Ejemplo n.º 1
static void check_setpoint_events(struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc, struct plot_info *pi)
	int i = 0;
	pressure_t setpoint;

	setpoint.mbar = 0;
	struct event *ev = get_next_event(dc->events, "SP change");

	if (!ev)

	do {
		i = set_setpoint(pi, i, setpoint.mbar, ev->time.seconds);
		setpoint.mbar = ev->value;
		if (setpoint.mbar)
			dc->divemode = CCR;
		ev = get_next_event(ev->next, "SP change");
	} while (ev);
	set_setpoint(pi, i, setpoint.mbar, ~0u);
Ejemplo n.º 2
configuration_result* tempcont::configure(const configuration_device_section& conf, int run) {

  std::map<const std::string,std::string>::const_iterator get=conf.attributes.find("get");
  if (get!=conf.attributes.end()) {
    temp_history* h=get_history(0);
    configuration_result* res=h->as_result();
    delete h;
    return res;

  std::map<const std::string,std::string>::const_iterator set=conf.attributes.find("set");
  if (set!=conf.attributes.end()) {
    // read new temperature setpoint
    const char* temp_str=set->second.c_str();
    char* temp_str_end=NULL;
    double new_temperature=strtod(temp_str,&temp_str_end);
    if (temp_str_end!=set->second.size()+temp_str) {
      throw tempcont_error("could not read new temperature setpoint from attributes");
    // set the temperature
    double new_temp_return=set_setpoint(new_temperature);
    if (new_temp_return!=new_temperature) {
      char error_message[256];
      snprintf(error_message, sizeof(error_message), "could not set new temperature setpoint %f!=%f",
      throw tempcont_error(error_message);

    // report success
    configuration_result* res=new configuration_result(0);
    XMLCh* myname=XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLString::transcode(conf.name.c_str());
    XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMElement* newelement=res->tag->createElement(myname);
    XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLString::release(&myname);
    return res;

  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int pos_controller_old::reset()

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// wildi ToDo this thread must go into a separate file
void *
oak_digin_thread(void * args)
  int ret ;
  // wildi ToDo int *values = xmalloc(devInfo.numberOfChannels * sizeof(int));
  int *values = malloc(200 * sizeof(int));
  int rd_stat;
  int bits = 0xff;
  int print_bits = 0xff;
  int bit;
  int i ;
  int lastDoorStateTest= DS_UNDEF ;
  int lastDoorState= DS_UNDEF ;
  int stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR_UNDEFINED ;
  char bits_str[32] ;
  struct timespec sl ;
  struct timespec rsl ;
  static struct timeval time_last_stat;
  static struct timeval time_enq;
  gettimeofday(&time_last_stat, NULL);
  // debug
  int print =0 ;
  oak_thread_state= THREAD_STATE_UNDEFINED ; // make it "reentrant"

  sl.tv_sec= 0. ;
  sl.tv_nsec= (long ) 200 * 1000 * 1000 ;

  if( test_oak== TEST_OAK) {
    fprintf( stderr,  "oak_digin_thread: test_oak== TEST_OK, sleep %d milliseconds\n", SLEEP_TEST_OAK_MILLISECONDS);
  fprintf( stderr,  "oak_digin_thread: thread started\n");

  while (1) {

    oak_digin_thread_heart_beat++ ;

    if( oak_digin_thread_heart_beat > HEART_BEAT_UPPER_LIMIT) {
      oak_digin_thread_heart_beat= 0 ;
    rd_stat = readInterruptReport(oakDiginHandle, values);
    if ((rd_stat < 0) && (errno == EINTR)) {
      oak_thread_state= THREAD_STATE_UNDEFINED ;
      // wildi ToDo something sensible here values[1]=
      fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread:  problems reading from oak device\n") ;
    bits      = values[1] & 0xff ;
    print_bits= values[1] & 0xff ;
    print= 0 ;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      bit = (print_bits & 0x1) ;
      if( bit) {
	bits_str[7-i]= '1' ;
	print++ ;
      } else {
	bits_str[7-i]= '0' ;
      print_bits = print_bits >> 1;
    bits_str[8]= '\0' ;
    //fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: doorState=%d, bits %s\n",  doorState, bits_str) ;
    // turn off the motor first

    if((( bits & OAK_MASK_CLOSED) > 0) && (( doorState== DS_STOPPED_CLOSED) || ( doorState== DS_RUNNING_OPEN)))  {
      // let the motor open the door
      stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR_UNDEFINED ;

    } else if((( bits & OAK_MASK_OPENED) > 0) && (( doorState== DS_STOPPED_OPENED) || ( doorState== DS_RUNNING_CLOSE) || ( doorState== DS_RUNNING_CLOSE_UNDEFINED)))  {
      // let the motor close the door
      stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR_UNDEFINED ;

    } else if((( bits & OAK_MASK_CLOSED) > 0) && ( motorState== SSD650V_MS_RUNNING)) { // 2nd expr. necessary not to overload SSD650v on RS 232
      stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR ;
      fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: found ( bits & OAK_MASK_CLOSED) > 0), bits %s\n",  bits_str) ;

    } else if((( bits & OAK_MASK_OPENED) > 0) && ( motorState== SSD650V_MS_RUNNING)){
      stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR ;
      fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: found (bits & OAK_MASK_OPENED) > 0), bits %s\n",  bits_str) ;

    } else if ( (bits & OAK_MASK_END_SWITCHES) > 0) {  
      // the motor is turned off and eventually OAK devices too (no cummunication possible)
      stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR ;
    } else if ( (bits & OAK_MASK_END_SWITCHES) == 0) { // both end switches are zero 
      // the door is inbetween, (or beyond the software end switches :-(( = very close to the end switches)
      //fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread:  might be a bad reading from oak device\n") ; // see above ToDo
      // wildi ToDo: not yet defined what to do

    // test
    if( test_oak== TEST_OAK) {
      if( lastDoorStateTest != doorState) {
	lastDoorStateTest= doorState ;
	gettimeofday(&time_last_stat, NULL);
	fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread:  status change resetting timer\n") ;
      if( motorState== SSD650V_MS_RUNNING) {
	gettimeofday(&time_enq, NULL);
	if (difftimeval(&time_enq, &time_last_stat) > (SLEEP_TEST_OAK_MILLISECONDS * 1000)) { // milliseconds
	  stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR ;
	  fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: motorState== (DS_RUNNING_OPEN|DS_RUNNING_CLOSE), stopping now, diff %d[msec]\n", (int)difftimeval(&time_enq, &time_last_stat)) ;
	  gettimeofday(&time_last_stat, NULL);
	  fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: stopping motor  after time ellapsed\n") ;
      if(( print > 0) &&  ( stop_motor != STOP_MOTOR)) {
	stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR ;
	fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: print stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR \n") ;
    // end test
    // manual mode, in case an endswitch erroneously indicates contact
    if( stop_motor== STOP_MOTOR) {
      fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: stopping motor now\n") ;
      while(( ret= motor_off()) != SSD650V_MS_STOPPED) { // 
	fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: can not turn motor off\n") ;
	ret= nanosleep( &sl, &rsl) ;
	if((errno== EFAULT) || ( errno== EINTR)||( errno== EINVAL ))  {
	  fprintf( stderr, "Error in nanosleep\n") ;
	  errno= 0 ;
      fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: motor stopped\n") ;
      stop_motor= STOP_MOTOR_UNDEFINED ;
      struct ln_date utm;
      ln_get_date_from_sys( &utm) ;
      sprintf( date_time, "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", utm.years, utm.months, utm.days, utm.hours, utm.minutes, (int) utm.seconds) ;

    // door status
    if( motorState== SSD650V_MS_STOPPED) {
      // change status here
      if( bits & OAK_MASK_CLOSED) { // true if OAK sees the door
	if( lastDoorState != doorState) {
	  lastDoorState= doorState ;
	  fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: state is DS_STOPPED_CLOSED\n") ;
      } else if( bits & OAK_MASK_OPENED) { // true if OAK sees the door
	if( lastDoorState != doorState) {
	  lastDoorState= doorState ;
	  fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: state is DS_STOPPED_OPENED\n") ;
      } else {
	doorState= DS_STOPPED_UNDEF ;
	lastDoorState= doorState ;
	//fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: state is DS_STOPPED_UNDEFINED\n") ;
    } else if( motorState== SSD650V_MS_RUNNING) {
      // keep status here 
      if( doorState == DS_RUNNING_OPEN) {
      } else if( doorState == DS_RUNNING_CLOSE) {
      } else if( doorState == DS_RUNNING_CLOSE_UNDEFINED) {
      } else {
	// should occasianally occur if the door is stopped manually 
	doorState= DS_RUNNING_UNDEF ;
	lastDoorState= doorState ;
	//fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: motorState== SSD650V_MS_RUNNING, state is DS_RUNNING_UNDEF\n") ;
    } else if( motorState== SSD650V_MS_UNDEFINED) {
      doorState= DS_UNDEF ;
      lastDoorState= doorState ;

      if( bits & OAK_MASK_OPENED) { // true if OAK sees the door
	fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: state is DS_UNDEF, door is opened, motor is undefined\n") ;
      } else if( bits & OAK_MASK_CLOSED) { // true if OAK sees the door
	fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: state is DS_UNDEF, door is closed, motor is undefined\n") ;
      } else {
	fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: state is DS_UNDEF, door is undefined, motor is undefined\n") ;
    } else {
      // should never occur
      doorState= DS_UNDEF ;
      lastDoorState= doorState ;
      fprintf( stderr, "oak_digin_thread: state is DS_UNDEF, should never never occur\n") ;

    CHECK_OAK_CALL(rd_stat); // wildi ToDo: what's that?
  } /* while (1) */
  return NULL;