Ejemplo n.º 1
void Console::initDir() {
  //build root
  mRootDir = new AbsDir(pac::delim);
  AbsDir* uiDir = new AbsDir("consoleUi", mUi);
  mRootDir->addChild(uiDir, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool NetDebugReport::Process()
    wxDebugReportCompress::Process(); //compress files into zip
    wxString filename = GetCompressedFileName();
    CwdGuard setCwd( wxPathOnly( filename ) );
	wxLogMessage( filename );
	wxStringOutputStream response;
	wxStringOutputStream rheader;
	CURL *curl_handle;
	curl_handle = curl_easy_init();
	struct curl_slist* m_pHeaders = NULL;
	struct curl_httppost*   m_pPostHead = NULL;
	struct curl_httppost*   m_pPostTail = NULL;
	struct curl_forms testform[2];

	// these header lines will overwrite/add to cURL defaults
	m_pHeaders = curl_slist_append(m_pHeaders, "Expect:") ;

	testform[0].option = CURLFORM_FILE;
	//we need to keep these buffers around for curl op duration
	wxCharBuffer filename_buffer = filename.mb_str();
	testform[0].value = (const char*)filename_buffer;
	testform[1].option = CURLFORM_END;
	curl_formadd(&m_pPostHead, &m_pPostTail, CURLFORM_COPYNAME,
						   CURLFORM_ARRAY, testform, CURLFORM_END);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, m_pHeaders);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, m_url );
//	curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "SpringLobby");
	curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, wxcurl_stream_write);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&response);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, (void *)&rheader);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
	curl_easy_setopt(curl_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, m_pPostHead);

	CURLcode ret = curl_easy_perform(curl_handle);

	wxLogError( rheader.GetString()  );

  /* cleanup curl stuff */

	wxString szResponse;
	if(ret == CURLE_OK)
		szResponse = wxT("SUCCESS!\n\n");
		szResponse = wxT("FAILURE!\n\n");
	szResponse += wxFormat(wxT("\nResponse Code: %d\n\n") ) % ret;
	szResponse += rheader.GetString();
	szResponse += wxT("\n\n");
	szResponse += response.GetString();
	szResponse += wxT("\n\n");
	wxLogMessage( szResponse );

	return ret == CURLE_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * main function - executes ecerything and runs in infinite loop until stopped via CTRL+C
int main(void){
	//Initialize current time for Session-start
	//Get the username and capitalize it.
	username = getlogin();
  	username[0] = toupper(username[0]);

  	//prints a one-time welcome message

	//Handle CTRL+C and CTRL+Z 'manually'.
	//The strategy basically is: Do nothing for the parent process when there is a child-process
	signal(SIGINT, interruptHandler);
	signal(SIGTSTP, tstpHandler);

	//initializes variables for reading line and prompt-message
	char *line;
	char mashPrompt[LINE_LENGTH + 3];

	//set 'cwd' to the current work directory and set prompt-message
	snprintf(mashPrompt, sizeof(mashPrompt), "%s >> ", cwd);

	//reads lines until EOF is detected, using the GNU readline library
	while((line = readline(mashPrompt)) != NULL){
		int status;

        //If user presses enter without any character ignore the command
        if (line[0] != 0){
        	//saving commant to history, using GNU readline library

		//Forking the child process, which then handles the read line, as well as error handling.
		if ((childPID=fork())==0){
			//For child-process only; parses and executes command
			//printf("\nChild Process with %u started. Parent Process ID: %u \n", getpid(), getppid());
		}else if(childPID == -1){
			//Failure, no child process is created
			fprintf(stderr, "Unfortunately there was a little mess-up, %s\n", username);
			//For parent-process: Waits on child
			pid_t result = waitpid(childPID, &status, WUNTRACED);
			if (result == -1) {
				//waitpid was not succesfull
				fprintf(stderr, "Something under the hood went terribly wrong. Just try again, %s", username);
			} else {
				//Everything succesfully executed; Set childPID to -1, 
				//so signal-handler functions know there is no child-process running
				childPID = -1;
		//Theoretically to check if the user has changed directory. Since cd isn't built in yet, doesn't really have a function
		snprintf(mashPrompt, sizeof(mashPrompt), "%s >> ", cwd);