	// They *should* call this...VLC does at least, correctly.

    // Release the device context stuff
	::ReleaseDC(NULL, hScrDc);
    DbgLog((LOG_TRACE, 3, TEXT("Total no. Frames written %d"), m_iFrameNumber));
	set_config_string_setting(L"last_run_performance", out);

    if (hRawBitmap)
      DeleteObject(hRawBitmap); // don't need those bytes anymore -- I think we are supposed to delete just this and not hOldBitmap

    if(pOldData) {
		pOldData = NULL;
// the default child constructor...
CPushPinDesktop::CPushPinDesktop(HRESULT *phr, CPushSourceDesktop *pFilter)
        : CSourceStream(NAME("Push Source CPushPinDesktop child/pin"), phr, pFilter, L"Capture"),
	// Get the device context of the main display, just to get some metrics for it...
	globalStart = GetTickCount();

	m_iHwndToTrack = (HWND) read_config_setting(TEXT("hwnd_to_track"), NULL, false);
	if(m_iHwndToTrack) {
	  LocalOutput("using specified hwnd no decoration: %d", m_iHwndToTrack);
	  hScrDc = GetDC(m_iHwndToTrack); // using GetDC here seemingly allows you to capture "just a window" without decoration
	  m_bHwndTrackDecoration = false;
	} else {
      m_iHwndToTrack = (HWND) read_config_setting(TEXT("hwnd_to_track_with_window_decoration"), NULL, false);
	  if(m_iHwndToTrack) {
	    LocalOutput("using specified hwnd with decoration: %d", m_iHwndToTrack);
	    hScrDc = GetWindowDC(m_iHwndToTrack); 
	    m_bHwndTrackDecoration = true;
	  } else {
		int useForeGroundWindow = read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_foreground_window_if_1"), 0, true);
	    if(useForeGroundWindow) {
		  LocalOutput("using foreground window %d", GetForegroundWindow());
          hScrDc = GetDC(GetForegroundWindow());
	    } else {
		  // the default, just capture desktop
          // hScrDc = CreateDC(TEXT("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL); // possibly better than GetDC(0), supposed to be multi monitor?
          // LocalOutput("using the dangerous CreateDC DISPLAY\n");
	      // danger, CreateDC DC is only good as long as this particular thread is still alive...hmm...is it better for directdraw
		  hScrDc = GetDC(NULL);
	//m_iScreenBitDepth = GetTrueScreenDepth(hScrDc);
	ASSERT_RAISE(hScrDc != 0); // 0 implies failure... [if using hwnd, can mean the window is gone!]
    // Get the dimensions of the main desktop window as the default
    m_rScreen.left   = m_rScreen.top = 0;
    m_rScreen.right  = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDc, HORZRES); // NB this *fails* for dual monitor support currently... but we just get the wrong width by default, at least with aero windows 7 both can capture both monitors
    m_rScreen.bottom = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDc, VERTRES);

	// now read some custom settings...
	if(!m_iHwndToTrack) {
	} else {
	  LocalOutput("ignoring startx, starty since hwnd was specified");

	int config_width = read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_width"), 0, false);
	ASSERT_RAISE(config_width >= 0); // negatives not allowed...
	int config_height = read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_height"), 0, false);
	ASSERT_RAISE(config_height >= 0); // negatives not allowed, if it's set :)

	if(config_width > 0) {
		int desired = m_rScreen.left + config_width;
		//int max_possible = m_rScreen.right; // disabled check until I get dual monitor working. or should I allow off screen captures anyway?
		//if(desired < max_possible)
			m_rScreen.right = desired;
		//	m_rScreen.right = max_possible;
	} else {
		// leave full screen

	m_iCaptureConfigWidth = m_rScreen.right - m_rScreen.left;
	ASSERT_RAISE(m_iCaptureConfigWidth > 0);

	if(config_height > 0) {
		int desired = m_rScreen.top + config_height;
		//int max_possible = m_rScreen.bottom; // disabled, see above.
		//if(desired < max_possible)
			m_rScreen.bottom = desired;
		//	m_rScreen.bottom = max_possible;
	} else {
		// leave full screen
	m_iCaptureConfigHeight = m_rScreen.bottom - m_rScreen.top;
	ASSERT_RAISE(m_iCaptureConfigHeight > 0);

	m_iStretchToThisConfigWidth = read_config_setting(TEXT("stretch_to_width"), 0, false);
	m_iStretchToThisConfigHeight = read_config_setting(TEXT("stretch_to_height"), 0, false);
	m_iStretchMode = read_config_setting(TEXT("stretch_mode_high_quality_if_1"), 0, true); // guess it's either stretch mode 0 or 1
	ASSERT_RAISE(m_iStretchToThisConfigWidth >= 0 && m_iStretchToThisConfigHeight >= 0 && m_iStretchMode >= 0); // sanity checks

	m_bUseCaptureBlt = read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_transparent_windows_including_mouse_in_non_aero_if_1_causes_annoying_mouse_flicker"), 0, true) == 1;
	m_bCaptureMouse = read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_mouse_default_1"), 1, true) == 1;

	// default 30 fps...hmm...
	int config_max_fps = read_config_setting(TEXT("default_max_fps"), 30, false); // TODO allow floats [?] when ever requested
	ASSERT_RAISE(config_max_fps > 0);	

	// m_rtFrameLength is also re-negotiated later...
  	m_rtFrameLength = UNITS / config_max_fps; 

	if(is_config_set_to_1(TEXT("track_new_x_y_coords_each_frame_if_1"))) {
		m_bReReadRegistry = 1; // takes 0.416880ms, but I thought it took more when I made it off by default :P
	if(is_config_set_to_1(TEXT("dedup_if_1"))) {
		m_bDeDupe = 1; // takes 10 or 20ms...but useful to me! :)
	m_millisToSleepBeforePollForChanges = read_config_setting(TEXT("millis_to_sleep_between_poll_for_dedupe_changes"), 10, true);

    wchar_t out[10000];
	swprintf(out, 10000, L"default/from reg read config as: %dx%d -> %dx%d (%d top %d bottom %d l %d r) %dfps, dedupe? %d, millis between dedupe polling %d, m_bReReadRegistry? %d hwnd:%d \n", 
	  m_iCaptureConfigHeight, m_iCaptureConfigWidth, getCaptureDesiredFinalHeight(), getCaptureDesiredFinalWidth(), m_rScreen.top, m_rScreen.bottom, m_rScreen.left, m_rScreen.right, config_max_fps, m_bDeDupe, m_millisToSleepBeforePollForChanges, m_bReReadRegistry, m_iHwndToTrack);

	// warmup the debugging message system
	__int64 measureDebugOutputSpeed = StartCounter();
	LocalOutput("writing a large-ish debug itself took: %.02Lf ms", GetCounterSinceStartMillis(measureDebugOutputSpeed));
	set_config_string_setting(L"last_init_config_was", out);
HRESULT CPushPinDesktop::FillBuffer(IMediaSample *pSample)
	LocalOutput("video frame requested");

	__int64 startThisRound = StartCounter();
	BYTE *pData;

    CheckPointer(pSample, E_POINTER);
	if(m_bReReadRegistry) {

	if(!ever_started) {
		// allow it to startup until Run is called...so StreamTime can work see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2469855/how-to-get-imediacontrol-run-to-start-a-file-playing-with-no-delay/2470548#2470548
		// since StreamTime anticipates that the graph's start time has already been set
		CSourceStream::m_pFilter->GetState(INFINITE, &myState);
		while(myState != State_Running) {
		  // TODO accomodate for pausing better, we're single run only currently [does VLC do pausing even?]
		  LocalOutput("sleeping till graph running for audio...");
		  m_pParent->GetState(INFINITE, &myState);	  
		ever_started = true;

    // Access the sample's data buffer

    // Make sure that we're still using video format
    ASSERT_RETURN(m_mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo);


	boolean gotNew = false; // dedupe stuff
	while(!gotNew) {

      CopyScreenToDataBlock(hScrDc, pData, (BITMAPINFO *) &(pVih->bmiHeader), pSample);
	  if(m_bDeDupe) {
			if(memcmp(pData, pOldData, pSample->GetSize())==0) { // took desktop:  10ms for 640x1152, still 100 fps uh guess...
			} else {
			  gotNew = true;
			  memcpy( /* dest */ pOldData, pData, pSample->GetSize()); // took 4ms for 640x1152, but it's worth it LOL.
			  // LODO memcmp and memcpy in the same loop LOL.
	  } else {
		// it's always new for everyone else (the typical case)
	    gotNew = true;

	// capture some debug stats (how long it took) before we add in our own arbitrary delay to enforce fps...
	long double millisThisRoundTook = GetCounterSinceStartMillis(startThisRound);
	fastestRoundMillis = min(millisThisRoundTook, fastestRoundMillis); // keep stats :)
	sumMillisTook += millisThisRoundTook;

	CRefTime now;
	CRefTime endFrame;
	now = 0;
	if((now > 0) && (now < previousFrameEndTime)) { // now > 0 to accomodate for if there is no reference graph clock at all...also at boot strap time to ignore it XXXX can negatives even ever happen anymore though?
		while(now < previousFrameEndTime) { // guarantees monotonicity too :P
		  LocalOutput("sleeping because %llu < %llu", now, previousFrameEndTime);
		// avoid a tidge of creep since we sleep until [typically] just past the previous end.
		endFrame = previousFrameEndTime + m_rtFrameLength;
	    previousFrameEndTime = endFrame;
	} else {
		// if there's no reference clock, it will "always" think it missed a frame
	  if(show_performance) {
		  if(now == 0) 
			  LocalOutput("probable none reference clock, streaming fastly");
	          LocalOutput("it missed a frame--can't keep up %d %llu %llu", countMissed++, now, previousFrameEndTime); // we don't miss time typically I don't think, unless de-dupe is turned on, or aero, or slow computer, buffering problems downstream, etc.
	  // have to add a bit here, or it will always be "it missed a frame" for the next round...forever!
	  endFrame = now + m_rtFrameLength;
	  // most of this stuff I just made up because it "sounded right"
	  //LocalOutput("checking to see if I can catch up again now: %llu previous end: %llu subtr: %llu %i", now, previousFrameEndTime, previousFrameEndTime - m_rtFrameLength, previousFrameEndTime - m_rtFrameLength);
	  if(now > (previousFrameEndTime - (long long) m_rtFrameLength)) { // do I even need a long long cast?
		// let it pretend and try to catch up, it's not quite a frame behind
        previousFrameEndTime = previousFrameEndTime + m_rtFrameLength;
	  } else {
		endFrame = now + m_rtFrameLength/2; // ?? seems to not hurt, at least...I guess
		previousFrameEndTime = endFrame;

	// accomodate for 0 to avoid startup negatives, which would kill our math on the next loop...
	previousFrameEndTime = max(0, previousFrameEndTime); 

    pSample->SetTime((REFERENCE_TIME *) &now, (REFERENCE_TIME *) &endFrame);
	//pSample->SetMediaTime((REFERENCE_TIME *)&now, (REFERENCE_TIME *) &endFrame); 
    LocalOutput("timestamping video packet as %lld -> %lld", now, endFrame);


	// Set TRUE on every sample for uncompressed frames http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd407021%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

	// only set discontinuous for the first...I think...
	pSample->SetDiscontinuity(m_iFrameNumber <= 1);

#ifdef _DEBUG
    // the swprintf costs like 0.04ms (25000 fps LOL)
	double m_fFpsSinceBeginningOfTime = ((double) m_iFrameNumber)/(GetTickCount() - globalStart)*1000;
	swprintf(out, L"done video frame! total frames: %d this one %dx%d -> (%dx%d) took: %.02Lfms, %.02f ave fps (%.02f is the theoretical max fps based on this round, ave. possible fps %.02f, fastest round fps %.02f, negotiated fps %.06f), frame missed %d", 
		m_iFrameNumber, m_iCaptureConfigHeight, m_iCaptureConfigWidth, getNegotiatedFinalWidth(), getNegotiatedFinalHeight(), millisThisRoundTook, m_fFpsSinceBeginningOfTime, 1.0*1000/millisThisRoundTook,   
		/* average */ 1.0*1000*m_iFrameNumber/sumMillisTook, 1.0*1000/fastestRoundMillis, GetFps(), countMissed);
	set_config_string_setting(L"frame_stats", out);
    return S_OK;
void outputStats() {
	wchar_t output[250];
	wsprintf(output, L"total reads %d total blips %d total overflows %d", totalSuccessFullyread , totalBlips, totalOverflows);
	set_config_string_setting(L"last_output", output);
// the default child constructor...
CPushPinDesktop::CPushPinDesktop(HRESULT *phr, CPushSourceDesktop *pFilter)
        : CSourceStream(NAME("Push Source CPushPinDesktop child/pin"), phr, pFilter, L"Capture"),
        //m_nCurrentBitDepth(32), // negotiated later...

    // Get the device context of the main display, just to get some metrics for it...
	globalStart = GetTickCount();

	m_iHwndToTrack = (HWND) read_config_setting(TEXT("hwnd_to_track"), NULL);
    hScrDc = GetDC(m_iHwndToTrack);
	m_iScreenBitDepth = GetTrueScreenDepth(hScrDc);
	ASSERT(hScrDc != 0);
	GdiSetBatchLimit(1); // disable any GDI...just in case this helps anybody...

    // Get the dimensions of the main desktop window as the default
    m_rScreen.left   = m_rScreen.top = 0;
    m_rScreen.right  = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDc, HORZRES); // NB this *fails* for dual monitor support currently... but we just get the wrong width by default, at least with aero windows 7 both can capture both monitors
    m_rScreen.bottom = GetDeviceCaps(hScrDc, VERTRES);

	// now read some custom settings...

	int config_width = read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_width"), 0);
	ASSERT(config_width >= 0); // negatives not allowed...
	int config_height = read_config_setting(TEXT("capture_height"), 0);
	ASSERT(config_height >= 0); // negatives not allowed, if it's set :)

	if(config_width > 0) {
		int desired = m_rScreen.left + config_width;
		//int max_possible = m_rScreen.right; // disabled check until I get dual monitor working. or should I allow off screen captures anyway?
		//if(desired < max_possible)
			m_rScreen.right = desired;
		//	m_rScreen.right = max_possible;
	} else {
		// leave full screen

	m_iCaptureConfigWidth = m_rScreen.right - m_rScreen.left;
	ASSERT(m_iCaptureConfigWidth  > 0);

	if(config_height > 0) {
		int desired = m_rScreen.top + config_height;
		//int max_possible = m_rScreen.bottom; // disabled, see above.
		//if(desired < max_possible)
			m_rScreen.bottom = desired;
		//	m_rScreen.bottom = max_possible;
	} else {
		// leave full screen
	m_iCaptureConfigHeight = m_rScreen.bottom - m_rScreen.top;
	ASSERT(m_iCaptureConfigHeight > 0);	

	m_iStretchToThisConfigWidth = read_config_setting(TEXT("stretch_to_width"), 0);
	m_iStretchToThisConfigHeight = read_config_setting(TEXT("stretch_to_height"), 0);
	m_iStretchMode = read_config_setting(TEXT("stretch_mode_high_quality_if_1"), 0);
	ASSERT(m_iStretchToThisConfigWidth >= 0 && m_iStretchToThisConfigHeight >= 0 && m_iStretchMode >= 0); // sanity checks

	// default 30 fps...hmm...
	int config_max_fps = read_config_setting(TEXT("default_max_fps"), 30); // TODO allow floats [?] when ever requested
	ASSERT(config_max_fps >= 0);	

	// m_rtFrameLength is also re-negotiated later...
  	m_rtFrameLength = UNITS / config_max_fps; 

	if(is_config_set_to_1(TEXT("track_new_x_y_coords_each_frame_if_1"))) {
		m_bReReadRegistry = 1; // takes 0.416880ms, but I thought it took more when I made it off by default :P
	if(is_config_set_to_1(TEXT("dedup_if_1"))) {
		m_bDeDupe = 1; // takes 10 or 20ms...but useful to me! :)
	m_millisToSleepBeforePollForChanges = read_config_setting(TEXT("millis_to_sleep_between_poll_for_dedupe_changes"), 10);

    wchar_t out[1000];
	swprintf(out, 1000, L"default/from reg read config as: %dx%d -> %dx%d (%dtop %db %dl %dr) %dfps, dedupe? %d, millis between dedupe polling %d, m_bReReadRegistry? %d \n", 
	  m_iCaptureConfigHeight, m_iCaptureConfigWidth, getCaptureDesiredFinalHeight(), getCaptureDesiredFinalWidth(), m_rScreen.top, m_rScreen.bottom, m_rScreen.left, m_rScreen.right, config_max_fps, m_bDeDupe, m_millisToSleepBeforePollForChanges, m_bReReadRegistry);

	LocalOutput(out); // warmup for the below debug :)
	__int64 measureDebugOutputSpeed = StartCounter();
	LocalOutput("writing a large-ish debug itself took: %.0Lf ms", GetCounterSinceStartMillis(measureDebugOutputSpeed));
	// does this work with flash?
	set_config_string_setting(L"last_init_config_was", out);
HRESULT CPushPinDesktop::FillBuffer(IMediaSample *pSample)
	__int64 startThisRound = StartCounter();
	BYTE *pData;

    CheckPointer(pSample, E_POINTER);
	if(m_bReReadRegistry) {

    // Access the sample's data buffer

    // Make sure that we're still using video format
    ASSERT(m_mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo);


	// for some reason the timings are messed up initially, as there's no start time at all for the first frame (?) we don't start in State_Running ?
	// race condition?
	// so don't do some calculations unless we're in State_Running
	CSourceStream::m_pFilter->GetState(INFINITE, &myState);
	bool fullyStarted = myState == State_Running;
	boolean gotNew = false;
	while(!gotNew) {

      CopyScreenToDataBlock(hScrDc, pData, (BITMAPINFO *) &(pVih->bmiHeader), pSample);
	  if(m_bDeDupe) {
			if(memcmp(pData, pOldData, pSample->GetSize())==0) { // took desktop:  10ms for 640x1152, still 100 fps uh guess...
			} else {
			  gotNew = true;
			  memcpy( /* dest */ pOldData, pData, pSample->GetSize()); // took 4ms for 640x1152, but it's worth it LOL.
			  // LODO memcmp and memcpy in the same loop LOL.
	  } else {
		// it's always new for everyone else!
	    gotNew = true;
	// capture how long it took before we add in our own arbitrary delay to enforce fps...
	long double millisThisRoundTook = GetCounterSinceStartMillis(startThisRound);
	fastestRoundMillis = min(millisThisRoundTook, fastestRoundMillis); // keep stats :)
	sumMillisTook += millisThisRoundTook;

	CRefTime now;
	CRefTime endFrame;

    // wait until we "should" send this frame out...
	if((now > 0) && (now < previousFrameEndTime)) { // now > 0 to accomodate for if there is no reference graph clock at all...also boot strap time ignore it :P
		while(now < previousFrameEndTime) { // guarantees monotonicity too :P
		// avoid a tidge of creep since we sleep until [typically] just past the previous end.
		endFrame = previousFrameEndTime + m_rtFrameLength;
	    previousFrameEndTime = endFrame;
	} else {
	    LocalOutput("it missed a frame--can't keep up %d", countMissed++); // we don't miss time typically I don't think, unless de-dupe is turned on, or aero, or slow computer, buffering problems downstream, etc.
	  // have to add a bit here, or it will always be "it missed some time" for the next round...forever!
	  endFrame = now + m_rtFrameLength;
	  // most of this stuff I just made up because it "sounded right"
	  //LocalOutput("checking to see if I can catch up again now: %llu previous end: %llu subtr: %llu %i", now, previousFrameEndTime, previousFrameEndTime - m_rtFrameLength, previousFrameEndTime - m_rtFrameLength);
	  if(now > (previousFrameEndTime - (long long) m_rtFrameLength)) { // do I need a long long cast?
		// let it pretend and try to catch up, it's not quite a frame behind
        previousFrameEndTime = previousFrameEndTime + m_rtFrameLength;
	  } else {
		endFrame = now + m_rtFrameLength/2; // ?? seems to work...I guess...
		previousFrameEndTime = endFrame;
	previousFrameEndTime = max(0, previousFrameEndTime);// avoid startup negatives, which would kill our math on the next loop...
	// LocalOutput("marking frame with timestamps: %llu %llu", now, endFrame);
    pSample->SetTime((REFERENCE_TIME *) &now, (REFERENCE_TIME *) &endFrame);
	//pSample->SetMediaTime((REFERENCE_TIME *)&now, (REFERENCE_TIME *) &endFrame); //useless seemingly

	if(fullyStarted) {

	// Set TRUE on every sample for uncompressed frames http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd407021%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

	// only set discontinuous for the first...I think...
	pSample->SetDiscontinuity(m_iFrameNumber <= 1);

    // the swprintf costs like 0.04ms (25000 fps LOL)
	m_fFpsSinceBeginningOfTime = ((double) m_iFrameNumber)/(GetTickCount() - globalStart)*1000;
	swprintf(out, L"done frame! total frames: %d this one %dx%d -> (%dx%d) took: %.02Lfms, %.02f ave fps (%.02f is the theoretical max fps based on this round, ave. possible fps %.02f, fastest round fps %.02f, negotiated fps %.06f), frame missed %d", 
		m_iFrameNumber, m_iCaptureConfigHeight, m_iCaptureConfigWidth, getNegotiatedFinalWidth(), getNegotiatedFinalHeight(), millisThisRoundTook, m_fFpsSinceBeginningOfTime, 1.0*1000/millisThisRoundTook,   
		/* average */ 1.0*1000*m_iFrameNumber/sumMillisTook, 1.0*1000/fastestRoundMillis, GetFps(), countMissed);
//#ifdef _DEBUG // probably not worth it but we do hit this a lot...hmm...
	set_config_string_setting(L"frame_stats", out);
    return S_OK;