Ejemplo n.º 1
hokuyo::Laser::open(const char * tcphost, const int tcpport)
  if (portOpen())

  // Make IO non blocking. This way there are no race conditions that
  // cause blocking when a badly behaving process does a read at the same
  // time as us. Will need to switch to blocking for writes or errors
  // occur just after a replug event.

  laser_fd_ = tcpclient_open(&tcpclient,tcphost, tcpport);//::open(port_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_NOCTTY);
  //laser_fd_ = tcpclient_open(&tcpclient,"", 10001);//::open(port_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_NOCTTY);

  read_buf_start = read_buf_end = 0;

  if (laser_fd_ < 0)
    HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::Exception, "Failed to open tcp_client: %s:%d. %s (errno = %d)", tcphost,tcpport, strerror(errno), errno);

  laser_fd_ = tcpclient.sock_desc;

    // Some models (04LX) need to be told to go into SCIP2 mode...
    // Just in case a previous failure mode has left our Hokuyo
    // spewing data, we send reset the laser to be safe.
    try {
    catch (hokuyo::Exception &e)
      // This might be a device that needs to be explicitely placed in
      // SCIP2 mode.
      // Note: Not tested: a device that is currently scanning in SCIP1.1
      // mode might not manage to switch to SCIP2.0.
      setToSCIP2(); // If this fails then it wasn't a device that could be switched to SCIP2.
      reset(); // If this one fails, it really is an error.


    queryVersionInformation(); // In preparation for calls to get various parts of the version info.
  catch (hokuyo::Exception& e)
    // These exceptions mean something failed on open and we should close
    if (laser_fd_ != -1)
    laser_fd_ = -1;
    throw e;

Ejemplo n.º 2
hokuyo::Laser::open(const char * port_name)
  if (portOpen())
  laser_port_ = fopen(port_name, "r+");
  if (laser_port_ == NULL)
    const char *extra_msg = "";
    switch (errno)
      case EACCES:
        extra_msg = "You probably don't have premission to open the port for reading and writing.";
      case ENOENT:
        extra_msg = "The requested port does not exist. Is the hokuyo connected? Was the port name misspelled?";

    HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::Exception, "Failed to open port: %s. %s (errno = %d). %s", port_name, strerror(errno), errno, extra_msg);
    laser_fd_ = fileno (laser_port_);
    if (laser_fd_ == -1)
      HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::Exception, "Failed to get file descriptor --  error = %d: %s", errno, strerror(errno));

    // Make IO non blocking. This way there are no race conditions that
    // cause blocking when a badly behaving process does a read at the same
    // time as us. Will need to switch to blocking for writes or errors
    // occur just after a replug event.
    // No error checking. This really shouldn't fail, and even if it does,
    // we aren't so badly off.
    fcntl(laser_fd_, F_SETFL, fcntl(laser_fd_,F_GETFL,0) | O_NONBLOCK);

    struct flock fl;
    fl.l_type   = F_WRLCK;
    fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
    fl.l_start = 0;
    fl.l_len   = 0;
    fl.l_pid   = getpid();

    if (fcntl(laser_fd_, F_SETLK, &fl) != 0)
      HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::Exception, "Device %s is already locked. Try 'lsof | grep %s' to find other processes that currently have the port open.", port_name, port_name);

    // Settings for USB?
    struct termios newtio;
    memset (&newtio, 0, sizeof (newtio));
    newtio.c_cflag = CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
    newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
    newtio.c_oflag = 0;
    newtio.c_lflag = ICANON;
    // activate new settings
    tcflush (laser_fd_, TCIFLUSH);
    if (tcsetattr (laser_fd_, TCSANOW, &newtio) < 0)
      HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::Exception, "Unable to set serial port attributes. The port you specified (%s) may not be a serial port.", port_name); /// @todo tcsetattr returns true if at least one attribute was set. Hence, we might not have set everything on success.
    usleep (200000);

    // Some models (04LX) need to be told to go into SCIP2 mode...
    // Just in case a previous failure mode has left our Hokuyo
    // spewing data, we send reset the laser to be safe.
    try {
    catch (hokuyo::Exception &e)
      // This might be a device that needs to be explicitely placed in
      // SCIP2 mode. 
      // Note: Not tested: a device that is currently scanning in SCIP1.1
      // mode might not manage to switch to SCIP2.0.
      setToSCIP2(); // If this fails then it wasn't a device that could be switched to SCIP2.
      reset(); // If this one fails, it really is an error.


    queryVersionInformation(); // In preparation for calls to get various parts of the version info.
  catch (hokuyo::Exception& e)
    // These exceptions mean something failed on open and we should close
    if (laser_port_ != NULL)
    laser_port_ = NULL;
    laser_fd_ = -1;
    throw e;