Ejemplo n.º 1
void room::send_server_message_to_all(const char* message,
									  network::connection exclude) const
	simple_wml::document doc;
	send_server_message(message, 0, &doc);
	send_data(doc, exclude, "message");
Ejemplo n.º 2
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	puts ("eMule/xMule/LMule OP_SERVERMESSAGE "
			"Format String Vulnerabilitytion Vulnerability\n"
		"proof of concept code\n"
		"Copyright (C) 2003 Rémi Denis-Courmont "
	if (argc > 3)
		return usage (argv[0]);
		int listenfd;
		const char *host, *port;

		port = (argc < 2) ? "4661" : argv[2];
		host = (argc < 3) ? NULL : argv[3];
		printf ("Binding to [%s]:%s ...\n",
			(host != NULL) ? host : "any", port);
		listenfd = socket_listen (host, port);
		if (listenfd == -1)
			gai_perror (host);
			return 1;

		while (1)
			int clientfd;

			fputs ("Waiting for a client to connect ... ", stdout);
			clientfd = accept (listenfd, NULL, 0);
			if (clientfd == -1)
				puts ("");
				perror ("Error");
			puts ("OK");
			fputs ("Sending server message ... ", stdout);
			if (send_server_message (clientfd))
				puts ("");
				perror ("Error");
				puts ("Done");
			close (clientfd);

	return 0; /* dead code */
Ejemplo n.º 3
// A handler for the /authorize endpoint.
// Login page form sends user name and password to this endpoint.
static void authorize(struct mg_connection *conn,
                      const struct mg_request_info *request_info) {
  char user[MAX_USER_LEN], password[MAX_USER_LEN];
  struct session *session;

  // Fetch user name and password.
  get_qsvar(request_info, "user", user, sizeof(user));
  get_qsvar(request_info, "password", password, sizeof(password));

  if (check_password(user, password) && (session = new_session()) != NULL) {
    // Authentication success:
    //   1. create new session
    //   2. set session ID token in the cookie
    //   3. remove original_url from the cookie - not needed anymore
    //   4. redirect client back to the original URL
    // The most secure way is to stay HTTPS all the time. However, just to
    // show the technique, we redirect to HTTP after the successful
    // authentication. The danger of doing this is that session cookie can
    // be stolen and an attacker may impersonate the user.
    // Secure application must use HTTPS all the time.
    my_strlcpy(session->user, user, sizeof(session->user));
    snprintf(session->random, sizeof(session->random), "%d", rand());
    generate_session_id(session->session_id, session->random, session->user);
    send_server_message("<%s> joined", session->user);
    mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n"
        "Set-Cookie: session=%s; max-age=3600; http-only\r\n"  // Session ID
        "Set-Cookie: user=%s\r\n"  // Set user, needed by Javascript code
        "Set-Cookie: original_url=/; max-age=0\r\n"  // Delete original_url
        "Location: /\r\n\r\n",
        session->session_id, session->user);
  } else {
    // Authentication failure, redirect to login.
    redirect_to_login(conn, request_info);
Ejemplo n.º 4
	void send_server_message(const std::string& message, network::connection sock,
		simple_wml::document* docptr = NULL) const
		send_server_message(message.c_str(), sock, docptr);
Ejemplo n.º 5
** DoNumeric (replacement for the old do_numeric)
**	parc	number of arguments ('sender' counted as one!)
**	parv[0]	pointer to 'sender' (may point to empty string) (not used)
**	parv[1]..parv[parc-1]
**		pointers to additional parameters, this is a NULL
**		terminated list (parv[parc] == NULL).
**	Numerics are mostly error reports. If there is something
**	wrong with the message, just *DROP* it! Don't even think of
**	sending back a neat error message -- big danger of creating
**	a ping pong error message...
int  do_numeric(int numeric, aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
	aClient *acptr;
	aChannel *chptr;
	char *nick, *p;
	int  i;

	/* Is this an outgoing connect, and we get a numeric 451 (not registered) back for the
	 * magic command __PANGPANG__ and we did not send a SERVER message yet?
	 * Then this means we are dealing with an Unreal server <3.2.9 and we should send the
	 * SERVER command right now.
	if (!IsServer(sptr) && !IsPerson(sptr) && (numeric == 451) && (parc > 2) && strstr(parv[1], "__PANGPANG__") &&
	    IsHandshake(cptr) && sptr->serv && !IsServerSent(sptr))
		return 0;

	if (parc < 1 || !IsServer(sptr))
		return 0;
	/* Remap low number numerics. */
	if (numeric < 100)
		numeric += 100;

	   ** Prepare the parameter portion of the message into 'buffer'.
	   ** (Because the buffer is twice as large as the message buffer
	   ** for the socket, no overflow can occur here... ...on current
	   ** assumptions--bets are off, if these are changed --msa)
	   ** Note: if buffer is non-empty, it will begin with SPACE.
	buffer[0] = '\0';
	if (parc > 2)
		 * For strlcat nazis, please read above
		for (i = 2; i < (parc - 1); i++)
			(void)strcat(buffer, " ");
			(void)strcat(buffer, parv[i]);
		(void)strcat(buffer, " :");
		(void)strcat(buffer, parv[parc - 1]);
		sendto_realops("do_numeric( %i, %s, %s, %i, { %s, %s } )!",
		    numeric, cptr->name, sptr->name, parc,
		    parv[0], parv[1] ? parv[1] : "<null>");
	for (; (nick = strtoken(&p, parv[1], ",")); parv[1] = NULL)
		if ((acptr = find_client(nick, (aClient *)NULL)))
			   ** Drop to bit bucket if for me...
			   ** ...one might consider sendto_ops
			   ** here... --msa
			   ** And so it was done. -avalon
			   ** And regretted. Dont do it that way. Make sure
			   ** it goes only to non-servers. -avalon
			   ** Check added to make sure servers don't try to loop
			   ** with numerics which can happen with nick collisions.
			   ** - Avalon
			if (!IsMe(acptr) && IsPerson(acptr))
				/* Added for .U3.2. drop remote 'You are not on
				   ** that channel', we should be synced anyway,
				   ** and this is an annoying message with TSpre7
				   ** still on the net; would result in numeric 442 for
				   ** every KICK... Can be removed when TSpre7 is gone.
				   ** --Run
				   if (numeric==ERR_NOTONCHANNEL) return 0;

				sendto_prefix_one(acptr, sptr, ":%s %d %s%s",
				    parv[0], numeric, nick, buffer);
			else if (IsServer(acptr) && acptr->from != cptr)
				sendto_prefix_one(acptr, sptr, ":%s %d %s%s",
				    parv[0], numeric, nick, buffer);
		else if ((acptr = find_server_quick(nick)))
			if (!IsMe(acptr) && acptr->from != cptr)
				sendto_prefix_one(acptr, sptr, ":%s %d %s%s",
				    parv[0], numeric, nick, buffer);
		else if ((chptr = find_channel(nick, (aChannel *)NULL)))
			sendto_channel_butone(cptr, sptr, chptr, ":%s %d %s%s",
			    parv[0], numeric, chptr->chname, buffer);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
	void send_server_message(const std::string& message, socket_ptr sock=socket_ptr(), simple_wml::document* doc=nullptr) const
		send_server_message(message.c_str(), sock, doc);