Ejemplo n.º 1
bool TCP_Transporter::connect_common(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE sockfd)
  theSocket = sockfd;
  DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Successfully set-up TCP transporter to node %d",
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool TCP_Transporter::connect_common(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE sockfd)

  theSocket = sockfd;

  DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Successfully set-up TCP transporter to node %d",
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool NetListenSocket::listenOn( ushort port )
    //Create the socket
    mSocket = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); 

    if( mSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ){
        LOG_ERRO << "Unable to create socket" << LOG_ENDL;
        return false;

    //Set the socket option to reuse the address if we are restarting the server
    //and don't want to wait for the previous server socket to time out
    int opt = 1;
    if( setsockopt( mSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)(&opt), sizeof opt ) ){
        LOG_ERRO << "Failed to setsockopt SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR 1" << LOG_ENDL;
        return false;

    //Create the address to localhost:port
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    ZeroMemory( &addr, sizeof addr );
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port = htons( port );

    //Bind the socket to the port
    if( bind( mSocket, (struct sockaddr*)(&addr), sizeof addr ) == SOCKET_ERROR ){
        LOG_ERRO << "Failed to bind() socket to port: " << port << LOG_ENDL;        
        return false;

    //Set non-blocking

    //Attempt to listen on the socket
    if( listen( mSocket, 
        LOG_ERRO << "Failed to start listening" << LOG_ENDL;
        return false;

    mStatus = Status::Listening;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
TcpServerSocket_create(const char* address, int port)
    ServerSocket serverSocket = NULL;

    int fd;

    if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) >= 0) {
        struct sockaddr_in serverAddress;

        if (!prepareServerAddress(address, port, &serverAddress)) {
            return NULL;

        int optionReuseAddr = 1;
        setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &optionReuseAddr, sizeof(int));

        if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &serverAddress, sizeof(serverAddress)) >= 0) {
            serverSocket = GLOBAL_MALLOC(sizeof(struct sServerSocket));
            serverSocket->fd = fd;
            serverSocket->backLog = 0;
        else {
            return NULL ;


        setSocketNonBlocking((Socket) serverSocket);

    return serverSocket;
Ejemplo n.º 5
API bool connectClientSocketAsync(Socket *s, int timeout)
	if(s->connected) {
		logError("Cannot connect already connected socket %d", s->fd);
		return false;

	if(s->type != SOCKET_CLIENT) {
		logError("Cannot asynchronously connect non-client socket");
		return false;

	struct addrinfo hints;
	struct addrinfo *server;
	int ret;

	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
	hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; // don't care if we use IPv4 or IPv6 to reach our destination
	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; // TCP stream sockets

	if((ret = getaddrinfo(s->host, s->port, &hints, &server)) != 0) {
		logError("Failed to look up address %s:%s: %s", s->host, s->port, gai_strerror(ret));
		return false;

	if((s->fd = socket(server->ai_family, server->ai_socktype, server->ai_protocol)) == -1) {
		logSystemError("Failed to create socket");
		return false;

	if(!setSocketNonBlocking(s->fd)) {
		logSystemError("Failed to set socket non-blocking");
		return false;

	logNotice("Asynchronously connecting client socket %d to %s:%s...", s->fd, s->host, s->port);

	if(connect(s->fd, server->ai_addr, server->ai_addrlen) < 0) { // try to connect socket
#ifdef WIN32
		if(WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINPROGRESS || WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
		if(errno == EINPROGRESS) {
			// free previous timer if present

			AsyncConnectionTimer *timer = ALLOCATE_OBJECT(AsyncConnectionTimer);
			timer->creationTime = getMicroTime();
			timer->timeout = timeout;
			s->custom = timer;

			g_queue_push_tail(connecting, s); // add to connecting list
			logInfo("Socket %d delayed connection, queueing...", s->fd);
		} else {
#ifdef WIN32
			char *error = g_win32_error_message(WSAGetLastError());
			logError("Connection for socket %d failed: %s", s->fd, error);
			logSystemError("Connection for socket %d failed", s->fd);
			return false;
	} else {
		logNotice("Direct response for asynchronous connection on socket %d", s->fd);
		s->connected = true;
		triggerEvent(s, "connected");

	return true;

API bool enableSocketPolling(Socket *socket)
	if(isSocketPollingEnabled(socket)) { // Socket with that fd is already polled
		return false;

	int *fd = ALLOCATE_OBJECT(int);
	*fd = socket->fd;

	g_hash_table_insert(poll_table, fd, socket);
	return true;

API bool isSocketPollingEnabled(Socket *socket)
	return g_hash_table_lookup(poll_table, &socket->fd) != NULL;

API bool disableSocketPolling(Socket *socket)
	return g_hash_table_remove(poll_table, &socket->fd) == true;

API void pollSockets()
	if(!polling) {
		polling = true; // set polling flag to lock our poll table in order to make this function reentrancy safe

		if(!g_queue_is_empty(connecting)) {
			GQueue *connectingSockets = g_queue_copy(connecting); // copy the connecting socket list so we may modify the list while polling
			for(GList *iter = connectingSockets->head; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
				if(pollConnectingSocket(iter->data)) { // poll the connecting socket
					// The socket should no longer be polled
					g_queue_remove(connecting, iter->data); // remove it from the original connecting queue
			g_queue_free(connectingSockets); // remove our temporary iteration list

		GList *sockets = g_hash_table_get_values(poll_table); // get a static list of sockets so we may modify the hash table while polling
		for(GList *iter = sockets; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
			Socket *poll = iter->data;
			int fd; // storage for the file descriptor that won't be available anymore in case the socket gets freed before we remove it
			if(pollSocket(poll, &fd)) { // poll the socket
				// The socket should no longer be polled
				g_hash_table_remove(poll_table, &fd); // remove it from the polling table
		g_list_free(sockets); // remove our temporary iteration list
		polling = false; // release pseudo lock on poll table

API bool isSocketsPolling()
	return polling;

API Socket *getPolledSocketByFd(int fd)
	return g_hash_table_lookup(poll_table, &fd);

 * Callback to poll all sockets signed up for polling
	triggerEvent(NULL, "sockets_polled");
	TIMER_ADD_TIMEOUT(pollInterval, poll);

 * Polls a connecting socket and notifies the caller of whether it should be removed from the connecting polling queue afterwards
 * @param socket		the connecting socket to poll
 * @result				true if the socket should be removed from the connecting polling queue after polling
static bool pollConnectingSocket(Socket *socket)
	assert(socket->type == SOCKET_CLIENT);
	assert(socket->custom != NULL);

	// Check whether the socket has timed out yet
	AsyncConnectionTimer *timer = socket->custom;

	if(getMicroTime() - timer->creationTime > timer->timeout) { // connection timed out
		logWarning("Asynchronous connection on socket %d timed out", socket->fd);
		triggerEvent(socket, "disconnect");
		return true;

	// Initialize timeout
	struct timeval tv = {0, 0};

	// Initialize write fd set
	fd_set fdset;
	FD_SET(socket->fd, &fdset);

	// Select socket for write flag (connected)
	int ret;
	if((ret = select(socket->fd + 1, NULL, &fdset, NULL, &tv)) < 0) {
#ifdef WIN32
		if(WSAGetLastError() != WSAEINTR) {
			char *error = g_win32_error_message(WSAGetLastError());
			logError("Error selecting socket %d for write flag (connected) while polling: %s", socket->fd, error);
		if(errno != EINTR) {
			logSystemError("Error selecting socket %d for write flag (connected) while polling", socket->fd);
			triggerEvent(socket, "disconnect");
			return true;

		// EINTR at this point means the socket is just not connected yet, so we can safely return and continue polling another time
		return false;
	} else if(ret > 0) { // there is a write flag on the socket
		// Socket selected for write, check if we're indeed connected
		int valopt;
		socklen_t lon = sizeof(int);
		if(getsockopt(socket->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*) (&valopt), &lon) < 0) {
			logSystemError("getsockopt() failed on socket %d", socket->fd);
			triggerEvent(socket, "disconnect");
			return true;
		} else if(valopt != 0) { // There was a connection error
			logSystemError("Asynchronous connection on socket %d failed", socket->fd);
			triggerEvent(socket, "disconnect");
			return true;

		logNotice("Asynchronously connected socket %d", socket->fd);
		socket->connected = true;
		triggerEvent(socket, "connected");
		return true;

	// the socket doesn't have a write flag, so let's just wait until it's connected
	return false;

 * Polls a socket and notifies the caller of whether it should be removed from the polling table afterwards
 * @param socket	the socket to poll
 * @param fd_p		a pointer to an integer field to which the file descriptor of the socket should be written in case the socket should be removed from the polling table and could already be freed at that time
 * @result			true if the socket should be removed from the polling table after polling
static bool pollSocket(Socket *socket, int *fd_p)
	*fd_p = socket->fd; // backup file descriptor

	if(!socket->connected) { // Socket is disconnected
		triggerEvent(socket, "disconnect");
		return true;

	if(socket->type != SOCKET_SERVER && socket->type != SOCKET_SERVER_BLOCK) {
		int ret;
		if((ret = socketReadRaw(socket, poll_buffer, SOCKET_POLL_BUFSIZE)) < 0) {
			if(socket->connected) { // socket is still connected, so the error was not fatal
				triggerEvent(socket, "error");
				return false;
			} else { // socket was disconnected either by the peer or by a fatal error
				triggerEvent(socket, "disconnect");
				return true;
		} else if(ret > 0) { // we actually read something
			triggerEvent(socket, "read", poll_buffer, ret);
		} // else nothing to read right now
	} else {
		Socket *clientSocket;

		if((clientSocket = socketAccept(socket)) != NULL) {
			triggerEvent(socket, "accept", clientSocket);
		} else {
			if(socket->connected) { // socket is still connected, so the error was not fatal
				triggerEvent(socket, "error");
				return false;
			} else { // socket was disconnected either by the peer or by a fatal error
				triggerEvent(socket, "disconnect");
				return true;

	return false;
// setSocketOptions -----------------------------------------------------------
// Set the socket options
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int setSocketOptions(short socket) {
	return setSocketNonBlocking(socket);