Ejemplo n.º 1
void LevelInfo::unpackUpdate(NetConnection *conn, BitStream *stream)
   Parent::unpackUpdate(conn, stream);

   stream->read( &mNearClip );
   stream->read( &mVisibleDistance );
   stream->read( &mDecalBias );

   stream->read( &mFogData.density );
   stream->read( &mFogData.densityOffset );
   stream->read( &mFogData.atmosphereHeight );
   stream->read( &mFogData.color );

   stream->read( &mCanvasClearColor );
   stream->read( &mWorldSize );

   mAdvancedLightmapSupport = stream->readFlag();
   stream->read( &mAmbientLightBlendPhase );
   mathRead( *stream, &mAmbientLightBlendCurve );

   String errorStr;
   if( !sfxReadAndResolve( stream, &mSoundAmbience, errorStr ) )
      Con::errorf( "%s", errorStr.c_str() );
   mSoundDistanceModel = ( SFXDistanceModel ) stream->readInt( 1 );
   if( isProperlyAdded() )
      if( mSoundscape )
         if( mSoundAmbience )
            mSoundscape->setAmbience( mSoundAmbience );
            mSoundscape->setAmbience( &sDefaultAmbience );

      SFX->setDistanceModel( mSoundDistanceModel );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void WaterObject::unpackUpdate( NetConnection * conn, BitStream *stream )
   Parent::unpackUpdate( conn, stream );

   // UpdateMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      stream->read( &mDensity );
      stream->read( &mViscosity );
      stream->read( &mLiquidType );
      if ( stream->readFlag() )
         mFullReflect = true;
         stream->read( &mReflectorDesc.priority );
         mReflectorDesc.maxRateMs = stream->readInt( 32 );
         //stream->read( &mReflectMaxDist );    
         //stream->read( &mReflectMinDist );
         stream->read( &mReflectorDesc.detailAdjust );         
         mReflectNormalUp = stream->readFlag();
         mReflectorDesc.useOcclusionQuery = stream->readFlag();
         mReflectorDesc.texSize = stream->readInt( 32 );

         if ( isProperlyAdded() && !mPlaneReflector.isEnabled() && !smDisableTrueReflections )
            mPlaneReflector.registerReflector( this, &mReflectorDesc );
         mFullReflect = false;
         if ( isProperlyAdded() && mPlaneReflector.isEnabled() )

      stream->read( &mReflectivity );

      stream->read( &mWaterFogData.density );
      stream->read( &mWaterFogData.densityOffset );      
      stream->read( &mWaterFogData.wetDepth );
      stream->read( &mWaterFogData.wetDarkening );

      stream->read( &mDistortStartDist );
      stream->read( &mDistortEndDist );
      stream->read( &mDistortFullDepth );

      stream->read( &mDepthGradientMax );
      mEmissive = stream->readFlag();

      stream->read( &mFoamMaxDepth );
      stream->read( &mFoamAmbientLerp );      
      stream->read( &mFoamRippleInfluence );

      stream->read( &mWaterFogData.color );

      stream->read( &mFresnelBias );
      stream->read( &mFresnelPower );

      Point4F specularData;
      mathRead( *stream, &specularData );
      mSpecularColor.set( specularData.x, specularData.y, specularData.z, 1.0f );
      mSpecularPower = specularData.w;

      stream->read( &mClarity );
      stream->read( &mUnderwaterColor );

      stream->read( &mOverallRippleMagnitude );
      stream->read( &mOverallWaveMagnitude );
      stream->read( &mOverallFoamOpacity );

   // WaveMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      for( U32 i=0; i<MAX_WAVES; i++ )
         stream->read( &mRippleSpeed[i] );
         mathRead( *stream, &mRippleDir[i] );
         mathRead( *stream, &mRippleTexScale[i] );         
         stream->read( &mRippleMagnitude[i] );

         stream->read( &mWaveSpeed[i] );
         mathRead( *stream, &mWaveDir[i] );         
         stream->read( &mWaveMagnitude[i] );

      for ( U32 i = 0; i < MAX_FOAM; i++ )
         stream->read( &mFoamSpeed[i] );
         mathRead( *stream, &mFoamDir[i] );
         mathRead( *stream, &mFoamTexScale[i] );
         stream->read( &mFoamOpacity[i] );

   // MaterialMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() ) 
      for ( U32 i = 0; i < NumMatTypes; i++ )      
         stream->read( &mSurfMatName[i] );

      if ( isProperlyAdded() )    
         // So they will be reloaded on next use.

   // TextureMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      stream->read( &mRippleTexName );
      stream->read( &mDepthGradientTexName );
      stream->read( &mFoamTexName );
      stream->read( &mCubemapName );

      if ( isProperlyAdded() )
   // Sound environment.
   if( stream->readFlag() )
      String errorStr;
      if( !sfxReadAndResolve( stream, &mSoundAmbience, errorStr ) )
         Con::errorf( "WaterObject::unpackUpdate - pad packet: %s", errorStr.c_str() );
      if( isProperlyAdded() && gSFX3DWorld )
         gSFX3DWorld->notifyChanged( this );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void SFXEmitter::unpackUpdate( NetConnection *conn, BitStream *stream )
   Parent::unpackUpdate( conn, stream );

   // initial update?
   bool initialUpdate = stream->readFlag();

   mPlayOnAdd = stream->readFlag();

   // transform
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, Transform ) )
      MatrixF mat;

   // track
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, Track ) )
      String errorStr;
      if( !sfxReadAndResolve( stream, &mTrack, errorStr ) )
         Con::errorf( "%s", errorStr.c_str() );

   // filename
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, Filename ) )
      mLocalProfile.mFilename = stream->readSTString();

   // volume
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, Volume ) )
      stream->read( &mDescription.mVolume );
   // pitch
   if( _readDirtyFlag( stream, Pitch ) )
      stream->read( &mDescription.mPitch );

   // islooping
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, IsLooping ) )
      mDescription.mIsLooping = stream->readFlag();
   if( _readDirtyFlag( stream, IsStreaming ) )
      mDescription.mIsStreaming = stream->readFlag();

   // is3d
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, Is3D ) )
      mDescription.mIs3D = stream->readFlag();

   // mindistance
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, MinDistance ) )
      stream->read( &mDescription.mMinDistance );

   // maxdistance
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, MaxDistance ) )
      stream->read( &mDescription.mMaxDistance );
      mObjScale.set( mDescription.mMaxDistance, mDescription.mMaxDistance, mDescription.mMaxDistance );

   // coneinsideangle
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, ConeInsideAngle ) )
      stream->read( &mDescription.mConeInsideAngle );

   // coneoutsideangle
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, ConeOutsideAngle ) )
      stream->read( &mDescription.mConeOutsideAngle );

   // coneoutsidevolume
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, ConeOutsideVolume ) )
      stream->read( &mDescription.mConeOutsideVolume );

   // sourcegroup
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, SourceGroup ) )
      String errorStr;
      if( !sfxReadAndResolve( stream, &mDescription.mSourceGroup, errorStr ) )
         Con::errorf( "%s", errorStr.c_str() );
   // fadein
   if ( _readDirtyFlag( stream, FadeInTime ) )
      stream->read( &mDescription.mFadeInTime );
   // fadeout
   if( _readDirtyFlag( stream, FadeOutTime ) )
      stream->read( &mDescription.mFadeOutTime );
   // scatterdistance
   if( _readDirtyFlag( stream, ScatterDistance ) )
      mathRead( *stream, &mDescription.mScatterDistance );
   mUseTrackDescriptionOnly = stream->readFlag();

   // update the emitter now?
   if ( !initialUpdate )

   // Check the source playback masks.
   if ( stream->readFlag() ) // SourcePlayMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() ) // SourceStopMask