_port[instance] == NULL) {
        // UART not available

    state[instance].instance = instance;
    state[instance].status = NO_GPS;

    // record the time when we started detection. This is used to try
    // to avoid initialising a uBlox as a NMEA GPS
    if (dstate->detect_started_ms == 0) {
        dstate->detect_started_ms = now;

    if (now - dstate->last_baud_change_ms > 1200) {
        // try the next baud rate
		if (dstate->last_baud == sizeof(_baudrates) / sizeof(_baudrates[0])) {
			dstate->last_baud = 0;
		uint32_t baudrate = pgm_read_dword(&_baudrates[dstate->last_baud]);
		dstate->last_baud_change_ms = now;
        send_blob_start(instance, _initialisation_blob, sizeof(_initialisation_blob));


    while (_port[instance]->available() > 0 && new_gps == NULL) {
        uint8_t data = _port[instance]->read();
          running a uBlox at less than 38400 will lead to packet
          corruption, as we can't receive the packets in the 200ms
          window for 5Hz fixes. The NMEA startup message should force
          the uBlox into 38400 no matter what rate it is configured
        if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_UBLOX) &&
            pgm_read_dword(&_baudrates[dstate->last_baud]) >= 38400 && 
            AP_GPS_UBLOX::_detect(dstate->ublox_detect_state, data)) {
            hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" ublox "));
            new_gps = new AP_GPS_UBLOX(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
		else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_MTK19) &&
                 AP_GPS_MTK19::_detect(dstate->mtk19_detect_state, data)) {
			hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" MTK19 "));
			new_gps = new AP_GPS_MTK19(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
		else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_MTK) &&
                 AP_GPS_MTK::_detect(dstate->mtk_detect_state, data)) {
			hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" MTK "));
			new_gps = new AP_GPS_MTK(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
        else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_SBP) &&
                 AP_GPS_SBP::_detect(dstate->sbp_detect_state, data)) {
            hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" SBP "));
            new_gps = new AP_GPS_SBP(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
#endif // HAL_CPU_CLASS
#if !defined(GPS_SKIP_SIRF_NMEA)
		// save a bit of code space on a 1280
		else if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_SIRF) &&
                 AP_GPS_SIRF::_detect(dstate->sirf_detect_state, data)) {
			hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" SIRF "));
			new_gps = new AP_GPS_SIRF(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);
		else if (now - dstate->detect_started_ms > 5000) {
			// prevent false detection of NMEA mode in
			// a MTK or UBLOX which has booted in NMEA mode
			if ((_type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_AUTO || _type[instance] == GPS_TYPE_NMEA) &&
                AP_GPS_NMEA::_detect(dstate->nmea_detect_state, data)) {
				hal.console->print_P(PSTR(" NMEA "));
				new_gps = new AP_GPS_NMEA(*this, state[instance], _port[instance]);

	if (new_gps != NULL) {
        state[instance].status = NO_FIX;
        drivers[instance] = new_gps;
        timing[instance].last_message_time_ms = now;