Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Draw a vertical line from x,y1 to x,y2 including final point*/
static void
linear12_drawvertline(PSD psd, MWCOORD x, MWCOORD y1, MWCOORD y2, MWPIXELVAL c)
	ADDR8	addr = psd->addr;
	int	linelen = psd->linelen * 3;
	MWUCHAR	r, g, b;
	assert (addr != 0);
	assert (x >= 0 && x < psd->xres);
	assert (y1 >= 0 && y1 < psd->yres);
	assert (y2 >= 0 && y2 < psd->yres);
	assert (y2 >= y1);
	assert (c < psd->ncolors);
	r = PIXEL444RED(c);
	g = PIXEL444GREEN(c);
	b = PIXEL444BLUE(c);
		while(y1++ <= y2) 
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void timeline(unsigned long stime, maptool_pIMAGE * img,
                unsigned long Maxx)
   unsigned long y;
   unsigned long x;
   unsigned long to;
   unsigned long t;
   unsigned long tmp;
   to = 0UL;
   tmp = Maxx-1UL;
   x = 0UL;
   if (x<=tmp) for (;; x++) {
      setpix(*img, (long)(x+8UL), 8L, 200L, 1000L, 200L);
      t = ((stime+useri_localtime())-(((Maxx-1UL)-x)*86400UL)/Maxx)/3600UL;
      if (to==0UL) to = t;
      if (to!=t) {
         to = t;
         for (y = 5UL; y<=7UL; y++) {
            setpix(*img, (long)(x+8UL), (long)y, 200L, 1000L, 200L);
         } /* end for */
         if (x>28UL && t%3UL==0UL) {
            num(*img, (long)((x+8UL)-6UL), 8L, (long)(t%24UL), "h", 2ul);
      if (x==tmp) break;
   } /* end for */
} /* end timeline() */
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Draw horizontal line from x1,y to x2,y including final point*/
static void
linear12_drawhorzline(PSD psd, MWCOORD x1, MWCOORD x2, MWCOORD y, MWPIXELVAL c)
	ADDR8	addr = psd->addr;
	MWUCHAR	r, g, b;

	assert (addr != 0);
	assert (x1 >= 0 && x1 < psd->xres);
	assert (x2 >= 0 && x2 < psd->xres);
	assert (x2 >= x1);
	assert (y >= 0 && y < psd->yres);
	assert (c < psd->ncolors);

	r = PIXEL444RED(c);
	g = PIXEL444GREEN(c);
	b = PIXEL444BLUE(c);
		while((x1+=3) <= x2) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void paper(maptool_pIMAGE * img, float yax0, float yax1,
                unsigned long step, unsigned long margin, unsigned long maxx,
                 unsigned long maxy, char name[], unsigned long name_len)
   unsigned long y;
   unsigned long x;
   long so;
   long s;
   float v;
   struct maptool_PIX * anonym;
   unsigned long tmp;
   unsigned long tmp0;
   X2C_PCOPY((void **)&name,name_len);
   so = (long)X2C_TRUNCI(aprsdecode_floor(X2C_DIVR(yax0,(float)step)),
   tmp = maxy-1UL;
   y = 0UL;
   if (y<=tmp) for (;; y++) {
      setpix(*img, (long)margin, (long)(y+margin), 200L, 1000L, 200L);
      v = yax0+(yax1-yax0)*(float)y*(X2C_DIVR(1.0f,(float)maxy));
      s = (long)X2C_TRUNCI(aprsdecode_floor(X2C_DIVR(v,(float)step)),
      tmp0 = (maxx-1UL)+margin;
      x = margin+1UL;
      if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) {
         { /* with */
            struct maptool_PIX * anonym = &(*img)->Adr[(x)*(*img)
            anonym->r += 60U;
            anonym->g += (unsigned short)(50UL+40UL*(unsigned long)(char)
            anonym->b += 60U;
         if (x==tmp0) break;
      } /* end for */
      if (s!=so) {
         tmp0 = margin-1UL;
         x = margin-3UL;
         if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) {
            setpix(*img, (long)x, (long)(y+margin), 200L, 1000L, 200L);
            if (x==tmp0) break;
         } /* end for */
         num(*img, (long)(margin+1UL), (long)((y+margin)-6UL), s*(long)step, \
"", 1ul);
         so = s;
      if (y==tmp) break;
   } /* end for */
   str(*img, margin+50UL, ((maxy+margin*2UL)-aprsdecode_lums.fontysize)-1UL,
                name, name_len);
} /* end paper() */
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Set pixel at x, y, to pixelval c*/
static void
linear12_drawpixel(PSD psd, MWCOORD x, MWCOORD y, MWPIXELVAL c)
	ADDR8	addr = psd->addr;
	MWUCHAR	r, g, b;

	assert (addr != 0);
	assert (x >= 0 && x < psd->xres);
	assert (y >= 0 && y < psd->yres);
	assert (c < psd->ncolors);

	r = PIXEL444RED(c);
	g = PIXEL444GREEN(c);
	b = PIXEL444BLUE(c);
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool Ppm::rgb2hsvpix(void){
	var_pos pos;
	pos = filter.p1;
 	while(pos.y < filter.p2.y){
		pos.x = filter.p1.x;
		while(pos.x < filter.p2.x){
	return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 7
extern void aprstat_althist(maptool_pIMAGE * img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op,
                char * test, float * way, unsigned long * beacons,
                unsigned long * msgs, unsigned long * acks,
                unsigned long * rejs)
   char h[256];
   char s[256];
   float maxalt;
   float minalt;
   float alt[5760];
   float hdiv;
   float wdiv;
   unsigned long markx1;
   unsigned long markx;
   unsigned long xc;
   unsigned long sc;
   unsigned long x;
   unsigned long Maxx;
   struct aprsdecode_DAT dat;
   float waysum;
   long markalt;
   size_t tmp[2];
   unsigned long tmp0;
   *way = 0.0f;
   *beacons = 0UL;
   *msgs = 0UL;
   *acks = 0UL;
   *rejs = 0UL;
   if (op==0 || op->frames==0) {
      *test = 0;
   Maxx = dynmaxx(8UL, 400UL, 720UL);
   decodealt(way, beacons, wdiv, rejs, acks, msgs, &dat, alt, &waysum, op,
                &markalt, &markx1, &markx, 0);
   if (waysum<0.05f) {
      *test = 0; /* no altitudes or km */
   if (*test) return;
   X2C_DYNALLOCATE((char **)img,sizeof(struct maptool_PIX),
                (tmp[0] = Maxx+16UL,tmp[1] = 136U,tmp),2u);
   useri_debugmem.screens += (*img)->Len1*(*img)->Size1;
   if (*img==0) {
      osi_WrStrLn("error image alloc", 18ul);
   wdiv = X2C_DIVR((float)(Maxx*8UL-1UL),waysum);
   decodealt(way, beacons, wdiv, rejs, acks, msgs, &dat, alt, &waysum, op,
                &markalt, &markx1, &markx, 1);
   norm(&hdiv, alt, &maxalt, &minalt);
   FOR x:=0 TO HIGH(alt) DO
    IF alt[x]>=0.0 THEN WrFixed(alt[x], 3,11) ELSE WrStr(".") END;
   /*sc:=VAL(CARDINAL, maxalt-minalt) DIV sfact(FLOAT(maxalt-minalt)); */
   sc = sfact(maxalt-minalt);
   strncpy(s,"  ",256u);
   aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, op->call, 9ul);
   aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, " dist=", 7ul);
   aprsstr_FixToStr(waysum, 2UL, h, 256ul);
   aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul);
   aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "km min=", 8ul);
                 1UL, h, 256ul);
   aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul);
   aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m max=", 7ul);
                 1UL, h, 256ul);
   aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul);
   if (markalt>X2C_min_longint) {
      aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m curs=", 8ul);
      aprsstr_IntToStr(markalt, 1UL, h, 256ul);
      aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul);
   aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "m (NN)", 7ul);
   paper(img, minalt, maxalt, sc, 8UL, Maxx, 120UL, s, 256ul);
   tmp0 = Maxx+8UL;
   x = 5UL;
   if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) {
      setpix(*img, (long)x, 8L, 200L, 1000L, 200L);
      if (x==tmp0) break;
   } /* end for */
   if (waysum<5.0f) {
      waysum = waysum*1000.0f;
   sc = sfact(waysum);
   hdiv = X2C_DIVR((float)sc*(float)Maxx,waysum);
   wdiv = 0.0f;
   xc = 0UL;
   do {
      for (x = 5UL; x<=7UL; x++) {
         setpix(*img, (long)(aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)+8UL), (long)x, 200L,
                1000L, 200L);
      } /* end for */
      if (xc>0UL && aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)<Maxx-10UL) {
         num(*img, (long)((aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)+8UL)-6UL), 8L, (long)xc, h,
         h[0U] = 0;
      xc += sc;
      wdiv = wdiv+hdiv;
   } while (aprsdecode_trunc(wdiv)<=Maxx);
   if (markx>0UL) {
      for (x = 8UL; x<=128UL; x++) {
         setpix(*img, (long)(markx+8UL), (long)x, 50L, 400L, 500L);
      } /* end for */
   tmp0 = Maxx*8UL-1UL;
   x = 0UL;
   if (x<=tmp0) for (;; x++) {
      /* draw graph */
      addpix(*img, (float)x*0.125f+8.0f, alt[x]+8.0f, 62UL, 62UL, 87UL);
      if (x==tmp0) break;
   } /* end for */
} /* end althist() */
Ejemplo n.º 8
extern void aprstat_kmhist(maptool_pIMAGE * img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op,
                char * test)
   aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fold;
   aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fto;
   aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST ffrom;
   aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST fr;
   unsigned long ot;
   unsigned long t1;
   unsigned long t0;
   unsigned long markkm;
   unsigned long markx;
   unsigned long maxx;
   unsigned long maxkm10;
   unsigned long maxkm;
   unsigned long tf;
   unsigned long sp;
   unsigned long i;
   unsigned long xi;
   unsigned long xt;
   float ys;
   float dy;
   float maxy;
   char h[256];
   char s[256];
   struct aprspos_POSITION po;
   float vt[12720];
   char marks[1584];
   unsigned long tops[5];
   struct aprsdecode_DAT dat;
   unsigned long tmp;
   size_t tmp0[2];
   if (op==0 || op->frames==0) {
      *test = 0;
   fto = 0;
   ffrom = 0;
   fr = op->frames;
   po = fr->vardat->pos;
   fold = 0;
   do {
      /* find first to last move */
      if (((maptool_vistime(fr->time0) && !(fr->nodraw&~0x1U))
                && aprspos_posvalid(fr->vardat->pos)) && aprspos_distance(po,
                 fr->vardat->pos)>0.05f) {
         /* find last move */
         fto = fr;
         po = fr->vardat->pos;
         if (ffrom==0) ffrom = fold;
         fold = fr;
      fr = fr->next;
   } while (fr);
   if (fto==0 || ffrom==0) {
      *test = 0; /* no move */
   if (*test) return;
   *img = 0;
   for (xi = 0UL; xi<=1583UL; xi++) {
      marks[xi] = 0;
   } /* end for */
     IF ffrom=NIL THEN ffrom:=op^.frames END;
   t1 = fto->time0;
   while (ffrom->next && (!(~ffrom->nodraw&0x1U) || ffrom->time0+28800UL<t1))
                 ffrom = ffrom->next;
   t0 = ffrom->time0;
   if (t1<t0+3600UL) {
      t1 = t0+3600UL;
      fto = 0;
   /* find peak speeds to filter extrem values */
   for (i = 0UL; i<=4UL; i++) {
      tops[i] = 0UL;
   } /* end for */
   fr = ffrom;
   for (;;) {
      if ((!(fr->nodraw&~0x1U) && aprsdecode_Decode(fr->vardat->raw, 500ul,
                &dat)>=0L) && dat.speed<X2C_max_longcard) {
         i = 0UL;
         for (;;) {
            if (dat.speed>=tops[i]) {
               tops[i] = dat.speed;
            if (i>4UL) break;
      if (fr==fto) break;
      fr = fr->next;
      if (fr==0) break;
   /*FOR i:=0 TO HIGH(tops) DO WrInt(tops[i], 10) END; */
   while ((float)tops[0U]>(float)tops[1U]*1.5f) {
      for (i = 0UL; i<=3UL; i++) {
         tops[i] = tops[i+1UL];
      } /* end for */
   markx = 0UL;
   markkm = 0UL;
   maxx = (1584UL*((t1-t0)+3600UL))/28800UL; /* guess picture width */
   if (maxx<584UL) maxx = 584UL;
   else if (maxx>1584UL) maxx = 1584UL;
   ot = t0;
   fr = ffrom;
   xi = 0UL;
   maxy = 0.0f;
   dy = 0.0f;
   tf = 0UL;
   for (;;) {
      if ((!(fr->nodraw&~0x1U) && aprsdecode_Decode(fr->vardat->raw, 500ul,
                &dat)>=0L) && (!useri_configon(useri_fTRACKFILT)
                || dat.speed<tops[0U])) {
         dy = (float)aprsdecode_knottokmh((long)dat.speed)+0.5f;
         if (dy>1000.0f) dy = 1000.0f;
         if (fr->time0>ot+300UL) tf = 48UL;
         xt = aprsdecode_trunc((X2C_DIVR((float)(fr->time0-t0),
                /* x position in picture */
         if (xt>=maxx*8UL-1UL) xt = maxx*8UL;
         if (xi/8UL>3UL) marks[xi/8UL-3UL] = 1;
         if (dy>maxy) maxy = dy;
         while (xi<xt) {
            /* constant speed till next waypoint */
            vt[xi] = dy;
            if (tf>0UL) {
               if (tf==0UL) dy = 0.0f;
         ot = fr->time0;
         if ((dat.pos.lat==aprsdecode_click.markpos.lat && dat.pos.long0==aprsdecode_click.markpos.long0)
                 && aprsdecode_click.markpost==ot) {
            markx = xi/8UL;
            markkm = (unsigned long)aprsdecode_knottokmh((long)dat.speed);
      if (fr==fto) break;
      fr = fr->next;
      if (fr==0) break;
   tf = 48UL;
   while (xi<=12719UL) {
      vt[xi] = dy;
      if (tf>0UL) --tf;
      else dy = 0.0f;
   tmp = maxx*8UL-1UL;
   xi = 0UL;
   if (xi<=tmp) for (;; xi++) {
      dy = 0.0f;
      for (xt = 0UL; xt<=47UL; xt++) {
         dy = dy+vt[xi+xt]*(1.0f-sq((float)xt*4.1666666666667E-2f-1.0f));
                /* FIR lowpass */
      } /* end for */
      vt[xi] = dy;
      if (xi==tmp) break;
   } /* end for */
   maxkm = aprsdecode_trunc(maxy);
   maxkm10 = ((maxkm+9UL)/10UL)*10UL;
   if (maxy>=2.0f) {
      maxy = X2C_DIVR(3.75f,(float)maxkm10); /* FIR gain integral 1-x^2 */
      for (xi = 0UL; xi<=12719UL; xi++) {
         vt[xi] = vt[xi]*maxy; /* fit y in picture */
      } /* end for */
      X2C_DYNALLOCATE((char **)img,sizeof(struct maptool_PIX),
                (tmp0[0] = maxx+16UL,tmp0[1] = 136U,tmp0),2u);
      useri_debugmem.screens += (*img)->Len1*(*img)->Size1;
      if (*img==0) {
         osi_WrStrLn("error image alloc", 18ul);
          FOR xt:=MARGIN TO MAXY+MARGIN-1 DO  
            FOR xi:=MARGIN TO MAXX+MARGIN-1 DO
              WITH img^[xi+xt*(MAXX+2*MARGIN)] DO 
                r:=30; g:=60+50*ORD(ODD(xt DIV 10));
      dy = (X2C_DIVR(120.0f,(float)maxkm10))*10.0f;
      ys = 0.0f;
      xt = 0UL;
      sp = 0UL;
      do {
         /* draw y scale and paper and waypoints*/
         for (i = 6UL-2UL*(unsigned long)(sp%5UL==0UL); i<=8UL; i++) {
            setpix(*img, (long)i, (long)(aprsdecode_trunc(ys+0.5f)+8UL),
                200L, 1000L, 200L);
         } /* end for */
         ys = ys+dy;
         while (xt<aprsdecode_trunc(ys) && xt<120UL) {
            tmp = (maxx+8UL)-1UL;
            xi = 8UL;
            if (xi<=tmp) for (;; xi++) {
               setpix(*img, (long)xi, (long)(xt+8UL), 20L,
                (long)(30UL+50UL*(unsigned long)(char)(sp&1)),
                (long)(60UL+200UL*(unsigned long)marks[xi-8UL]));
               if (xi==tmp) break;
            } /* end for */
      } while (ys<121.0f);
      tmp = maxx-1UL;
      xi = 0UL;
      if (xi<=tmp) for (;; xi++) {
         setpix(*img, (long)(xi+8UL), 8L, 200L, 1000L, 200L);
         if (xi==tmp) break;
      } /* end for */
      for (xi = 0UL; xi<=120UL; xi++) {
         setpix(*img, 8L, (long)(xi+8UL), 200L, 1000L, 200L);
      } /* end for */
      sp = t0/3600UL+1UL;
      ot = sp*3600UL;
      ys = X2C_DIVR((float)(maxx*(ot-t0)),(float)(t1-t0));
                /* x of first full hour */
      dy = X2C_DIVR((float)(maxx*3600UL),(float)(t1-t0)); /* x size of 1h */
      if (dy>20.0f && ys<=(float)maxx) {
         if (ys-dy*0.5f>0.0f) {
            /* draw 1/2 h mark */
            for (i = 6UL; i<=7UL; i++) {
               setpix(*img, (long)(aprsdecode_trunc(ys-dy*0.5f)+8UL),
                (long)i, 200L, 1000L, 200L);
            } /* end for */
         sp = sp+24UL+useri_localtime()/3600UL;
         do {
            /* draw h and rest of 1/2h marks */
            for (i = 4UL; i<=7UL; i++) {
               setpix(*img, (long)(aprsdecode_trunc(ys)+8UL), (long)i, 200L,
                1000L, 200L);
            } /* end for */
            if (ys+dy*0.5f<=(float)maxx) {
               for (i = 6UL; i<=7UL; i++) {
                  setpix(*img, (long)(aprsdecode_trunc(ys+dy*0.5f)+8UL),
                (long)i, 200L, 1000L, 200L);
               } /* end for */
            num(*img, (long)((aprsdecode_trunc(ys)+8UL)-6UL), 8L,
                (long)(sp%24UL), "h", 2ul);
            ys = ys+dy;
         } while (ys<=(float)maxx);
      if (markx>3UL) {
         markx -= 3UL;
         for (xi = 8UL; xi<=128UL; xi++) {
            setpix(*img, (long)(markx+8UL), (long)xi, 500L, 200L, 50L);
         } /* end for */
      tmp = maxx*8UL-1UL;
      xi = 8UL;
      if (xi<=tmp) for (;; xi++) {
         /* draw graph */
         dy = vt[xi];
         if (dy>=0.1f) {
            if (dy>120.0f) dy = 120.0f;
            addpix(*img, (float)xi*0.125f+8.0f, dy+8.0f, 125UL, 125UL, 12UL);
         if (xi==tmp) break;
      } /* end for */
      strncpy(s,"  ",256u);
      aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, op->call, 9ul);
      aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, " max=", 6ul);
      aprsstr_IntToStr((long)maxkm, 1UL, h, 256ul);
      aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul);
      if (markx>0UL) {
         aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, " cursor=", 9ul);
         aprsstr_IntToStr((long)markkm, 1UL, h, 256ul);
         aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, h, 256ul);
      aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, "km/h", 5ul);
      num(*img, 10L, (long)((136UL-aprsdecode_lums.fontysize)-1UL),
                (long)maxkm10, s, 256ul);
} /* end kmhist() */
Ejemplo n.º 9
extern void aprstat_btimehist(maptool_pIMAGE * img, aprsdecode_pOPHIST op)
   unsigned long t[7200];
   aprsdecode_pFRAMEHIST pf;
   unsigned long textd;
   unsigned long textx;
   unsigned long max0;
   unsigned long expand;
   unsigned long scale0;
   unsigned long xm;
   unsigned long sum;
   unsigned long y;
   unsigned long i;
   unsigned long dt;
   char s[256];
   unsigned long tmp;
   size_t tmp0[2];
   if (op==0) return;
   for (i = 0UL; i<=7199UL; i++) {
      t[i] = 0UL;
   } /* end for */
   pf = op->frames;
   sum = 0UL;
   if (pf) {
      while (pf->next) {
         if (maptool_vistime(pf->time0) && pf->next->time0>=pf->time0) {
            dt = pf->next->time0-pf->time0;
            if (dt<=7199UL) {
         pf = pf->next;
   sum -= sum/20UL;
   xm = 0UL;
   y = 0UL;
   do {
      y += t[xm];
   } while (!(xm>=7199UL || y>=sum));
   if (xm<120UL) xm = 120UL;
   for (i = xm+1UL; i<=7199UL; i++) {
      t[xm] += t[i]; /* add not shown rest to last shown element */
   } /* end for */
   scale0 = ((xm+620UL)-1UL)/620UL;
   textd = 50UL;
   if (scale0>30UL) {
      scale0 = 60UL;
      textx = 50UL;
   else if (scale0>12UL) {
      scale0 = 30UL;
      textx = 20UL;
   else if (scale0>6UL) {
      scale0 = 12UL;
      textx = 10UL;
   else if (scale0>3UL) {
      scale0 = 6UL;
      textx = 5UL;
   else if (scale0>2UL) {
      scale0 = 3UL;
      textx = 3UL;
      textd = 60UL;
   else if (scale0>1UL) {
      scale0 = 2UL;
      textx = 2UL;
      textd = 60UL;
   else {
      scale0 = 1UL;
      textx = 1UL;
      textd = 60UL;
   if (scale0>1UL) {
      for (i = 1UL; i<=7199UL; i++) {
         if (i%scale0==0UL) t[i/scale0] = 0UL;
         t[i/scale0] += t[i];
      } /* end for */
   xm = ((xm+scale0)-1UL)/scale0;
   expand = 1UL;
   if (xm<310UL) expand = 2UL;
   else if (xm>620UL) xm = 620UL;
   else if (xm==0UL) return;
   xm = xm*expand;
   max0 = 0UL;
   tmp = xm-1UL;
   i = 0UL;
   if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) {
      if (t[i]>max0) max0 = t[i];
      if (i==tmp) break;
   } /* end for */
   if (max0==0UL) return;
   tmp = xm-1UL;
   i = 0UL;
   if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) {
      t[i] = (t[i]*150UL)/max0;
      if (i==tmp) break;
   } /* end for */
   X2C_DYNALLOCATE((char **)img,sizeof(struct maptool_PIX),
                (tmp0[0] = xm+16UL,tmp0[1] = 166U,tmp0),2u);
   useri_debugmem.screens += (*img)->Len1*(*img)->Size1;
   if (*img==0) {
      osi_WrStrLn("error image alloc", 18ul);
   tmp = xm-1UL;
   i = 0UL;
   if (i<=tmp) for (;; i++) {
      setpix(*img, (long)(i+8UL), 7L, 0L, 500L, 800L);
      if ((i/expand)%10UL==0UL) {
         setpix(*img, (long)(i+8UL), 6L, 0L, 500L, 800L);
      if ((i/expand)%textd==0UL) {
         setpix(*img, (long)(i+8UL), 5L, 0L, 500L, 800L);
         setpix(*img, (long)(i+8UL), 4L, 0L, 500L, 800L);
      for (y = 0UL; y<=149UL; y++) {
         setpix(*img, (long)(i+8UL), (long)(y+8UL), 50L,
                (long)(20UL*(unsigned long)(char)((i/expand)/10UL&1)+30UL),
      } /* end for */
      y = 0UL;
      while (y<t[i/expand]) {
         setpix(*img, (long)(i+8UL), (long)(y+8UL), 500L, 500L, 0L);
      if (i==tmp) break;
   } /* end for */
   for (i = 0UL; i<=149UL; i++) {
      setpix(*img, 7L, (long)((i+8UL)-1UL), 0L, 500L, 800L);
      if (i%10UL==0UL) setpix(*img, 6L, (long)((i+8UL)-1UL), 0L, 500L, 800L);
   } /* end for */
   strncpy(s," Beacons per Time ",256u);
   aprsstr_Append(s, 256ul, op->call, 9ul);
   num(*img, 10L, (long)((166UL-aprsdecode_lums.fontysize)-1UL), (long)max0,
                s, 256ul);
   num(*img, (long)((expand*textd+8UL)-12UL), 8L, (long)textx, "m", 2ul);
} /* end btimehist() */
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: tree.c Proyecto: jimiszm/peos
GtkWidget *setpixmap (char *str, xmlNode *info)
  GtkWidget *hbox;
  GtkWidget *pixmap_wid;
  GtkWidget *label;
  GdkPixmap *pixmap;
  GdkBitmap *mask;
  GtkStyle  *style;
  hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 2);
  gtk_widget_show (hbox);
  style = gtk_widget_get_style (Peos);
  pixmap = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d (Peos->window, &mask, &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], setpix(info));
  pixmap_wid = gtk_pixmap_new (pixmap, mask);
  gtk_widget_show (pixmap_wid);
  gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (pixmap_wid), 0.0, 0.5);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(hbox), pixmap_wid, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  label = gtk_label_new (str);
  gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5);
  gtk_widget_show (label);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  return hbox;
void partialzetasums() {
	int offset = 1;
	int width = 1980;
	int height = 1080;
	int xoff = -width/3;

#define xcoord(xxx) (xoff+(xxx)*scale + width / 2)

	int samples = 150;
	int imgi = 0;
	float maxsample = 28.f;
	float scale = 300;
	int granularity = 1;

	std::vector<vec2> traj;
	std::vector<int> traj_meta;
	std::vector<vec2> primal;

	bool outputiter = false;

	for (int yyy = 0; yyy < 1360000; ++yyy) {
		//int y = nth_prime(yyy);
		int y = yyy;
		float yy = y / float(granularity);

		if (y % 20000 == 0) {
			outputiter = true;
			setwh(width, height);

			gprint(20, 20, "i=%x", yy);
		else {
			outputiter = false;
		vec2 prev;
		float total_rotation = 0.f;

		for (int s = 1; s <= samples; ++s) {
			float rotational_contribution = yy * (360.f / s);
			total_rotation += rotational_contribution;

			vec2 newpos = prev + vec2(1, 0).rotate(rotational_contribution, vec2()).set_length(nth_length(s));

			//Line(xcoord(prev.x), prev.y*scale + height / 2, xcoord(newpos.x), newpos.y*scale + height / 2, 255);

			prev = newpos;

		auto ffi = get_full_factor_info(y / granularity);
		int num_factors =  ffi.prime_factors_sequence.size();

		//if (y % granularity == 0 && == 4) {
		//	primal.push_back(prev);

		prev = traj[0];
		if (outputiter) {
			for (int i = 0; i < traj.size(); ++i) {
				auto t = traj[i];
				//Line(prev.x*scale + width / 2, prev.y*scale + height / 2, t.x*scale + width / 2, t.y*scale + height / 2, 0, 255, 0);
				setpix(xcoord(t.x), t.y*scale + height / 2, 255.f);
				prev = t;

			if (primal.size() > 0) {
				prev = primal[0];

				for (auto p : primal) {
					//Line(prev.x*scale + width / 2, prev.y*scale + height / 2, p.x*scale + width / 2, p.y*scale + height / 2, 255, 0, 0);
					setpix(xcoord(p.x), p.y*scale + height / 2, 255,0,0);
					prev = p;

			makecross(xcoord(0), height / 2, 0, 0, 255);
			makecross(xcoord(1), height / 2, 0, 0, 255);

			std::ostringstream ss;
			ss << "P:/newpics/big4/zeta";
			ss << imgi;
			//ss << "(";
			//ss << y;
			//ss << ")";
			ss << ".png";
			lodepng::encode(ss.str(), img, w, h);

			imgi += 1;