Ejemplo n.º 1
void ARMCPU::initCPU(bool boot) {
    IOLog("ARMCPU::initCPU(%p): we are here to serve!\n", this);
    if(gIC) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ARMCPU::initCPU(bool boot) {
    PE_LOG("Setting active cpu state\n");
    if(gIC) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
void MacRISC2CPU::haltCPU(void)
	OSIterator 		*childIterator;
	IORegistryEntry *childEntry, *childDriver;
	IOPCIBridge		*pciDriver;
	OSData			*deviceTypeString;
	UInt32			i;

    if (bootCPU)
		// Some systems require special handling of Ultra-ATA at sleep.
		// Call UniN to prepare for that, if necessary
		uniN->callPlatformFunction ("setupUATAforSleep", false, (void *)0, (void *)0, (void *)0, (void *)0);

		// Notify our pci children to save their state
		if (!topLevelPCIBridgeCount) {
			// First build list of top level bridges - only need to do once as these don't change
			if ((childIterator = macRISC2PE->getChildIterator (gIOServicePlane)) != NULL) {
				while ((childEntry = (IORegistryEntry *)(childIterator->getNextObject ())) != NULL) {
					deviceTypeString = OSDynamicCast( OSData, childEntry->getProperty( "device_type" ));
					if (deviceTypeString) {
						if (!strcmp((const char *)deviceTypeString->getBytesNoCopy(), "pci")) {
							childDriver = childEntry->copyChildEntry(gIOServicePlane);
							if (childDriver) {
								pciDriver = OSDynamicCast( IOPCIBridge, childDriver );
								if (pciDriver)
									if (topLevelPCIBridgeCount < kMaxPCIBridges)
										// Remember this driver
										topLevelPCIBridges[topLevelPCIBridgeCount++] = pciDriver;
										kprintf ("MacRISC2CPU::haltCPU - warning, more than %d PCI bridges - cannot save/restore them all\n", kMaxPCIBridges);
		for (i = 0; i < topLevelPCIBridgeCount; i++)
			if (pciDriver = topLevelPCIBridges[i]) {
				// Got the driver - send the message
				pciDriver->setDevicePowerState (NULL, 2);

   kprintf("MacRISC2CPU::haltCPU %ld Here!\n", getCPUNumber());

Ejemplo n.º 4
bool AppleI386CPU::startCommon() {
    if (startCommonCompleted) return true;
    cpuIC = new AppleI386CPUInterruptController;
    if (cpuIC == 0) return false;
    if (cpuIC->initCPUInterruptController(1) != kIOReturnSuccess) return false;

    startCommonCompleted = true;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool ARMCPU::start(IOService* provider) {
    IOLog("ARMCPU::start: Starting ARM CPU IOKit provider...\n");
    if(!super::start(provider)) {
        panic("Failed to start super IOCPU provider");
    gIC = new ARMDumbInterruptController;
    if(!gIC) {
        panic("Failed to alloc class for dumb interrupt controller, we suck hard");

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool AppleI386CPU::start(IOService * provider)
//  kern_return_t result;

    if (!super::start(provider)) return false;

    cpuIC = new AppleI386CPUInterruptController;
    if (cpuIC == 0) return false;

    if (cpuIC->initCPUInterruptController(1) != kIOReturnSuccess)
        return false;


#ifdef NOTYET
    // Register this CPU with mach.
    result = ml_processor_register((cpu_id_t)this, 0,
                    &machProcessor, &ipi_handler, true);
    if (result == KERN_FAILURE) return false;


#ifdef NOTYET

    // Hack. Call initCPU() ourself since no one else will.
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void AppleI386CPU::initCPU(bool boot) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
void MacRISC2CPU::initCPU(bool boot)
	IOPCIBridge		*pciDriver;
	UInt32			i;

    if (!boot && bootCPU) {
		// Tell Uni-N to enter normal mode.
		uniN->callPlatformFunction (uniN_setPowerState, false, (void *)kUniNNormal,
			(void *)0, (void *)0, (void *)0);
        if (!processorSpeedChange) {

			// Notify our pci children to restore their state
			for (i = 0; i < topLevelPCIBridgeCount; i++)
				if (pciDriver = topLevelPCIBridges[i])
					// Got the driver - send the message
					pciDriver->setDevicePowerState (NULL, 3);

			if (resetOnWake && (!gPHibernateState || !*gPHibernateState)) {
				bool		doAGPRecovery;
				IOReturn	result;
				doAGPRecovery = false;
				if (macRISC2PE->atiDriver) {
					// Restore ATI config space
					if (macRISC2PE->gpuSensor) {
						// Call ATI through the sensor driver to prep for the DMA transaction
						result = macRISC2PE->gpuSensor->callPlatformFunction (ati_prepareDMATransaction, false, (void *)reserveMemDesc, 0, 0, 0);
						if (result == kIOReturnSuccess) {
							if (macRISC2PE->atiDriver && macRISC2PE->agpBridgeDriver) {
								// Issue resetAGP to turn on AGP
								// Turn off GART (turned on by resetAGP)
								macRISC2PE->agpBridgeDriver->configWrite32(macRISC2PE->agpBridgeDriver->getBridgeSpace(), 0x94, 0);

								// Call ATI to do the dummy DMA transfer as a test
								result = macRISC2PE->gpuSensor->callPlatformFunction (ati_performDMATransaction, false, (void *)reserveMemDesc, 0, 0, 0);

								// Issue resetAGP to turn off AGP (so it's in state later s/w expects)

								if (result == kIOReturnDMAError) 
									// DMA failed, to the recovery procedure
									doAGPRecovery = true;

				if (doAGPRecovery) {
					kprintf("MacRISC2CPU::initCPU - AGP recovery required, issuing cpuReset\n");
					pmu->callPlatformFunction (pmu_cpuReset, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
					while (1) /* spin waiting for restart*/ ;

			// Continue the wake process
			keyLargo->callPlatformFunction(keyLargo_restoreRegisterState, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			// Enables the interrupts for this CPU.
			if (macRISC2PE->getMachineType() == kMacRISC2TypePowerMac) {
				haveSleptMPIC = false;
				kprintf("MacRISC2CPU::initCPU %ld -> mpic->setUpForSleep off", getCPUNumber());
				mpic->callPlatformFunction(mpic_setUpForSleep, false, (void *)false, (void *)getCPUNumber(), 0, 0);

    kprintf("MacRISC2CPU::initCPU %ld Here!\n", getCPUNumber());
    // Set time base.
    if (bootCPU)
        keyLargo->callPlatformFunction(keyLargo_syncTimeBase, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    if (boot)
		if (gCPUIC)
			panic ("MacRISC2CPU: gCPUIC uninitialized for CPU %ld\n", getCPUNumber());
        // Register and enable IPIs.
        cpuNub->registerInterrupt(0, this, OSMemberFunctionCast(IOInterruptAction, this, &MacRISC2CPU::ipiHandler), 0);		// [4091924]

	// [5376988] - MPIC is no longer automatically setting priority to 0 so now must do this in all cases, not just non-boot case
	long priority = 0;
	mpic->callPlatformFunction(mpic_setCurrentTaskPriority, false, (void *)&priority, 0, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool MacRISC2CPU::start(IOService *provider)
    kern_return_t        result;
    IORegistryEntry      *cpusRegEntry, *uniNRegEntry, *mpicRegEntry, *devicetreeRegEntry;
    OSIterator           *cpusIterator;
    OSData               *tmpData;
    IOService            *service;
    const OSSymbol       *interruptControllerName;
    OSData               *interruptData;
    OSArray              *tmpArray;
    UInt32               maxCPUs, uniNVersion, physCPU;
    ml_processor_info_t  processor_info;
#if enableUserClientInterface    
	DFScontMode = 0;
    fWorkLoop = 0;
    DFS_Status = false;
    GPU_Status = kGPUHigh;
	vStepped = false;

    // callPlatformFunction symbols
    mpic_getProvider = OSSymbol::withCString("mpic_getProvider");
    mpic_getIPIVector= OSSymbol::withCString("mpic_getIPIVector");
    mpic_setCurrentTaskPriority = OSSymbol::withCString("mpic_setCurrentTaskPriority");
    mpic_setUpForSleep = OSSymbol::withCString("mpic_setUpForSleep");
    mpic_dispatchIPI = OSSymbol::withCString("mpic_dispatchIPI");
    keyLargo_restoreRegisterState = OSSymbol::withCString("keyLargo_restoreRegisterState");
    keyLargo_syncTimeBase = OSSymbol::withCString("keyLargo_syncTimeBase");
    keyLargo_saveRegisterState = OSSymbol::withCString("keyLargo_saveRegisterState");
    keyLargo_turnOffIO = OSSymbol::withCString("keyLargo_turnOffIO");
    keyLargo_writeRegUInt8 = OSSymbol::withCString("keyLargo_writeRegUInt8");
    keyLargo_getHostKeyLargo = OSSymbol::withCString("keyLargo_getHostKeyLargo");
    keyLargo_setPowerSupply = OSSymbol::withCString("setPowerSupply");
    uniN_setPowerState = OSSymbol::withCString(kUniNSetPowerState);
    uniN_setAACKDelay = OSSymbol::withCString(kUniNSetAACKDelay);
	pmu_cpuReset = OSSymbol::withCString("cpuReset");
	ati_prepareDMATransaction = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOFBPrepareDMAValueKey);
    ati_performDMATransaction = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOFBPerformDMAValueKey);
    macRISC2PE = OSDynamicCast(MacRISC2PE, getPlatform());
    if (macRISC2PE == 0) return false;
    if (!super::start(provider)) return false;

    // Get the Uni-N Version.
    uniNRegEntry = fromPath("/uni-n", gIODTPlane);
    if (uniNRegEntry == 0) return false;
    tmpData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, uniNRegEntry->getProperty("device-rev"));
    if (tmpData == 0) return false;
    uniNVersion = *(long *)tmpData->getBytesNoCopy();
    // Find out if this is the boot CPU.
    bootCPU = false;
    tmpData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, provider->getProperty("state"));
    if (tmpData == 0) return false;
    if (!strcmp((char *)tmpData->getBytesNoCopy(), "running")) bootCPU = true;

    // Count the CPUs.
    numCPUs = 0;
    cpusRegEntry = fromPath("/cpus", gIODTPlane);
    if (cpusRegEntry == 0) return false;
    cpusIterator = cpusRegEntry->getChildIterator(gIODTPlane);
    while (cpusIterator->getNextObject()) numCPUs++;
	// [3830950] - The bootCPU driver inits globals for all instances (like gCPUIC) so if we're not the
	// boot CPU driver we wait here for that driver to finish its initialization
	if ((numCPUs > 1) && !bootCPU)
		// Wait for bootCPU driver to say it's up and running
		(void) waitForService (resourceMatching ("BootCPU"));
    // Limit the number of CPUs to one if uniNVersion is 1.0.7 or less.
    if (uniNVersion < kUniNVersion107) numCPUs = 1;
    // Limit the number of CPUs by the cpu=# boot arg.
    if (PE_parse_boot_arg("cpus", &maxCPUs))
        if (numCPUs > maxCPUs) numCPUs = maxCPUs;
	ignoreSpeedChange = false;
	doSleep = false;
	topLevelPCIBridgeCount = 0;
    // Get the "flush-on-lock" property from the first cpu node.
    flushOnLock = false;
    cpusRegEntry = fromPath("/cpus/@0", gIODTPlane);
    if (cpusRegEntry == 0) return false;
    if (cpusRegEntry->getProperty("flush-on-lock") != 0) flushOnLock = true;
    // Set flushOnLock when numCPUs is not one.
    if (numCPUs != 1) flushOnLock = true;
    // If system is PowerMac3,5 (TowerG4), then set flushOnLock to disable nap
    devicetreeRegEntry = fromPath("/", gIODTPlane);
    tmpData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, devicetreeRegEntry->getProperty("model"));
    if (tmpData == 0) return false;
#if 0
    if(!strcmp((char *)tmpData->getBytesNoCopy(), "PowerMac3,5"))
        flushOnLock = true;

    // Get the physical CPU number from the "reg" property.
    tmpData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, provider->getProperty("reg"));
    if (tmpData == 0) return false;
    physCPU = *(long *)tmpData->getBytesNoCopy();

    // Get the gpio offset for soft reset from the "soft-reset" property.
    tmpData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, provider->getProperty("soft-reset"));
    if (tmpData == 0) 
        if (physCPU == 0)
            soft_reset_offset = 0x5B;
            soft_reset_offset = 0x5C;
        soft_reset_offset = *(long *)tmpData->getBytesNoCopy();
    // Get the gpio offset for timebase enable from the "timebase-enable" property.
    tmpData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, provider->getProperty("timebase-enable"));
    if (tmpData == 0) 
        timebase_enable_offset = 0x73;
        timebase_enable_offset = *(long *)tmpData->getBytesNoCopy();
	// See if reset is needed on wake
	resetOnWake = (provider->getProperty ("reset-on-wake") != NULL);
	if (resetOnWake) {
		vm_address_t reserveMem;

		reserveMem = (vm_address_t)IOMallocAligned (PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE);	// Get one page (which we keep forever)
		if (reserveMem) {			
			// map it
			reserveMemDesc = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddress (reserveMem, PAGE_SIZE, kIODirectionNone, NULL);
			if (reserveMemDesc) {
				// get the physical address
				reserveMemPhys = reserveMemDesc->getPhysicalAddress();

    // On machines with a 'vmin' property in the CPU Node we need to make sure to tell the kernel to 
    // ml_set_processor_voltage on needed processors.
    needVSetting = (provider->getProperty( "vmin" ) != 0);

    // While techincally the Apollo7PM machines do need AACK delay, it is already set in the bootROM
    // since we boot slow.  We don't want the machine to switch AACKdelay off when we run DFS high so
    // setting this to false will take care of the issue.
    needAACKDelay = false;
 	if (bootCPU)
        gCPUIC = new IOCPUInterruptController;
        if (gCPUIC == 0) return false;
        if (gCPUIC->initCPUInterruptController(numCPUs) != kIOReturnSuccess)
            return false;
    // Get the l2cr value from the property list.
    tmpData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, provider->getProperty("l2cr"));
    if (tmpData != 0)
        l2crValue = *(long *)tmpData->getBytesNoCopy() & 0x7FFFFFFF;
        l2crValue = mfl2cr() & 0x7FFFFFFF;
    // Wait for KeyLargo to show up.
    keyLargo = waitForService(serviceMatching("KeyLargo"));
    if (keyLargo == 0) return false;
    keyLargo->callPlatformFunction (keyLargo_getHostKeyLargo, false, &keyLargo, 0, 0, 0);
    if (keyLargo == 0)
        kprintf ("MacRISC2CPU::start - getHostKeyLargo returned nil\n");
        return false;

    // Wait for MPIC to show up.
    mpic = waitForService(serviceMatching("AppleMPICInterruptController"));
    if (mpic == 0) return false;
    // Set the Interrupt Properties for this cpu.
    mpic->callPlatformFunction(mpic_getProvider, false, (void *)&mpicRegEntry, 0, 0, 0);
    interruptControllerName = IODTInterruptControllerName(mpicRegEntry);
    mpic->callPlatformFunction(mpic_getIPIVector, false, (void *)&physCPU, (void *)&interruptData, 0, 0);
    if ((interruptControllerName == 0) || (interruptData == 0)) return false;
    tmpArray = OSArray::withCapacity(1);
    cpuNub->setProperty(gIOInterruptControllersKey, tmpArray);
    tmpArray = OSArray::withCapacity(1);
    cpuNub->setProperty(gIOInterruptSpecifiersKey, tmpArray);
	// necessary bootCPU initialization is done, so release other CPU drivers to do their thing
	// other drivers need to be unblocked *before* we call processor_start otherwise we deadlock
	if (bootCPU)
		publishResource ("BootCPU", this);
    if (physCPU < numCPUs)
        processor_info.cpu_id           = (cpu_id_t)this;
        processor_info.boot_cpu         = bootCPU;
        processor_info.start_paddr      = 0x0100;
        processor_info.l2cr_value       = l2crValue;
        processor_info.supports_nap     = !flushOnLock;
        processor_info.time_base_enable =
        OSMemberFunctionCast(time_base_enable_t, this, &MacRISC2CPU::enableCPUTimeBase);	// [4091924]
        // Register this CPU with mach.
        result = ml_processor_register(&processor_info, &machProcessor,	&ipi_handler);
        if (result == KERN_FAILURE) return false;

    // Before to go to sleep we wish to disable the napping mode so that the PMU
    // will not shutdown the system while going to sleep:
    service = waitForService(serviceMatching("IOPMrootDomain"));
    pmRootDomain = OSDynamicCast(IOPMrootDomain, service);
    if (pmRootDomain != 0)
        kprintf("Register MacRISC2CPU %ld to acknowledge power changes\n", getCPUNumber());
        // Join the Power Management Tree to receive setAggressiveness calls.

    // Finds PMU and UniN so in quiesce we can put the machine to sleep.
    // I can not put these calls there because quiesce runs in interrupt
    // context and waitForService may block.
    pmu = waitForService(serviceMatching("ApplePMU"));
	uniN = waitForService(serviceMatching("AppleUniN"));
    if ((pmu == 0) || (uniN == 0)) return false;

    if (macRISC2PE->hasPMon) {
            // Find the platform monitor, if present
            service = waitForService(resourceMatching("IOPlatformMonitor"));
            ioPMon = OSDynamicCast (IOPlatformMonitor, service->getProperty("IOPlatformMonitor"));
            if (!ioPMon) 
                    return false;
            ioPMonDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(2);
            if (!ioPMonDict) {
                    ioPMon = NULL;
            } else {
                    ioPMonDict->setObject (kIOPMonTypeKey, OSSymbol::withCString (kIOPMonTypeCPUCon));
                    ioPMonDict->setObject (kIOPMonCPUIDKey, OSNumber::withNumber ((long long)getCPUNumber(), 32));

                    if (messageClient (kIOPMonMessageRegister, ioPMon, (void *)ioPMonDict) != kIOReturnSuccess) {
                            // IOPMon doesn't need to know about us, so don't bother with it
                            IOLog ("MacRISC2CPU::start - failed to register cpu with IOPlatformMonitor\n");
                            ioPMon = NULL;

    if (macRISC2PE->hasPPlugin) {
		IOService		*ioPPlugin;
		OSDictionary	*ioPPluginDict;
		// Find the platform plugin, if present
		service = waitForService(resourceMatching("IOPlatformPlugin"));
		ioPPlugin = OSDynamicCast (IOService, service->getProperty("IOPlatformPlugin"));
		if (!ioPPlugin) 
			return false;
		ioPPluginDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(2);
		if (ioPPluginDict) {
			ioPPluginDict->setObject ("cpu-id", OSNumber::withNumber ((long long)getCPUNumber(), 32));

			// Register with the plugin - same API as for platform monitor
			if (messageClient (kIOPMonMessageRegister, ioPPlugin, (void *)ioPPluginDict) != kIOReturnSuccess) {
				// ioPPlugin doesn't need to know about us, so don't bother with it
				IOLog ("MacRISC2CPU::start - failed to register cpu with IOPlatformPlugin\n");
			ioPPluginDict->release();	// Not needed any more

#if enableUserClientInterface    
// UserClient stuff...
    fWorkLoop = getWorkLoop();
            IOLog("MacRISC2CPU::start ERROR: failed to find a fWorkLoop\n");
            IOLog("MacRISC2CPU::start ERROR: failed to init the timers\n");

    return true;