Ejemplo n.º 1
std::string get_path_from_user( const std::vector<std::string>& executables ) {
	auto strTitle = std::string{ "Where is " };

	if( executables.empty() ) {
		std::cout << "No filter specified.\n";
		return "";
	else if( executables.size() == 1 ) {
		strTitle += executables.front();
	else {
		auto end = std::end( executables );
		for( auto iter = std::begin( executables ); ; ) {
			strTitle += *iter;


			if( iter != end ) {
				strTitle += " or ";
			else {

	strTitle += "?";

	auto strFilter = std::string{ "" };

	for( const auto& e : executables ) {
		strFilter += e + '\0' + e + '\0';

	auto filename = create_zeroed<TCHAR, 65536>();
	auto open_filename = create_zeroed<OPENFILENAME>();

	open_filename.lStructSize = sizeof( OPENFILENAME );
	open_filename.lpstrFilter = strFilter.c_str();
	open_filename.lpstrFile = filename.data();
	open_filename.nMaxFile = filename.size();
	open_filename.lpstrTitle = strTitle.c_str();

	auto working_directory = get_working_directory();

	auto result = GetOpenFileName( &open_filename );

	set_working_directory( working_directory );

	if( !result ) {
		return "";

	return std::string( filename.data() );
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: stored.c Proyecto: AlD/bareos
/* Check Configuration file for necessary info */
static int check_resources()
   bool OK = true;
   bool tls_needed;

   me = (STORES *)GetNextRes(R_STORAGE, NULL);
   if (!me) {
      Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Storage resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
      OK = false;

   if (GetNextRes(R_STORAGE, (RES *)me) != NULL) {
      Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("Only one Storage resource permitted in %s\n"),
      OK = false;
   if (GetNextRes(R_DIRECTOR, NULL) == NULL) {
      Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Director resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
      OK = false;
   if (GetNextRes(R_DEVICE, NULL) == NULL){
      Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Device resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
      OK = false;

   if (!me->messages) {
      me->messages = (MSGSRES *)GetNextRes(R_MSGS, NULL);
      if (!me->messages) {
         Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Messages resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
         OK = false;

   if (!me->working_directory) {
      Jmsg1(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("No Working Directory defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"),
      OK = false;

   STORES *store;
   foreach_res(store, R_STORAGE) {
      /* tls_require implies tls_enable */
      if (store->tls_require) {
         if (have_tls) {
            store->tls_enable = true;
         } else {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS required but not configured in Bareos.\n"));
            OK = false;

      tls_needed = store->tls_enable || store->tls_authenticate;

      if (!store->tls_certfile && tls_needed) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Certificate\" file not defined for Storage \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
              store->hdr.name, configfile);
         OK = false;

      if (!store->tls_keyfile && tls_needed) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Key\" file not defined for Storage \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
              store->hdr.name, configfile);
         OK = false;

      if ((!store->tls_ca_certfile && !store->tls_ca_certdir) && tls_needed && store->tls_verify_peer) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Neither \"TLS CA Certificate\""
              " or \"TLS CA Certificate Dir\" are defined for Storage \"%s\" in %s."
              " At least one CA certificate store is required"
              " when using \"TLS Verify Peer\".\n"),
              store->hdr.name, configfile);
         OK = false;

      /* If everything is well, attempt to initialize our per-resource TLS context */
      if (OK && (tls_needed || store->tls_require)) {
         /* Initialize TLS context:
          * Args: CA certfile, CA certdir, Certfile, Keyfile,
          * Keyfile PEM Callback, Keyfile CB Userdata, DHfile, Verify Peer */
         store->tls_ctx = new_tls_context(store->tls_ca_certfile,

         if (!store->tls_ctx) {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize TLS context for Storage \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
                 store->hdr.name, configfile);
            OK = false;

         set_tls_enable(store->tls_ctx, tls_needed);
         set_tls_require(store->tls_ctx, store->tls_require);

   DIRRES *director;
   foreach_res(director, R_DIRECTOR) {
      /* tls_require implies tls_enable */
      if (director->tls_require) {
         director->tls_enable = true;

      tls_needed = director->tls_enable || director->tls_authenticate;

      if (!director->tls_certfile && tls_needed) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Certificate\" file not defined for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
              director->hdr.name, configfile);
         OK = false;

      if (!director->tls_keyfile && tls_needed) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Key\" file not defined for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
              director->hdr.name, configfile);
         OK = false;

      if ((!director->tls_ca_certfile && !director->tls_ca_certdir) && tls_needed && director->tls_verify_peer) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Neither \"TLS CA Certificate\""
              " or \"TLS CA Certificate Dir\" are defined for Director \"%s\" in %s."
              " At least one CA certificate store is required"
              " when using \"TLS Verify Peer\".\n"),
              director->hdr.name, configfile);
         OK = false;

      /* If everything is well, attempt to initialize our per-resource TLS context */
      if (OK && (tls_needed || director->tls_require)) {
         /* Initialize TLS context:
          * Args: CA certfile, CA certdir, Certfile, Keyfile,
          * Keyfile PEM Callback, Keyfile CB Userdata, DHfile, Verify Peer */
         director->tls_ctx = new_tls_context(director->tls_ca_certfile,

         if (!director->tls_ctx) {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize TLS context for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
                 director->hdr.name, configfile);
            OK = false;

         set_tls_enable(director->tls_ctx, tls_needed);
         set_tls_require(director->tls_ctx, director->tls_require);

   DEVRES *device;
   foreach_res(device, R_DEVICE) {
      if (device->drive_crypto_enabled && device->cap_bits & CAP_LABEL) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("LabelMedia enabled is incompatible with tape crypto on Device \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
              device->hdr.name, configfile);
         OK = false;

   if (OK) {
      OK = init_autochangers();

   if (OK) {
      close_msg(NULL);                   /* close temp message handler */
      init_msg(NULL, me->messages);      /* open daemon message handler */

   return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: dird.c Proyecto: AlD/bareos
 * Make a quick check to see that we have all the
 * resources needed.
 *  **** FIXME **** this routine could be a lot more
 *   intelligent and comprehensive.
static bool check_resources()
   bool OK = true;
   JOBRES *job;
   bool need_tls;


   job = (JOBRES *)GetNextRes(R_JOB, NULL);
   me = (DIRRES *)GetNextRes(R_DIRECTOR, NULL);
   if (!me) {
      Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("No Director resource defined in %s\n"
                               "Without that I don't know who I am :-(\n"), configfile);
      OK = false;
      goto bail_out;
   } else {
      my_config->m_omit_defaults = me->omit_defaults;
      if (!me->messages) {       /* If message resource not specified */
         me->messages = (MSGSRES *)GetNextRes(R_MSGS, NULL);
         if (!me->messages) {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("No Messages resource defined in %s\n"), configfile);
            OK = false;
            goto bail_out;

       * When the user didn't force use we optimize for size.
      if (!me->optimize_for_size && !me->optimize_for_speed) {
         me->optimize_for_size = true;
      } else if (me->optimize_for_size && me->optimize_for_speed) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Cannot optimize for speed and size define only one in %s\n"), configfile);
         OK = false;
         goto bail_out;

      if (GetNextRes(R_DIRECTOR, (RES *)me) != NULL) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Only one Director resource permitted in %s\n"),
         OK = false;
         goto bail_out;

       * tls_require implies tls_enable
      if (me->tls_require) {
         if (have_tls) {
            me->tls_enable = true;
         } else {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS required but not configured in BAREOS.\n"));
            OK = false;
            goto bail_out;

      need_tls = me->tls_enable || me->tls_authenticate;

      if (!me->tls_certfile && need_tls) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Certificate\" file not defined for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"), me->name(), configfile);
         OK = false;
         goto bail_out;

      if (!me->tls_keyfile && need_tls) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Key\" file not defined for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"), me->name(), configfile);
         OK = false;
         goto bail_out;

      if ((!me->tls_ca_certfile && !me->tls_ca_certdir) &&
           need_tls && me->tls_verify_peer) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Neither \"TLS CA Certificate\" or \"TLS CA"
              " Certificate Dir\" are defined for Director \"%s\" in %s."
              " At least one CA certificate store is required"
              " when using \"TLS Verify Peer\".\n"),
              me->name(), configfile);
         OK = false;
         goto bail_out;

       * If everything is well, attempt to initialize our per-resource TLS context
      if (OK && (need_tls || me->tls_require)) {
          * Initialize TLS context:
          * Args: CA certfile, CA certdir, Certfile, Keyfile,
          * Keyfile PEM Callback, Keyfile CB Userdata, DHfile, Verify Peer
         me->tls_ctx = new_tls_context(me->tls_ca_certfile,
            me->tls_ca_certdir, me->tls_crlfile, me->tls_certfile,
            me->tls_keyfile, NULL, NULL, me->tls_dhfile,

         if (!me->tls_ctx) {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize TLS context for Director \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
                 me->name(), configfile);
            OK = false;
            goto bail_out;

   if (!job) {
      Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("No Job records defined in %s\n"), configfile);
      OK = false;
      goto bail_out;

   if (!populate_jobdefs()) {
      OK = false;
      goto bail_out;

    * Loop over Consoles
   CONRES *cons;
   foreach_res(cons, R_CONSOLE) {
       * tls_require implies tls_enable
      if (cons->tls_require) {
         if (have_tls) {
            cons->tls_enable = true;
         } else {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS required but not configured in BAREOS.\n"));
            OK = false;
            goto bail_out;

      need_tls = cons->tls_enable || cons->tls_authenticate;

      if (!cons->tls_certfile && need_tls) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Certificate\" file not defined for Console \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
            cons->name(), configfile);
         OK = false;
         goto bail_out;

      if (!cons->tls_keyfile && need_tls) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("\"TLS Key\" file not defined for Console \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
            cons->name(), configfile);
         OK = false;
         goto bail_out;

      if ((!cons->tls_ca_certfile && !cons->tls_ca_certdir)
            && need_tls && cons->tls_verify_peer) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Neither \"TLS CA Certificate\" or \"TLS CA"
            " Certificate Dir\" are defined for Console \"%s\" in %s."
            " At least one CA certificate store is required"
            " when using \"TLS Verify Peer\".\n"),
            cons->name(), configfile);
         OK = false;
         goto bail_out;

       * If everything is well, attempt to initialize our per-resource TLS context
      if (OK && (need_tls || cons->tls_require)) {
          * Initialize TLS context:
          * Args: CA certfile, CA certdir, Certfile, Keyfile,
          * Keyfile PEM Callback, Keyfile CB Userdata, DHfile, Verify Peer
         cons->tls_ctx = new_tls_context(cons->tls_ca_certfile,
                                         cons->tls_ca_certdir, cons->tls_crlfile, cons->tls_certfile,
                                         cons->tls_keyfile, NULL, NULL,
                                         cons->tls_dhfile, cons->tls_verify_peer);
         if (!cons->tls_ctx) {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize TLS context for File daemon \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
               cons->name(), configfile);
            OK = false;
            goto bail_out;


    * Loop over Clients
   me->subscriptions_used = 0;
   CLIENTRES *client;
   foreach_res(client, R_CLIENT) {
       * Count the number of clients
       * Only used as indication not an enforced limit.

       * tls_require implies tls_enable
      if (client->tls_require) {
         if (have_tls) {
            client->tls_enable = true;
         } else {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS required but not configured in BAREOS.\n"));
            OK = false;
            goto bail_out;
      need_tls = client->tls_enable || client->tls_authenticate;
      if ((!client->tls_ca_certfile && !client->tls_ca_certdir) && need_tls) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Neither \"TLS CA Certificate\""
            " or \"TLS CA Certificate Dir\" are defined for File daemon \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
            client->name(), configfile);
         OK = false;
         goto bail_out;

       * If everything is well, attempt to initialize our per-resource TLS context
      if (OK && (need_tls || client->tls_require)) {
          * Initialize TLS context:
          * Args: CA certfile, CA certdir, Certfile, Keyfile,
          * Keyfile PEM Callback, Keyfile CB Userdata, DHfile, Verify Peer
         client->tls_ctx = new_tls_context(client->tls_ca_certfile,
                                           client->tls_ca_certdir, client->tls_crlfile, client->tls_certfile,
                                           client->tls_keyfile, NULL, NULL, NULL,
         if (!client->tls_ctx) {
            Jmsg(NULL, M_FATAL, 0, _("Failed to initialize TLS context for File daemon \"%s\" in %s.\n"),
               client->name(), configfile);
            OK = false;
            goto bail_out;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: dird.c Proyecto: AlD/bareos
void reload_config(int sig)
   static bool already_here = false;
#if !defined(HAVE_WIN32)
   sigset_t set;
   JCR *jcr;
   int njobs = 0;                     /* number of running jobs */
   int table, rtable;
   bool ok;

   if (already_here) {
      abort();                        /* Oops, recursion -> die */
   already_here = true;

#if !defined(HAVE_WIN32)
   sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);
   sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);


   table = find_free_reload_table_entry();
   if (table < 0) {
      Jmsg(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("Too many open reload requests. Request ignored.\n"));
      goto bail_out;

    * Flush the sql connection pools.

   Dmsg1(100, "Reload_config njobs=%d\n", njobs);
   reload_table[table].res_table = my_config->save_resources();
   Dmsg1(100, "Saved old config in table %d\n", table);

   ok = parse_dir_config(my_config, configfile, M_ERROR);

   Dmsg0(100, "Reloaded config file\n");
   if (!ok || !check_resources() || !check_catalog(UPDATE_CATALOG) || !initialize_sql_pooling()) {
      rtable = find_free_reload_table_entry();    /* save new, bad table */
      if (rtable < 0) {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("Please correct configuration file: %s\n"), configfile);
         Jmsg(NULL, M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Out of reload table entries. Giving up.\n"));
         goto bail_out;
      } else {
         Jmsg(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("Please correct configuration file: %s\n"), configfile);
         Jmsg(NULL, M_ERROR, 0, _("Resetting previous configuration.\n"));
      reload_table[rtable].res_table = my_config->save_resources();
      /* Now restore old resource values */
      int num = my_config->m_r_last - my_config->m_r_first + 1;
      RES **res_tab = reload_table[table].res_table;
      for (int i=0; i<num; i++) {
         my_config->m_res_head[i] = res_tab[i];
      table = rtable;                 /* release new, bad, saved table below */
   } else {
       * Hook all active jobs so that they release this table
      foreach_jcr(jcr) {
         if (jcr->getJobType() != JT_SYSTEM) {
            job_end_push(jcr, reload_job_end_cb, (void *)((long int)table));

   /* Reset globals */
   Dmsg0(10, "Director's configuration file reread.\n");

   /* Now release saved resources, if no jobs using the resources */
   if (njobs == 0) {

#if !defined(HAVE_WIN32)
   sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, NULL);
   signal(SIGHUP, reload_config);
   already_here = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int daemon_init(void)
	int pid = 0;
	int lockfile = 0;
	int val = 0;
	char buf[256];
	struct flock lock;

	if (set_working_directory() == (ERROR)) {
		return (ERROR);

	umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH);

	lockfile = open(lock_file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);

	if (lockfile < 0) {
		nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Failed to obtain lock on file %s: %s\n", lock_file, strerror(errno));
		nm_log(NSLOG_PROCESS_INFO | NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Bailing out due to errors encountered while attempting to daemonize... (PID=%d)", (int)getpid());
		return (ERROR);

	/* see if we can read the contents of the lockfile */
	if ((val = read(lockfile, buf, (size_t)10)) < 0) {
		nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Lockfile exists but cannot be read");
		return (ERROR);

	/* we read something - check the PID */
	if (val > 0) {
		if ((val = sscanf(buf, "%d", &pid)) < 1) {
			nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Lockfile '%s' does not contain a valid PID (%s)", lock_file, buf);
			return (ERROR);

	/* check for SIGHUP */
	if (val == 1 && pid == (int)getpid()) {
		return OK;
	else {

		lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
		lock.l_start = 0;
		lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
		lock.l_len = 0;
		if (fcntl(lockfile, F_GETLK, &lock) == -1) {
			nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Failed to access lockfile '%s'. %s. Bailing out...", lock_file, strerror(errno));
			return (ERROR);

		if (lock.l_type != F_UNLCK) {
			nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Lockfile '%s' looks like its already held by another instance of Naemon (PID %d).  Bailing out, pre-fork...", lock_file, (int)lock.l_pid);
			return (ERROR);

	 * set up a pipe used for sending a message from the child to the parent
	 * when initialization is complete.
	if (pipe(upipe_fd) < 0) {
		nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Failed to set up unnamned pipe: %s",
		return (ERROR);

	if ((pid = (int)fork()) < 0) {
		nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Unable to fork out the daemon process: %s",
		return (ERROR);
	} else if (pid != 0) {
		/* parent stops - when child is done, we exit here */
		int return_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
		if (close(upipe_fd[PIPE_WRITE]) < 0) {
			nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Unable to close parent write end: %s",
			return_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
		 * wait for child to send the OK return code, if the child dies
		 * we stop blocking and the return code remains EXIT_FAILURE.
		if (read(upipe_fd[PIPE_READ], &return_code, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
			nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Unable to read from pipe: %s",
			return_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
		if (close(upipe_fd[PIPE_READ]) < 0) {
			nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Unable to close parent read end: %s",
			return_code = EXIT_FAILURE;
		if (return_code != OK) {
			/* signal the child to die in case an error occurs in parent */
			kill(pid, SIGTERM);
	} else {
		/* close read end of the pipe in the child */
		if (close(upipe_fd[PIPE_READ]) < 0) {
			nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Unable to close child read end: %s",
			return ERROR;

	/* child becomes session leader... */
	/* place a file lock on the lock file */
	lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
	lock.l_start = 0;
	lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
	lock.l_len = 0;
	lock.l_pid = getpid();
	if (fcntl(lockfile, F_SETLK, &lock) == -1) {
		if (errno == EACCES || errno == EAGAIN) {
			fcntl(lockfile, F_GETLK, &lock);
			nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Lockfile '%s' looks like its already held by another instance of Naemon (PID %d).  Bailing out, post-fork...", lock_file, (int)lock.l_pid);
		} else
			nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Cannot lock lockfile '%s': %s. Bailing out...", lock_file, strerror(errno));

		return (ERROR);

	/* write PID to lockfile... */
	lseek(lockfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
	if (ftruncate(lockfile, 0) != 0) {
		nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Cannot truncate lockfile '%s': %s. Bailing out...", lock_file, strerror(errno));
		return (ERROR);
	sprintf(buf, "%d\n", (int)getpid());

	if (nsock_write_all(lockfile, buf, strlen(buf)) != 0) {
		nm_log(NSLOG_RUNTIME_ERROR, "Cannot write PID to lockfile '%s': %s. Bailing out...", lock_file, strerror(errno));
		return (ERROR);

	/* make sure lock file stays open while program is executing... */
	val = fcntl(lockfile, F_GETFD, 0);
	val |= FD_CLOEXEC;
	fcntl(lockfile, F_SETFD, val);

	/* close existing stdin, stdout, stderr */

	/* re-open stdin, stdout, stderr with known values */
	open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
	open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
	open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);


	return OK;