//rotates(point turn) the robot to reach a certain degree
void rotate(int goal, int cutOff)

	//more variables for later
	float error = 1800;
	proportion = 0;
	float Kp = 5;

	//prepares goal for use with gyro since gyro measures 10 increments for each degree
	goal *= 10;

	//carrier for the sensor value
	int gyroValue;

	//buffer in gyro units
	int buffer = 175;
	//main loop. will continue adjusting until set at right angle
	while(!((error<buffer) && (error> -buffer)))
		//preparing error...mostly magic
		gyroValue = SensorValue[gyro];
		gyroValue = adjustGyro(gyroValue);
		//error = centerGyro(goal, gyroValue);
		error = goal - gyroValue;

		if(gyroValue < goal)
			setRightDrive(-127, cutOff);
			setLeftDrive(127, cutOff);
		else if(gyroValue >goal)
			setRightDrive(127, cutOff);
			setLeftDrive(-127, cutOff);
		proportion = 127//(int)(abs(error) * Kp);
		if(error > 0)
		//when error is positive robot needs to rotate counter clockwise and if it is negative it is reversed
		setRightDrive(-proportion, cutOff);
		setLeftDrive(proportion, cutOff);
			setRightDrive(proportion, cutOff);
		setLeftDrive(-proportion, cutOff);
		//if the motors arn't moving due to low power input then check the timer else clear it
Ejemplo n.º 2
void updateDrive()
	if(abs(vexRT[Ch3]) > 10)
	if(abs(vexRT[Ch2]) > 10)
//go forward for distance(in degrees) in a straight line at heading goal
//distance is always a positive integer = the distance in inches
//goal should be 0 if comming out of a turn or it should be the current gyro heading
//base power is positive or negative depending on desired direction
void forward(int distance, int goal, int basePower, int cutOff)
	nMotorEncoder[BL] = 0;
	nMotorEncoder[BR] = 0;

	int direction;

	//sets direction for use later
	if(distance <= 0)
		direction = -1;
		direction = 1;
	//adjusts distance
	distance = (int)(51 * distance -(277*direction));
	//error variables for use later
	float error;
	float oldError = 0;
	int change = 0;

	//resets variables for use later
	proportion = 0;
	integral = 0;
	derivative = 0;

	//set constants for PID
	float Kp = 0.5;
	float Ki = 0.075;
	float Kd = 6;

	//prepares goal for use with gyro
	goal *= 10;

	//holds gyro value for future use
	int gyroValue;

	bool endLoop = false;

	int encoderLeftVal = nMotorEncoder[BL];
	int encoderRightVal = nMotorencoder[BR];

	//will loop while the average of the sides is less than the direction
		encoderLeftVal = nMotorEncoder[BL];
		encoderRightVal = nMotorencoder[BR];
		if(direction > 0)
			if(!(((nMotorEncoder[BL] + (nMotorEncoder[BR]*-1))/2) < distance))
				endLoop = true;
			if(!((nMotorEncoder[BL] + (nMotorEncoder[BR]*-1))/2 > distance))
				endLoop = true;

		//preparing error...mostly magic
		gyroValue = SensorValue[gyro];
		gyroValue = adjustGyro(gyroValue);
		error = centerGyro(goal, gyroValue);

		change = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, error, oldError);

		//subtracts(or adds a negative since change will be negaive in that case/..) to the side that is ahead
		//multiplies by direction so that change is reversed
		//when both signs are the same left is affected, when signs are different right is effected
		if((change * direction) > 0)//if change and direction are both positive or negative
			setRightDrive(basePower, cutOff);
			setLeftDrive((basePower - change), cutOff);
		else if((change * direction) < 0)//if either change or direction but not both are negative
			setRightDrive((basePower + change), cutOff);
			setLeftDrive(basePower, cutOff);
			setRightDrive(basePower, cutOff);
			setLeftDrive(basePower, cutOff);

		//sets the current error to be the old error for the next iteration
		oldError = error;

		//waits so that calculations are at even intervals
/////////////////////////////////////////////autonomous functions////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void setDrive(int magnitude, int cutOff)
	setRightDrive(magnitude, cutOff);
	setLeftDrive(magnitude, cutOff);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void setDrive(int power)