Ejemplo n.º 1
void updateDestinations() {
    for(int i = 0; i < company->planeCount; i++) {
        if (PLANE_IS_ACTIVE(i) && company->plane[i]->distanceLeft == 0) {
            updateMapItems(map, company->plane[i]);
            setNewTarget(map, company->plane[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void YARPComplexTrackerTool::apply (YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& src, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& dest, const YVector& jnts)
	/// check whether it's a new target first.
	_lock.Wait ();
	bool _isnew = _new_target;
	_lock.Post ();

	/// timing stuff.
	const double now = YARPTime::GetTimeAsSeconds();

	bool act_vector = false;
	/// print timing issues.
	_diff_total += now - _last_round;
	_diff_count ++;

	if (now - _last_reset > PRINT_TIME)
		printf("Time between frames in ms is %g\n", 1000 * _diff_total / _diff_count);
		_diff_count = 0;
		_diff_total = 0;
		_last_reset = now;
	_last_round = now;

	/// LATER: this might be the place to auto-reset the tracker in case that any timeout expired.
	if (now - _last_movement > 30)
		setNewTarget (ISIZE/2, ISIZE/2);

	/// a bit of copying.
	/// deals with the new target.
	if (_isnew)
		_prev.PeerCopy (_mono);
		_lock.Wait ();
		_px = _tx = _ex;
		_py = _ty = _ey;
		_new_target = false;
		_lock.Post ();

		printf("*** Got new target %d %d\n", _px, _py);
		_last_update = now;

	_tracker.SetBlockSize (BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
	_tracker.SetSearchWindowSize (SEARCH_SIZE, SEARCH_SIZE);
	_sub_tracker.SetBlockSize (BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
	_sub_tracker.SetSearchWindowSize (SEARCH_SIZE, SEARCH_SIZE);
	_gaze.update (jnts);

	if (!_isnew)
		/// not a new target set the estimated offset.
		int predx = 0, predy = 0;
		_gaze.intersectRay (YARPHeadKinematics::KIN_LEFT, _prevRay, predx, predy);

		///predx += ISIZE/2;
		///predy += ISIZE/2;

		YarpPixelBGR green (0, 255, 0);
		AddCircleOutline (dest, green, predx, predy, 5);
		AddCircleOutline (dest, green, predx, predy, 4);

		_dgx = predx - _prev_gaze_x;
		_dgy = predy - _prev_gaze_y;

		///printf ("est vel: %lf %lf\n", _dgx, _dgy);

		_tracker.SetSearchWindowOffset ((int)(_dgx+0.5), (int)(_dgy+0.5));
		_sub_tracker.SetSearchWindowOffset ((int)(_dgx+0.5), (int)(_dgy+0.5));
		_tracker.SetSearchWindowOffset (0, 0);
		_sub_tracker.SetSearchWindowOffset (0, 0);

	_tx = _px; 
	_ty = _py;

	/// checks borders.
	if (_tx < BXDX) _tx = BXDX;
	if (_tx > ISIZE-1-BXDX) _tx = ISIZE-1-BXDX;
	if (_ty < BXDX) _ty = BXDX;
	if (_ty > ISIZE-1-BXDX) _ty = ISIZE-1-BXDX;

	/// actual tracking.
	bool fell = false;
	double new_tx = ISIZE/2, new_ty = ISIZE/2, new_tx2 = ISIZE/2, new_ty2 = ISIZE/2;
	int sub_x = ISIZE/2, sub_y = ISIZE/2, sub_x2 = ISIZE/2, sub_y2 = ISIZE/2;
	_tracker.Apply (_prev, _mono, _tx, _ty);

	int x = _tx, y = _ty;
	x = _tracker.GetX();
	y = _tracker.GetY();

	/// predicted.
	double new_dx = x - (_tx + _dgx);
	double new_dy = y - (_ty + _dgy);

	/// direction of motion.
	double new_mag = sqrt (new_dx * new_dx + new_dy * new_dy);
	if (new_mag < 0.001) new_mag = 0.001;
	new_dx /= new_mag;
	new_dy /= new_mag;

	const double nscale = NSCALE;

	/// search along two directions.
	/// heuristic for exploring certain neighborhood of the current position.
	new_tx = _tx - new_dx * nscale;
	new_ty = _ty - new_dy * nscale;
	new_tx2 = _tx + new_dx * nscale;
	new_ty2 = _ty + new_dy * nscale;

	_sub_tracker.Apply (_prev, _mono, new_tx2, new_ty2);

	sub_x2 = _sub_tracker.GetX();
	sub_y2 = _sub_tracker.GetY();

	_sub_tracker.Apply (_prev, _mono, new_tx, new_ty);

	sub_x = _sub_tracker.GetX();
	sub_y = _sub_tracker.GetY();
	double sub_dx = sub_x - (new_tx + _dgx);
	double sub_dy = sub_y - (new_ty + _dgy);
	double sub_mag = sqrt (sub_dx * sub_dx + sub_dy * sub_dy);

	double sub_dx2 = sub_x2 - (new_tx2 + _dgx);
	double sub_dy2 = sub_y2 - (new_ty2 + _dgy);
	double sub_mag2 = sqrt (sub_dx2 * sub_dx2 + sub_dy2 * sub_dy2);

	if (new_mag > MAGDEFAULT)
		act_vector = true;

		if (sub_mag > MAGDEFAULT && sub_mag2 < MAGDEFAULT)
			printf("Should fall inwards\n");
			x = (int)sub_x;
			y = (int)sub_y;
			fell = true;

		if (sub_mag2 > MAGDEFAULT && sub_mag < MAGDEFAULT)
			printf("Should fall outwards\n");
			x = (int)sub_x2;
			y = (int)sub_y2;
			fell = true;

	_tx = x;
	_ty = y;

	float quality = _tracker.GetQuality();
	bool low_quality = false;

	if (quality < QTHRESHOLD)
		///printf("low match quality (%g)\n", quality);

		if (_low_q_ct < QTHR2)

		/// things are not going well.
		if (_low_q_ct > QTHR3)
			low_quality = true;
			x = _tx = _px + _dgx;
			y = _ty = _py + _dgy;
		/// ok recovering?
		_low_q_ct -= 3;
		if (_low_q_ct < 0) _low_q_ct = 0;

	_movement = false;

	/// to check for movement (of the target).
	double dist = sqrt((double)((_px-_tx)*(_px-_tx)+(_py-_ty)*(_py-_ty)));

	if (fell || (dist > 2) || (sqrt(_dgx * _dgx + _dgy * _dgy) > 2.0))
		_px = _tx; _py = _ty;

	/// target moved, all ok?
	if (dist > 5)
		_movement = true;
		_last_movement = now;

	/// computes the ray for the kin estimation.
#if defined(__QNXEurobot__)
	_gaze.computeRay (YARPEurobotHeadKin::KIN_LEFT, _prevRay, x, y); ///-ISIZE/2, y-ISIZE/2);
#else      // ----- #ifdef __QNXEurobot__  ----- 
	_gaze.computeRay (YARPBabybotHeadKin::KIN_LEFT, _prevRay, x, y); ///-ISIZE/2, y-ISIZE/2);
#endif     // ----- #ifdef __QNXEurobot__  ----- 
	_prev_gaze_x = x;
	_prev_gaze_y = y;

	///printf ("target: %d %d ray: %f %f %f\n", x, y, _prevRay(1), _prevRay(2), _prevRay(3));

	/// just a bit of display of results.
	YarpPixelBGR pix(255,0,0);

	YarpPixelBGR pixg(0,255,0);
	YarpPixelBGR pixb(0,0,255);
	YarpPixelBGR pixr(128,64,0);
	YarpPixelBGR pixk(0,0,0);
	YarpPixelBGR pixw(255,255,255);

	AddCircleOutline (dest, pixw, (int)x, (int)y, 5);
	AddCircleOutline (dest, pixk, (int)x, (int)y, 6);
	AddCircle (dest, pixk, (int)x, (int)y, 4);
	AddCrossHair (dest, pixw, (int)x+1, (int)y, 6);
	AddCrossHair (dest, pixw, (int)x-1, (int)y, 6);
	AddCrossHair (dest, pixw, (int)x, (int)y+1, 6);
	AddCrossHair (dest, pixw, (int)x, (int)y-1, 6);
	AddCrossHair (dest, pixr, (int)x, (int)y, 6);
	AddCircle (dest, pixw, (int)x, (int)y, 2);

	if (act_vector)
		AddCircle (dest, pix, (int)(new_tx + _dgx), (int)(new_ty + _dgy), 3);
		AddCircle (dest, pix, (int)(new_tx2 + _dgx), (int)(new_ty2 + _dgy), 3);
		AddCircle (dest, pixb, (int)sub_x, (int)sub_y, 2);
		AddCircle (dest, pixb, (int)sub_x2, (int)sub_y2, 2);

	_xx = x - ISIZE / 2;
	_yy = y - ISIZE / 2;