Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  /* ros messages */
	msgs::serial s_rx_msg_;
	msgs::serial s_tx_msg_;

  /* parameters */
  std::string device;
  std::string publisher_topic;
  std::string subscriber_topic;
  int baudrate;
  int term;

  /* initialize ros usage */
  ros::init(argc, argv, "vic_serial_interface");
  ros::Publisher s_publisher;
  ros::Subscriber s_subscriber;

  /* private nodehandlers */
  ros::NodeHandle nh;
  ros::NodeHandle n("~");

  /* read parameters from ros parameter server if available otherwise use default values */
  n.param<std::string> ("device", device, "/dev/ttyS0");
  n.param<std::string> ("publisher_topic", publisher_topic, "S0_rx_msg");
  n.param<std::string> ("subscriber_topic", subscriber_topic, "S0_tx_msg");
  n.param<int> ("termination_character", term,10);
  n.param<int> ("baudrate", baudrate, 115200);

  s_publisher = nh.advertise<msgs::serial> (publisher_topic.c_str(), 20,1);

  serialInterface serialInterface(s_publisher);
  serialInterface.term_char = (char)term;

  /* keep trying until connection is made */
  ros::Rate r(2);

  while(serialInterface.openDevice(device, baudrate) && ros::ok())

	  s_subscriber = nh.subscribe<msgs::serial> (subscriber_topic.c_str(), 20, &serialInterface::writeHandler, &serialInterface);

  return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  /* ros messages */
	fmMsgs::serial_bin s_rx_msg_;
	fmMsgs::serial_bin s_tx_msg_;

  /* parameters */
  std::string device;
  std::string publisher_topic;
  std::string subscriber_topic;
  int baudrate;

  /* initialize ros usage */
  ros::init(argc, argv, "serial_binary_interface");
  ros::Publisher s_publisher;
  ros::Subscriber s_subscriber;

  /* private nodehandlers */
  ros::NodeHandle nh;
  ros::NodeHandle n("~");

  /* read parameters from ros parameter server if available otherwise use default values */
  n.param<std::string> ("device", device, "/dev/ttyUSB0");
  n.param<std::string> ("publisher_topic", publisher_topic, "S0_rx_msg");
  n.param<std::string> ("subscriber_topic", subscriber_topic, "S0_tx_msg");
  n.param<int> ("baudrate", baudrate, 38400);

  s_publisher = nh.advertise<fmMsgs::serial_bin> (publisher_topic.c_str(), 1);

  serialInterface serialInterface(s_publisher);
  serialInterface.openDevice(device, baudrate);

  s_subscriber = nh.subscribe<fmMsgs::serial_bin> (subscriber_topic.c_str(), 1000, &serialInterface::writeHandler, &serialInterface);


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void BTConnection::disconnectDevice( const QString& aBTAddress, const QString& aDevice )

    QDBusInterface managerInterface( BLUEZ_DEST, "/", BLUEZ_MANAGER_INTERFACE, QDBusConnection::systemBus() );

    if( !managerInterface.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Could not find BlueZ manager interface" );

    QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> pathReply = managerInterface.call( QLatin1String( GET_DEFAULT_ADAPTER ) );

    if( !pathReply.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Could not find default adapter path" );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Reason:" <<  pathReply.error() );

    QString defaultAdapterPath = pathReply.value().path();

    LOG_DEBUG("Using adapter path: " << defaultAdapterPath );

    QDBusInterface adapterInterface( BLUEZ_DEST, defaultAdapterPath, BLUEZ_ADAPTER_INTERFACE, QDBusConnection::systemBus() );

    if( !adapterInterface.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Could not find adapter interface: " << adapterInterface.lastError() );

    pathReply = adapterInterface.call( QLatin1String( FIND_DEVICE ), aBTAddress );

    if( !pathReply.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Couldn't find device " << aBTAddress );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Reason:" <<  pathReply.error() );

    QString devicePath = pathReply.value().path();

    LOG_DEBUG( "Using path" << devicePath << "for device " << aBTAddress );

    QDBusInterface serialInterface( BLUEZ_DEST, devicePath, BLUEZ_SERIAL_INTERFACE, QDBusConnection::systemBus() );

    if( !serialInterface.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Could not find serial interface: " << serialInterface.lastError() );

    QDBusReply<void> voidReply = serialInterface.call( QLatin1String( DISCONNECT ), aDevice );

    if( !voidReply.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Device disconnection failed" );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Reason:" <<  voidReply.error() );

    LOG_DEBUG( "Device disconnected:" << aBTAddress );

    voidReply = adapterInterface.call( RELEASE_SESSION );

    if( !voidReply.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Session release failed" );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Reason:" <<  voidReply.error() );

    LOG_DEBUG( "BT session closed" );

Ejemplo n.º 4
QString BTConnection::connectDevice( const QString& aBTAddress, const QString& aServiceUUID )

    QDBusInterface managerInterface( BLUEZ_DEST, "/", BLUEZ_MANAGER_INTERFACE, QDBusConnection::systemBus() );

    if( !managerInterface.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Could not find BlueZ manager interface" );
        return "";

    QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> pathReply = managerInterface.call( QLatin1String( GET_DEFAULT_ADAPTER ) );
    if( !pathReply.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Could not find default adapter path:" << pathReply.error() );
        return "";

    QString defaultAdapterPath = pathReply.value().path();

    LOG_DEBUG("Using adapter path: " << defaultAdapterPath );

    QDBusInterface adapterInterface( BLUEZ_DEST, defaultAdapterPath, BLUEZ_ADAPTER_INTERFACE, QDBusConnection::systemBus() );

    if( !adapterInterface.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Could not find adapter interface: " << adapterInterface.lastError() );
        return "";

    QDBusReply<void> voidReply = adapterInterface.call( QLatin1String( REQUEST_SESSION ) );

    if( !voidReply.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Session request failed" );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Reason:" <<  voidReply.error() );

    LOG_DEBUG( "BT session created" );

    pathReply = adapterInterface.call( QLatin1String( FIND_DEVICE ), aBTAddress );

    if( !pathReply.isValid() ) {
        LOG_WARNING( "Couldn't find device " << aBTAddress << "Reason:" <<  pathReply.error() );
        LOG_DEBUG( "Create Device :" << aBTAddress );
        pathReply = adapterInterface.call( QLatin1String( CREATE_DEVICE ), aBTAddress );
            if (pathReply.isValid()){
        LOG_DEBUG( "Create Paired Device :" << aBTAddress << "Path :" << pathReply.value().path() );
            QDBusReply<QDBusObjectPath> reply =
                adapterInterface.call(QLatin1String( CREATE_PAIRED_DEVICE ),
                        aBTAddress, qVariantFromValue(pathReply.value()), QString());
        if( !reply.isValid() ) {
            LOG_CRITICAL( "Pairing failed Reason:" << reply.error());

    if( !pathReply.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Couldn't find device " << aBTAddress );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Reason:" <<  pathReply.error() );
        adapterInterface.call( QLatin1String( RELEASE_SESSION ) );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "BT session closed" );
        return "";

    QString devicePath = pathReply.value().path();

    LOG_DEBUG( "Using path" << devicePath << "for device " << aBTAddress );

    QDBusInterface serialInterface( BLUEZ_DEST, devicePath, BLUEZ_SERIAL_INTERFACE, QDBusConnection::systemBus() );

    if( !serialInterface.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Could not find serial interface: " << serialInterface.lastError() );
        adapterInterface.call( QLatin1String( RELEASE_SESSION ) );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "BT session closed" );
        return "";

    QDBusReply<QString> stringReply = serialInterface.call( QLatin1String( CONNECT ), aServiceUUID );

    if( !stringReply.isValid() ) {
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Could not connect to device " << devicePath << " with service uuid " << aServiceUUID );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "Reason:" <<  stringReply.error() );
        adapterInterface.call( QLatin1String( RELEASE_SESSION ) );
        LOG_CRITICAL( "BT session closed" );
        return "";

    LOG_DEBUG("Device connected:" << aBTAddress );

    return stringReply.value();