Ejemplo n.º 1
//Print the suffix tree as well along with setting suffix index
//So tree will be printed in DFS manner
//Each edge along with it's suffix index will be printed
void setSuffixIndexByDFS(Node *n, int labelHeight)
    if (n == NULL)  return;
    if (n->start != -1) //A non-root node
        //Print the label on edge from parent to current node
        print(n->start, *(n->end));
    int leaf = 1;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
        if (n->children[i] != NULL)
            if (leaf == 1 && n->start != -1)
                printf(" [%d]\n", n->suffixIndex);
            //Current node is not a leaf as it has outgoing
            //edges from it.
            leaf = 0;
            setSuffixIndexByDFS(n->children[i], labelHeight +
    if (leaf == 1)
        n->suffixIndex = size - labelHeight;
        printf(" [%d]\n", n->suffixIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/*Build the suffix tree and print the edge labels along with
suffixIndex. suffixIndex for leaf edges will be >= 0 and
for non-leaf edges will be -1*/
void buildSuffixTree()
    size = strlen(text);
    int i;
    rootEnd = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
    *rootEnd = - 1;
    /*Root is a special node with start and end indices as -1,
    as it has no parent from where an edge comes to root*/
    root = newNode(-1, rootEnd);
    activeNode = root; //First activeNode will be root
    for (i=0; i<size; i++)
    int labelHeight = 0;
    setSuffixIndexByDFS(root, labelHeight);
Ejemplo n.º 3
//Print the suffix tree as well along with setting suffix index
//So tree will be printed in DFS manner
//Each edge along with it's suffix index will be printed
void setSuffixIndexByDFS(Node *n, int labelHeight)
    if (n == NULL)  return;
    if (n->start != -1) //A non-root node
        //Print the label on edge from parent to current node
        //Uncomment below line to print suffix tree
        //print(n->start, *(n->end));
    int leaf = 1;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++)
        if (n->children[i] != NULL)
            //Uncomment below two lines to print suffix index
         //   if (leaf == 1 && n->start != -1)
           //     printf(" [%d]\n", n->suffixIndex);
            //Current node is not a leaf as it has outgoing
            //edges from it.
            leaf = 0;
            setSuffixIndexByDFS(n->children[i], labelHeight +
    if (leaf == 1)
        for(i= n->start; i<= *(n->end); i++)
            if(text[i] == '#')
                n->end = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
                *(n->end) = i;
        n->suffixIndex = size - labelHeight;
        //Uncomment below line to print suffix index
       // printf(" [%d]\n", n->suffixIndex);