Ejemplo n.º 1
void setupRuntime() {

    object_cls = new BoxedClass(NULL, 0, sizeof(Box), false);
    type_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, offsetof(BoxedClass, attrs), sizeof(BoxedClass), false);
    type_cls->cls = type_cls;
    object_cls->cls = type_cls;

    none_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(Box), false);
    None = new Box(&none_flavor, none_cls);

    str_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedString), false);

    // It wasn't safe to add __base__ attributes until object+type+str are set up, so do that now:
    type_cls->giveAttr("__base__", object_cls);
    str_cls->giveAttr("__base__", object_cls);
    none_cls->giveAttr("__base__", object_cls);
    object_cls->giveAttr("__base__", None);

    tuple_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedTuple), false);
    EmptyTuple = new BoxedTuple({});

    module_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, offsetof(BoxedModule, attrs), sizeof(BoxedModule), false);

    // TODO it'd be nice to be able to do these in the respective setupType methods,
    // but those setup methods probably want access to these objects.
    // We could have a multi-stage setup process, but that seems overkill for now.
    bool_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedBool), false);
    int_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedInt), false);
    float_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedFloat), false);
    function_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, offsetof(BoxedFunction, attrs), sizeof(BoxedFunction), false);
    instancemethod_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedInstanceMethod), false);
    list_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedList), false);
    slice_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedSlice), false);
    dict_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedDict), false);
    file_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedFile), false);
    set_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedSet), false);
    member_cls = new BoxedClass(object_cls, 0, sizeof(BoxedMemberDescriptor), false);

    STR = typeFromClass(str_cls);
    BOXED_INT = typeFromClass(int_cls);
    BOXED_FLOAT = typeFromClass(float_cls);
    BOXED_BOOL = typeFromClass(bool_cls);
    NONE = typeFromClass(none_cls);
    LIST = typeFromClass(list_cls);
    SLICE = typeFromClass(slice_cls);
    MODULE = typeFromClass(module_cls);
    DICT = typeFromClass(dict_cls);
    SET = typeFromClass(set_cls);
    BOXED_TUPLE = typeFromClass(tuple_cls);

    object_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("object"));
    object_cls->giveAttr("__new__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)objectNew, UNKNOWN, 1, 0, true, false)));

    auto typeCallObj = boxRTFunction((void*)typeCall, UNKNOWN, 1, 0, true, false);
    typeCallObj->internal_callable = &typeCallInternal;
    type_cls->giveAttr("__call__", new BoxedFunction(typeCallObj));

    type_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("type"));
    type_cls->giveAttr("__new__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)typeNew, UNKNOWN, 2)));
    type_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)typeRepr, STR, 1)));
    type_cls->giveAttr("__str__", type_cls->getattr("__repr__"));

    none_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("NoneType"));
    none_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)noneRepr, STR, 1)));
    none_cls->giveAttr("__str__", none_cls->getattr("__repr__"));
    none_cls->giveAttr("__hash__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)noneHash, UNKNOWN, 1)));

    module_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("module"));
    module_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)moduleRepr, STR, 1)));
    module_cls->giveAttr("__str__", module_cls->getattr("__repr__"));

    member_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("member"));


    function_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("function"));
    function_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)functionRepr, STR, 1)));
    function_cls->giveAttr("__str__", function_cls->getattr("__repr__"));

    instancemethod_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("instancemethod"));
    instancemethod_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)instancemethodRepr, STR, 1)));

    slice_cls->giveAttr("__name__", boxStrConstant("slice"));
                        new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)sliceNew, UNKNOWN, 4, 2, false, false), { NULL, None }));
    slice_cls->giveAttr("__repr__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)sliceRepr, STR, 1)));
    slice_cls->giveAttr("__str__", slice_cls->getattr("__repr__"));
    slice_cls->giveAttr("start", new BoxedMemberDescriptor(BoxedMemberDescriptor::OBJECT, SLICE_START_OFFSET));
    slice_cls->giveAttr("stop", new BoxedMemberDescriptor(BoxedMemberDescriptor::OBJECT, SLICE_STOP_OFFSET));
    slice_cls->giveAttr("step", new BoxedMemberDescriptor(BoxedMemberDescriptor::OBJECT, SLICE_STEP_OFFSET));

    // sys is the first module that needs to be set up, due to modules
    // being tracked in sys.modules:



Ejemplo n.º 2
  int SysSPA2d::doSPA(int niter, double sLambda, int useCSparse, double initTol,
                      int maxCGiters)
    // number of nodes
    int ncams = nodes.size();

    // set number of constraints
    int ncons = p2cons.size();

    // check for fixed frames
    if (nFixed <= 0)
        cout << "[doSPA2d] No fixed frames" << endl;
        return 0;
    for (int i=0; i<ncams; i++)
        Node2d &nd = nodes[i];
        if (i >= nFixed)
          nd.isFixed = false;
          nd.isFixed = true;
        nd.setTransform();      // set up world-to-node transform for cost calculation
        nd.setDr();         // always use local angles

    // initialize vars
    if (sLambda > 0.0)          // do we initialize lambda?
      lambda = sLambda;

    double laminc = 2.0;        // how much to increment lambda if we fail
    double lamdec = 0.5;        // how much to decrement lambda if we succeed
    int iter = 0;               // iterations
    sqMinDelta = 1e-8 * 1e-8;
    double cost = calcCost();
    if (verbose)
      cout << iter << " Initial squared cost: " << cost << " which is " 
           << sqrt(cost/ncons) << " rms error" << endl;

    int good_iter = 0;
    double cumTime = 0;
    for (; iter<niter; iter++)  // loop at most <niter> times
        // set up and solve linear system
        // NOTE: shouldn't need to redo all calcs in setupSys if we 
        //   got here from a bad update

        long long t0, t1, t2, t3;
        t0 = utime();
        if (useCSparse)
          setupSparseSys(lambda,iter,useCSparse); // set up sparse linear system
          setupSys(lambda);     // set up linear system

        //        cout << "[SPA] Solving...";
        t1 = utime();

        // use appropriate linear solver
        if (useCSparse == SBA_BLOCK_JACOBIAN_PCG)
            if (csp.B.rows() != 0)
                int iters = csp.doBPCG(maxCGiters,initTol,iter);
                if (verbose)
                  cout << "[Block PCG] " << iters << " iterations" << endl;
#ifdef SBA_DSIF
        // PCG with incomplete Cholesky
        else if (useCSparse == 3)
            int res = csp.doPCG(maxCGiters);
            if (res > 1)
              cout << "[DoSPA] Sparse PCG failed with error " << res << endl;
        else if (useCSparse > 0)
            if (csp.B.rows() != 0)
                bool ok = csp.doChol();
                if (!ok)
                  cout << "[DoSBA] Sparse Cholesky failed!" << endl;

        // Dense direct Cholesky 
          A.ldlt().solveInPlace(B); // Cholesky decomposition and solution

        t2 = utime();
        //        cout << "solved" << endl;

        // get correct result vector
        VectorXd &BB = useCSparse ? csp.B : B;

        // check for convergence
        // this is a pretty crummy convergence measure...
        double sqDiff = BB.squaredNorm();
        if (sqDiff < sqMinDelta) // converged, done...
            if (verbose)
              cout << "Converged with delta: " << sqrt(sqDiff) << endl;

        // update the frames
        int ci = 0;
        for(int i=0; i < ncams; i++)
            Node2d &nd = nodes[i];
            if (nd.isFixed) continue; // not to be updated
            nd.oldtrans = nd.trans; // save in case we don't improve the cost
            nd.oldarot = nd.arot;
            nd.trans.head<2>() += BB.segment<2>(ci);

            nd.arot += BB(ci+2); 
            nd.setTransform();  // set up projection matrix for cost calculation
            nd.setDr();         // set rotational derivatives
            ci += 3;            // advance B index

        // new cost
        double newcost = calcCost();
        if (verbose)
          cout << iter << " Updated squared cost: " << newcost << " which is " 
               << sqrt(newcost/ncons) << " rms error" << endl;
        // check if we did good
        if (newcost < cost) // && iter != 0) // NOTE: iter==0 case is for checking
            cost = newcost;
            lambda *= lamdec;   // decrease lambda
            //      laminc = 2.0;       // reset bad lambda factor; not sure if this is a good idea...
            lambda *= laminc;   // increase lambda
            laminc *= 2.0;      // increase the increment

            // reset nodes
            for(int i=0; i<ncams; i++)
                Node2d &nd = nodes[i];
                if (nd.isFixed) continue; // not to be updated
                nd.trans = nd.oldtrans;
                nd.arot = nd.oldarot;
                nd.setTransform(); // set up projection matrix for cost calculation

            cost = calcCost();  // need to reset errors
            if (verbose)
              cout << iter << " Downdated cost: " << cost << endl;
            // NOTE: shouldn't need to redo all calcs in setupSys

        t3 = utime();
        if (iter == 0 && verbose)
            printf("[SPA] Setup: %0.2f ms  Solve: %0.2f ms  Update: %0.2f ms\n",

        double dt=1e-6*(double)(t3-t0);
        if (print_iros_stats){
          cerr << "iteration= " << iter
               << "\t chi2= " << cost
               << "\t time= " << dt
               << "\t cumTime= " << cumTime
               << "\t kurtChi2= " << cost
               << endl;


    // return number of iterations performed
    return good_iter;
