Ejemplo n.º 1
 * \brief The getJobOutput function gets outputPath and errorPath of a job from its id
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param jobId : The Id of the job
 * \param outputInfo : The  Job object  containing the job output information (e.g: outputPath and errorPath) of the job to submit
 * \param options : Object containing the user-provided options (e.g: it contains a possible output directory set by the user)
 * \return 0 on success, or raises exception on error
vishnu::getJobOutput(const std::string& sessionKey,
                     const std::string& jobId,
                     TMS_Data::JobResult& outputInfo,
                     const TMS_Data::JobOutputOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

  checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");

  std::string outputDir = options.getOutputDir();
  if (! outputDir.empty() && ! boost::filesystem::exists(outputDir)) {
    throw UMSVishnuException(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAM, "The output directory does not exist: "+ outputDir);

  // If no machine id provided, find where the job has been submitted
  std::string machineId =  options.getMachineId();
  if (machineId.empty()) {
    TMS_Data::Job jobInfo;
    getJobInfo(sessionKey, jobId, machineId, jobInfo);
    machineId = jobInfo.getMachine();

  // Now process the request
  SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
  JobOutputProxy jobOutputProxy(sessionProxy, machineId);

  outputInfo = jobOutputProxy.getJobOutPut(jobId, options);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * \brief The getCompletedJobsOutput() function gets standard output and error output files
 * of completed jobs (applies only once for each job)
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param machineId : The id of the machine
 * \param listOfResults : Is the list of jobs results
 * \param outDir : The output directory where the files will be stored (default is current directory)
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::getCompletedJobsOutput(const std::string& sessionKey,
		const std::string& machineId,
		ListJobResults& listOfResults,
		const std::string& outDir)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

	checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
	checkEmptyString(machineId, "The machine id");

	if((outDir.size()!=0)&&(!boost::filesystem::exists(outDir))) {
		throw UMSVishnuException(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAM, "The directory "+outDir+" does not exist");

	SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
	JobOutputProxy jobOutputProxy(sessionProxy, machineId, outDir);

	TMS_Data::ListJobResults_ptr listJobResults_ptr = jobOutputProxy.getCompletedJobsOutput();

	if(listJobResults_ptr != NULL) {
		TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory_ptr ecoreFactory = TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory::_instance();
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listJobResults_ptr->getResults().size(); i++) {
			TMS_Data::JobResult_ptr jobResult = ecoreFactory->createJobResult();
			//To copy the content and not the pointer
			*jobResult = *listJobResults_ptr->getResults().get(i);
		delete listJobResults_ptr;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * \brief The listQueues function gets queues information
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param machineId : The id of the machine
 * \param listofQueues : The list of queues
 * \param queueName The option value, if it is given, listQueues gives information only of this queue
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::listQueues(const std::string& sessionKey,
                   const std::string& machineId,
                   TMS_Data::ListQueues& listofQueues,
                   const std::string& queueName)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {
  checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
  checkEmptyString(machineId, "The machine id");

  std::string serviceName = (boost::format("%1%@%2%") % SERVICES_TMS[GETLISTOFQUEUES] % machineId).str();

  SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
  QueryProxy<std::string, TMS_Data::ListQueues>
      query(queueName, sessionProxy, serviceName, machineId);

  TMS_Data::ListQueues* listQueues_ptr = NULL ;
  try {
    listQueues_ptr = query.list();
  } catch(...) {
    throw ;

  if(listQueues_ptr != NULL) {
    TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory_ptr ecoreFactory = TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory::_instance();
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listQueues_ptr->getQueues().size(); i++) {
      TMS_Data::Queue_ptr queue = ecoreFactory->createQueue();
      //To copy the content and not the pointer
      *queue = *listQueues_ptr->getQueues().get(i);
    delete listQueues_ptr;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * \brief The submitJob function submits job on a machine through a script pointed by scriptFilePath.
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param machineId : Is the id of the machine on which the job must be submitted
 * \param scriptFilePath : The path to the file containing the characteristics (job command, and batch scheduler directive required or optional) of the job to submit.
 * \param jobInfo : The  Job object containing the output information (ex: jobId and jobPath) of the job to submit
 * \param options : Is an instance of the class SubmitOptions. Each option is associated to a set operation (e.g: setNbCpu(...)) in the class.  If no set operation is not called on the instance object  options, the job is submitted with the options defined in the scriptFilePath. Otherewise the job is submitted with the optionnal values set by the options object and optionnal values defined in the scriptFilePath, but optionnal values set by SubmitOptions object take precedence over those in scriptFilePath. With in the object options or within the scriptFilePath, the last occurance of an optionnal value takes precedence over earlier occurance.
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::submitJob(const std::string& sessionKey,
		const std::string& machineId,
		const std::string& scriptFilePath,
		Job& jobInfo,
		const SubmitOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

	checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
	checkEmptyString(machineId, "The machine id");
	//To check options value nbNodesAndCpuPerNode

	SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
	boost::filesystem::path completePath(scriptFilePath);
	std::string scriptFileCompletePath = (boost::filesystem::path(boost::filesystem::system_complete(completePath))).string();

	std::string scriptContent = vishnu::get_file_content(scriptFilePath);

	JobProxy jobProxy(sessionProxy , machineId , jobInfo);

	ListStrings fileParamsVec;
	std::string fileParamsStr = options.getFileParams() ;
	boost::trim(fileParamsStr) ; //TODO BUG when empty list
	boost::split(fileParamsVec, fileParamsStr, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on) ;

	int ret = jobProxy.submitJob(scriptContent, options);
	jobInfo = jobProxy.getData();

	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * \brief The listQueues function gets queues information
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param machineId : The id of the machine
 * \param listofQueues : The list of queues
 * \param queueName The option value, if it is given, listQueues gives information only of this queue
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::listQueues(const std::string& sessionKey,
		const std::string& machineId,
		ListQueues& listofQueues,
		const std::string& queueName)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

	checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
	checkEmptyString(machineId, "The machine id");

	std::string serviceName = "getListOfQueues_";

	SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);

	QueryProxy<std::string, TMS_Data::ListQueues>
	query(queueName, sessionProxy, serviceName, machineId);

	TMS_Data::ListQueues* listQueues_ptr = query.list();

	if(listQueues_ptr != NULL) {
		TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory_ptr ecoreFactory = TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory::_instance();
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listQueues_ptr->getQueues().size(); i++) {
			TMS_Data::Queue_ptr queue = ecoreFactory->createQueue();
			//To copy the content and not the pointer
			*queue = *listQueues_ptr->getQueues().get(i);
		delete listQueues_ptr;
	return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 6
 * \brief The getJobProgress function gets the progression status of jobs
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param machineId : Is the id of the machine to get the jobs progression.
 * \param listOfProgress : Is the object containing jobs progression information
 * \param options : Is an object containing the available options jobs for progression .
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::getJobProgress(const std::string& sessionKey,
		const std::string& machineId,
		ListProgression& listOfProgress,
		const ProgressOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

	checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
	checkEmptyString(machineId, "The machine id");

	std::string serviceName = "getJobsProgression_";

	SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);

	QueryProxy<TMS_Data::ProgressOptions, TMS_Data::ListProgression>
	query(options, sessionProxy, serviceName, machineId);

	TMS_Data::ListProgression* listProgression_ptr = query.list();

	if(listProgression_ptr != NULL) {
		TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory_ptr ecoreFactory = TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory::_instance();
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listProgression_ptr->getProgress().size(); i++) {
			TMS_Data::Progression_ptr progression = ecoreFactory->createProgression();
			//To copy the content and not the pointer
			*progression = *listProgression_ptr->getProgress().get(i);
		delete listProgression_ptr;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * \brief getJobProgress: function gets the progression status of jobs
 * \param sessionKey: The session key
 * \param listOfProgress: The object containing jobs progression information
 * \param options: The object containing the available options jobs for progression .
 * \return int: an error code
vishnu::getJobProgress(const std::string& sessionKey,
                       TMS_Data::ListProgression& listOfProgress,
                       const TMS_Data::ProgressOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

  checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");

  std::string machineId = options.getMachineId();
  UMS_Data::ListMachines machines;
  if (! machineId.empty() && machineId != ALL_KEYWORD) {
    // Use the specified machine
    UMS_Data::Machine_ptr machine = new UMS_Data::Machine();
  } else {
    listMachinesWithUserLocalAccount(sessionKey, machines);

  // Now perform the request
  for(int i=0; i< machines.getMachines().size(); i++) {

    UMS_Data::Machine_ptr machine = machines.getMachines().get(i);
    std::string serviceName = (boost::format("%1%@%2%") % SERVICES_TMS[GETJOBSPROGRESSION] % machine->getMachineId()).str();

    SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
    QueryProxy<TMS_Data::ProgressOptions, TMS_Data::ListProgression>
        query(options, sessionProxy, serviceName, machine->getMachineId());

    TMS_Data::ListProgression* listProgression_ptr = NULL ;
    try {
      listProgression_ptr = query.list();
    } catch(...) {
      // Means that the machine is not active or the user doesn't have a local account on it
      if(machineId != ALL_KEYWORD) {
        throw ;
      } else {
        continue ;

    if (listProgression_ptr != NULL) {
      TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory_ptr ecoreFactory = TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory::_instance();
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listProgression_ptr->getProgress().size(); i++) {
        TMS_Data::Progression_ptr progression = ecoreFactory->createProgression();
        //To copy the content and not the pointer
        *progression = *listProgression_ptr->getProgress().get(i);
      delete listProgression_ptr;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
vishnu::addWork(const std::string& sessionKey,
                TMS_Data::Work& newWork,
                const TMS_Data::AddWorkOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException){
  checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
  SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
  WorkProxy workProxy(newWork, sessionProxy);
  int res = workProxy.add(options);
  newWork = workProxy.getData();
  return res;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * \brief The listJobs function gets a list of all submitted jobs
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param listOfJobs : The constructed object list of jobs
 * \param options : Additional options for jobs listing
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::listJobs(const std::string& sessionKey,
                 TMS_Data::ListJobs& listOfJobs,
                 const TMS_Data::ListJobsOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

  checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");

  UMS_Data::Machine_ptr machine = new UMS_Data::Machine();
  const std::string machineId = ALL_KEYWORD;

  // Here the list of machine should contain only a single machine


  std::string serviceName = (boost::format("%1%") % SERVICES_TMS[GETLISTOFJOBS_ALL]).str();
  SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);

  checkJobStatus(options.getStatus()); // check the job status options
  checkJobPriority(options.getPriority()); //check the job priority options

  QueryProxy<TMS_Data::ListJobsOptions, TMS_Data::ListJobs>
      query(options, sessionProxy, serviceName, machine->getMachineId());
  TMS_Data::ListJobs* listJobs_ptr = NULL;
  try {
    listJobs_ptr = query.list();
  } catch(...) {
    throw ;
  if (listJobs_ptr != NULL) {

    TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory_ptr ecoreFactory = TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory::_instance();
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < listJobs_ptr->getJobs().size(); j++) {
      TMS_Data::Job_ptr job = ecoreFactory->createJob();
      //copy the content and not the pointer
      *job = *listJobs_ptr->getJobs().get(j);
    delete listJobs_ptr;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * \brief Gets standard output files of all completed jobs (applies only once for each job)
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param options: object containing options
 * \param listOfResults : Is the list of jobs results
   * \param options: Object containing options
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::getCompletedJobsOutput(const std::string& sessionKey,
                               TMS_Data::ListJobResults& listOfResults,
                               const TMS_Data::JobOutputOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

  checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");

  std::string outputDir = options.getOutputDir();
  if (! outputDir.empty() && ! boost::filesystem::exists(outputDir)) {
    throw UMSVishnuException(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAM, "The ouput directory does not exist: "+outputDir);

  UMS_Data::ListMachines machines;
  if (options.getMachineId().empty()) {
    vishnu::listMachinesWithUserLocalAccount(sessionKey, machines);
  } else {
    UMS_Data::Machine_ptr machine = new UMS_Data::Machine(); // delete by EMF

  int machineCount = machines.getMachines().size();
  for (int index = 0; index < machineCount; ++index) {
    SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
    JobOutputProxy jobOutputProxy(sessionProxy, machines.getMachines().get(index)->getMachineId());

    TMS_Data::ListJobResults_ptr listJobResults_ptr = jobOutputProxy.getCompletedJobsOutput(options);

    if (listJobResults_ptr != NULL) {
      TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory_ptr ecoreFactory = TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory::_instance();
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listJobResults_ptr->getResults().size(); i++) {
        TMS_Data::JobResult_ptr jobResult = ecoreFactory->createJobResult();
        //To copy the content and not the pointer
        *jobResult = *listJobResults_ptr->getResults().get(i);
      delete listJobResults_ptr;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * \brief The cancelJob function cancels a job from its id
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param machineId : The id of the machine
 * \param jobId : The Id of the job
 * \param infoMsg : The information message
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::cancelJob(const std::string& sessionKey,
		const std::string& machineId,
		const std::string& jobId)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

	checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
	checkEmptyString(machineId, "The machine id");
	checkEmptyString(jobId, "The job id");

	SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);

	TMS_Data::Job job;

	return JobProxy(sessionProxy,

Ejemplo n.º 12
 * \brief The listJobs function gets a list of all submitted jobs
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param machineId : The id of the machine
 * \param listOfJobs : The constructed object list of jobs
 * \param options : Additional options for jobs listing
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::listJobs(const std::string& sessionKey,
		const std::string& machineId,
		ListJobs& listOfJobs,
		const ListJobsOptions& options)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

	checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
	checkEmptyString(machineId, "The machine id");

	std::string serviceName = "getListOfJobs_";

	SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);

	//To check the job status options
	//To check the job priority options

	QueryProxy<TMS_Data::ListJobsOptions, TMS_Data::ListJobs>
	query(options, sessionProxy, serviceName, machineId);

	TMS_Data::ListJobs* listJobs_ptr = query.list();

	if(listJobs_ptr != NULL) {
		TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory_ptr ecoreFactory = TMS_Data::TMS_DataFactory::_instance();
		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < listJobs_ptr->getJobs().size(); i++) {
			TMS_Data::Job_ptr job = ecoreFactory->createJob();
			//To copy the content and not the pointer
			*job = *listJobs_ptr->getJobs().get(i);
		delete listJobs_ptr;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * \brief The getJobOutput function gets outputPath and errorPath of a job from its id
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param machineId : The Id of the machine
 * \param jobId : The Id of the job
 * \param outputInfo : The  Job object  containing the job output information (ex: outputPath and errorPath) of the job to submit
 * \param outDir : The output directory where the files will be stored (default is current directory)
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::getJobOutput(const std::string& sessionKey,
		const std::string& machineId,
		const std::string& jobId,
		JobResult& outputInfo,
		const std::string& outDir)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

	checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
	checkEmptyString(machineId, "The machine id");

	if((outDir.size()!=0)&&(!boost::filesystem::exists(outDir))) {
		throw UMSVishnuException(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAM, "The directory "+outDir+" does not exist");

	SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);
	JobOutputProxy jobOutputProxy(sessionProxy, machineId, outDir);

	outputInfo = jobOutputProxy.getJobOutPut(jobId);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * \brief The listJobs function gets a list of all submitted jobs
bInfo function gets information on a job from its id
 * \param sessionKey : The session key
 * \param machineId : The id of the machine
 * \param jobId : The id of the job
 * \param jobInfos : The resulting information on the job
 * \return int : an error code
vishnu::getJobInfo(const std::string& sessionKey,
		const std::string& machineId,
		const std::string& jobId,
		Job& jobInfo)
throw (UMSVishnuException, TMSVishnuException, UserException, SystemException) {

	checkEmptyString(sessionKey, "The session key");
	checkEmptyString(machineId, "The machine id");
	checkEmptyString(jobId, "The job id");

	SessionProxy sessionProxy(sessionKey);

	JobProxy jobProxy(sessionProxy,

	jobInfo = jobProxy.getJobInfo();

	return 0;
