Ejemplo n.º 1
/* xlsubr - define a builtin function */
LVAL xlsubr P4C(char *, sname, int, type, subrfun, fcn, int, offset)
    LVAL sym;
    sym = xlenter(sname);
#ifdef MULVALS
    setfunction(sym,cvsubr(fcn, type&TYPEFIELD, offset));
    setmulvalp(getfunction(sym), (type & (TYPEFIELD+1)) ? TRUE : FALSE);
#endif /* MULVALS */
    return (sym);
Ejemplo n.º 2
int FrameBuffer::_new(lua_State *l) {
    int width = luaL_checkinteger(l, -2);
    int height = luaL_checkinteger(l, -1);

    FrameBuffer *self = newuserdata(FrameBuffer);
    cout << "creating framebuffer " << $(width) << $(height) << endl;
    self->width = width;
    self->height = height;
    self->tex = Image::from_bytes(NULL, width, height);

    glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, &self->fbo);
    glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, self->fbo);

    // attach texture to fbo
                              GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                              self->tex.texid, 0);

    // create depth buffer
    glGenRenderbuffersEXT(1, &self->depth);
    glBindRenderbufferEXT(GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, self->depth);
                             GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, width, height);

    // attach depth to fbo
                                 GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, self->depth);

    // see if it worked
    GLenum status = glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);
    if (status != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) {
        cout << "Failed to setup framebuffer" << endl;

    glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);

    if (luaL_newmetatable(l, "FrameBuffer")) {
        lua_newtable(l); // the index table
        setfunction("bind", FrameBuffer::_bind);
        setfunction("release", FrameBuffer::_release);
        setfunction("render", FrameBuffer::_render);
        setfunction("bindTex", FrameBuffer::_bindTex);
        setfunction("draw", FrameBuffer::_draw);

        lua_setfield(l, -2, "__index");
    lua_setmetatable(l, -2);

    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* SHLIB-INIT funtab &optional (version -1) (oldest version) */
LVAL xshlibinit()
  LVAL subr, val, sym;
  xlshlib_modinfo_t *info = getnpaddr(xlganatptr());
  FUNDEF *p = info->funs;
  FIXCONSTDEF *pfix = info->fixconsts;
  FLOCONSTDEF *pflo = info->floconsts;
  STRCONSTDEF *pstr = info->strconsts;
  struct version_info defversion;

  defversion.current = moreargs()?getfixnum(xlgafixnum()):-1;
  defversion.oldest = moreargs()?getfixnum(xlgafixnum()):defversion.current;

  if (! check_version(&defsysversion, &(info->sysversion)))
    xlfail("shared library not compatible with current system");
  if (defversion.current >= 0 &&
      ! check_version(&defversion, &(info->modversion)))
    xlfail("module not compatible with requested version");

  val = NIL;
  if (p != NULL)
    for (val = NIL; (p->fd_subr) != (LVAL(*)(void)) NULL; p++) {
      subr = cvsubr(p->fd_subr, p->fd_type & TYPEFIELD, 0);
      setmulvalp(subr, (p->fd_type & (TYPEFIELD + 1)) ? TRUE : FALSE);
      val = cons(subr, val);
      if (p->fd_name != NULL) {
        sym = xlenter(p->fd_name);
        setfunction(sym, subr);
  if (pfix != NULL)
    for (; pfix->name != NULL; pfix++) {
      sym = xlenter(pfix->name);
      defconstant(sym, cvfixnum(pfix->val));
  if (pflo != NULL)
    for (; pflo->name != NULL; pflo++) {
      sym = xlenter(pflo->name);
      defconstant(sym, cvflonum(pflo->val));
  if (pstr != NULL)
    for (; pstr->name != NULL; pstr++) {
      sym = xlenter(pstr->name);
      defconstant(sym, cvstring(pstr->val));
  if (info->sysversion.current >= MAKEVERSION(0,1)) {
    ULONGCONSTDEF *pulong = info->ulongconsts;
    if (pulong != NULL)
      for (; pulong->name != NULL; pulong++) {
        sym = xlenter(pulong->name);
        defconstant(sym, ulong2lisp(pulong->val));
  return xlnreverse(val);
Ejemplo n.º 4
// Restore the symbol values to their original value and remove any added
// symbols.
LOCAL void nyx_restore_obarray()
   LVAL obvec = getvalue(obarray);
   int i;

   // Scan all obarray vectors
   for (i = 0; i < HSIZE; i++) {
      LVAL last = NULL;
      LVAL dcon;

      // Scan all elements
      for (dcon = getelement(obvec, i); dcon; dcon = cdr(dcon)) {
         LVAL dsym = car(dcon);
         char *name = (char *)getstring(getpname(dsym));
         LVAL scon;

         // Ignore *OBARRAY* since setting it causes the input array to be
         // truncated.
         if (strcmp(name, "*OBARRAY*") == 0) {

         // Ignore *SCRATCH* since it's allowed to be updated
         if (strcmp(name, "*SCRATCH*") == 0) {

         // Find the symbol in the original obarray.
         for (scon = getelement(nyx_obarray, hash(name, HSIZE)); scon; scon = cdr(scon)) {
            LVAL ssym = car(scon);

            // If found, then set the current symbols value to the original.
            if (strcmp(name, (char *)getstring(getpname(ssym))) == 0) {
               setvalue(dsym, nyx_dup_value(getvalue(ssym)));
               setplist(dsym, nyx_dup_value(getplist(ssym)));
               setfunction(dsym, nyx_dup_value(getfunction(ssym)));

         // If we didn't find the symbol in the original obarray, then it must've
         // been added and must be removed from the current obarray.
         if (scon == NULL) {
            if (last) {
               rplacd(last, cdr(dcon));
            else {
               setelement(obvec, i, cdr(dcon));

         // Must track the last dcon for symbol removal
         last = dcon;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* cvsymbol - convert a string to a symbol */
LVAL cvsymbol(char *pname)
    LVAL val;
    val = newvector(SYMSIZE);
    val->n_type = SYMBOL;
    return (val);
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* xlsetfunction - set the functional value of a symbol */
void xlsetfunction(LVAL sym, LVAL val)
    register LVAL fp,ep;

    /* look for the symbol in the environment list */
    for (fp = xlfenv; fp; fp = cdr(fp))
        for (ep = car(fp); ep; ep = cdr(ep))
            if (sym == car(car(ep))) {

    /* store the global value */
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Make a copy of the original obarray, leaving the original in place
LOCAL void nyx_save_obarray()
   LVAL newarray;
   int i;

   // This provide permanent protection for nyx_obarray as we do not want it
   // to be garbage-collected.
   nyx_obarray = getvalue(obarray);

   // Create and set the new vector.  This allows us to use xlenter() to
   // properly add the new symbol.  Probably slower than adding directly,
   // but guarantees proper hashing.
   newarray = newvector(HSIZE);
   setvalue(obarray, newarray);

   // Scan all obarray vectors
   for (i = 0; i < HSIZE; i++) {
      LVAL sym;

      // Scan all elements
      for (sym = getelement(nyx_obarray, i); sym; sym = cdr(sym)) {
         LVAL syma = car(sym);
         char *name = (char *) getstring(getpname(syma));
         LVAL nsym = xlenter(name);

         // Ignore *OBARRAY* since there's no need to copy it
         if (strcmp(name, "*OBARRAY*") == 0) {

         // Ignore *SCRATCH* since it's allowed to be updated
         if (strcmp(name, "*SCRATCH*") == 0) {

         // Duplicate the symbol's values
         setvalue(nsym, nyx_dup_value(getvalue(syma)));
         setplist(nsym, nyx_dup_value(getplist(syma)));
         setfunction(nsym, nyx_dup_value(getfunction(syma)));

   // Swap the obarrays, so that the original is put back into service
   setvalue(obarray, nyx_obarray);
   nyx_obarray = newarray;
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* initwks - build an initial workspace */
LOCAL void initwks(void)
    FUNDEF *p;
    int i;
    xlsinit();	/* initialize xlsym.c */
    xlsymbols();/* enter all symbols used by the interpreter */
    xlrinit();	/* initialize xlread.c */
    xloinit();	/* initialize xlobj.c */

    /* setup defaults */
    setvalue(s_evalhook,NIL);		/* no evalhook function */
    setvalue(s_applyhook,NIL);		/* no applyhook function */
    setvalue(s_tracelist,NIL);		/* no functions being traced */
    setvalue(s_tracenable,NIL);		/* traceback disabled */
    setvalue(s_tlimit,NIL); 		/* trace limit infinite */
    setvalue(s_breakenable,NIL);	/* don't enter break loop on errors */
    setvalue(s_loadingfiles,NIL);       /* not loading any files initially */
    setvalue(s_profile,NIL);		/* don't do profiling */
    setvalue(s_gcflag,NIL);		/* don't show gc information */
    setvalue(s_gchook,NIL);		/* no gc hook active */
    setvalue(s_ifmt,cvstring(IFMT));	/* integer print format */
    setvalue(s_ffmt,cvstring("%g"));	/* float print format */
    setvalue(s_printcase,k_upcase);	/* upper case output of symbols */

    /* install the built-in functions and special forms */
    for (i = 0, p = funtab; p->fd_subr != NULL; ++i, ++p)
        if (p->fd_name)

    /* add some synonyms */
Ejemplo n.º 9
void register_Framebuffer(lua_State *l) {
    setfunction("framebuffer", FrameBuffer::_new);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * create a new canvas
 * args: width, height, [title]
int Canvas::_new(lua_State *l) {
	const char *title = "Aroma";

	int width = luaL_checkint(l, 2);
	int height = luaL_checkint(l, 3);
	if (lua_gettop(l) > 3) {
		title = luaL_checkstring(l, 4);

	GLContext* context = new GLFWContext(width, height, title);
	if (!context->make_current()) {
		return luaL_error(l, "fatal error: failed to open window");

	_canvas = new Canvas(context);

	Viewport &view = _canvas->view;


	// functions

	setfunction("run", Canvas::_run);

	setfunction("rect", Canvas::_rect);
	setfunction("line", Canvas::_line);

	setfunction("viewport", Canvas::_viewport);
	setfunction("view3d", Canvas::_view3d);

	setfunction("look", Canvas::_look);
	setfunction("strip", Canvas::_strip);

	setfunction("rotate", Canvas::_rotate);
	setfunction("scale", Canvas::_scale);
	setfunction("translate", Canvas::_translate);

	setfunction("noise", Canvas::_noise);

	setfunction("save", Canvas::_save);
	setfunction("restore", Canvas::_restore);

	setfunction("getTime", Canvas::_getTime);
	setfunction("clear_color", Canvas::_clearColor);
	setfunction("clear", Canvas::_clear);
	setfunction("flush", Canvas::_flush);

	setfunction("set_mouse", Canvas::_setMouse);
	setfunction("hide_mouse", Canvas::_hideMouse);
	setfunction("show_mouse", Canvas::_showMouse);

	setfunction("key", Canvas::_key);
	setfunction("key_up", Canvas::_key_up);
	setfunction("key_down", Canvas::_key_down);

	// load libraries
	AromaRegister *lib = aroma_libs;
	while (*lib) {

	// properties
	setnumber("dt", 0);
	setnumber("time", glfwGetTime());

	setnumber("width", view.getWidth());
	setnumber("height", view.getHeight());

	// mouse input
	setint("x", 0);
	setint("y", 0);
	setbool("left", false);
	setbool("right", false);

	lua_setfield(l, -2, "mouse");
	// create the input table
	setnumber("xaxis", 0);
	setnumber("yaxis", 0);

	setbool("left", false);
	setbool("right", false);
	setbool("up", false);
	setbool("down", false);

	setbool("a", false);
	setbool("b", false);
	setbool("c", false);
	setbool("d", false);

	setbool("start", false);
	setbool("select", false);

	setbool("l", false);
	setbool("r", false);

	lua_setfield(l, -2, "input");

	// the keys
	lua_setfield(l, -2, "keys");

	// create meta table
	setfunction("__call", _call);
	lua_setmetatable(l, -2);

	return 1;