Ejemplo n.º 1
 * shell_window_tracker_get_startup_sequences:
 * @self:
 * Returns: (transfer none) (element-type ShellStartupSequence): Currently active startup sequences
GSList *
shell_window_tracker_get_startup_sequences (ShellWindowTracker *self)
  ShellGlobal *global = shell_global_get ();
  MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (global);
  return meta_screen_get_startup_sequences (screen);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * shell_global_get_current_time:
 * @global: A #ShellGlobal
 * Returns: the current X server time from the current Clutter, Gdk, or X
 * event. If called from outside an event handler, this may return
 * %Clutter.CURRENT_TIME (aka 0), or it may return a slightly
 * out-of-date timestamp.
shell_global_get_current_time (ShellGlobal *global)
  guint32 time;
  MetaDisplay *display;

  /* meta_display_get_current_time() will return the correct time
     when handling an X or Gdk event, but will return CurrentTime
     from some Clutter event callbacks.

     clutter_get_current_event_time() will return the correct time
     from a Clutter event callback, but may return an out-of-date
     timestamp if called at other times.

     So we try meta_display_get_current_time() first, since we
     can recognize a "wrong" answer from that, and then fall back
     to clutter_get_current_event_time().

  display = meta_screen_get_display (shell_global_get_screen (global));
  time = meta_display_get_current_time (display);
      return time;

  return clutter_get_current_event_time ();
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
on_startup_sequence_changed (MetaScreen            *screen,
                             SnStartupSequence     *sequence,
                             ShellWindowTracker    *self)
  ShellApp *app;

  app = shell_startup_sequence_get_app ((ShellStartupSequence*)sequence);
  if (app)
      gboolean starting = !sn_startup_sequence_get_completed (sequence);

      /* The Shell design calls for on application launch, the app title
       * appears at top, and no X window is focused.  So when we get
       * a startup-notification for this app, transition it to STARTING
       * if it's currently stopped, set it as our application focus,
       * but focus the no_focus window.
      if (starting && shell_app_get_state (app) == SHELL_APP_STATE_STOPPED)
          MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (shell_global_get ());
          MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
          long tv_sec, tv_usec;

          sn_startup_sequence_get_initiated_time (sequence, &tv_sec, &tv_usec);

          _shell_app_set_starting (app, starting);
          set_focus_app (self, app);
          meta_display_focus_the_no_focus_window (display, screen, tv_sec);

  g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (self), signals[STARTUP_SEQUENCE_CHANGED], 0, sequence);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * shell_recorder_close:
 * @recorder: the #ShellRecorder
 * Stops recording. It's possible to call shell_recorder_record()
 * again to reopen a new recording stream, but unless change the
 * recording filename, this may result in the old recording being
 * overwritten.
shell_recorder_close (ShellRecorder *recorder)
  g_return_if_fail (SHELL_IS_RECORDER (recorder));
  g_return_if_fail (recorder->state != RECORDER_STATE_CLOSED);

  /* We want to record one more frame since some time may have
   * elapsed since the last frame
  recorder_record_frame (recorder, TRUE);

  recorder_remove_update_pointer_timeout (recorder);
  recorder_close_pipeline (recorder);

  /* Queue a redraw to remove the recording indicator */
  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (CLUTTER_ACTOR (recorder->stage));

  if (recorder->repaint_hook_id != 0)
      clutter_threads_remove_repaint_func (recorder->repaint_hook_id);
      recorder->repaint_hook_id = 0;

  recorder->state = RECORDER_STATE_CLOSED;

  /* Reenable after the recording */
  meta_enable_unredirect_for_screen (shell_global_get_screen (shell_global_get ()));

  /* Release the refcount we took when we started recording */
  g_object_unref (recorder);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * shell_global_get_focus_monitor:
 * @global: the #ShellGlobal
 * Gets the bounding box of the monitor containing the window that
 * currently contains the keyboard focus.
 * Return value: the bounding box of the focus monitor
GdkRectangle *
shell_global_get_focus_monitor (ShellGlobal  *global)
  MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (global);
  MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
  MetaWindow *focus = meta_display_get_focus_window (display);
  MetaRectangle rect, wrect;
  int nmonitors, i;

  if (focus)
      meta_window_get_outer_rect (focus, &wrect);
      nmonitors = meta_screen_get_n_monitors (screen);

      /* Find the monitor that the top-left corner of @focus is on. */
      for (i = 0; i < nmonitors; i++)
          meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen, i, &rect);

          if (rect.x <= wrect.x && rect.y <= wrect.y &&
              rect.x + rect.width > wrect.x &&
              rect.y + rect.height > wrect.y)
            return g_boxed_copy (GDK_TYPE_RECTANGLE, &rect);

  meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen, 0, &rect);
  return g_boxed_copy (GDK_TYPE_RECTANGLE, &rect);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void
shell_global_get_property(GObject         *object,
                          guint            prop_id,
                          GValue          *value,
                          GParamSpec      *pspec)
  ShellGlobal *global = SHELL_GLOBAL (object);

  switch (prop_id)
      g_value_set_object (value, mutter_plugin_get_overlay_group (global->plugin));
    case PROP_SCREEN:
      g_value_set_object (value, shell_global_get_screen (global));
        int width, height;

        mutter_plugin_query_screen_size (global->plugin, &width, &height);
        g_value_set_int (value, width);
        int width, height;

        mutter_plugin_query_screen_size (global->plugin, &width, &height);
        g_value_set_int (value, height);
    case PROP_STAGE:
      g_value_set_object (value, mutter_plugin_get_stage (global->plugin));
      g_value_set_object (value, mutter_plugin_get_window_group (global->plugin));
      g_value_set_object (value, global->wm);
    case PROP_DATADIR:
      g_value_set_string (value, global->datadir);
      g_value_set_string (value, global->imagedir);
      g_value_set_string (value, global->configdir);
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
static void
update_focus_app (ShellWindowTracker *self)
  MetaWindow *new_focus_win;
  ShellApp *new_focus_app;

  new_focus_win = meta_display_get_focus_window (meta_screen_get_display (shell_global_get_screen (shell_global_get ())));
  new_focus_app = new_focus_win ? shell_window_tracker_get_window_app (self, new_focus_win) : NULL;

  set_focus_app (self, new_focus_app);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void
init_window_tracking (ShellWindowTracker *self)
  MetaDisplay *display;
  MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (shell_global_get ());

  g_signal_connect (screen, "notify::n-workspaces",
                    G_CALLBACK (shell_window_tracker_on_n_workspaces_changed), self);
  display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
  g_signal_connect (display, "notify::focus-window",
                    G_CALLBACK (on_focus_window_changed), self);

  shell_window_tracker_on_n_workspaces_changed (screen, NULL, self);
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void
on_focus_window_changed (MetaDisplay        *display,
                         GParamSpec         *spec,
                         ShellWindowTracker *tracker)
  MetaScreen *screen;
  MetaWindow *new_focus_win;
  ShellApp *new_focus_app;

  screen = shell_global_get_screen (shell_global_get ());

  new_focus_win = meta_display_get_focus_window (display);
  new_focus_app = new_focus_win ? g_hash_table_lookup (tracker->window_to_app, new_focus_win) : NULL;

  set_focus_app (tracker, new_focus_app);
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void
shell_window_tracker_init (ShellWindowTracker *self)
  MetaScreen *screen;

  self->window_to_app = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal,
                                               NULL, (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);

  self->running_apps = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);

  screen = shell_global_get_screen (shell_global_get ());

  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (screen), "startup-sequence-changed",
                    G_CALLBACK (on_startup_sequence_changed), self);

  load_initial_windows (self);
  init_window_tracking (self);
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void
load_initial_windows (ShellWindowTracker *monitor)
  GList *workspaces, *iter;
  MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (shell_global_get ());
  workspaces = meta_screen_get_workspaces (screen);

  for (iter = workspaces; iter; iter = iter->next)
      MetaWorkspace *workspace = iter->data;
      GList *windows = meta_workspace_list_windows (workspace);
      GList *window_iter;

      for (window_iter = windows; window_iter; window_iter = window_iter->next)
          MetaWindow *window = window_iter->data;
          track_window (monitor, window);

      g_list_free (windows);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * shell_global_get_monitors:
 * @global: the #ShellGlobal
 * Gets a list of the bounding boxes of the active screen's monitors.
 * Return value: (transfer full) (element-type GdkRectangle): a list
 * of monitor bounding boxes.
GSList *
shell_global_get_monitors (ShellGlobal *global)
  MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (global);
  GSList *monitors = NULL;
  MetaRectangle rect;
  int i;

  g_assert (sizeof (MetaRectangle) == sizeof (GdkRectangle) &&
            G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MetaRectangle, x) == G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GdkRectangle, x) &&
            G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MetaRectangle, y) == G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GdkRectangle, y) &&
            G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MetaRectangle, width) == G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GdkRectangle, width) &&
            G_STRUCT_OFFSET (MetaRectangle, height) == G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GdkRectangle, height));

  for (i = meta_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen, i, &rect);
      monitors = g_slist_prepend (monitors,
                                  g_boxed_copy (GDK_TYPE_RECTANGLE, &rect));
  return monitors;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * shell_recorder_record:
 * @recorder: the #ShellRecorder
 * @filename_used: (out) (optional): actual filename used for recording
 * Starts recording, Starting the recording may fail if the output file
 * cannot be opened, or if the output stream cannot be created
 * for other reasons. In that case a warning is printed to
 * stderr. There is no way currently to get details on how
 * recording failed to start.
 * An extra reference count is added to the recorder if recording
 * is succesfully started; the recording object will not be freed
 * until recording is stopped even if the creator no longer holds
 * a reference. Recording is automatically stopped if the stage
 * is destroyed.
 * Return value: %TRUE if recording was succesfully started
shell_recorder_record (ShellRecorder  *recorder,
                       char          **filename_used)
  g_return_val_if_fail (SHELL_IS_RECORDER (recorder), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (recorder->stage != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (recorder->state != RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING, FALSE);

  if (!recorder_open_pipeline (recorder))
    return FALSE;

  if (filename_used)
    *filename_used = g_strdup (recorder->current_pipeline->filename);

  recorder_connect_stage_callbacks (recorder);

  recorder->last_frame_time = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;

  recorder->state = RECORDER_STATE_RECORDING;
  recorder_update_pointer (recorder);
  recorder_add_update_pointer_timeout (recorder);

  /* Disable unredirection while we are recoring */
  meta_disable_unredirect_for_screen (shell_global_get_screen (shell_global_get ()));

  /* Set up repaint hook */
  recorder->repaint_hook_id = clutter_threads_add_repaint_func(recorder_repaint_hook, recorder->stage, NULL);

  /* Record an initial frame and also redraw with the indicator */
  clutter_actor_queue_redraw (CLUTTER_ACTOR (recorder->stage));

  /* We keep a ref while recording to let a caller start a recording then
   * drop their reference to the recorder
  g_object_ref (recorder);

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * shell_global_get_app_launch_context:
 * @global: A #ShellGlobal
 * Create a #GAppLaunchContext set up with the correct timestamp, and
 * targeted to activate on the current workspace.
 * Return value: A new #GAppLaunchContext
GAppLaunchContext *
shell_global_create_app_launch_context (ShellGlobal *global)
  GdkAppLaunchContext *context;

  context = gdk_app_launch_context_new ();
  gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp (context, shell_global_get_current_time (global));

  // Make sure that the app is opened on the current workspace even if
  // the user switches before it starts
  gdk_app_launch_context_set_desktop (context, meta_screen_get_active_workspace_index (shell_global_get_screen (global)));

  return (GAppLaunchContext *)context;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * shell_app_info_launch_full:
 * @timestamp: Event timestamp, or 0 for current event timestamp
 * @uris: List of uris to pass to application
 * @workspace: Start on this workspace, or -1 for default
 * @startup_id: (out): Returned startup notification ID, or %NULL if none
 * @error: A #GError
shell_app_info_launch_full (ShellAppInfo *info,
                            guint         timestamp,
                            GList        *uris,
                            int           workspace,
                            char        **startup_id,
                            GError      **error)
  GDesktopAppInfo *gapp;
  char *filename;
  GdkAppLaunchContext *context;
  gboolean ret;
  ShellGlobal *global;
  MetaScreen *screen;
  MetaDisplay *display;

  if (startup_id)
    *startup_id = NULL;

  if (info->type == SHELL_APP_INFO_TYPE_WINDOW)
      /* We can't pass URIs into a window; shouldn't hit this
       * code path.  If we do, fix the caller to disallow it.
      g_return_val_if_fail (uris == NULL, TRUE);

      meta_window_activate (info->window, timestamp);
      return TRUE;
  else if (info->type == SHELL_APP_INFO_TYPE_ENTRY)
      gapp = g_desktop_app_info_new (shell_app_info_get_id (info));
      filename = shell_app_info_get_desktop_file_path (info);
      gapp = g_desktop_app_info_new_from_filename (filename);
      g_free (filename);

  if (!gapp)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "Not found");
      return FALSE;

  global = shell_global_get ();
  screen = shell_global_get_screen (global);
  display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);

  if (timestamp == 0)
    timestamp = clutter_get_current_event_time ();

  if (workspace < 0)
    workspace = meta_screen_get_active_workspace_index (screen);

  context = gdk_app_launch_context_new ();
  gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp (context, timestamp);
  gdk_app_launch_context_set_desktop (context, workspace);

  ret = g_app_info_launch (G_APP_INFO (gapp), uris, (GAppLaunchContext*) context, error);

  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (gapp));

  return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 16
static void
grab_screenshot (ClutterActor *stage,
                 _screenshot_data *screenshot_data)
  MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (screenshot_data->screenshot->global);
  MetaCursorTracker *tracker;
  int width, height;
  GSimpleAsyncResult *result;
  GSettings *settings;

  meta_screen_get_size (screen, &width, &height);

  do_grab_screenshot (screenshot_data, 0, 0, width, height);

  if (meta_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) > 1)
      cairo_region_t *screen_region = cairo_region_create ();
      cairo_region_t *stage_region;
      MetaRectangle monitor_rect;
      cairo_rectangle_int_t stage_rect;
      int i;
      cairo_t *cr;

      for (i = meta_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
          meta_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen, i, &monitor_rect);
          cairo_region_union_rectangle (screen_region, (const cairo_rectangle_int_t *) &monitor_rect);

      stage_rect.x = 0;
      stage_rect.y = 0;
      stage_rect.width = width;
      stage_rect.height = height;

      stage_region = cairo_region_create_rectangle ((const cairo_rectangle_int_t *) &stage_rect);
      cairo_region_xor (stage_region, screen_region);
      cairo_region_destroy (screen_region);

      cr = cairo_create (screenshot_data->image);

      for (i = 0; i < cairo_region_num_rectangles (stage_region); i++)
          cairo_rectangle_int_t rect;
          cairo_region_get_rectangle (stage_region, i, &rect);
          cairo_rectangle (cr, (double) rect.x, (double) rect.y, (double) rect.width, (double) rect.height);
          cairo_fill (cr);

      cairo_destroy (cr);
      cairo_region_destroy (stage_region);

  screenshot_data->screenshot_area.x = 0;
  screenshot_data->screenshot_area.y = 0;
  screenshot_data->screenshot_area.width = width;
  screenshot_data->screenshot_area.height = height;

  settings = g_settings_new (A11Y_APPS_SCHEMA);
  if (screenshot_data->include_cursor &&
      !g_settings_get_boolean (settings, MAGNIFIER_ACTIVE_KEY))
      tracker = meta_cursor_tracker_get_for_screen (screen);
      _draw_cursor_image (tracker, screenshot_data->image, screenshot_data->screenshot_area);
  g_object_unref (settings);

  g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (stage, (void *)grab_screenshot, (gpointer)screenshot_data);

  result = g_simple_async_result_new (NULL, on_screenshot_written, (gpointer)screenshot_data, grab_screenshot);
  g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread (result, write_screenshot_thread, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL);
  g_object_unref (result);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * shell_screenshot_screenshot_window:
 * @screenshot: the #ShellScreenshot
 * @include_frame: Whether to include the frame or not
 * @include_cursor: Whether to include the cursor or not
 * @filename: The filename for the screenshot
 * @callback: (scope async): function to call returning success or failure
 * of the async grabbing
 * Takes a screenshot of the focused window (optionally omitting the frame)
 * in @filename as png image.
shell_screenshot_screenshot_window (ShellScreenshot *screenshot,
                                    gboolean include_frame,
                                    gboolean include_cursor,
                                    const char *filename,
                                    ShellScreenshotCallback callback)
  GSimpleAsyncResult *result;
  GSettings *settings;

  _screenshot_data *screenshot_data = g_new0 (_screenshot_data, 1);

  MetaScreen *screen = shell_global_get_screen (screenshot->global);
  MetaCursorTracker *tracker;
  MetaDisplay *display = meta_screen_get_display (screen);
  MetaWindow *window = meta_display_get_focus_window (display);
  ClutterActor *window_actor;
  gfloat actor_x, actor_y;
  MetaShapedTexture *stex;
  MetaRectangle rect;
  cairo_rectangle_int_t clip;

  screenshot_data->screenshot = g_object_ref (screenshot);
  screenshot_data->filename = g_strdup (filename);
  screenshot_data->callback = callback;

  if (!window)
      screenshot_data->filename_used = g_strdup ("");
      result = g_simple_async_result_new (NULL, on_screenshot_written, (gpointer)screenshot_data, shell_screenshot_screenshot_window);
      g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gboolean (result, FALSE);
      g_simple_async_result_complete (result);
      g_object_unref (result);


  window_actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (meta_window_get_compositor_private (window));
  clutter_actor_get_position (window_actor, &actor_x, &actor_y);

  if (include_frame || !meta_window_get_frame (window))
      meta_window_get_outer_rect (window, &rect);

      screenshot_data->screenshot_area.x = rect.x;
      screenshot_data->screenshot_area.y = rect.y;

      clip.x = rect.x - (gint) actor_x;
      clip.y = rect.y - (gint) actor_y;
      rect = *meta_window_get_rect (window);

      screenshot_data->screenshot_area.x = (gint) actor_x + rect.x;
      screenshot_data->screenshot_area.y = (gint) actor_y + rect.y;

      clip.x = rect.x;
      clip.y = rect.y;

  clip.width = screenshot_data->screenshot_area.width = rect.width;
  clip.height = screenshot_data->screenshot_area.height = rect.height;

  stex = META_SHAPED_TEXTURE (meta_window_actor_get_texture (META_WINDOW_ACTOR (window_actor)));
  screenshot_data->image = meta_shaped_texture_get_image (stex, &clip);

  settings = g_settings_new (A11Y_APPS_SCHEMA);
  if (include_cursor && !g_settings_get_boolean (settings, MAGNIFIER_ACTIVE_KEY))
      tracker = meta_cursor_tracker_get_for_screen (screen);
      _draw_cursor_image (tracker, screenshot_data->image, screenshot_data->screenshot_area);
  g_object_unref (settings);

  result = g_simple_async_result_new (NULL, on_screenshot_written, (gpointer)screenshot_data, shell_screenshot_screenshot_window);
  g_simple_async_result_run_in_thread (result, write_screenshot_thread, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL);
  g_object_unref (result);
 * shell_app_info_launch_full:
 * @timestamp: Event timestamp, or 0 for current event timestamp
 * @uris: List of uris to pass to application
 * @workspace: Start on this workspace, or -1 for default
 * @startup_id: (out): Returned startup notification ID, or %NULL if none
 * @error: A #GError
shell_app_info_launch_full (ShellAppInfo *info,
                            guint         timestamp,
                            GList        *uris,
                            int           workspace,
                            char        **startup_id,
                            GError      **error)
  ShellApp *shell_app;
  GDesktopAppInfo *gapp;
  GdkAppLaunchContext *context;
  gboolean ret;
  ShellGlobal *global;
  MetaScreen *screen;

  if (startup_id)
    *startup_id = NULL;

  if (info->type == SHELL_APP_INFO_TYPE_WINDOW)
      /* We can't pass URIs into a window; shouldn't hit this
       * code path.  If we do, fix the caller to disallow it.
      g_return_val_if_fail (uris == NULL, TRUE);

      meta_window_activate (info->window, timestamp);
      return TRUE;
  else if (info->type == SHELL_APP_INFO_TYPE_ENTRY)
      /* Can't use g_desktop_app_info_new, see bug 614879 */
      const char *filename = gmenu_tree_entry_get_desktop_file_path ((GMenuTreeEntry *)info->entry);
      gapp = g_desktop_app_info_new_from_filename (filename);
      char *filename = shell_app_info_get_desktop_file_path (info);
      gapp = g_desktop_app_info_new_from_filename (filename);
      g_free (filename);

  if (!gapp)
      g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "Not found");
      return FALSE;

  global = shell_global_get ();
  screen = shell_global_get_screen (global);

  if (timestamp == 0)
    timestamp = clutter_get_current_event_time ();

  if (workspace < 0)
    workspace = meta_screen_get_active_workspace_index (screen);

  context = gdk_app_launch_context_new ();
  gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp (context, timestamp);
  gdk_app_launch_context_set_desktop (context, workspace);

  shell_app = shell_app_system_get_app (shell_app_system_get_default (),
                                        shell_app_info_get_id (info));

  /* In the case where we know an app, we handle reaping the child internally,
   * in the window tracker.
  if (shell_app != NULL)
    ret = g_desktop_app_info_launch_uris_as_manager (gapp, uris,
                                                     G_APP_LAUNCH_CONTEXT (context),
                                                     G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH | G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD,
                                                     NULL, NULL,
                                                     _gather_pid_callback, shell_app,
    ret = g_desktop_app_info_launch_uris_as_manager (gapp, uris,
                                                     G_APP_LAUNCH_CONTEXT (context),
                                                     NULL, NULL,
                                                     NULL, NULL,

  g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (gapp));

  return ret;