Ejemplo n.º 1
int codegen_callback(int fd, hflow_t *flow, int n, htrial_t **trial)
    int i;

    if (mesg_recv(fd, &mesg) < 1)
        return -1;

    i = cglog_find(&mesg.data.fetch.cand);
    if (i < 0) {
        session_error("Could not find point from code server in log");
        return -1;
    cglog[i].status = CODEGEN_STATUS_COMPLETE;

    /* Search waitlist for index of returned point. */
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        if (trial[i]->point.id == mesg.data.fetch.cand.id) {
            flow->status = HFLOW_ACCEPT;
            return i;

    session_error("Could not find point from code server in waitlist");
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Called after search driver generates a candidate point, but before
 * that point is returned to the client API.
 * This routine should fill the flow variable appropriately and return
 * 0 upon success.  Otherwise, it should call session_error() with a
 * human-readable error message and return -1.
int codegen_generate(hflow_t *flow, htrial_t *trial)
    int i;

    i = cglog_find(&trial->point);
    if (i >= 0) {
        if (cglog[i].status == CODEGEN_STATUS_COMPLETE)
            flow->status = HFLOW_ACCEPT;

        if (cglog[i].status == CODEGEN_STATUS_REQUESTED)
            flow->status = HFLOW_WAIT;

        return 0;

    if (cglog_insert(&trial->point) != 0) {
        session_error("Internal error: Could not grow codegen log");
        return -1;

    mesg.type = HMESG_FETCH;
    mesg.status = HMESG_STATUS_OK;
    mesg.data.fetch.cand = HPOINT_INITIALIZER;
    mesg.data.fetch.best = HPOINT_INITIALIZER;
    hpoint_copy(&mesg.data.fetch.cand, &trial->point);

    if (mesg_send(sockfd, &mesg) < 1) {
        session_error( strerror(errno) );
        return -1;

    flow->status = HFLOW_WAIT;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int agg_init(hsignature_t *sig)
    const char *val;

    val = session_getcfg("AGG_FUNC");
    if (!val) {
        session_error("AGG_FUNC configuration key empty");
        return -1;
    if      (strcasecmp(val, "MIN") == 0)    agg_type = AGG_MIN;
    else if (strcasecmp(val, "MAX") == 0)    agg_type = AGG_MAX;
    else if (strcasecmp(val, "MEAN") == 0)   agg_type = AGG_MEAN;
    else if (strcasecmp(val, "MEDIAN") == 0) agg_type = AGG_MEDIAN;
    else {
        session_error("Invalide AGG_FUNC configuration value");
        return -1;

    val = session_getcfg("AGG_TIMES");
    if (!val) {
        session_error("AGG_TIMES configuration key empty");
        return -1;

    trial_per_point = atoi(val);
    if (!trial_per_point) {
        session_error("Invalid AGG_TIMES configuration value");
        return -1;

    slist = NULL;
    slist_len = 0;
    return add_storage();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Invoked once on module load.
 * This routine should return 0 on success, and -1 otherwise.
int codegen_init(hsignature_t *sig)
    const char *url;
    hcfg_t *cfg;

    url = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_TARGET_URL);
    if (!url || url[0] == '\0') {
        session_error("Destination URL for"
                      " generated code objects not specified");
        return -1;

    url = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_SERVER_URL);
    if (!url || url[0] == '\0') {
        session_error("Codegen server URL not specified");
        return -1;

    sockfd = url_connect(url);
    if (sockfd == -1) {
        session_error("Invalid codegen server URL");
        return -1;

    /* In the future, we should rewrite the code generator system to
     * avoid using hmesg_t types.  Until then, generate a fake
     * HMESG_SESSION message to maintain compatibility.

    hsignature_copy(&mesg.data.session.sig, sig);
    cfg = hcfg_alloc();
    hcfg_set(cfg, CFGKEY_SERVER_URL, session_getcfg(CFGKEY_SERVER_URL));
    hcfg_set(cfg, CFGKEY_TARGET_URL, session_getcfg(CFGKEY_TARGET_URL));
    hcfg_set(cfg, CFGKEY_REPLY_URL, session_getcfg(CFGKEY_REPLY_URL));
    hcfg_set(cfg, CFGKEY_SLAVE_LIST, session_getcfg(CFGKEY_SLAVE_LIST));
    hcfg_set(cfg, CFGKEY_SLAVE_PATH, session_getcfg(CFGKEY_SLAVE_PATH));
    mesg.data.session.cfg = cfg;

    mesg.type = HMESG_SESSION;
    mesg.status = HMESG_STATUS_REQ;
    if (mesg_send(sockfd, &mesg) < 1)
        return -1;

    if (mesg_recv(sockfd, &mesg) < 1)
        return -1;

    if (callback_generate(sockfd, codegen_callback) != 0) {
        session_error("Could not register callback for codegen plugin");
        return -1;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// We'll identify points using 7 bits for the strategy index and 24 for the
// ID the strategy is using internally. If the strategy uses an ID that
// doesn't fit in 24 bits, we'll throw an error and I have to use a freaking
// lookup table or something.
int translate_id_from_sub(int strategy_id, int point_id) {
  int new_id = point_id & POINT_ID_MASK;
  if (new_id != point_id) {
    session_error("substrategy point ID didn't fit in 24 bits");
    return -1;
  if (strategy_id < 0 || strategy_id >= MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES) {
    session_error("internal error: strategy_id outside valid range");
    return -1;
  new_id |= (strategy_id << POINT_ID_BITS);
  return new_id;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int build_user_text(void)
    const char *ptr = constraints;
    const char *end;
    int len = 0;

    while (*ptr) {
        while (isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr;
        end = ptr + strcspn(ptr, "\n");

        len += end - ptr;
        if (len < sizeof(user_text))
            strncat(user_text, ptr, end - ptr);

        while (isspace(*end)) ++end;
        if (*end) {
            len += 4;
            if (len < sizeof(user_text))
                strcat(user_text, " && ");

        if (len >= sizeof(user_text)) {
            session_error("User constraint string overflow");
            return -1;
        ptr = end;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int strategy_best(hpoint_t *point)
  if (hpoint_copy(point, &best) != 0) {
    session_error("Could not copy best point during request for best.");
    return -1;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Return the best performing point thus far in the search.
int strategy_best(hpoint_t *point)
    if (hpoint_copy(point, &best) != 0) {
        session_error("Internal error: Could not copy point.");
        return -1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void server_handle_message(ssh_session s, ssh_message m, int type, int subtype, int *state)
    int handled = 0;
    if((*state == SERVER_CONNECTED) && (type == SSH_REQUEST_AUTH) && (subtype == SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PUBLICKEY))
        ssh_public_key key = ssh_message_auth_publickey(m);
        ssh_string keystr = publickey_to_string(key);
        char *keyhash = pubkey_hash(keystr);
        int has_sig = ssh_message_auth_publickey_state(m);
        if(has_sig == SSH_PUBLICKEY_STATE_NONE)
            if(authenticate(keyhash, 1))
                //FIXME: type detection
                ssh_string algostr = ssh_string_from_char("ssh-rsa");
                ssh_message_auth_reply_pk_ok(m, algostr, keystr);
                handled = 1;
        else if(has_sig == SSH_PUBLICKEY_STATE_VALID)
            if(authenticate(keyhash, 0))
                session_event(s, "authenticated", keyhash);
                ssh_message_auth_reply_success(m, 0);
                handled = 1;
                *state = SERVER_AUTHENTICATED;
                handled = 1;
                *state = SERVER_CLOSED;
    else if((*state == SERVER_AUTHENTICATED) && (type == SSH_REQUEST_CHANNEL_OPEN) && (subtype == SSH_CHANNEL_SESSION))
        ssh_channel chan = ssh_message_channel_request_open_reply_accept(m);
            session_error(s, "open-channel");
        handled = 1;
        session_event(s, "channel-opened", NULL);
        channel_to_file(chan, 1);
        *state = SERVER_CLOSED;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int add_storage(void)
    int prev_len = slist_len;

    if (array_grow(&slist, &slist_len, sizeof(store_t)) != 0) {
        session_error("Could not allocate memory for aggregator list");
        return -1;

    while (prev_len < slist_len) {
        slist[prev_len].id = -1;
        slist[prev_len].trial = (hperf_t **) calloc(trial_per_point,
                                                    sizeof(hperf_t *));
        if (!slist[prev_len].trial) {
            session_error("Could not allocate memory for trial list");
            return -1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void context::open_session()
    _M_code = setcred();
    if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw cred_error(_M_pamh, _M_code);

    _M_code = pam_open_session(_M_pamh, 0);
    if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success)
        throw session_error(_M_pamh, _M_code);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void context::close_session()
    _M_code = pam_close_session(_M_pamh, 0);
    if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success)
        throw session_error(_M_pamh, _M_code);

    _M_code = rmcred();
    if(errc(_M_code) != errc::success) throw cred_error(_M_pamh, _M_code);
Ejemplo n.º 13
// Listen for incoming SSH connections.
// When a connection is established, write all data received to stdout.
void server_pipe(char *host, int port)
    ssh_bind b = ssh_bind_new();
    ssh_session s = ssh_new();
    ssh_bind_options_set(b, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BINDADDR, host);
    ssh_bind_options_set(b, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_BINDPORT, &port);
    ssh_bind_options_set(b, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_RSAKEY, "test-server-key");
    ssh_bind_options_set(b, SSH_BIND_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY_STR, "5");
    if(ssh_bind_listen(b) < 0)
        session_error(b, "listen");
    if(ssh_bind_accept(b, s) != SSH_OK)
        session_error(b, "accept");
    if(ssh_accept(s) < 0)
        session_error(s, "handshake");
    int state = SERVER_CONNECTED;
        ssh_message m = ssh_message_get(s);
            int type = ssh_message_type(m);
            int subtype = ssh_message_subtype(m);
            ssh_message_auth_set_methods(m, SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PUBLICKEY);
            server_handle_message(s, m, type, subtype, &state);
            if(state == SERVER_CLOSED)
            session_error(s, "session");
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * Analyze the observed performance for this configuration point.
int strategy_analyze(htrial_t *trial)
    int i;
    double perf = hperf_unify(trial->perf);

    for (i = 0; i < simplex_size; ++i) {
        if (test->vertex[i]->id == trial->point.id)
    if (i == simplex_size) {
        /* Ignore rouge vertex reports. */
        return 0;

    hperf_copy(test->vertex[i]->perf, trial->perf);
    if (hperf_cmp(test->vertex[i]->perf, test->vertex[best_test]->perf) < 0)
        best_test = i;

    if (reported == simplex_size) {
        if (pro_algorithm() != 0) {
            session_error("Internal error: PRO algorithm failure.");
            return -1;
        reported = 0;
        send_idx = 0;

    /* Update the best performing point, if necessary. */
    if (best_perf > perf) {
        best_perf = perf;
        if (hpoint_copy(&best, &trial->point) != 0) {
            session_error( strerror(errno) );
            return -1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int vertex_from_string(const char *str, hsignature_t *sig, vertex_t *result)
    int retval = 0;
    hpoint_t pt = HPOINT_INITIALIZER;

    if (!str) {
        session_error("Cannot convert null string to vertex");
        return -1;

    if (hpoint_init(&pt, sig->range_len) != 0) {
        session_error("Error initializing temporary hpoint");
        return -1;

    if (hpoint_parse(&pt, sig, str) != 0) {
        session_error("Error parsing point string");
        retval = -1;
        goto cleanup;

    if (hpoint_align(&pt, sig) != 0) {
        session_error("Error aligning point to session signature");
        retval = -1;
        goto cleanup;

    if (vertex_from_hpoint(&pt, result) != 0) {
        session_error("Error converting point to vertex");
        retval = -1;

    return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int strategy_rejected(hflow_t *flow, hpoint_t *point) {
  int strategy_id, sub_point_id, orig_point_id;
  // We always let the original sub-strategy regenerate its own point.
  orig_point_id = point->id;
  sub_point_id = translate_id_to_sub(point->id, &strategy_id);
  if (strategy_id < 0 || strategy_id >= MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES) {
    session_error("Invalid strategy ID in strategy_rejected.");
    return -1;

  if (flow->point.id == orig_point_id)
    flow->point.id = sub_point_id;
  point->id = sub_point_id;
  int result = strategies[strategy_id].rejected(flow, point);
  point->id = translate_id_from_sub(strategy_id, point->id);
  return result;
Ejemplo n.º 17
// Connect to a SSH server.
// When the connection is established, read data from stdin and send it to the server.
void client_pipe(char *host, int port)
    ssh_session s = ssh_new();
    ssh_options_set(s, SSH_OPTIONS_HOST, host);
    ssh_options_set(s, SSH_OPTIONS_PORT, &port);
    ssh_options_set(s, SSH_OPTIONS_USER, "xya");
    //ssh_options_set(s, SSH_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY_STR, "5");
    if(ssh_connect(s) != SSH_OK)
        return session_error(s, "connect");
    char *hash = pubkey_hash(ssh_get_pubkey(s));
    if(authenticate(hash, 0))
        session_event(s, "authenticated", hash);
    int keytype;
    ssh_string pub = publickey_from_file(s, "test-client-key.pub", &keytype);
        session_error(s, "open-public-key");
    if(SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS != ssh_userauth_offer_pubkey(s, NULL, keytype, pub))
        session_error(s, "offer-public-key");
    ssh_private_key priv = privatekey_from_file(s, "test-client-key", keytype, NULL);
        session_error(s, "open-private-key");
    if(SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS != ssh_userauth_pubkey(s, NULL, pub, priv))
        session_error(s, "user-auth");
    ssh_channel chan = channel_new(s);
        session_error(s, "create-channel");
    if(channel_open_session(chan) < 0)
        session_error(s, "open-channel");
    session_event(s, "channel-opened", NULL);
    channel_from_file(chan, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * Generate a new candidate configuration point.
int strategy_generate(hflow_t *flow, hpoint_t *point)
    if (send_idx == simplex_size || state == SIMPLEX_STATE_CONVERGED) {
        flow->status = HFLOW_WAIT;
        return 0;

    test->vertex[send_idx]->id = next_id;
    if (vertex_to_hpoint(test->vertex[send_idx], point) != 0) {
        session_error( strerror(errno) );
        return -1;

    flow->status = HFLOW_ACCEPT;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
// request executes an SNMP GETBULK request.
char *request(void *sessp, long max_repetitions, oid *name, size_t name_length, struct snmp_pdu **response) {
	struct snmp_pdu *request = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETBULK);
	request->non_repeaters = NON_REPEATERS;
	request->max_repetitions = max_repetitions;
	snmp_add_null_var(request, name, name_length);
	int status = snmp_sess_synch_response(sessp, request, response);
	if (status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
		char *errstr = session_error(sessp);
		char *err = NULL;
		int failure = asprintf(&err, "SNMP request error: %s", errstr);
		if (failure == -1) {
			err = errstr;
		} else {
		return err;

	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 20
int assign_scores(double *scores) {
  int istrat;
  int isubtrial;
  int usage_counts[MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES];
  int result_counts[MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES];
  subtrial_t *subtrial;
  double best_score = -1.0;
  int best_strategy = -1;

  memset(usage_counts, '\0', (MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES)*sizeof(int));
  memset(result_counts, '\0', (MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES)*sizeof(int));
  memset(auc, '\0', (MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES)*sizeof(int));
  for (isubtrial = 0; isubtrial < window_population; isubtrial++) {
    subtrial = window+isubtrial;
    if (subtrial->strategy_id < 0 
	|| subtrial->strategy_id >= MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES) {
      session_error("Internal error: unexpected invalid strategy id");
      return -1;
    if (subtrial->complete)
    if (subtrial->new_best) // implies complete
      auc[subtrial->strategy_id] += usage_counts[subtrial->strategy_id];
  for (istrat = 0; istrat < strat_count; istrat++) {
    // handle "unused" and "used but no results" separately
    if (usage_counts[istrat] == 0) {
      scores[istrat] = INFINITY;
    } else {
      double nuses = (double) usage_counts[istrat];
      double nresults = (double) result_counts[istrat];
      scores[istrat] = 2.0 * auc[istrat] / nresults / (nresults + 1.0);
      scores[istrat] += explore_factor / sqrt(nuses);
    if (scores[istrat] > best_score)
      best_strategy = istrat;
  return best_strategy;
Ejemplo n.º 21
gboolean session_timeout(gpointer data){
Session *s;
GgServer *serv;

	s=(Session *)data;

	g_warning(N_("Session timeout for %s"),s->jid);

		g_warning(N_("Timeout for server %u - failure count: %d"),
			g_list_position(gg_servers, s->current_server),
	} else {
		g_warning(N_("Timeout for hub %u"),
			g_list_position(gg_servers, s->current_server));

	return session_error(s);
Ejemplo n.º 22
int init_sliding_window(void) {
  int i;

  if (window != NULL) {
    // this is a restart, so we need to reset the old contents
    // we free the old buffer because the size might have changed
  window = (subtrial_t *) malloc(window_size * sizeof(subtrial_t));
  if (!window) {
    session_error("Couldn't allocate memory for sliding window.");
    return -1;

  for (i = 0; i < window_size; i++) {
    window[i].strategy_id = -1;
  window_population = 0;
  window_next = 0;
  requests_outstanding = 0;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * Regenerate a point deemed invalid by a later plug-in.
int strategy_rejected(hflow_t *flow, hpoint_t *point)
    int i;
    hpoint_t *hint = &flow->point;

    /* Find the rejected vertex. */
    for (i = 0; i < simplex_size; ++i) {
        if (test->vertex[i]->id == point->id)
    if (i == simplex_size) {
        session_error("Internal error: Could not find rejected point.");
        return -1;

    if (hint && hint->id != -1) {
        int orig_id = point->id;

        /* Update our state to include the hint point. */
        if (vertex_from_hpoint(hint, test->vertex[i]) != 0) {
            session_error("Internal error: Could not make vertex from point.");
            return -1;

        if (hpoint_copy(point, hint) != 0) {
            session_error("Internal error: Could not copy point.");
            return -1;
        point->id = orig_id;
    else {
        if (reject_type == REJECT_METHOD_PENALTY) {
            /* Apply an infinite penalty to the invalid point and
             * allow the algorithm to determine the next point to try.

            if (reported == simplex_size) {
                if (pro_algorithm() != 0) {
                    session_error("Internal error: PRO algorithm failure.");
                    return -1;
                reported = 0;
                send_idx = 0;
                i = 0;

            if (send_idx == simplex_size) {
                flow->status = HFLOW_WAIT;
                return 0;

            test->vertex[send_idx]->id = next_id;
            if (vertex_to_hpoint(test->vertex[send_idx], point) != 0) {
                session_error("Internal error: Could not make point"
                              " from vertex.");
                return -1;
        else if (reject_type == REJECT_METHOD_RANDOM) {
            /* Replace the rejected point with a random point. */
            if (vertex_to_hpoint(test->vertex[i], point) != 0) {
                session_error("Internal error: Could not make point"
                              " from vertex.");
                return -1;
    flow->status = HFLOW_ACCEPT;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int strategy_cfg(hsignature_t *sig)
    const char *cfgval;
    char *endp;

    init_method = SIMPLEX_INIT_CENTER; /* Default value. */
    cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_INIT_METHOD);
    if (cfgval) {
        if (strcasecmp(cfgval, "center") == 0) {
            init_method = SIMPLEX_INIT_CENTER;
        else if (strcasecmp(cfgval, "random") == 0) {
            init_method = SIMPLEX_INIT_RANDOM;
        else if (strcasecmp(cfgval, "point") == 0) {
            init_method = SIMPLEX_INIT_POINT;
        else {
            session_error("Invalid value for "
                          CFGKEY_INIT_METHOD " configuration key.");
            return -1;

    /* CFGKEY_INIT_POINT will override CFGKEY_INIT_METHOD if necessary. */
    cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_INIT_POINT);
    if (cfgval) {
        init_method = SIMPLEX_INIT_POINT;

    cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_INIT_PERCENT);
    if (cfgval) {
        init_percent = strtod(cfgval, &endp);
        if (*endp != '\0') {
            session_error("Invalid value for " CFGKEY_INIT_PERCENT
                          " configuration key.");
            return -1;
        if (init_percent <= 0 || init_percent > 1) {
            session_error("Configuration key " CFGKEY_INIT_PERCENT
                          " must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (exclusive).");
            return -1;

    cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_REJECT_METHOD);
    if (cfgval) {
        if (strcasecmp(cfgval, "penalty") == 0) {
            reject_type = REJECT_METHOD_PENALTY;
        else if (strcasecmp(cfgval, "random") == 0) {
            reject_type = REJECT_METHOD_RANDOM;
        else {
            session_error("Invalid value for "
                          CFGKEY_REJECT_METHOD " configuration key.");
            return -1;

    cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_REFLECT);
    if (cfgval) {
        reflect = strtod(cfgval, &endp);
        if (*endp != '\0') {
            session_error("Invalid value for " CFGKEY_REFLECT
                          " configuration key.");
            return -1;
        if (reflect <= 0.0) {
            session_error("Configuration key " CFGKEY_REFLECT
                          " must be positive.");
            return -1;

    cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_EXPAND);
    if (cfgval) {
        expand = strtod(cfgval, &endp);
        if (*endp != '\0') {
            session_error("Invalid value for " CFGKEY_EXPAND
                          " configuration key.");
            return -1;
        if (expand <= reflect) {
            session_error("Configuration key " CFGKEY_EXPAND
                          " must be greater than the reflect coefficient.");
            return -1;

    cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_SHRINK);
    if (cfgval) {
        shrink = strtod(cfgval, &endp);
        if (*endp != '\0') {
            session_error("Invalid value for " CFGKEY_SHRINK
                          " configuration key.");
            return -1;
        if (shrink <= 0.0 || shrink >= 1.0) {
            session_error("Configuration key " CFGKEY_SHRINK
                          " must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (exclusive).");
            return -1;

    cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_FVAL_TOL);
    if (cfgval) {
        fval_tol = strtod(cfgval, &endp);
        if (*endp != '\0') {
            session_error("Invalid value for " CFGKEY_FVAL_TOL
                          " configuration key.");
            return -1;

    cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_SIZE_TOL);
    if (cfgval) {
        size_tol = strtod(cfgval, &endp);
        if (*endp != '\0') {
            session_error("Invalid value for " CFGKEY_SIZE_TOL
                          " configuration key.");
            return -1;
    else {
        /* Default stopping criteria: 0.5% of dist(vertex_min, vertex_max). */
        size_tol = vertex_dist(vertex_min(), vertex_max()) * 0.005;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
int strategy_analyze(htrial_t *trial) {
  // find the relevant subtrial
  // for now I'm being dumb about searching the window, because it's small
  int window_entry;
  for (window_entry = 0; window_entry < window_size; window_entry++) {
    if (window[window_entry].point_id == trial->point.id)
  if (window_entry == window_size)
    // i'm not responsible for this
    return 0;

  // indicate that this point is complete
  window[window_entry].complete = 1;

  // track global optimum
  // TODO use hperf_cmp to make this suitable for multi-objective search
  if (hperf_unify(trial->perf) < best_perf) {
    if (hpoint_copy(&best, &trial->point) < 0) {
      session_error("failed to copy new global optimum");
      return -1;
    best_perf = hperf_unify(trial->perf);
    window[window_entry].new_best = 1;

  // decrement count of outstanding generates

  // now pass the result to the sub-strategies

  // We call strategy_analyze from the strategy that generated the point,
  // and strategy_hint for all other strategies. Their interfaces are
  // identical, so a new strategy can just define strategy_hint to call
  // strategy_analyze if it doesn't need to match with a point it's found.

  int strategy_id, sub_point_id;
  sub_point_id = translate_id_to_sub(trial->point.id, &strategy_id);
  if (strategy_id < 0 || strategy_id >= MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES) {
    session_error("Invalid strategy ID in strategy_analyze.");
    return -1;
  // call "analyze" for originating strategy
  // have to bend over backwards to respect "const" qualifier on trial->point
  // while still giving the substrategy the id it expects
  htrial_t trial_clone;
  hpoint_t point_clone;
  if (hpoint_copy(&point_clone, &trial->point) < 0) {
    session_error("Failed to copy point for substrategy");
    return -1;
  point_clone.id = sub_point_id;
  if (hpoint_copy((hpoint_t *)&trial_clone.point, &point_clone) < 0) {
    session_error("Failed second point copy for substrategy");
    return -1;
  trial_clone.perf = trial->perf;  // pointer copy; any reason to clone?
  int result = strategies[strategy_id].analyze(&trial_clone);
  if (result < 0)
    return -1;

  // call "hint" for all others
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < strat_count; i++)
    if (i != strategy_id) {
      if (strategies[i].hint(trial) < 0)
	return -1;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
char *call_omega_calc(const char *cmd)
    static char *buf = NULL;
    static int buf_cap = 4096;
    char *child_argv[2];
    char *ptr;
    pid_t oc_pid;
    int fd, count;

    if (buf == NULL) {
        buf = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * buf_cap);
        if (!buf)
            return NULL;

    child_argv[0] = (char *) omega_bin;
    child_argv[1] = NULL;
    fd = socket_launch(omega_bin, child_argv, &oc_pid);
    if (!fd) {
        session_error("Could not launch Omega Calculator");
        return NULL;

    if (socket_write(fd, cmd, strlen(cmd)) < 0) {
        session_error("Could not send command to Omega Calculator");
        return NULL;

    if (shutdown(fd, SHUT_WR) != 0) {
        session_error("Internal error: Could not shutdown write to Omega");
        return NULL;

    ptr = buf;
    while ( (count = socket_read(fd, ptr, buf_cap - (buf - ptr))) > 0) {
        ptr += count;
        if (ptr == buf + buf_cap) {
            if (array_grow(&buf, &buf_cap, sizeof(char)) != 0) {
                session_error("Internal error: Could not grow buffer for"
                              " Omega Calculator input");
                return NULL;
            ptr = buf + strlen(buf);
        *ptr = '\0';
    if (count < 0) {
        session_error("Could not read output from Omega Calculator");
        return NULL;

    if (close(fd) != 0) {
        session_error("Internal error: Could not close Omega socket");
        return NULL;

    if (waitpid(oc_pid, NULL, 0) != oc_pid) {
        session_error("Internal error: Could not reap Omega process");
        return NULL;

    return buf;
Ejemplo n.º 27
/* XXX - We don't actually update the session signature just yet,
 * resulting in correct, but less optimal point generation.
int update_bounds(hsignature_t *sig)
    char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN];
    char *retstr;
    int i, retval;

    for (i = 0; i < local_sig.range_len; ++i) {
        hrange_t *range = &local_sig.range[i];

        /* Write the domain text with variable constraints to the file */
        snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
                 "symbolic %s;\n"
                 "D:={[%s]: %s && %s};\n"
                 "range D;",
                 range->name, vars_text, bounds_text, user_text);

        /* Call omega calculator */
        retstr = call_omega_calc(cmd);
        if (!retstr)
            return -1;

        /* Parse the result */
        while (*retstr) {
            if (strncmp(">>>", retstr, 3) == 0)
                goto nextline; /* Skip echo lines. */

            switch (range->type) {
            case HVAL_INT:
                retval = sscanf(retstr, "{ %ld <= %*s <= %ld }\n",
                                &range->bounds.i.min, &range->bounds.i.max);

            case HVAL_REAL:
                retval = sscanf(retstr, "{ %lf <= %*s <= %lf }\n",
                                &range->bounds.r.min, &range->bounds.r.max);

            case HVAL_STR:
                session_error("Constraint layer cannot handle string types");
                return -1;

            if (retval != 2)
                fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected Omega Calculator output: %.*s\n",
                        (int) strcspn(retstr, "\n"), retstr);

            retstr += strcspn(retstr, "\n");
            if (*retstr)
        if (retval != 2) {
            session_error("Error parsing Omega Calculator output");
            return -1;

    if (!quiet) {
        if (!hsignature_equal(sig, &local_sig)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "For the given constraints, we suggest re-running"
                    " the session with these bounds:\n");

            for (i = 0; i < local_sig.range_len; ++i) {
                hrange_t *range = &local_sig.range[i];

                switch (range->type) {
                case HVAL_INT:
                    fprintf(stderr, "INT %s = {%ld, %ld, %ld}\n",
                case HVAL_REAL:
                    fprintf(stderr, "REAL %s = {%lf, %lf, %lf}\n",
                case HVAL_STR:
                    return -1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
int strategy_generate(hflow_t *flow, hpoint_t *point) {
  double scores[MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES];

  // don't let the generates get too far ahead of the analyses; otherwise
  // we might wind up chasing down a strategy that is doing poorly
  if (requests_outstanding > MAX_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING) {
    flow->status = HFLOW_WAIT;
    return 0;

  int best_strategy = assign_scores(scores);
  if (best_strategy < 0) {
    // session_error set below
    return -1;
  // assign_scores tells us which strategy had the highest score. we will
  // just use that, unless that strategy wants to HFLOW_WAIT. in that case,
  // we'll go to the second best, and so forth.
  // I assume strategies won't pay attention to the "point" field in flow.
  do {
    int result = strategies[best_strategy].generate(flow, point);
    if (result < 0)
      return -1;
    if (flow->status == HFLOW_WAIT) {
      // find the next best strategy
      scores[best_strategy] = -1.0;
      best_strategy = -1;
      double best_score = -1.0;
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < strat_count; i++)
	if (scores[i] > best_score) {
	  best_score = scores[i];
	  best_strategy = i;
  } while (best_strategy >= 0 && flow->status == HFLOW_WAIT);

  if (best_strategy < 0)
    // all strategies want to wait, so we will.
    return 0;

  // best_strategy has generated a point. we modify the id so we can remember
  // who is responsible for it.
  point->id = translate_id_from_sub(best_strategy, point->id);
  if (point->id < 0)
    return -1;

  // save the request in the window
  if (window_next < 0 || window_next >= window_size 
      || window_next > window_population) {
    session_error("Invalid window_next value.");
    return -1;
  subtrial_t *subtrial = window + window_next;
  subtrial->strategy_id = best_strategy;
  subtrial->point_id = point->id;
  subtrial->complete = subtrial->new_best = 0;
  if (window_next == window_size)
    window_next = 0;
  if (window_population < window_size)

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
int strategy_init(hsignature_t *sig) {
  int retval;

  best_perf = INFINITY;

  // Load constants for sliding window and tradeoff constant
  const char *window_str = session_getcfg(WINDOW_SIZE_PARAM);
  if (!window_str)
    window_size = DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE;
  else {
    window_size = atoi(window_str);
    if (window_size <= 0) {
      session_error("Invalid " WINDOW_SIZE_PARAM);
      return -1;

  const char *tradeoff_str = session_getcfg(TRADEOFF_PARAM);
  if (!tradeoff_str)
    tradeoff = DEFAULT_TRADEOFF;
  else {
    tradeoff = atof(tradeoff_str);
    if (tradeoff <= 0.0) {
      session_error("Invalid " TRADEOFF_PARAM);
      return -1;
  explore_factor = tradeoff * sqrt(2.0 * log2((double) window_size));
  // Load the sub-strategies and run their init's in order
  const char *strats = session_getcfg(STRATEGIES_PARAM);
  if (!strats) {
    session_error("No strategy list provided in " STRATEGIES_PARAM);
    return -1;

  retval = parse_strategies(strats);
  if (retval < 0) {
		  ? errmsg 
		  : "Error parsing strategy list (allocation filed?)");
    return -1;
  if (strat_count > MAX_NUM_STRATEGIES) {
    session_error("Too many strategies specified.");
    return -1;

  best_per_strategy = (hpoint_t *) malloc(strat_count * sizeof(hpoint_t));
  best_perf_per_strategy = (double *) malloc(strat_count * sizeof(double));
  if (best_per_strategy == NULL
      || best_perf_per_strategy == NULL) {
    session_error("Couldn't allocate memory for control structures.");
    return -1;

  // code above this should be run once; below this should be run on
  // every restart---unless we want to allow window size and tradeoff
  // to change on restart?

  if (init_sliding_window() < 0) {
    return -1;

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < strat_count; i++) {
    hook_init_t init = strategies[i].init;
    if (init) {
      retval = (strategies[i].init)(sig);
      if (retval < 0)
	// sub-strategy should have called session_error
	return retval;

  // TODO I have not handled restarts; need to understand that better.

  return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 * Invoked once on strategy load.
int strategy_init(hsignature_t *sig)
    if (libvertex_init(sig) != 0) {
        session_error("Could not initialize vertex library.");
        return -1;

    if (!base) {
        const char *cfgval;
        /* One time memory allocation and/or initialization. */

        cfgval = session_getcfg(CFGKEY_SIMPLEX_SIZE);
        if (cfgval)
            simplex_size = atoi(cfgval);

        /* Make sure the simplex size is N+1 or greater. */
        if (simplex_size < sig->range_len + 1)
            simplex_size = sig->range_len + 1;

        init_point = vertex_alloc();
        if (!init_point) {
            session_error("Could not allocate memory for initial point.");
            return -1;

        test = simplex_alloc(simplex_size);
        if (!test) {
            session_error("Could not allocate memory for candidate simplex.");
            return -1;

        base = simplex_alloc(simplex_size);
        if (!base) {
            session_error("Could not allocate memory for reference simplex.");
            return -1;

        /* The best point and trial counter should only be initialized once,
         * and thus be retained across a restart.
        best = HPOINT_INITIALIZER;
        best_perf = INFINITY;
        next_id = 1;

    /* Initialization for subsequent calls to strategy_init(). */
    reported = 0;
    send_idx = 0;
    coords = sig->range_len;

    if (strategy_cfg(sig) != 0)
        return -1;

    switch (init_method) {

        vertex_rand_trim(init_point, init_percent);

        vertex_from_string(session_getcfg(CFGKEY_INIT_POINT), sig, init_point);

        session_error("Invalid initial search method.");
        return -1;
    simplex_from_vertex(init_point, init_percent, base);

    if (session_setcfg(CFGKEY_STRATEGY_CONVERGED, "0") != 0) {
        session_error("Could not set "
                      CFGKEY_STRATEGY_CONVERGED " config variable.");
        return -1;

    if (pro_next_simplex(test) != 0) {
        session_error("Could not initiate the simplex.");
        return -1;

    return 0;