int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int id = 0; int seed_rd_fd = STDIN_FILENO; int score_wr_fd = STDOUT_FILENO; if (argc == 2) id = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); shooter(id, seed_rd_fd, score_wr_fd); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int id = 0; int seed_rd_fd = STDIN_FILENO; int score_wr_fd = STDOUT_FILENO; if (argc == 2){ id = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); } shooter(id, seed_rd_fd, score_wr_fd); puts("Shooter exiting properly."); return 0; }
/* * Runs the user autonomous code. This function will be started in its own task with the default * priority and stack size whenever the robot is enabled via the Field Management System or the * VEX Competition Switch in the autonomous mode. If the robot is disabled or communications is * lost, the autonomous task will be stopped by the kernel. Re-enabling the robot will restart * the task, not re-start it from where it left off. * * Code running in the autonomous task cannot access information from the VEX Joystick. However, * the autonomous function can be invoked from another task if a VEX Competition Switch is not * available, and it can access joystick information if called in this way. * * The autonomous task may exit, unlike operatorControl() which should never exit. If it does * so, the robot will await a switch to another mode or disable/enable cycle. */ void autonomous() { //lfilterClear(); int8_t shooterSpeed = shooterSpeedPresets[2]; int8_t n = 0; while (true) { if (abs(motorGet(SHOOTER_MOTOR_CHANNEL)) == shooterSpeed && abs(motorGet(SHOOTER_MOTOR_CHANNEL2)) == shooterSpeed) { if (n < 75) { ++n; } else { lifter(60); takeInInternal(60); } } shooter(shooterSpeed); delay(20); } }
task usercontrol() { startTask(pid); clearDebugStream(); while (true) { //++++++++++++++++++++Shooter++++++++++++++++++++ if (vexRT[Btn5DXmtr2]){ if (vexRT[Btn8UXmtr2]) targetRPM = full; else if (vexRT[Btn8LXmtr2])targetRPM = skills; else if (vexRT[Btn8RXmtr2])targetRPM = half; else if (vexRT[Btn8DXmtr2])targetRPM = close; } else targetRPM = 0; if (vexRT[Btn6DXmtr2]) targetRPM = 0; //pid overwrite if (vexRT[Btn6UXmtr2]) shooter(vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2]); //------------------End Shooter------------------ //+++++++++++++++++++++Drive+++++++++++++++++++++ if (vexRT[Btn5U]) drive(vexRT[Ch2]/2+vexRT[Ch1]/2,vexRT[Ch2]/2-vexRT[Ch1]/2); else if (vexRT[Btn5D]) drive(vexRT[Ch2]/4+vexRT[Ch1]/4,vexRT[Ch2]/4-vexRT[Ch1]/4); else drive(vexRT[Ch2]+vexRT[Ch1], vexRT[Ch2]-vexRT[Ch1]); /*tank drive runLeft(vexRT[Ch3]); runRight(vexRT[Ch2]); */ //--------------------End Drive-------------------- //++++++++++++++++++++++Intake++++++++++++++++++++++ if (vexRT[Btn6U]) intake(127); else if (vexRT[Btn6D]) intake(-127); else intake(0); //--------------------End Intake-------------------- //++++++++++++++++++++Solenoids+++++++++++++++++++++ //------------------End Solenoids------------------ }//while }//task
/* User Control */ task usercontrol() { initMotor(&motorLeftShooter, leftShooter1, leftShooter2, leftShooterSensor); initMotor(&motorRightShooter, rightShooter1, rightShooter2, rightShooterSensor); clearAll(actOnSensors); clearTimer(T1); clearTimer(T2); while(true) { drive(); intake(); shooter(&motorLeftShooter, &motorRightShooter); velocidade_motor_esquerdo=motorLeftShooter.speedRead; potencia_motor_esquerdo=motorLeftShooter.controller_output; velocidade_motor_direito=motorRightShooter.speedRead; potencia_motor_direito=motorRightShooter.controller_output; } }
task main() { clearTimer(T1); while(true) { drive(); intake(); shooter(); timenow = time1[T1]; if(timenow>=30){ encoderr = SensorValue[rightShooterSensor]; speedReadr = abs((1000.0*(encoderr - lastr))/timenow); //that is not a unit. You should multiply for a constant. I will leave this way by now. lastr = encoderr; checktime=timenow; clearTimer(T1); } } }
void App::create_shooter( const InputEvent &key, const std::string &str, bool use_red, bool use_green, bool use_blue) { // Set the firing line Vec3f vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 20.0f); float width = (float) canvas.get_width(); float height = (float) canvas.get_height(); vector.x = ((key.mouse_pos.x - width/2)* 10.0f) / width; vector.y = -((key.mouse_pos.y - height/2) * 10.0f) / height; // Create the text offset TextShooter shooter(vector_font, str); shooter.set_start_time(System::get_time()); shooter.set_duration(2 * 1000); shooter.set_initial_white_time(1000); shooter.set_end_fade_time(1000); shooter.set_start_position(Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f)); shooter.set_end_position(vector); shooter.set_color_component(use_red, use_green, use_blue); text_shooter.push_back(shooter); }
task pid(){ //PID task while(true){ if (!vexRT[Btn6UXmtr2]){ //pid overwrite //++++++++++++++++++++Current RPM++++++++++++++++++++ val = SensorValue[enSh]; diff = val - lastVal; currentRPM = diff*10*60*25/360; //-----------------End Current RPM ------------------ //write to debug stream if (debug) writeDebugStreamLine("Current RPM: %d", currentRPM); if (debug) writeDebugStreamLine("Tagrget RPM: %d", targetRPM); //get error error = targetRPM - currentRPM; if (debug) writeDebugStreamLine("Error: %d", error); //sumError = sumError + error; //p calculations pChange = error * pVal; if (debug) writeDebugStreamLine("P Change: %d\n", pChange); //i calculations //iChange = sumError * iVal; //d calculations //slope = error - lastError; //dChange = slope * dVal; //total pid changes tChange = pChange; //+ iChange + dChange; //make sure motor doesnt run backwards if(tChange<0) tChange = 0; //update motor shooter(tChange); //lastError = error; lastVal = val; wait1Msec(100); //led if (vexRT[Btn5DXmtr2]){ if (currentRPM >= targetRPM)speedLed(1); else speedLed(0); } else speedLed(0); //speed leds if (targetRPM == full) ledRGY(0,1,0); else if(targetRPM == half) ledRGY(0,0,1); else if (targetRPM == close) ledRGY(1,0,0); else if(targetRPM == skills) ledRGY(1,1,1); else ledRGY(0,0,0); }//over write if }//while loop }//task
/* * Runs the user operator control code. This function will be started in its own task with the * default priority and stack size whenever the robot is enabled via the Field Management System * or the VEX Competition Switch in the operator control mode. If the robot is disabled or * communications is lost, the operator control task will be stopped by the kernel. Re-enabling * the robot will restart the task, not resume it from where it left off. * * If no VEX Competition Switch or Field Management system is plugged in, the VEX Cortex will * run the operator control task. Be warned that this will also occur if the VEX Cortex is * tethered directly to a computer via the USB A to A cable without any VEX Joystick attached. * * Code running in this task can take almost any action, as the VEX Joystick is available and * the scheduler is operational. However, proper use of delay() or taskDelayUntil() is highly * recommended to give other tasks (including system tasks such as updating LCDs) time to run. * * This task should never exit; it should end with some kind of infinite loop, even if empty. */ void operatorControl() { #ifdef AUTO autonomous(); #elif defined(TEST) #define DEFAULT_SHOOTER_SPEED 0 #define SHOOTER_SPEED_INCREMENT 5 int8_t xSpeed, ySpeed, rotation; int8_t lifterSpeed/*, intakeSpeed*/; int16_t shooterSpeed = DEFAULT_SHOOTER_SPEED; //shooter is on when robot starts int8_t frontIntakeSpeed = INTAKE_SPEED; bool isShooterOn = true; bool isAutoShootOn = false; //lfilterClear(); toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP); // intake forward toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_LEFT); // intake off toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_RIGHT); // intake off toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN); // intake backward toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, CONTROL_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN); // shooter on off toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, CONTROL_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_RIGHT); // auto shoot on off toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, SHOOTER_ADJUST_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP); // shooter speed up toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, SHOOTER_ADJUST_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN); // shooter speed down while (true) { printf("ultra distance (in): %f\r\n", ultrasonicGet(ultra) / 2.54); toggleBtnUpdateAll(); // drive xSpeed = (int8_t) joystickGetAnalog(JOYSTICK_SLOT, STRAFE_AXIS); ySpeed = (int8_t) joystickGetAnalog(JOYSTICK_SLOT, DRIVE_AXIS); rotation = (int8_t) joystickGetAnalog(JOYSTICK_SLOT, ROTATION_AXIS) / 2; if (abs(ySpeed) < DIAGONAL_DRIVE_DEADBAND) { ySpeed = 0; } if (abs(xSpeed) < DIAGONAL_DRIVE_DEADBAND) { xSpeed = 0; } drive(xSpeed, ySpeed, rotation, false); // lifter up down if (joystickGetDigital(JOYSTICK_SLOT, LIFTER_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP)) { lifterSpeed = LIFTER_SPEED; } else if (joystickGetDigital(JOYSTICK_SLOT, LIFTER_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN)) { lifterSpeed = -LIFTER_SPEED; } else { lifterSpeed = 0; } lifter(lifterSpeed); takeInInternal(lifterSpeed); if (isShooterOn) { if (isAutoShootOn) { shooterSpeed = calculateShooterSpeed(); } else { // shooter increase speed if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, SHOOTER_ADJUST_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { shooterSpeed += SHOOTER_SPEED_INCREMENT; if (shooterSpeed > SHOOTER_MAX_SPEED) { shooterSpeed = SHOOTER_MAX_SPEED; } } // shooter decrease speed if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, SHOOTER_ADJUST_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { shooterSpeed -= SHOOTER_SPEED_INCREMENT; if (shooterSpeed < SHOOTER_MIN_SPEED) { shooterSpeed = SHOOTER_MIN_SPEED; } } } // auto shooter on off if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, CONTROL_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_RIGHT) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { isAutoShootOn = !isAutoShootOn; } } // shooter on off if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, CONTROL_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { isShooterOn = !isShooterOn; shooterSpeed = isShooterOn ? DEFAULT_SHOOTER_SPEED : 0; } shooter(shooterSpeed); // intake mode if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_LEFT) == BUTTON_PRESSED || toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_RIGHT) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { frontIntakeSpeed = 0; } else if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { frontIntakeSpeed = -INTAKE_SPEED; } else if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { frontIntakeSpeed = INTAKE_SPEED; } takeInFront(frontIntakeSpeed); delay(20); } #else int8_t xSpeed, ySpeed, rotation; int8_t lifterSpeed/*, intakeSpeed*/; int8_t defaultPreset = 0; int8_t currentPreset = defaultPreset; int16_t shooterSpeed = shooterSpeedPresets[defaultPreset]; //shooter is on when robot starts int8_t frontIntakeSpeed = INTAKE_SPEED; bool isShooterOn = true; //lfilterClear(); toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP); // intake forward toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_LEFT); // intake off toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_RIGHT); // intake off toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN); // intake backward toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, CONTROL_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN); // shooter on off toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, SHOOTER_ADJUST_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP); // shooter speed up toggleBtnInit(JOYSTICK_SLOT, SHOOTER_ADJUST_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN); // shooter speed down while (true) { printf("ultra distance (in): %f\r\n", ultrasonicGet(ultra) / 2.54); toggleBtnUpdateAll(); // drive xSpeed = (int8_t) joystickGetAnalog(JOYSTICK_SLOT, STRAFE_AXIS); ySpeed = (int8_t) joystickGetAnalog(JOYSTICK_SLOT, DRIVE_AXIS); rotation = (int8_t) joystickGetAnalog(JOYSTICK_SLOT, ROTATION_AXIS) / 2; if (abs(ySpeed) < DIAGONAL_DRIVE_DEADBAND) { ySpeed = 0; } if (abs(xSpeed) < DIAGONAL_DRIVE_DEADBAND) { xSpeed = 0; } drive(xSpeed, ySpeed, rotation, false); // lifter up down if (joystickGetDigital(JOYSTICK_SLOT, LIFTER_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP)) { lifterSpeed = LIFTER_SPEED; } else if (joystickGetDigital(JOYSTICK_SLOT, LIFTER_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN)) { lifterSpeed = -LIFTER_SPEED; } else { lifterSpeed = 0; } lifter(lifterSpeed); takeInInternal(lifterSpeed); if (isShooterOn) { // shooter increase speed if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, SHOOTER_ADJUST_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { ++currentPreset; if (currentPreset >= NUM_SHOOTER_SPEED_PRESETS) { currentPreset = NUM_SHOOTER_SPEED_PRESETS - 1; } } // shooter decrease speed if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, SHOOTER_ADJUST_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { --currentPreset; if (currentPreset < 0) { currentPreset = 0; } } shooterSpeed = shooterSpeedPresets[currentPreset]; } // shooter on off if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, CONTROL_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { isShooterOn = !isShooterOn; shooterSpeed = isShooterOn ? shooterSpeedPresets[defaultPreset] : 0; } shooter(shooterSpeed); // intake mode if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_LEFT) == BUTTON_PRESSED || toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_RIGHT) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { frontIntakeSpeed = 0; } else if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_UP) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { frontIntakeSpeed = -INTAKE_SPEED; } else if (toggleBtnGet(JOYSTICK_SLOT, INTAKE_BUTTON_GROUP, JOY_DOWN) == BUTTON_PRESSED) { frontIntakeSpeed = INTAKE_SPEED; } takeInFront(frontIntakeSpeed); delay(20); } #endif }
int main() { srand(time(0)); //variables const int width = 700; const int height = 600; int points = 0; float velEnemy = 0.2; //font sf::Font font; if (!font.loadFromFile("Data/avaria.ttf")) return 0; //sound sf::SoundBuffer exploImage; if (!exploImage.loadFromFile("Data/explosion.wav")) return 0; sf::Sound destroy; destroy.setBuffer(exploImage); //enemy image sf::Texture alienImage; if (!alienImage.loadFromFile("Data/alien.png")) return 0; //enemy dead sf::Texture alienDead; if (!alienDead.loadFromFile("Data/alienExplo.png")) return EXIT_FAILURE; //ship image sf::Texture texture; if (!texture.loadFromFile("Data/ship.png")) return EXIT_FAILURE; sf::RectangleShape alien; alien.setTexture(&alienImage); alien.setSize(sf::Vector2f(50, 50)); alien.setPosition(150, 100); //bullet image sf::Texture bulletImage; if (!bulletImage.loadFromFile("Data/bullet.png")) return EXIT_FAILURE; //score sf::Text score; score.setFont(font); score.setPosition(10, height - 50); score.setString("Points : 0"); //end score sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(width, height), "X1"); Player player1(width/2, height-50, texture); shoot shooter(bulletImage); shoot alienShoot(bulletImage); while (window.isOpen()) { sf::Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { srand(time(nullptr)); if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close(); if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) window.close(); } //logic alien move if (alien.getPosition().x > width - 50) velEnemy = -0.2; if (alien.getPosition().x < 50) velEnemy = 0.2; //end logic window.clear(sf::Color::Black); std::stringstream text; bool go = false; text << "Player : " << points; score.setString(text.str()); window.draw(score); //logic for alien alien.setTexture(&alienImage); if (alien.getGlobalBounds().intersects(shooter.bullet.getGlobalBounds())) { alien.setPosition(1 + rand() % width, 100); points++;; alien.setTexture(&alienDead); Sleep(20); } //set player limits if (player1.rect.getPosition().x < 0) player1.rect.setPosition(0, player1.rect.getPosition().y); if (player1.rect.getPosition().x > width - 50) player1.rect.setPosition(width - 50, player1.rect.getPosition().y); alien.move(velEnemy, 0); window.draw(alien); if (player1.update()) { shooter.update(player1.rect.getPosition().x, player1.rect.getPosition().y, -3); window.draw(shooter.bullet); } window.draw(player1.rect); window.display(); } return 0; }
void RandomInlet::run(){ DemField* dem=static_cast<DemField*>(field.get()); if(!generator) throw std::runtime_error("RandomInlet.generator==None!"); if(materials.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("RandomInlet.materials is empty!"); if(collideExisting){ if(!collider){ for(const auto& e: scene->engines){ collider=dynamic_pointer_cast<Collider>(e); if(collider) break; } if(!collider) throw std::runtime_error("RandomInlet: no Collider found within engines (needed for collisions detection with already existing particles; if you don't need that, set collideExisting=False.)"); } if(dynamic_pointer_cast<InsertionSortCollider>(collider)) static_pointer_cast<InsertionSortCollider>(collider)->forceInitSort=true; } if(isnan(massRate)) throw std::runtime_error("RandomInlet.massRate must be given (is "+to_string(massRate)+"); if you want to generate as many particles as possible, say massRate=0."); if(massRate<=0 && maxAttempts==0) throw std::runtime_error("RandomInlet.massFlowRate<=0 (no massFlowRate prescribed), but RandomInlet.maxAttempts==0. (unlimited number of attempts); this would cause infinite loop."); if(maxAttempts<0){ std::runtime_error("RandomInlet.maxAttempts must be non-negative. Negative value, leading to meaking engine dead, is achieved by setting atMaxAttempts=RandomInlet.maxAttDead now."); } spheresOnly=generator->isSpheresOnly(); padDist=generator->padDist(); if(isnan(padDist) || padDist<0) throw std::runtime_error(generator->pyStr()+".padDist(): returned invalid value "+to_string(padDist)); // as if some time has already elapsed at the very start // otherwise mass flow rate is too big since one particle during Δt exceeds it easily // equivalent to not running the first time, but without time waste if(stepPrev==-1 && stepPeriod>0) stepPrev=-stepPeriod; long nSteps=scene->step-stepPrev; // to be attained in this step; stepGoalMass+=massRate*scene->dt*nSteps; // stepLast==-1 if never run, which is OK vector<AlignedBox3r> genBoxes; // of particles created in this step vector<shared_ptr<Particle>> generated; Real stepMass=0.; SpherePack spheres; // if(spheresOnly){ spheres.pack.reserve(dem->particles->size()*1.2); // something extra for generated particles // HACK!!! bool isBox=dynamic_cast<BoxInlet*>(this); AlignedBox3r box; if(isBox){ box=this->cast<BoxInlet>().box; } for(const auto& p: *dem->particles){ if(p->shape->isA<Sphere>() && (!isBox || box.contains(p->shape->nodes[0]->pos))) spheres.pack.push_back(SpherePack::Sph(p->shape->nodes[0]->pos,p->shape->cast<Sphere>().radius)); } } while(true){ // finished forever if(everythingDone()) return; // finished in this step if(massRate>0 && mass>=stepGoalMass) break; shared_ptr<Material> mat; Vector3r pos=Vector3r::Zero(); Real diam; vector<ParticleGenerator::ParticleAndBox> pee; int attempt=-1; while(true){ attempt++; /***** too many tries, give up ******/ if(attempt>=maxAttempts){ generator->revokeLast(); // last particle could not be placed if(massRate<=0){ LOG_DEBUG("maxAttempts="<<maxAttempts<<" reached; since massRate is not positive, we're done in this step"); goto stepDone; } switch(atMaxAttempts){ case MAXATT_ERROR: throw std::runtime_error("RandomInlet.maxAttempts reached ("+lexical_cast<string>(maxAttempts)+")"); break; case MAXATT_DEAD:{ LOG_INFO("maxAttempts="<<maxAttempts<<" reached, making myself dead."); this->dead=true; return; } case MAXATT_WARN: LOG_WARN("maxAttempts "<<maxAttempts<<" reached before required mass amount was generated; continuing, since maxAttemptsError==False"); break; case MAXATT_SILENT: break; default: throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid value of RandomInlet.atMaxAttempts="+to_string(atMaxAttempts)+"."); } } /***** each maxAttempts/attPerPar, try a new particles *****/ if((attempt%(maxAttempts/attemptPar))==0){ LOG_DEBUG("attempt "<<attempt<<": trying with a new particle."); if(attempt>0) generator->revokeLast(); // if not at the beginning, revoke the last particle // random choice of material with equal probability if(materials.size()==1) mat=materials[0]; else{ size_t i=max(size_t(materials.size()*Mathr::UnitRandom()),materials.size()-1);; mat=materials[i]; } // generate a new particle std::tie(diam,pee)=(*generator)(mat,scene->time); assert(!pee.empty()); LOG_TRACE("Placing "<<pee.size()<<"-sized particle; first component is a "<<pee[0].par->getClassName()<<", extents from "<<pee[0].extents.min().transpose()<<" to "<<pee[0].extents.max().transpose()); } pos=randomPosition(diam,padDist); // overridden in child classes LOG_TRACE("Trying pos="<<pos.transpose()); for(const auto& pe: pee){ // make translated copy AlignedBox3r peBox(pe.extents); peBox.translate(pos); // box is not entirely within the factory shape if(!validateBox(peBox)){ LOG_TRACE("validateBox failed."); goto tryAgain; } const shared_ptr<woo::Sphere>& peSphere=dynamic_pointer_cast<woo::Sphere>(pe.par->shape); if(spheresOnly){ if(!peSphere) throw std::runtime_error("RandomInlet.spheresOnly: is true, but a nonspherical particle ("+pe.par->shape->pyStr()+") was returned by the generator."); Real r=peSphere->radius; Vector3r subPos=peSphere->nodes[0]->pos; for(const auto& s: spheres.pack){ // check dist && don't collide with another sphere from this clump // (abuses the *num* counter for clumpId) if((s.c-(pos+subPos)).squaredNorm()<pow(s.r+r,2)){ LOG_TRACE("Collision with a particle in SpherePack (a particle generated in this step)."); goto tryAgain; } } // don't add to spheres until all particles will have been checked for overlaps (below) } else { // see intersection with existing particles bool overlap=false; if(collideExisting){ vector<Particle::id_t> ids=collider->probeAabb(peBox.min(),peBox.max()); for(const auto& id: ids){ LOG_TRACE("Collider reports intersection with #"<<id); if(id>(Particle::id_t)dem->particles->size() || !(*dem->particles)[id]) continue; const shared_ptr<Shape>& sh2((*dem->particles)[id]->shape); // no spheres, or they are too close if(!peSphere || !sh2->isA<woo::Sphere>() || 1.1*(pos-sh2->nodes[0]->pos).squaredNorm()<pow(peSphere->radius+sh2->cast<Sphere>().radius,2)) goto tryAgain; } } // intersection with particles generated by ourselves in this step for(size_t i=0; i<genBoxes.size(); i++){ overlap=(genBoxes[i].squaredExteriorDistance(peBox)==0.); if(overlap){ const auto& genSh(generated[i]->shape); // for spheres, try to compute whether they really touch if(!peSphere || !genSh->isA<Sphere>() || (pos-genSh->nodes[0]->pos).squaredNorm()<pow(peSphere->radius+genSh->cast<Sphere>().radius,2)){ LOG_TRACE("Collision with "<<i<<"-th particle generated in this step."); goto tryAgain; } } } } } LOG_DEBUG("No collision (attempt "<<attempt<<"), particle will be created :-) "); if(spheresOnly){ // num will be the same for all spheres within this clump (abuse the *num* counter) for(const auto& pe: pee){ Vector3r subPos=pe.par->shape->nodes[0]->pos; Real r=pe.par->shape->cast<Sphere>().radius; spheres.pack.push_back(SpherePack::Sph((pos+subPos),r,/*clumpId*/(pee.size()==1?-1:num))); } } break; tryAgain: ; // try to position the same particle again } // particle was generated successfully and we have place for it for(const auto& pe: pee){ genBoxes.push_back(AlignedBox3r(pe.extents).translate(pos)); generated.push_back(pe.par); } num+=1; #ifdef WOO_OPENGL Real color_=isnan(color)?Mathr::UnitRandom():color; #endif if(pee.size()>1){ // clump was generated //LOG_WARN("Clumps not yet tested properly."); vector<shared_ptr<Node>> nn; for(auto& pe: pee){ auto& p=pe.par; p->mask=mask; #ifdef WOO_OPENGL assert(p->shape); if(color_>=0) p->shape->color=color_; // otherwise keep generator-assigned color #endif if(p->shape->nodes.size()!=1) LOG_WARN("Adding suspicious clump containing particle with more than one node (please check, this is perhaps not tested"); for(const auto& n: p->shape->nodes){ nn.push_back(n); n->pos+=pos; } dem->particles->insert(p); } shared_ptr<Node> clump=ClumpData::makeClump(nn,/*no central node pre-given*/shared_ptr<Node>(),/*intersection*/false); auto& dyn=clump->getData<DemData>(); if(shooter) (*shooter)(clump); if(scene->trackEnergy) scene->energy->add(-DemData::getEk_any(clump,true,true,scene),"kinInlet",kinEnergyIx,EnergyTracker::ZeroDontCreate); if(dyn.angVel!=Vector3r::Zero()){ throw std::runtime_error("pkg/dem/RandomInlet.cpp: generated particle has non-zero angular velocity; angular momentum should be computed so that rotation integration is correct, but it was not yet implemented."); // TODO: compute initial angular momentum, since we will (very likely) use the aspherical integrator } ClumpData::applyToMembers(clump,/*reset*/false); // apply velocity #ifdef WOO_OPENGL boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(dem->nodesMutex); #endif dyn.linIx=dem->nodes.size(); dem->nodes.push_back(clump); mass+=clump->getData<DemData>().mass; stepMass+=clump->getData<DemData>().mass; } else { auto& p=pee[0].par; p->mask=mask; assert(p->shape); #ifdef WOO_OPENGL if(color_>=0) p->shape->color=color_; #endif assert(p->shape->nodes.size()==1); // if this fails, enable the block below const auto& node0=p->shape->nodes[0]; assert(node0->pos==Vector3r::Zero()); node0->pos+=pos; auto& dyn=node0->getData<DemData>(); if(shooter) (*shooter)(node0); if(scene->trackEnergy) scene->energy->add(-DemData::getEk_any(node0,true,true,scene),"kinInlet",kinEnergyIx,EnergyTracker::ZeroDontCreate); mass+=dyn.mass; stepMass+=dyn.mass; assert(node0->hasData<DemData>()); dem->particles->insert(p); #ifdef WOO_OPENGL boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(dem->nodesMutex); #endif dyn.linIx=dem->nodes.size(); dem->nodes.push_back(node0); // handle multi-nodal particle (unused now) #if 0 // TODO: track energy of the shooter // in case the particle is multinodal, apply the same to all nodes if(shooter) shooter(p.shape->nodes[0]); const Vector3r& vel(p->shape->nodes[0]->getData<DemData>().vel); const Vector3r& angVel(p->shape->nodes[0]->getData<DemData>().angVel); for(const auto& n: p.shape->nodes){ auto& dyn=n->getData<DemData>(); dyn.vel=vel; dyn.angVel=angVel; mass+=dyn.mass; n->linIx=dem->nodes.size(); dem->nodes.push_back(n); } #endif } }; stepDone: setCurrRate(stepMass/(nSteps*scene->dt)); }
void MyTeleop::OperatorControl(void) { bool shootEnabled = false; float magnitude = 0, direction = 0, rotation = 0; MyDiscShooter shooter(myRobot); MyClimber climber(myRobot); JoystickButton leftTopButton(&myRobot->leftStick, Joystick::kDefaultTopButton); JoystickButton leftTrigger(&myRobot->leftStick, Joystick::kDefaultTriggerButton); //MyDiscShooterCmd *discShooterCmd; LCD::ConsoleLog("MyTeleop.OperatorControl"); LCD::PrintLine(1, "Mode: OperatorControl"); LCD::PrintLine(4, "All: %d, Start=%d", myRobot->alliance, myRobot->startLocation); // Sets command based disc shooter class to run when button pressed, as separate // task from this one in the Command execution scheme. This depends on the command // scheduler running and that is done below in the While loop. // button class whenpressed requires a pointer to the command class instance we // want to run so we use new to create the instance and return a pointer to // that instance. //discShooterCmd = new MyDiscShooterCmd(myRobot); //leftTrigger.WhenPressed(discShooterCmd); myRobot->robotDrive.SetSafetyEnabled(true); // Driving loop runs until teleop is over or climbing phase started. while (myRobot->IsEnabled() && myRobot->IsOperatorControl()) { // Scheduler required to cause any 'commands' to run. If we don't use any commands, // comment out following stmt. //Scheduler::GetInstance()->Run(); // set driving parameters. magnitude = myRobot->rightStick.GetMagnitude(); direction = myRobot->rightStick.GetDirectionDegrees(); rotation = myRobot->rotateStick.GetX(); LCD::PrintLine(3, "m=%f d=%f r=%f", magnitude, direction, rotation); LCD::PrintLine(4, "r=%f", rotation); myRobot->robotDrive.MecanumDrive_Polar(magnitude, direction, rotation); // This logic shoots disk on trigger release. if (myRobot->leftStick.GetTrigger(myRobot->leftStick.kLeftHand)) shootEnabled = true; else if (shootEnabled) { shootEnabled = false; shooter.Shoot(); } // turn on/off climber Angular Adjustment (window) motor. if (myRobot->leftStick.GetRawButton(JSB_TOP_LEFT)) climber.AngularAdjustmentMotorOn(true); else climber.AngularAdjustmentMotorOn(false); // The design assumes operation of the climbing winches would be // manually by JS buttons. if (myRobot->leftStick.GetRawButton(JSB_LEFT_FRONT)) climber.Winch2Up(); else if (myRobot->leftStick.GetRawButton(JSB_LEFT_REAR)) climber.Winch2Down(); else climber.Winch2Stop(); // control shooter ramp deployment. if (myRobot->leftStick.GetRawButton(JSB_TOP_MIDDLE)) shooter.RampUp(); else if (myRobot->leftStick.GetRawButton(JSB_TOP_BACK)) shooter.RampDown(); else shooter.RampStop(); // set shooter throttle value each loop. shooter.SetThrottle(myRobot->leftStick.GetThrottle()); shooter.ShooterUpDown(myRobot->leftStick.GetY()); // Starts climbing process, drops out of driving loop when climb done. // if (myRobot->rightStick.GetButton(myRobot->rightStick.kTopButton)) // { // climber.Climb(); // break; // ends the While loop // } Wait(0.020); // wait for a motor update time } // wait for teleop period to end. LCD::PrintLine(1, "Mode: End Wait"); LCD::ConsoleLog("MyTeleop.OperatorControl-endwait"); SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("End Wait", true); myRobot->robotDrive.SetSafetyEnabled(false); while (myRobot->IsEnabled() && myRobot->IsOperatorControl()) Wait(0.020); // delete pointer to MyDiscShooterCmd object we created earlier. // this releases the object instance. //delete discShooterCmd; LCD::ConsoleLog("MyTeleop.OperatorControl-end"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, seed; int pids[NUM_PLAYERS]; int results[NUM_PLAYERS]; /* TODO: Use the following variables in the exec system call. Using the * function sprintf and the arg1 variable you can pass the id parameter * to the children */ /* char arg0[] = "./shooter"; char arg1[10]; char *args[] = {arg0, arg1, NULL}; */ /* TODO: initialize the communication with the players */ int pfd_parent_to_child[NUM_PLAYERS] [2]; int pfd_child_to_parent[NUM_PLAYERS] [2]; for (i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { pipe(pfd_child_to_parent[i]); pipe(pfd_parent_to_child[i]); } for (i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { /* TODO: spawn the processes that simulate the players */ switch(pids[i] = fork()) { case -1: perror("could not create child process"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 0: printf("PID of child: <%ld>", (long) getpid()); shooter(i, pfd_parent_to_child[i][0], pfd_child_to_parent[i][1]); close(pfd_parent_to_child[i][1]); close(pfd_child_to_parent[i][0]); for(int descIndex = 0; descIndex < NUM_PLAYERS; descIndex++) { if (descIndex != i) { close(pfd_parent_to_child[descIndex][0]); close(pfd_parent_to_child[descIndex][1]); close(pfd_child_to_parent[descIndex][0]); close(pfd_child_to_parent[descIndex][1]); } } break; } } seed = time(NULL); for (i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { seed++; char seedString[16] = ""; sprintf(seedString, "%d", seed); write(pfd_parent_to_child[i][1], &seed, sizeof(seed)); } /* TODO: get the dice results from the players, find the winner */ int currentResult = 0; int childIndex = 0; int currentLeader = 0; int highestScore = 0; int pidResult; for (i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { read(pfd_child_to_parent[i][0], ¤tResult, sizeof(int)); if(currentResult > highestScore) { currentLeader = childIndex; highestScore = currentResult; } childIndex++; } winner = currentLeader; printf("master: player %d WINS\n", winner); /* TODO: signal the winner */ kill(pids[winner],SIGUSR1); /* TODO: signal all players the end of game */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { if(i != winner) { kill(pids[i], SIGUSR2); waitpid(pids[i], &pidResult, 0); } } printf("master: the game ends\n"); /* TODO: cleanup resources and exit with success */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { close(pfd_parent_to_child[i][0]); close(pfd_parent_to_child[i][1]); close(pfd_child_to_parent[i][0]); close(pfd_child_to_parent[i][1]); } return 0; }
void MyTeleop::OperatorControl(void) { int encoderRaw = 0, encoderValue = 0; bool checkBox1 = false, shootEnabled = false, arcadeDrive = false, arcadeEnabled = false; MyDiscShooter shooter(myRobot); MyClimber climber(myRobot); JoystickButton topButton(&myRobot->stick, Joystick::kDefaultTopButton); Encoder driveLeftEncoder(1, 2, false, Encoder::k4X); int encoderDirection; MyDiscShooterCmd *discShooterCmd; LCD::ConsoleLog("MyTeleop.OperatorControl"); LCD::PrintLine(1, "Mode: OperatorControl"); LCD::PrintLine(4, "All: %d, Start=%d", myRobot->alliance, myRobot->startLocation); // Sets command based disc shooter class to run when button pressed, as separate // task from this one in the Command execution scheme. This depends on the command // scheduler running and that is done below in the While loop. // button class whenpressed requires a pointer to the command class instance we // want to run so we use new to create the instance and return a pointer to // that instance. discShooterCmd = new MyDiscShooterCmd(myRobot); topButton.WhenPressed(discShooterCmd); //topButton.WhenPressed(new MyDiscShooterCmd(myRobot)); myRobot->robotDrive.SetSafetyEnabled(true); driveLeftEncoder.Start(); // Driving loop runs until teleop is over or climbing phase started. while (myRobot->IsEnabled() && myRobot->IsOperatorControl()) { // Scheduler required to cause any 'commands' to run. If we don't use any commands, // comment out following stmt. Scheduler::GetInstance()->Run(); // the following code toggles the arcade drive flag on or off each time the right // trigger is released. if (myRobot->stick2.GetTrigger(myRobot->stick.kRightHand)) arcadeEnabled = true; else if (arcadeEnabled) //if (!myRobot->stick2.GetTrigger(myRobot->stick.kRightHand) && arcadeEnabled) { arcadeEnabled = false; if (arcadeDrive) arcadeDrive = false; else arcadeDrive = true; SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("Arcade Drive", arcadeDrive); } if (arcadeDrive) myRobot->robotDrive.ArcadeDrive(myRobot->stick2); // drive with arcade style (use right stick with trigger) else myRobot->robotDrive.TankDrive(myRobot->stick, myRobot->stick2); // drive tank style with both sticks //LCD::ConsoleLog("left trigger=%d", myRobot->stick.GetTrigger(myRobot->stick.kLeftHand)); // This logic shoots disk on trigger release. if (myRobot->stick.GetTrigger(myRobot->stick.kLeftHand)) shootEnabled = true; else if (shootEnabled) { shootEnabled = false; shooter.Shoot(); } // Starts climbing process, drops out of driving loop when climb done. if (myRobot->stick2.GetButton(myRobot->stick2.kTopButton)) { climber.Climb(); break; // ends the While loop } Wait(0.020); // wait for a motor update time // read encoder example. encoderValue = driveLeftEncoder.Get(); encoderRaw = driveLeftEncoder.GetRaw(); if (driveLeftEncoder.GetDirection()) encoderDirection = 1; // forward else encoderDirection = 0; // backward // example display info to dashboard lcd. LCD::PrintLine(2, "Encoder Value: %d %d", encoderValue, encoderDirection); LCD::PrintLine(3, "Encoder Raw: %d", encoderRaw); // example on how to read a value from the dashboard. checkBox1 = SmartDashboard::GetBoolean("Checkbox 1"); LCD::PrintLine(5, "Checkbox1 Value=%d", checkBox1); } // wait for teleop period to end. LCD::PrintLine(1, "Mode: End Wait"); LCD::ConsoleLog("MyTeleop.OperatorControl-endwait"); SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("End Wait", true); myRobot->robotDrive.SetSafetyEnabled(false); while (myRobot->IsEnabled() && myRobot->IsOperatorControl()) Wait(0.020); // delete pointer to MyDiscShooterCmd object we created earlier. // this releases the object instance. delete discShooterCmd; LCD::ConsoleLog("MyTeleop.OperatorControl-end"); }