Ejemplo n.º 1
static int do_git_load(git_repository *repo, const char *branch)
	int ret;
	git_object *object;
	git_commit *commit;
	git_tree *tree;

	ret = find_commit(repo, branch, &commit);
	if (ret)
		return ret;
	if (git_commit_tree(&tree, commit))
		return report_error("Could not look up tree of commit in branch '%s'", branch);
	ret = load_dives_from_tree(repo, tree);
	if (!ret)
	git_object_free((git_object *)tree);
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int do_git_load(git_repository *repo, const char *branch)
	int ret;
	git_object *object;
	git_commit *commit;
	git_tree *tree;

	if (git_revparse_single(&object, repo, branch))
		return report_error("Unable to look up revision '%s'", branch);
	if (git_object_peel((git_object **)&commit, object, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT))
		return report_error("Revision '%s' is not a valid commit", branch);
	if (git_commit_tree(&tree, commit))
		return report_error("Could not look up tree of commit in branch '%s'", branch);
	ret = load_dives_from_tree(repo, tree);
	if (!ret)
	git_object_free((git_object *)tree);
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int do_git_load(git_repository *repo, const char *branch)
	int ret;
	git_commit *commit;
	git_tree *tree;

	git_storage_update_progress(false, "do_git_load, find the commit");
	ret = find_commit(repo, branch, &commit);
	if (ret)
		return ret;
	git_storage_update_progress(false, "git commit tree");
	if (git_commit_tree(&tree, commit))
		return report_error("Could not look up tree of commit in branch '%s'", branch);
	git_storage_update_progress(false, "load dives from tree");
	ret = load_dives_from_tree(repo, tree);
	if (!ret)
	git_object_free((git_object *)tree);
	git_storage_update_progress(false, "done do_git_load");
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int try_to_git_merge(git_repository *repo, git_reference *local, git_reference *remote, git_oid *base, const git_oid *local_id, const git_oid *remote_id)
	git_tree *local_tree, *remote_tree, *base_tree;
	git_commit *local_commit, *remote_commit, *base_commit;
	git_index *merged_index;
	git_merge_options merge_options;

	if (verbose) {
		char outlocal[41], outremote[41];
		outlocal[40] = outremote[40] = 0;
		git_oid_fmt(outlocal, local_id);
		git_oid_fmt(outremote, remote_id);
		fprintf(stderr, "trying to merge local SHA %s remote SHA %s\n", outlocal, outremote);

	git_merge_init_options(&merge_options, GIT_MERGE_OPTIONS_VERSION);
	merge_options.tree_flags = GIT_MERGE_TREE_FIND_RENAMES;
	merge_options.flags = GIT_MERGE_TREE_FIND_RENAMES;
	merge_options.file_favor = GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_UNION;
	merge_options.rename_threshold = 100;
	if (git_commit_lookup(&local_commit, repo, local_id))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: can't get commit (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_commit_tree(&local_tree, local_commit))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: failed local tree lookup (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_commit_lookup(&remote_commit, repo, remote_id))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: can't get commit (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_commit_tree(&remote_tree, remote_commit))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: failed remote tree lookup (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_commit_lookup(&base_commit, repo, base))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: can't get commit: (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_commit_tree(&base_tree, base_commit))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: failed base tree lookup: (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_merge_trees(&merged_index, repo, base_tree, local_tree, remote_tree, &merge_options))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: merge failed (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_index_has_conflicts(merged_index)) {
		int error;
		const git_index_entry *ancestor = NULL,
				*ours = NULL,
				*theirs = NULL;
		git_index_conflict_iterator *iter = NULL;
		error = git_index_conflict_iterator_new(&iter, merged_index);
		while (git_index_conflict_next(&ancestor, &ours, &theirs, iter)
		       != GIT_ITEROVER) {
			/* Mark this conflict as resolved */
			fprintf(stderr, "conflict in %s / %s / %s -- ",
				ours ? ours->path : "-",
				theirs ? theirs->path : "-",
				ancestor ? ancestor->path : "-");
			if ((!ours && theirs && ancestor) ||
			    (ours && !theirs && ancestor)) {
				// the file was removed on one side or the other - just remove it
				fprintf(stderr, "looks like a delete on one side; removing the file from the index\n");
				error = git_index_remove(merged_index, ours ? ours->path : theirs->path, GIT_INDEX_STAGE_ANY);
			} else {
				error = git_index_conflict_remove(merged_index, ours ? ours->path : theirs ? theirs->path : ancestor->path);
			if (error) {
				fprintf(stderr, "error at conflict resplution (%s)", giterr_last()->message);
		report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: merge conflict - manual intervention needed"));
	git_oid merge_oid, commit_oid;
	git_tree *merged_tree;
	git_signature *author;
	git_commit *commit;

	if (git_index_write_tree_to(&merge_oid, merged_index, repo))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: writing the tree failed (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_tree_lookup(&merged_tree, repo, &merge_oid))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: tree lookup failed (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_signature_default(&author, repo) < 0)
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Failed to get author: (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_commit_create_v(&commit_oid, repo, NULL, author, author, NULL, "automatic merge", merged_tree, 2, local_commit, remote_commit))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: git commit create failed (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_commit_lookup(&commit, repo, &commit_oid))
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Error: could not lookup the merge commit I just created (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_branch_is_head(local) && !git_repository_is_bare(repo)) {
		git_object *parent;
		git_reference_peel(&parent, local, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT);
		if (update_git_checkout(repo, parent, merged_tree)) {
			report_error("Warning: checked out branch is inconsistent with git data");
	if (git_reference_set_target(&local, local, &commit_oid, "Subsurface merge event"))
		return report_error("Error: failed to update branch (%s)", giterr_last()->message);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int try_to_git_merge(git_repository *repo, git_reference **local_p, git_reference *remote, git_oid *base, const git_oid *local_id, const git_oid *remote_id)
	git_tree *local_tree, *remote_tree, *base_tree;
	git_commit *local_commit, *remote_commit, *base_commit;
	git_index *merged_index;
	git_merge_options merge_options;

	if (verbose) {
		char outlocal[41], outremote[41];
		outlocal[40] = outremote[40] = 0;
		git_oid_fmt(outlocal, local_id);
		git_oid_fmt(outremote, remote_id);
		fprintf(stderr, "trying to merge local SHA %s remote SHA %s\n", outlocal, outremote);

	git_merge_init_options(&merge_options, GIT_MERGE_OPTIONS_VERSION);
	merge_options.flags = GIT_MERGE_FIND_RENAMES;
	merge_options.tree_flags = GIT_MERGE_TREE_FIND_RENAMES;
	merge_options.file_favor = GIT_MERGE_FILE_FAVOR_UNION;
	merge_options.rename_threshold = 100;
	if (git_commit_lookup(&local_commit, repo, local_id)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: can't get commit (%s)", giterr_last()->message);
		goto diverged_error;
	if (git_commit_tree(&local_tree, local_commit)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: failed local tree lookup (%s)", giterr_last()->message);
		goto diverged_error;
	if (git_commit_lookup(&remote_commit, repo, remote_id)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: can't get commit (%s)", giterr_last()->message);
		goto diverged_error;
	if (git_commit_tree(&remote_tree, remote_commit)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: failed local tree lookup (%s)", giterr_last()->message);
		goto diverged_error;
	if (git_commit_lookup(&base_commit, repo, base)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: can't get commit (%s)", giterr_last()->message);
		goto diverged_error;
	if (git_commit_tree(&base_tree, base_commit)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: failed base tree lookup (%s)", giterr_last()->message);
		goto diverged_error;
	if (git_merge_trees(&merged_index, repo, base_tree, local_tree, remote_tree, &merge_options)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: merge failed (%s)", giterr_last()->message);
		// this is the one where I want to report more detail to the user - can't quite explain why
		return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: merge failed (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);
	if (git_index_has_conflicts(merged_index)) {
		int error;
		const git_index_entry *ancestor = NULL,
				*ours = NULL,
				*theirs = NULL;
		git_index_conflict_iterator *iter = NULL;
		error = git_index_conflict_iterator_new(&iter, merged_index);
		while (git_index_conflict_next(&ancestor, &ours, &theirs, iter)
		       != GIT_ITEROVER) {
			/* Mark this conflict as resolved */
			fprintf(stderr, "conflict in %s / %s / %s -- ",
				ours ? ours->path : "-",
				theirs ? theirs->path : "-",
				ancestor ? ancestor->path : "-");
			if ((!ours && theirs && ancestor) ||
			    (ours && !theirs && ancestor)) {
				// the file was removed on one side or the other - just remove it
				fprintf(stderr, "looks like a delete on one side; removing the file from the index\n");
				error = git_index_remove(merged_index, ours ? ours->path : theirs->path, GIT_INDEX_STAGE_ANY);
			} else if (ancestor) {
				error = git_index_conflict_remove(merged_index, ours ? ours->path : theirs ? theirs->path : ancestor->path);
			if (error) {
				fprintf(stderr, "error at conflict resplution (%s)", giterr_last()->message);
		report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Cannot combine local and remote changes"));
	git_oid merge_oid, commit_oid;
	git_tree *merged_tree;
	git_signature *author;
	git_commit *commit;

	if (git_index_write_tree_to(&merge_oid, merged_index, repo))
		goto write_error;
	if (git_tree_lookup(&merged_tree, repo, &merge_oid))
		goto write_error;
	if (git_signature_default(&author, repo) < 0)
		if (git_signature_now(&author, "Subsurface", "noemail@given") < 0)
			goto write_error;
	if (git_commit_create_v(&commit_oid, repo, NULL, author, author, NULL, "automatic merge", merged_tree, 2, local_commit, remote_commit))
		goto write_error;
	if (git_commit_lookup(&commit, repo, &commit_oid))
		goto write_error;
	if (git_branch_is_head(*local_p) && !git_repository_is_bare(repo)) {
		git_object *parent;
		git_reference_peel(&parent, *local_p, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT);
		if (update_git_checkout(repo, parent, merged_tree)) {
			goto write_error;
	if (git_reference_set_target(local_p, *local_p, &commit_oid, "Subsurface merge event"))
		goto write_error;
	if (verbose)
		fprintf(stderr, "Successfully merged repositories");
	return 0;

	return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged"));

	return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Remote storage and local data diverged. Error: writing the data failed (%s)"), giterr_last()->message);