Ejemplo n.º 1
int closeModelicaClient(int sockfd){
    const int flaWri = 1;
    sendclientmessage(&sockfd, &flaWri);
    return closeipc(&sockfd);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  // Declare variables for the socket communication
  // File name used to get the port number
  const char *const simCfgFilNam = "socket.cfg";
  // client error flag
  const int cliErrFla = -1;
  // Flags to exchange the status of the simulation program
  // and of the middleware.
  int flaWri = 0;
  int flaRea = 0;
  // Number of variables to be exchanged
  const int nDblWri = 2;
  int nDblRea;
  // Number of rooms
  int nRoo =2;
  // Arrays that contain the variables to be exchanged
  double dblValWri[2];
  double dblValRea[2];
  int i, sockfd, retVal;
  // set simulation time step
  double delTim;

  // Declare variables of the room model
  double simTimWri = 0;
  double simTimRea = 0;
  double TIni   = 10;
  double tau    = 2*3600;
  double Q0Hea  = 100;
  double UA     = Q0Hea / 20;
  double TOut   = 5;
  double C[]    = {tau*UA, 2*tau*UA};
  double TRoo[] = {TIni, TIni};

  double y[]    = {0, 0};
  if (argc <= 1) {
    printf("Usage: %s simulation_timestep_in_seconds\n", argv[0]);
  delTim = atof(argv[1]);
  fprintf(stderr,"Simulation model has time step %8.5g\n", delTim);
  // Establish the client socket
  sockfd = establishclientsocket(simCfgFilNam);
  if (sockfd < 0){
    fprintf(stderr,"Error: Failed to obtain socket file descriptor. sockfd=%d.\n", sockfd);
    fprintf(stderr,"To debug, look in lbnl/lib/util/utilSocket.c for the establishclientsocket() function\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"and check for the return code %d.\n", sockfd);
    fprintf(stderr,"Or, recompile libbcvtb with -DNDEBUG:\n");
    fprintf(stderr," cd $PTII/lbnl/lib/util; make clean; make C_DEFINES=-DNDEBUG\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"and then rerun the model and look in the utilSocket.log file.\n");

  // Simulation loop
    // assign values to be exchanged
    for(i=0; i < nDblWri; i++)

    // Exchange values
    retVal = exchangedoubleswithsocket(&sockfd, &flaWri, &flaRea,
                                       &nDblWri, &nDblRea,
                                       &simTimWri, dblValWri,
                                       &simTimRea, dblValRea);
    // Check flags
    if (retVal < 0){
      sendclientmessage(&sockfd, &cliErrFla);
      printf("Simulator received value %d when reading from socket. Exit simulation.\n", retVal);

    if (flaRea == 1){
      printf("Simulator received end of simulation signal from server. Exit simulation.\n");

    if (flaRea != 0){
      printf("Simulator received flag = %d from server. Exit simulation.\n", flaRea);
    // No flags found that require the simulation to terminate.
    // Assign exchanged variables
    for(i=0; i < nRoo; i++)
      y[i] = dblValRea[i];

    // Having obtained y_k, we compute the new state x_k+1 = f(y_k)
    // This is the actual simulation of the client, such as an
    // EnergyPlus time step
    for(i=0; i < nRoo; i++)
      TRoo[i] = TRoo[i] + delTim/C[i] * ( UA * (TOut-TRoo[i] ) + Q0Hea * y[i] );
    simTimWri += delTim; // advance simulation time
  } // end of simulation loop
/// Writes an error flag to the socket stream.
/// This method should be used by clients if they experience an
/// error and need to terminate the socket connection.
///\deprecated Use \c sendclientmessage instead
///\param sockfd Socket file descripter
///\param flaWri should be set to a negative value.
int sendclienterror(const int *sockfd, const int *flaWri){
    return sendclientmessage(sockfd, flaWri);