Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Reads the contents of a file and stores them in a c_string. 
 * The c_string is allocated dynamically. If 
 * there is any error at any stage, a null c_string is returned.
 * Input:	
 *	The full path to a file (including the filename) as 
 *	a std::string. Note that it is assumed that the file
 *	is assumed to be plaintext. Also, if the filename alone
 * 	is specified, it assumes that the file is in the current 
 *	directory.
 * Returns: 
 *         A c style string with the contents of the shader's file.
 *	   A null string.
GLchar* file_to_char_pointer(std::string path_to_file)
	//TODO: Add exception handling.
	//TODO: Make this function nicer, so as to use glShaderSource fully.

	GLchar* shader_source_code = NULL;
	unsigned int file_size;

	//Open the file.
	std::ifstream shader_file(path_to_file.c_str());
	//Read in all the lines if the file is open.
		//Calculate the file's size in bytes
		//Move the get pointer to the end
		shader_file.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
		//The position of the get pointer gives the number of bytes
		file_size = shader_file.tellg();
		if(file_size != -1)
			/* Allocate enough space in the char array to hold
			 * the file's contents.
			//TODO: Check this code.
			shader_source_code = new GLchar[file_size];
			//Send the get pointer back to the beginning.
			shader_file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
			//Read the file into the source code buffer.
			int i = 0;	//Gives the position in the buffer to write the 
				//next character to.
				/* TODO: See if the other ways to read data are
				 * better.
				/* Get the next character and write it to 
				 * the buffer. 
				//Step to te next position in the buffer.
	//Close the file.
	#ifdef DEBUG
	std::cout << shader_source_code;
	//Return the said pointer.
	return shader_source_code;
Ejemplo n.º 2
GLuint GameObject::load_shader(GLenum shader_type, const std::string &shader_file_name)
	try {
		std::ifstream shader_file(shader_file_name.c_str());
		std::stringstream shader_data;
		shader_data << shader_file.rdbuf();
		return glutil::CompileShader(shader_type, shader_data.str());
	catch (std::exception &e) {
		std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool GLSLProgram::read_shader_file(const char *file_name,
                                   char* &shader_str) const
	shader_str = nullptr; // reset string
	std::ifstream shader_file(file_name);
	if (!shader_file.is_open())
		cout << "ERROR: Cannot open shader file " << file_name << endl;
		return false;
	string contents((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(shader_file)),
	if (!contents.size())
		cout << "ERROR: The shader file contains nothing in " << file_name << endl;
		return false;
	delete shader_str;
	shader_str = new char[contents.size() + 1];
	memcpy(shader_str, contents.c_str(), contents.size() + 1);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
GLuint cShader::LoadShader(const std::string& filename, GLenum shader_type)
	GLuint shader_handle = glCreateShader(shader_type);

	//read shader file
	std::ifstream shader_file(filename.c_str());
	std::cout<< "Compiling shader: " << filename.c_str() << std::endl;

	std::string shader_code((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(shader_file)),
	const char* shader_code_str = shader_code.c_str();
	glShaderSource(shader_handle, 1, &shader_code_str, NULL);
	// Check the compile status

	GLint compiled;
	glGetShaderiv(shader_handle, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &compiled);
	if (!compiled)
		std::cout<< "shader compilation failed: " << filename.c_str() << std::endl;
		// get log string length
		GLint max_len = 0;
		glGetShaderiv(shader_handle, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &max_len);

		char* error_log = new char[max_len];
		glGetShaderInfoLog(shader_handle, max_len, &max_len, error_log);

		std::cout << error_log << std::endl;

		delete[] error_log;
		shader_handle = -1;

	return shader_handle;
const char* loadShaderAsString(const char* file)
    std::ifstream shader_file(file, std::ifstream::in);
    std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(shader_file)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
    return str.c_str();
Ejemplo n.º 6
ImageGlsl::ImageGlsl(const int width, const int height, const std::string& filestem)
	: mWidth(width)
	, mHeight(height)
	, mVertexFilename(shader_file(filestem, "vert"))
	, mFragmentFilename(shader_file(filestem, "frag")) {