PlaneControlet::PlaneControlet( const string& name, const Ogre::Plane& plane, LinearNotifyEvent func, const Ogre::Real s ): RigidControlet( name,s ) { mNotify = func; setPlane( plane ); }
void Wall::createAnimation() { quint8 i = 0; fillCubeArray(0x00); if (m_direction) setPlane(m_axis, 0); else setPlane(m_axis, 7); for (i = 0; i < CUBE_SIZE ; i++) { if(m_abort) return; waitMs(speed()); shift(m_axis, m_direction); } Q_EMIT done(); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WriteImages::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index) { reader->openFilterGroup(this, index); setImagePrefix( reader->readString("ImagePrefix", getImagePrefix()) ); setFilePrefix( reader->readValue("FilePrefix", getFilePrefix()) ); setOutputPath( reader->readString("OutputPath", getOutputPath()) ); setColorsArrayPath( reader->readDataArrayPath("ColorsArrayPath", getColorsArrayPath()) ); setImageFormat( reader->readValue("ImageFormat", getImageFormat()) ); setPlane(reader->readValue("Plane", getPlane())); reader->closeFilterGroup(); }
void BSplineCurveForm::setCurve(BSplineCurve2D_ptr curve) { m_curve = curve; m_periodicCheckBox->setCheckState( curve->isPeriodic() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked ); m_uniformCheckBox->setCheckState( curve->isUniform() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked ); m_clampedCheckBox->setCheckState( curve->isClamped() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked ); m_degreeSpinBox->setValue( curve->getDegree() ); setPlane( m_guiManager.getParentPlane(m_curve) ); m_curveInserted = true; }
void Frustum::setCamDef(Vector3 &p, Vector3 &l, Vector3 &u) { Vector3 dir,nc,fc,X,Y,Z; Z = p - l; Z.toNormalized(); X = u * Z; X.toNormalized(); Y = Z * X; nc = p - Z * nearD; fc = p - Z * farD; ntl = nc + Y * nh - X * nw; ntr = nc + Y * nh + X * nw; nbl = nc - Y * nh - X * nw; nbr = nc - Y * nh + X * nw; ftl = fc + Y * fh - X * fw; ftr = fc + Y * fh + X * fw; fbl = fc - Y * fh - X * fw; fbr = fc - Y * fh + X * fw; setPlane(ntr,ntl,ftl,0); setPlane(nbl,nbr,fbr,1); setPlane(ntl,nbl,fbl,2); setPlane(nbr,ntr,fbr,3); setPlane(ntl,ntr,nbr,4); setPlane(ftr,ftl,fbl,5); }
void Camera::updatePlanes() { mat4 &m = mViewProj; setPlane(planes[0], m.e30 - m.e00, m.e31 - m.e01, m.e32 - m.e02, m.e33 - m.e03); // right setPlane(planes[1], m.e30 + m.e00, m.e31 + m.e01, m.e32 + m.e02, m.e33 + m.e03); // left setPlane(planes[2], m.e30 - m.e10, m.e31 - m.e11, m.e32 - m.e12, m.e33 - m.e13); // top setPlane(planes[3], m.e30 + m.e10, m.e31 + m.e11, m.e32 + m.e12, m.e33 + m.e13); // bottom setPlane(planes[4], m.e30 - m.e20, m.e31 - m.e21, m.e32 - m.e22, m.e33 - m.e23); // near setPlane(planes[5], m.e30 + m.e20, m.e31 + m.e21, m.e32 + m.e22, m.e33 + m.e23); // far }
static bool importParticleReflectionAffector(ImportContext & ctxt, const std::string & type, const DescriptionMap & d, Node * parentNode) { if(type != Consts::BEHAVIOUR_TYPE_PARTICLE_REFLECTION_AFFECTOR) return false; ParticleSystemNode * psn = convertToTNode<ParticleSystemNode>(parentNode); if(psn==nullptr) return false; auto af = new ParticleReflectionAffector(psn); const std::string s = d.getString(Consts::ATTR_PARTICLE_REFLECTION_PLANE, ""); if(!s.empty()){ std::istringstream stream(s); Geometry::Plane p; stream>>p; af->setPlane(p); }
Acad::ErrorStatus AcRectJig::acquireDefPoints() { setUserInputControls((UserInputControls) (AcEdJig::kAccept3dCoordinates | AcEdJig::kGovernedByOrthoMode | AcEdJig::kNoNegativeResponseAccepted | AcEdJig::kNullResponseAccepted | AcEdJig::kNoZeroResponseAccepted)); setPlane(); const char* prompt = "\nSpecify first corner point: "; setDispPrompt(prompt); int stat = acquirePoint(mWcsPt1); return (stat == AcEdJig::kNormal) ? Acad::eOk : Acad::eInvalidInput; }
void Loadbar::createAnimation() { fillCubeArray(0x00); for (quint8 i = 0; i < CUBE_SIZE; i++) { setPlane(m_axis, i); if(m_abort) return; waitMs(speed()); } waitMs(speed() * 2); for (quint8 i = 0; i < CUBE_SIZE; i++) { clearPlane(m_axis, i); if(m_abort) return; waitMs(speed()); } Q_EMIT done(); }
void MinimalTIFFWriter::saveBytes(dimension_size_type plane, VariantPixelBuffer& buf, dimension_size_type x, dimension_size_type y, dimension_size_type w, dimension_size_type h) { assertId(currentId, true); setPlane(plane); dimension_size_type expectedIndex = tiff::ifdIndex(seriesIFDRange, getSeries(), plane); if (ifdIndex != expectedIndex) { boost::format fmt("IFD index mismatch: actual is %1% but %2% expected"); fmt % ifdIndex % expectedIndex; throw FormatException(fmt.str()); } ifd->writeImage(buf, x, y, w, h); }
//============================================================================== void extractClipPlanes(const Mat4& mvp, Array<Plane*, 6>& planes) { // Plane equation coefficients Vec4 abcd; if(planes[Frustum::PlaneType::NEAR]) { abcd = mvp.getRow(3) + mvp.getRow(2); setPlane(abcd, *planes[Frustum::PlaneType::NEAR]); } if(planes[Frustum::PlaneType::FAR]) { abcd = mvp.getRow(3) - mvp.getRow(2); setPlane(abcd, *planes[Frustum::PlaneType::FAR]); } if(planes[Frustum::PlaneType::LEFT]) { abcd = mvp.getRow(3) + mvp.getRow(0); setPlane(abcd, *planes[Frustum::PlaneType::LEFT]); } if(planes[Frustum::PlaneType::RIGHT]) { abcd = mvp.getRow(3) - mvp.getRow(0); setPlane(abcd, *planes[Frustum::PlaneType::RIGHT]); } if(planes[Frustum::PlaneType::TOP]) { abcd = mvp.getRow(3) - mvp.getRow(1); setPlane(abcd, *planes[Frustum::PlaneType::TOP]); } if(planes[Frustum::PlaneType::BOTTOM]) { abcd = mvp.getRow(3) + mvp.getRow(1); setPlane(abcd, *planes[Frustum::PlaneType::BOTTOM]); } }
Plane::Plane(const vec3f& point0, const vec3f& point1, const vec3f& point2) { setPlane(point0, point1, point2); }
Plane::Plane(const vec3f& from, const vec3f& to) { setPlane(from, to); }
static std::vector<SupportFunctionDataItem> extractSupportFunctionDataItems( ShadowContourDataPtr data, bool ifExtractItemsByPoints_, int numMaxContours) { DEBUG_START; ASSERT(data); ASSERT(data->numContours > 0); std::vector<SupportFunctionDataItem> items; double factor = (double) data->numContours / (double) numMaxContours; int numContoursAnalyzed = 0; for (int iContour = 0; iContour < data->numContours; ++iContour) { if (numMaxContours != IF_ANALYZE_ALL_CONTOURS && numMaxContours < data->numContours && iContour != (int) floor(factor * numContoursAnalyzed)) { continue; } ++numContoursAnalyzed; SContour *contour = &data->contours[iContour]; SupportFunctionDataItemExtractor *extractor = NULL; if (ifExtractItemsByPoints_) { extractor = static_cast<SupportFunctionDataItemExtractor*>( new SupportFunctionDataItemExtractorByPoints()); } else { auto extractorByPlane = new SupportFunctionDataItemExtractorByPlane(); extractorByPlane->setPlane(contour->plane); extractor = static_cast<SupportFunctionDataItemExtractor*>( extractorByPlane); } auto itemsPortion = extractSupportFunctionDataItems(contour, extractor); items.insert(items.end(), itemsPortion.begin(), itemsPortion.end()); /* Collect items. */ } ALWAYS_PRINT(stdout, "We are analyzing only %d contours.\n", numContoursAnalyzed - 1); int iPrevZero = INT_NOT_INITIALIZED; int iCurr = 0; for (auto &item : items) { ASSERT(>iContour != INT_NOT_INITIALIZED); ASSERT(>numSidesContour != INT_NOT_INITIALIZED); ASSERT(>iSide != INT_NOT_INITIALIZED); ASSERT(>iNext == INT_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (>iSide == 0) iPrevZero = iCurr;>iNext =>iSide <>numSidesContour - 1 ? iCurr + 1 : iPrevZero; ++iCurr; } /* Check the result. */ ASSERT(checkSupportFunctionDataItemsInequality(items)); return items; }
void BSplineCurveForm::resetPlane() { // TODO change scene graph for current curve/plane // TODO needs to be reset if current plane is deleted setPlane(Plane_ptr()); }
PlanarCutTransformator::PlanarCutTransformator(arma::vec normalVec, arma::vec plainOriginVec) { setPlane(normalVec, plainOriginVec); }
// Sets up the scene void initScene() { // Set the number of ray bounces glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "MAX_BOUNCE"), 4); //--------------------- Lights // Light1 Vec3 point(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); Vec3 color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); float intensity = 2.0f; setLight(shaderProgram, "uLight1", point, color, intensity); // Light2 point = Vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); color = Vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); intensity = 0.5f; setLight(shaderProgram, "uLight2", point, color, intensity); //--------------------- Spheres // Sphere1 point = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //color = Vec3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); color = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float radius = 0.3f; Material mat; mat.ka = 0.0f; mat.kd = 0.0f; //mat.ks = 1.0f; mat.kt = 0.9f; mat.color = color; mat.matType = 2; mat.ior = 1.5; setSphere(shaderProgram, "uSphere1", point, radius, mat); // Sphere2 point = Vec3(0.6f, 0.0f, 0.0f); sphere2Pos = Vec4(point[0], point[1], point[2], 1.0f); color = Vec3(0.35f, 0.3f, 0.2f); radius = 0.2f; mat.ka = 0.1f; mat.kd = 0.8f; mat.ks = 0.2f; mat.color = color; mat.matType = 1; setSphere(shaderProgram, "uSphere2", point, radius, mat); // Sphere3 point = Vec3(0.0f, 0.61f, 0.0f); //color = Vec3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); color = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); radius = 0.3f; mat.ka = 0.0f; mat.kd = 0.0f; mat.ks = 0.9f; mat.color = color; mat.matType = 1; setSphere(shaderProgram, "uSphere3", point, radius, mat); //--------------------- Planes // Plane1 point = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f); Vec3 normal(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); color = Vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); mat.ka = 0.1f; mat.kd = 0.6f; mat.ks = 0.4f; mat.color = color; mat.matType = 0; bool checkered = false; setPlane(shaderProgram, "uPlane1", point, normal, mat, checkered); // Plane2 left point = Vec3(-4.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); normal = Vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); color = Vec3(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.0f); mat.ka = 0.1f; mat.kd = 0.6f; mat.ks = 0.4f; mat.color = color; mat.matType = 0; checkered = false; setPlane(shaderProgram, "uPlane2", point, normal, mat, checkered); // Plane3 right point = Vec3(4.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); normal = Vec3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); color = Vec3(0.0f, 0.7f, 0.0f); mat.ka = 0.1f; mat.kd = 0.6f; mat.ks = 0.4f; mat.color = color; mat.matType = 0; checkered = false; setPlane(shaderProgram, "uPlane3", point, normal, mat, checkered); // Plane4 back point = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f); normal = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); color = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f); mat.ka = 0.1f; mat.kd = 0.6f; mat.ks = 0.4f; mat.color = color; mat.matType = 0; checkered = false; setPlane(shaderProgram, "uPlane4", point, normal, mat, checkered); // Plane4 top point = Vec3(0.0f, 4.0f, 0.0f); normal = Vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); color = Vec3(0.4f, 0.0f, 0.0f); mat.ka = 0.1f; mat.kd = 0.6f; mat.ks = 0.4f; mat.color = color; mat.matType = 0; checkered = false; setPlane(shaderProgram, "uPlane5", point, normal, mat, checkered); // Plane4 bottom point = Vec3(0.0f, -3.0f, 0.0f); normal = Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); color = Vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); mat.ka = 0.1f; mat.kd = 0.6f; mat.ks = 0.4f; mat.color = color; mat.matType = 1; checkered = true; setPlane(shaderProgram, "uPlane6", point, normal, mat, checkered); }
hduPlane<T>::hduPlane(const VecType &normal, const VecType &pt) { setPlane(normal, pt); }