Ejemplo n.º 1
// public virtual [base kpTool]
// TODO: dup with kpToolPolyline but we don't want to create another level of
//       inheritance and readability.
void kpToolPolygon::endDraw (const QPoint &, const QRect &)
    qCDebug(kpLogTools) << "kpToolPolygon::endDraw()  points="
        << points ()->toList () << endl;

    // A click of the other mouse button (to finish shape, instead of adding
    // another control point) would have caused endShape() to have been
    // called in kpToolPolygonalBase::beginDraw().  The points list would now
    // be empty.  We are being called by kpTool::mouseReleaseEvent().
    if (points ()->count () == 0)

    if (points ()->count () >= kpToolPolygonalBase::MaxPoints)
        qCDebug(kpLogTools) << "\tending shape";
        endShape ();

    if (originatingMouseButton () == 0)
        setUserMessage (i18n ("Left drag another line or right click to finish."));
        setUserMessage (i18n ("Right drag another line or left click to finish."));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void kpTool::endInternal ()
    if (m_began)
        // before we can stop using the tool, we must stop the current drawing operation (if any)
        if (hasBegunShape ())
            endShapeInternal (m_currentPoint, QRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ());

        // call user virtual func
        end ();

        // clear leftover statusbar messages
        setUserMessage ();
        setUserShapePoints (currentPoint ());

        // we've stopped using the tool...
        m_began = false;

        // and so we can't be drawing with it
        m_beganDraw = false;

        if (m_mainWindow)
            kpToolToolBar *tb = m_mainWindow->toolToolBar ();
            if (tb)
                tb->hideAllToolWidgets ();

// private
void kpAbstractSelectionTool::beginDrawMove ()
    d->startMoveDragFromSelectionTopLeft =
        currentPoint () - document ()->selection ()->topLeft ();

    if (mouseButton () == 0)
        /*virtual*/setSelectionBorderForBeginDrawMove ();
        // Don't hide sel border momentarily if user is just
        // right _clicking_ selection.
        // (single shot timer)
        d->RMBMoveUpdateGUITimer->start (100/*ms*/);

    setUserMessage (cancelUserMessage ());
Ejemplo n.º 4
// virtual
void kpToolColorPicker::endDraw (const QPoint &thisPoint, const QRect &)
    const kpColor color = colorAtPixel (thisPoint);

    if (color.isValid ())
        kpToolColorPickerCommand *cmd = new kpToolColorPickerCommand (
                                                color, m_oldColor,
                                                mainWindow ());

        mainWindow ()->commandHistory ()->addCommand (cmd, false /* no exec */);
        setUserMessage (haventBegunDrawUserMessage ());
        cancelShape ();
Ejemplo n.º 5
void kpTool::beginInternal ()
    kdDebug () << "kpTool::beginInternal()" << endl;

    if (!m_began)
        // clear leftover statusbar messages
        setUserMessage ();
        m_currentPoint = currentPoint ();
        m_currentViewPoint = currentPoint (false/*view point*/);
        setUserShapePoints (m_currentPoint);

        // TODO: Audit all the code in this file - states like "m_began" &
        //       "m_beganDraw" should be set before calling user func.
        //       Also, m_currentPoint should be more frequently initialised.

        // call user virtual func
        begin ();

        // we've starting using the tool...
        m_began = true;

        // but we haven't started drawing with it
        m_beganDraw = false;

        uint keyState = KApplication::keyboardModifiers ();

        m_shiftPressed = (keyState & KApplication::ShiftModifier);
        m_controlPressed = (keyState & KApplication::ControlModifier);

        // TODO: Can't do much about ALT - unless it's always KApplication::Modifier1?
        //       Ditto for everywhere else where I set SHIFT & CTRL but not alt.
        m_altPressed = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// virtual
void kpToolColorPicker::beginDraw ()
    m_oldColor = color (m_mouseButton);

    setUserMessage (cancelUserMessage ());
Ejemplo n.º 7
void kpToolColorPicker::begin ()
    setUserMessage (haventBegunDrawUserMessage ());
Ejemplo n.º 8
void kpToolColorPicker::releasedAllButtons ()
    setUserMessage (haventBegunDrawUserMessage ());

Ejemplo n.º 9
// virtual
void kpToolColorPicker::cancelShape ()
    mainWindow ()->colorToolBar ()->setColor (m_mouseButton, m_oldColor);

    setUserMessage (i18n ("Let go of all the mouse buttons."));