PassOwnPtr<DrawLooperBuilder> ShadowList::createDrawLooper(DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowAlphaMode alphaMode) const { OwnPtr<DrawLooperBuilder> drawLooperBuilder = DrawLooperBuilder::create(); for (size_t i = shadows().size(); i--; ) { const ShadowData& shadow = shadows()[i]; drawLooperBuilder->addShadow(FloatSize(shadow.x(), shadow.y()), shadow.blur(), shadow.color(), DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowRespectsTransforms, alphaMode); } drawLooperBuilder->addUnmodifiedContent(); return drawLooperBuilder.release(); }
PassOwnPtr<DrawLooperBuilder> ShadowList::createDrawLooper(DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowAlphaMode alphaMode, const Color& currentColor, bool isHorizontal) const { OwnPtr<DrawLooperBuilder> drawLooperBuilder = DrawLooperBuilder::create(); for (size_t i = shadows().size(); i--; ) { const ShadowData& shadow = shadows()[i]; float shadowX = isHorizontal ? shadow.x() : shadow.y(); float shadowY = isHorizontal ? shadow.y() : -shadow.x(); drawLooperBuilder->addShadow(FloatSize(shadowX, shadowY), shadow.blur(), shadow.color().resolve(currentColor), DrawLooperBuilder::ShadowRespectsTransforms, alphaMode); } drawLooperBuilder->addUnmodifiedContent(); return drawLooperBuilder.release(); }
// does the recursive (shadow rays & recursive/glossy rays) work Vec3f RayTracer::TraceRay(const Ray &ray, Hit &hit, int bounce_count) const { hit = Hit(); bool intersect = CastRay(ray,hit,false); Vec3f answer(args->background_color_linear); if (intersect == true) { const Material *m = hit.getMaterial(); assert (m != NULL); // rays coming from the light source are set to white, don't bother to ray trace further. if (m->getEmittedColor().Length() > 0.001) { answer = Vec3f(1,1,1); } else { // ambient light answer = args->ambient_light_linear * m->getDiffuseColor(hit.get_s(),hit.get_t()); // Shadows answer += shadows(ray, hit); // Reflections Vec3f reflectiveColor = m->getReflectiveColor(); double roughness = m->getRoughness(); if (bounce_count > 0 && reflectiveColor.Length() > MIN_COLOR_LEN) { answer += reflectiveColor * reflections(ray, hit, bounce_count, roughness); } } } return answer; }
colour get_the_scene(t_rt_client *rt, int x, int y) { t_ray ray; t_color color; t_obj *tmp; t_obj *obj_result; tmp = rt->objs; obj_result = NULL; ray.color = &color; init_ray(rt, &ray, x, y); while (rt && tmp && tmp->color) { assign_ray(rt, &ray, tmp); obj_result = cast_ray(&ray, tmp, obj_result); tmp = tmp->next; } if (obj_result && obj_result->color) { assign_ray(rt, &ray, obj_result); obj_result->color->color = perlin_color(rt, &ray, obj_result); lighting(&ray, obj_result, rt->spot); shadows(rt, &ray, obj_result); } return (ray.color->color); }
FloatRectOutsets ShadowList::rectOutsetsIncludingOriginal() const { FloatRectOutsets outsets; for (const ShadowData& shadow : shadows()) { if ( == Inset) continue; outsets.unite(shadow.rectOutsets()); } return outsets; }
void calc_color_alias(t_rt *img, t_ray *ray, t_obj *tmp) { t_obj *obj_result; init_alias(img, ray); obj_result = NULL; while (img && ray && tmp && tmp->color) { assign_ray(img, ray, tmp); obj_result = cast_ray(ray, tmp, obj_result); tmp = tmp->next; } if (obj_result != NULL && obj_result->color) { assign_ray(img, ray, obj_result); obj_result->color->color = perlin_color(img, ray, obj_result); lighting(ray, obj_result, img->spot); shadows(img, ray, obj_result); } }
void light(t_env *rt, t_figure object, t_light light) { t_vector n; t_vector light_ray; double spec; t_vector vecs[2]; light_ray = light_rotate(rt, object, light); if (!shadows(rt, rt->tmp_rlight, rt->inter)) { n = calcul_normal(rt, object, light_ray); if (rt->cel_shading) rt->angle = calcul_cel_shading(rt->angle); if (rt->angle > 0.0001) { vecs[0] = n; vecs[1] = light_ray; spec = specular_light(vecs, object, rt->ambient, rt->cel_shading); color_light(rt, spec, object, light.color); } } }