Ejemplo n.º 1
int Sisim::median_ik( Progress_notifier* progress_notifier ) {

  // set up the sampler
  Random_number_generator gen;
  Monte_carlo_sampler_t< Random_number_generator > sampler( gen );

  // loop on all realizations
  for( int nreal = 0; nreal < nb_of_realizations_ ; nreal ++ ) {
    // update the progress notifier
    progress_notifier->message() << "working on realization " 
                                 << nreal << gstlIO::end;
    if( !progress_notifier->notify() ) return 1;

    // Create a new property to hold the realization and tell the simulation 
    // grid to use it as the current property 
    appli_message( "Creating new realization" );
    GsTLGridProperty* prop;
    	prop = multireal_property_->new_categorical_realization();
    	prop = multireal_property_->new_realization();

    simul_grid_->select_property( prop->name() );
    neighborhood_->select_property( prop->name() );

    // initialize the new realization with the hard data
    if( property_copier_ ) {
      property_copier_->copy( harddata_grid_, harddata_property_,
                              simul_grid_, prop );

    // do the simulation
    appli_message( "Doing simulation" );
    int status = 
      sequential_simulation( simul_grid_->random_path_begin(),
			     sampler, progress_notifier

    if( status == -1 ) {
      simul_grid_->remove_property( prop->name() );
      return 1;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int dssim::execute( GsTL_project* ) {
  // Initialize the global random number generator
  Global_random_number_generator::instance()->seed( seed_ );
  // Set up a progress notifier	
  int total_steps = simul_grid_->size() * (nb_of_realizations_);
  int frequency = std::max( total_steps / 20, 1 );
  SmartPtr<Progress_notifier> progress_notifier = 
    utils::create_notifier( "Running dssim", 
			    total_steps, frequency );

  // Initialize the marginal cdf for the direct sequential simulation
 // LogNormal_cdf marginal( 0.1, 1.0 );
 // LogNormal_cdf ccdf;

  // work on the fine grid
  if( dynamic_cast<Strati_grid*>( simul_grid_ ) ) {
    Strati_grid* sgrid = dynamic_cast<Strati_grid*>( simul_grid_ );
    sgrid->set_level( 1 );

  // set up the cdf-estimator
  typedef First2_moments_cdf_Kestimator< Covariance<Location>,
                                  >    Kriging_cdf_estimator;
  Kriging_cdf_estimator cdf_estimator( covar_,
				       *combiner_ );

  // set up the sampler
  Random_number_generator gen;
  Monte_carlo_sampler_t< Random_number_generator > sampler( gen );
  // compute the random path

  // loop on all realizations
  for( int nreal = 0; nreal < nb_of_realizations_ ; nreal ++ ) {

    // update the progress notifier
    progress_notifier->message() << "working on realization " 
                                 << nreal+1 << gstlIO::end;
    if( !progress_notifier->notify() ) return 1;

    // Create a new property to hold the realization and tell the simulation 
    // grid to use it as the current property 
    appli_message( "Creating new realization" );
    GsTLGridProperty* prop = multireal_property_->new_realization();
    simul_grid_->select_property( prop->name() );
    neighborhood_->select_property( prop->name() );

    // initialize the new realization with the hard data, if that was requested 
    if( property_copier_ ) {
      property_copier_->copy( harddata_grid_, harddata_property_,
                              simul_grid_, prop );
      //initializer_->assign( prop, harddata_grid_, harddata_property_->name() );

    appli_message( "Doing simulation" );
    // do the simulation
    int status = 
      sequential_simulation( simul_grid_->random_path_begin(),
			     sampler, progress_notifier.raw_ptr()
    if( status == -1 ) {
      clean( prop );
      return 1;


  return 0;